
Oct 25, 2017

Episode 1356 - Patton Oswalt | WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Listen to Episode 1356 - Patton Oswalt from WTF with Marc Maron Podcast. Patton Oswalt returns to the garage more than a decade since his last appearance, but he and Marc have so much shared history that it’s always easy to pick up right where they left off. Patton and Marc talk about their...

Maron: Even with, like, Chapelle and all this language stuff. It's sort of like, I don't understand why? I don't understand. I know there's a bigger arching belief system around it that isn't necessarily right-wing.

Oswalt: A cultural thing, yeah.

Maron: But I do still think it's shallow. I do still think it's antagonistic and it's stifling progress.

Oswalt: Yeah.

Maron: This idea that some of it is insulated in the idea of free speech, and I think that's sort of bullshit.

Oswalt: That whole thing with me and him at the beginning of the year was really instructive.

Maron: Oh, you got the picture?

Oswalt: Well, I was in Seattle, and he was like, 'Hey, I'm at the arena. Come on over.' Again, we've known each other since we were f**king teenagers. So, yeah, I'll go. And I did a set, and I got a picture with him. I hadn't seen him in so long. And then, so at first, and this is again, this is how tribal and weird shit is. First, suddenly all of these right-wing, alt-right guys are like, 'Patton is on our side. F**k yeah!" And then I was like, [Oh no]. And then pro-trans people were doing stuff and I was trying to delete all the negative stuff, but I was deleting the pro-trans people first and then getting [to the alt-right] and it got so ugly.

And then I wrote a thing, like, he's still my friend. I still love him. We disagree on trans rights violently and that's just how it's going to be. And then it became, 'The PC police got to Patton.' I'm like, 'This is not a f**king sporting event.' You're talking in terms of pro-wrestling. 'Bobby Heenan got to Andre the Giant and brainwashed him.'

Maron: This is the nerd thing. Now, the ebb and flow of culture is being dictated by the guys who were playing video games.

Oswalt: Exactly.

Maron: Either you allow the language to evolve and you engage in tolerance or you push back on these things. And if you push back on tolerance, you are going to push back on small groups of people. And if you're going to push back on language, you're just being weird.

Oswalt: The doubling down is weird.

Maron: But I guess the thing that's upsetting is that I think a lot of times, I don't think they're totally aware of how they are being used. At some point, you may be doing what you want to do, but there are forces that are bigger than you that are going to co-opt your message. At some point, you can't say, 'Hey, man, that's not my business,' because it kind of is your business.

Oswalt: And sometimes the co-opting can be very, very profitable, and you can get swept up in that. But it is puzzling. Chappelle is one of the smartest guys I've ever met.

Maron: It's just weird. It's just weird that he has this commitment to this one thing. And like, you know, he has his brilliant bits. I like the guy. But it's weird to me.


Mar 19, 2019
Does he actually have a following nowadays? Or is it another case of a washed-up "comedian" that tries to revive his career by appealing to the "anti-woke" crowd? Genuine question, I know he's filthy rich but that's not the point.


Oct 27, 2017
Does he actually have a following nowadays? Or is it another case of a washed-up "comedian" that tries to revive his career by appealing to the "anti-woke" crowd? Genuine question, I know he's filthy rich but that's not the point.

He and Gervais and still crazy popular and that's something we need to face up to. Depressing as it is.


Nov 20, 2017
Of course he did, not going to watch it. I appreciated the discussion Marc Maron and Patton Oswald had over Dave's weird obsession and hatred over trans people since they know him.

I don't think anything they said was all that insightful as far as Chappelle. It's still this half-assed "Disagree with him, but love the guy" shit that they all pull. Tepid little condemnations that don't do anything. They act like it's just grandpa being a bigot at thanksgiving and you love him but we don't know why he's that way when in reality it's a rich guy with a massive platform spouting bigotry. These are rich guys with tons of influence and connections. They can afford to call it out harder than this weak shit, especially given the damage Chappelle is causing.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Alternatively, and I'm just going to throw this out here. Maybe don't support a bigot, and don't go into a place where people are upset and annoyed over being attacked by another famous person to tell them how good his comedy is.

Failing to lie about you're views is sort of the least important thing here.

