
Oct 27, 2017
It's this kind of bullshit Disney will be fighting against by reinstating him:


Good? We need to get to the place where one photoshopped word doesn't bring the world to a stop.

I like your scoops but I don't like your fearmongering.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I honestly think this is way bigger than Gunn, that's why it bothers me so much. It scares the fuck out of me how easy people fall for false narratives like this, and this is just one grain on a sea of bullshit like that that keeps happening over and over again. When people will learn to fact check what they read and hear?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think this is way bigger than Gunn, that's why it bothers me so much. It scares the fuck out of me how easy people fall for false narratives like this, and this is just one grain on a sea of bullshit like that that keeps happening over and over again. When people will learn to fact check what they read and hear?

Take a deep breath and relax for a second.


Nov 29, 2017
Mana is acting like Alex Jones. The fearmongering he's doing is incredible and trying to pressure everyone to hate Gunn in here without results, then brings an image photoshoped by 4chan and tries harder with false narratives of MCU members unfollowing Gunn only for Evans and Cheadle to shot down that narrative.

What's next mana? RDJ saying that he hates James Gunn only for Downey himself to come and say it's bullshit?


Oct 25, 2017
Pipedream here but if this leads to more and more prominent figures leaving twitter, maybe they'll rethink their stance on letting alt right trash roam free with misinformation and blatant racism.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been banned for bringing up guys bullshit. Just my own anecdotal evidence. Maybe you all don't care and it was just a coincidence I got banned and he didn't. Doesn't matter atm because he needs to stop with his current bs.
Did you get banned "for bringing up BS" or did you get banned for the way you brought it up? Sorry, but in most cases like yours where people continue whining and acting like a victim about bans and favouritism, some mirror-oggling is in order. Rarely are those bans because people "just brought up some BS" and often because they did something else wrong/ban-worthy which they conveniently leave out of their complaints.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Mana is acting like Alex Jones. The fearmongering he's doing is incredible and trying to pressure everyone to hate Gunn in here without results, then brings an image photoshoped by 4chan and tries harder with false narratives of MCU members unfollowing Gunn only for Evans and Cheadle to shot down that narrative.

What's next mana? RDJ saying that he hates James Gunn only for Downey himself to come and say it's bullshit?

I'm not going to defend Mana for the stuff he's posted in this thread but the extreme comparisons are a bit too much.


Oct 25, 2017
Mana is acting like Alex Jones. The fearmongering he's doing is incredible and trying to pressure everyone to hate Gunn in here without results, then brings an image photoshoped by 4chan and tries harder with false narratives of MCU members unfollowing Gunn only for Evans and Cheadle to shot down that narrative.

What's next mana? RDJ saying that he hates James Gunn only for Downey himself to come and say it's bullshit?

Um, comparison is a bit much.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm the one who made this thread. I posted the Variety link, so I'm being spammed with that sort of bullshit. People need to look outside of Era to see that there are A LOT of people who won't let it go and if they reinstate him it's going to be a nightmare with the Alt-Right Star Wars YouTubers using it as an excuse to go full stupid on Marvel (since the Star Wars hate views are starting to diminish for them)
Being spammed by a few assholes doesn't mean 1,000s or even 100s of people care.

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Please remember to keep sourcing in mind when you are posting things here. It is very easy to word to spread about something, even if it is incorrect/false.

Try to avoid posting things specifically to rile up and call out fellow users as well. Get things back on track.


Oct 25, 2017
Technically it's more than a day old. >.>

Also, can we please lay off ManaByte ? He fell for one piece of fake news that he couldn't really doublecheck, there's no reason to dogpile on him right now.

Didn't Mana even say it couldn't be verified in his OP regarding the "unfollows". He's simply saying what going on, not preaching gospel. Give the man the benefit of the doubt.

Patrick Klepek

Editor at Remap, Crossplay
Oct 25, 2017
Near Chicago
I'm the one who made this thread. I posted the Variety link, so I'm being spammed with that sort of bullshit. People need to look outside of Era to see that there are A LOT of people who won't let it go and if they reinstate him it's going to be a nightmare with the Alt-Right Star Wars YouTubers using it as an excuse to go full stupid on Marvel (since the Star Wars hate views are starting to diminish for them)

Oh, c'mon. My mentions are a mess every few days because of GamerGate, and my tweet on Gunn went viral in a way that actually drew Cernovich into tweeting about me. I live this world. You're extrapolating into hyperbole because you're getting a concentrated feed of hate from a group of people who are remarkably good at making their small world *feel* big. These are bad people with bad intentions, and you're getting blinded to reality.


Nov 2, 2017
The Roseanne Horse is so dead, the bottle of glue is dry.

Why do you have to grab the worst of all comparisons that has been beaten into oblivion, and then complain about people getting snippy when you do?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, c'mon. My mentions are a mess every few days because of GamerGate, and my tweet on Gunn went viral in a way that actually drew Cernovich into tweeting about me. I live this world. You're extrapolating into hyperbole because you're getting a concentrated feed of hate from a group of people who are remarkably good at making their small world *feel* big. These are bad people with bad intentions, and you're getting blinded to reality.
Thank you. For being in the mix and explaining it to people who don't seem to know better.