Yeah, it was a bizarre post. We can only go so hard for what's probably top ten in Netflix recommendations now; while supporting a bigot is wrong it's hard when he's platformed on the biggest streamer there's only so much shame since he's so everywhere people don't know how dark his rabbit hole has become if you casually remember him from his show.

But popping into a thread that's pages and pages long to say 'Got a point, but hey, he's still got it!' is not really reading the room or discussion happening.

The fuck does that have to do with anything?

Ha. It was an unfair shot at gamers instead of Gamers (c) but I get the wider point about internet culture leaking out in terrible ways(although less cliches about the outrage mob as if that didn't exist, until 9/11 that was Guliani's brand as mayor, he was a walking talking Foxnews.) Surprised Oswald let it slide since he's steeped in geek subculture while I love Maron he's still pretty boomer in his hobbies.
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Dec 22, 2017
The only true relevation from that interview is that simply being seen with Chapelle already makes the chuds think you're on their side.
May 14, 2021
I don't think anything they said was all that insightful as far as Chappelle. It's still this half-assed "Disagree with him, but love the guy" shit that they all pull. Tepid little condemnations that don't do anything. They act like it's just grandpa being a bigot at thanksgiving and you love him but we don't know why he's that way when in reality it's a rich guy with a massive platform spouting bigotry. These are rich guys with tons of influence and connections. They can afford to call it out harder than this weak shit, especially given the damage Chappelle is causing.
They'll defend his right to say it because they're comedians. They don't like what he's saying, but they don't want him to be silenced because it means at any time they could be silenced. It's pretty much exactly what Carlin was saying decades ago about Dice, but I want to believe if Carlin were alive today he'd drop the "defend to the death his right to say it" part. Some shit isn't defensible.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
The fuck does that have to do with anything?
I don't think it has anything to do with this. They're also justifying that they're continuing to associate with Chappelle, so when the problem comes up that people express concerns about their association with Chappelle, they've got to attribute the fault for that somewhere. Since they're not going to attribute it to themselves, they can just pick up a target who sounds right. Saying "oh these are just gamers raising these concerns" is an easy method of presenting them as insubstantial without having to actually explain why their association with Chappelle isn't normalizing him.
Oct 27, 2017
Conservative comedy has an uphill battle because the messages that they're trying to spread are ones that are already widespread and known to their audience. It's in a natural position of avoiding subversion. That's probably also why Dave has to keep insisting that he's breaking the rules, saying the things that the establishment doesn't want to say, and talk up the Jewish cabal that he claims to be up against.

This whole post is great but this break out of why "right wing comedy" fails is wonderful.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
This is fun.

Dave Chappelle abruptly ends show, walks off stage after fan pulls out phone during Florida gig: report

Chappelle, 50, was on the second night of a five-night stand at the 7,000-seat venue when the incident occurred on Wednesday night.

What a fucking baby. I'm so goddamn embarrassed for ever being a fan. I've lost all respect for every comedian who defends this shithead and enables him.

Had to read the article for specifics about the anger stemming towards recording of shows......which does make sense.

But my head canon before reading that was someone in the audience got bored, pulled out their phone to start texting, and he flipped his shit lol


Oct 25, 2017
But, going back to the that criticism of Blackness bit, I really feel like that's influencing a lot of his motivation these days. I don't think he ever got over the perception that he was a coon (for lack of a better word) that followed his early career, and now he seems to be locked in this exercise of snatiching back Blackness in the most ignorant of ways. It's why he constantly punches down at and picks fights with marginalized groups and uses Blackness as a deflection from criticism...with seemingly no care or thought to the reality that Blackness intersects with a lot of those marginalized groups that he's punching down at (ie. Black Trans people exist you fuckin moron)

Par for the course for a person whose entire ideology is centered around heteronormative masculinity. All his jokes and storytelling flourishes return to that center, committing whatever homophobic or transphobic or misogynistic punchline required to further the cause.

Does he say anything about the attack on him at one of his shows?

Has 10 minutes block devoted to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Address what exactly? I read the Variety article and then followed up by watching the special which led to my initial post. The only things I've been tagged in is that I need to learn to lie more and that people know where I stand. So, uhh, I'm not gonna learn to lie and my initial post I guess does sum up where I stand.
Funny how you chose to respond to a post that was edited to disengage and not the others that still stand.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
This is fun.