Oct 28, 2017
I honestly think this is way bigger than Gunn, that's why it bothers me so much. It scares the fuck out of me how easy people fall for false narratives like this, and this is just one grain on a sea of bullshit like that that keeps happening over and over again. When people will learn to fact check what they read and hear?
I think it's because it's difficult to fact check every bit of info you get, especially when people get info that's hard to fact check like knowing that the people that have supposedly unfollowed Gunn never followed him in the first place or that the screencap of the tweet of Gunn sharing the video link claiming it to be something obscene was actually a Rick Roll linking to a girl choir doing a cover of a song. The people originally spreading that info or latching onto it early know that it's easy to fabricate the narrative around it and boost it with their own followers/army exactly because it's difficult for the average person to research the validity of the claim, then once they are able to get a person with any credibility buying into the narrative and sharing it with others means that it gets to propagate outside of the circles of disinformation.

I think the silver lining to the situation so far, is that many have seen through the bullshit, despite how difficult it may have been with so much attempts as disinformation, and hundreds of thousands of fans have shown support through the petition despite people claiming nothing would happen or that it wouldn't send a strong enough signal (which is exactly what the people trying to control the narrative around Gunn want the average person to do if not believe their false narrative, they want them to simply accept it) and many actors, directors, and people in the industry have also recognized what is really going on and all spoke out in support or to dispel false narratives and rumors that they were being roped into by their silence. If no one said anything after the Gunn firing or didn't try to clear up the misconceptions, that would have been the worst outcome. The cast coming together and sticking their neck out to support Gunn and rehiring him and everyone voicing their support at the very least has shifted the discussion to the support he has got, the examination of a zero tolerance policy and social media outrage, and what any of this means for the industry. There are still lots of sensible voices that don't accept that narrative specifically against Gunn as the end of the story.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, c'mon. My mentions are a mess every few days because of GamerGate, and my tweet on Gunn went viral in a way that actually drew Cernovich into tweeting about me. I live this world. You're extrapolating into hyperbole because you're getting a concentrated feed of hate from a group of people who are remarkably good at making their small world *feel* big. These are bad people with bad intentions, and you're getting blinded to reality.
Thank you

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
The Roseanne Horse is so dead, the bottle of glue is dry.

Why do you have to grab the worst of all comparisons that has been beaten into oblivion, and then complain about people getting snippy when you do?

First one that came to mind, figured to be one that to average person, NOT OF ERA, would appear to be similar on the surface.

That's it. Nothing more.

BTW, you ignored my last response to our previous conversation and you didn't quote me now, I'll take the hint. :)

Have a super day!!!


Oct 25, 2017
While it's true these people are going to continue to generate crap over Gunn, let's also consider they're going after Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg as well, nobody at any studio is safe from being pulled into this.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
While it's true these people are going to continue to generate crap over Gunn, let's also consider they're going after Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg as well, nobody at any studio is safe from being pulled into this.

Yeah, it's almost like people knew that would happen immediately after it was announced. The moment their "movement" was verified by Disney the shit was going to hit the fan, there was no stopping them from going after absolutely anybody who is even slightly vocal against Trump. All this from a guy who was charged with rape.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
Oh, c'mon. My mentions are a mess every few days because of GamerGate, and my tweet on Gunn went viral in a way that actually drew Cernovich into tweeting about me. I live this world. You're extrapolating into hyperbole because you're getting a concentrated feed of hate from a group of people who are remarkably good at making their small world *feel* big. These are bad people with bad intentions, and you're getting blinded to reality.

This is a great post. I hope others are able to not just read it, but take the message to heart. It's incredibly important to stay viligant and grounded to reality in an era where communication with almost anyone is a tweet, post, or message away.


Oct 27, 2017
Punishment is an effective tool in providing motivation for meaningful change behavior. More effective than taking someone's word then offering them just the carrot to not do it again.
That's debatable.

Ok. So if she had been sorry, done good deeds, would you consider her then rehabilitated?

If she showed herself to be truly remorseful by admitting to her mistakes and understanding why she was wrong, pledged to be different and, over time, never made the mistake again? Sure, I would say that would more or less be rehabilitated. Just like, say, an addict who admits to and recognizes their addiction, decides to work on becoming sober and manages to stay sober from that point onward would be considered successful rehabilitation.

I'm just pointing out what we all know, there is a well travel path from offensive to rehabilitated in the public eye and accepting punishment is part of it.
I feel like you're making some very fallacious arguments here.

Btw, and this isn't directed at you in particular, as your view and defense of gunn is the overwhelming sentiment on ERA, its amazing how directing a few geek favorite films buys you a ton of defenders.

Not sure what point you're trying to make? What's more amazing to me is how a few retweets out context and in bad faith can empower fringe groups to the point of being able force a corporate juggernaut into making rash, knee jerk decisions.
Last edited:
Oct 30, 2017
Still with the Roseanne comparisons, eh?

Did you happen to catch her Hannity interview? She's still as big a piece of shit as ever. That tweet is exactly WHO she is. There is no comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
First one that came to mind, figured to be one that to average person, NOT OF ERA, would appear to be similar on the surface.
It's still not a good comparision. It's an awful comparision and it really kills any point you try to make.

Still with the Roseanne comparisons, eh?

Did you happen to catch her Hannity interview? She's still as big a piece of shit as ever. That tweet is exactly WHO she is. There is no comparison.


Dec 5, 2017
I'm just pointing out what we all know, there is a well travel path from offensive to rehabilitated in the public eye and accepting punishment is part of it.

Btw, and this isn't directed at you in particular, as your view and defense of gunn is the overwhelming sentiment on ERA, its amazing how directing a few geek favorite films buys you a ton of defenders.
Yeah cuz it's totally impossible to support him regardless of the movie's he made. SMH. How about we aren't chumps that are being duped by the Alt right over poor taste edge lord jokes. Treating shock jock jokes as if comparible to actual bigotry or sexual assault. Your posts read so disingenuous on this topic.