Dave Chappelle abruptly ends show, walks off stage after fan pulls out phone during Florida gig: report

Chappelle, 50, was on the second night of a five-night stand at the 7,000-seat venue when the incident occurred on Wednesday night.

What a fucking baby. I'm so goddamn embarrassed for ever being a fan. I've lost all respect for every comedian who defends this shithead and enables him.

when we went to see him a decade ago or so, we had to leave phones in the car or put them in faraday bags. Wouldn't allow any inside in working condition. This was way before all the controversy.
May 14, 2021
Par for the course for a person whose entire ideology is centered around heteronormative masculinity. All his jokes and storytelling flourishes return to that center, committing whatever homophobic or transphobic or misogynistic punchline required to further the cause.

Has 10 minutes block devoted to it.
Does he unironically view himself as a victim?


Oct 25, 2017
Does he unironically view himself as a victim?

Quite the opposite, because he directly juxtaposes his situation with Chris Rock getting slapped. Basically saying they both got attacked, but Chris Rock's attacker got to sit comfortably for the rest of the night whereas his attacker got beat up by a bunch of celebrities.


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny seeing that Oswalt is a Chappelle apologist considering how fast he was to shit on AVGN for the whole Ghostbusters movie thing. I guess once it's a friend, everything is excusable.


Jul 9, 2022
User banned(permanent): Dismissing Transphobia, troll account
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle makes fun every race, gender including his own race. That his schtick.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle attacks every race, gender. That his schtick
Standing on a stage and spewing transphobia isn't comedy, it's just hate speech dressed up as it because, for some reason, clowns like you think bigotry spoken into a microphone in front of an audience is magically transformed into something benign and innocent.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle attacks every race, gender. That his schtick

Imagine seeing 7 pages of discussion and debate pointing out the issues, signing in with your alt low post account, and posting this gem of a position as if its a new and unique take, lol. I wonder how some of y'all function in the real world in regards to friends, significant others, some of y'all have kids!

It's like, go read some posts first and then get back to us.


Oct 30, 2017
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle attacks every race, gender. That his schtick
Is this an attempted account suicide? Because no, he is a transphobic piece of shit.

Defending JK Rowling and saying he's a terf wasn't to build up to no punchline, the asshole meant that shit.

So no, he's sprinkled his ignorance/transphobia all over his shows. I was one of those who defended comedians, but they're a bunch of rich, priviliged babies.

They can fuck off.


Nov 7, 2017
Every day I am reminded that the world needs George Carlin back,.

It's so odd to see two people I admired when growing up have become infatuated with hating a particular group. This shit is an obsession for he and Rowling.

Is it just oppression Olympics for both? They have more money than they would ever need. But they put all their energy in othering another group of people as much as they can. I met a Chappelle fan that basically said he respected the LGBT community but as a black man, they didn't know anything about oppression.

I'm a white hetero male so I can't really speak on that, but it seems incredibly unhealthy to look at things that way.
Of course you can speak on it - it's patently absurd to say something like LGBT people don t know about oppression because they're not black…. When duh there's tons of black (and other poc) lgbt etc.


Nov 13, 2019
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle makes fun every race, gender including his own race. That his schtick.
It's kinda a bad schtick then. Here in my country most of the comedians tend to make fun of themselves but we don't really have them going 'ha ha fuck that group of people' which they aren't even a part of themselves!

I dunno the guy but the first page or something had a quote of that jail stuff which is legit terrifying to me people accept that

I don't understand how you don't understand the backlash myself, but who am I..


Oct 30, 2017
Had to read the article for specifics about the anger stemming towards recording of shows......which does make sense.

But my head canon before reading that was someone in the audience got bored, pulled out their phone to start texting, and he flipped his shit lol
He's still a baby for punishing everyone. It could lead to people getting beat up. It might just be what the asshole wants.


Oct 25, 2017
Address what exactly? I read the Variety article and then followed up by watching the special which led to my initial post. The only things I've been tagged in is that I need to learn to lie more and that people know where I stand. So, uhh, I'm not gonna learn to lie and my initial post I guess does sum up where I stand.
This isn't the "Dave Chapelle Special Review Thread |OT|" it's the "FYI Dave Chapelle continues to dehumanize a group of people who have watched their existence get trampled by lawmakers and civic leaders worldwide" thread. To act like anybody wanted to know how much fun you had watching Dave Chapelle is at minimum insensitive and off topic, but history teaches us such behavior is more often than not bad faith flamebait so just look to the left and right of you online for those also saying 'heh I love Dave Chapelle' and reconsider the impact of your behavior and what it reinforces


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle makes fun every race, gender including his own race. That his schtick.

What part of his shtick involves meeting with transphobic politicians and public figures and inviting them to his shows?

It's almost like his focus on trans people is based on a genuine hatred of trans people.

Of course, I think your "He's an equal opportunity offender" shtick is disingenuous given there's several pages explaining why his jokes are bad. What's the funny in saying that he will claim he's a trans woman to justify assaulting cis women?


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Of course you can speak on it - it's patently absurd to say something like LGBT people don t know about oppression because they're not black…. When duh there's tons of black (and other poc) lgbt etc.

Yup. Like if you're going to go on stage and talk uncut racism directly to main street white America you need to cut the James Baldwin estate a check. If you're a student of Black revolutionary thought your diet will be filled with queer thinkers like him and Andre Lorde, and if you care about the plight of dead black folks Black trans folks life expectancy is in the gutter of demographics often due to violence.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't that all right wing "comedy"? Maybe Dave just doesn't actually have it in him to be witty or funny anymore. The has-been probably saw his pal Jim Breuer getting laughs from morons and decided it could work for him too.
Definitely part of it for sure. He's just an old-school shock comedian at this point, just content to say something outrageous in public in this day and age to get a reaction, because that's the entire heart and soul point of comedy apparently. Which, sure, knock yourself out, but when paired with his lazy fucking jokes it's just bad and mean-spirited punching down for the sake of it. Which does square with conservative 'comedy' and worldview pretty much. It's especially noticeable in this last special.

He probably thinks he's doing Carlin in some way but he's way off.


Just saddening because it does go against a lot of what he did when he was actually a good/great comedian but we've seen that money and fame changes people, and often not for the better.
Oct 26, 2017
Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle makes fun every race, gender including his own race. That his schtick.
Low quality bait. No other way to see it when we have 7 pages that lays this all out pretty clearly. Same shit recycled from the South Park transphobia thread too. Ignored and moving on.


Aug 4, 2021
The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.
So your solution is to… ignore transphobia ?
When in the history of the world has ignoring bigots worked ?


Nov 13, 2019
The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.
I don't see it as complaining when you are being attacked for simply existing

Nor do I wanna tell others to just lay down and taking abuse

I need to take a rest from this site today because holy shit what is going on before I get myself banned here


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.
Because ignoring the stirring up of transphobia has worked well so far.

Also, man was on the front page of Netflix, shut the fuck up about us trans people being what is bringing him to prominence time and time again and not one of the biggest media services on the planet.


Oct 25, 2017
Once you build a following you really can just do and say whatever you want on stage and still be extremely successful. This material is fucking terrible. Not funny at all. He's obviously completely washed up. Yet his fans continue to eat it up no matter how bad it gets.
Oct 26, 2017
The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.
I understand the inclination to not give attention, but that only works for small timers and nobodies who are looking for an audience to grow their base. "Chuck on Twitter with 17 views said XYZ!" Yeah, probably shouldn't feed. And that's not to say they shouldn't be challenged, but they don't need a Variety article and a million retweets. But Chappelle is way too big of a name with way too much of a following. Not talking about him won't make him go away. He has to be openly challenged every step of the way, every single time he spews his hateful shit. (And he has shown he does not like being challenged. This is the baby who got pissy at high schoolers not putting up with his shit)
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Oct 25, 2017
Address what exactly? I read the Variety article and then followed up by watching the special which led to my initial post. The only things I've been tagged in is that I need to learn to lie more and that people know where I stand. So, uhh, I'm not gonna learn to lie and my initial post I guess does sum up where I stand.

Damn, not even gonna pretend to understand or learn. FOH


Chicken Chaser
Feb 17, 2019
Glad we cancelled our Netflix subscription months ago, disgusting people like he and Gervais need to fuck off into the sun