Oct 25, 2017
Dont know if I should use all these LP100 to try to get to the gems that are left over to claim for the event or just hold on to them for a future event, Im at rank 850 or so so it isnt like I wont be getting at least one more copy of the Otoya.

oh yeah two more utapri shirts, gotta support my boys
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Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
I LIVE. Happy 2nd anniversary to Shining Live's Global version!

And in case you're wondering - Yes. I did get Camus' birthday UR, though I did pay out the ass for it.

I just noticed that most of the people on my friend's list in Shining Live haven't logged in in over a month. That's a little worrisome. Can't say I blame them. The main story hasn't been updated since last year and there haven't been any non-SR/UR sets since the Cool Denim one. And the lack of ads (for free LP and prisms) means it's a lot tougher for non-whale players to tier in events. :(


Oct 31, 2017
I just noticed that most of the people on my friend's list in Shining Live haven't logged in in over a month. That's a little worrisome. Can't say I blame them. The main story hasn't been updated since last year and there haven't been any non-SR/UR sets since the Cool Denim one. And the lack of ads (for free LP and prisms) means it's a lot tougher for non-whale players to tier in events. :(
Yes, it is kinda sad but I can see why people are leaving.


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
I'm glad they finally updated the story. Guess a lot of fans were complaining?

I admit, I haven't played much in a while. I just log in to collect my daily bonus and that's about it. Gotta save all my LP and prisms for Camus.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm glad they finally updated the story. Guess a lot of fans were complaining?

I admit, I haven't played much in a while. I just log in to collect my daily bonus and that's about it. Gotta save all my LP and prisms for Camus.
We had to have something to spend the story tickets on eventually lol.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
They are having a big "relapsed player" campaign, but I'm only coming back if they fix the add rewards for extra stamina and prisms - any word on that?


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
They are having a big "relapsed player" campaign, but I'm only coming back if they fix the add rewards for extra stamina and prisms - any word on that?

Nothing yet, unfortunately. I keep hoping they'll add it back in but we've gone months now and they haven't said a word about it.

Without those daily ad rewards it's tough as hell for F2P players to build a good buffer of LP for events.


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA

I got it in two pulls. Woohoo!

Did you all check out the April Fool's story special? That was pretty darn funny. Favorite bits include -

* Basically every word out of Tokiya's mouth
* Masato, pretending to be Ren, bitching about Masato
* Ren, pretending to be Masato, bitching about Ren
* Basically the fact that Masato and Ren can't make it through a single conversation without getting mad at each other
* Ranmaru getting bullied by the other QN guys

Shining Live would definitely benefit from having more silly story stuff like this. Keep it coming!


Oct 31, 2017
Did six pulls for Otoya's birthday after finally reading all the event and photo stories since September. Still have the most recent two event stories to read, but those would not give me enough prisms for anymore shoots. I did not get the birthday photo, but finally got his prince one.
Oct 25, 2017
I wanted the new Otoya...but I did get a UR of an Otoya I didn't have so not all that bad.

Sad that this game has fell to like my second lowest priority now (only play when theres an Otoya event). Some many other mobage have me playing way more (like A3 is really fun, Cardfight!! Vanguard got its release, and as always Granblue)


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
I still check in with UtaPri most days but, yeah, I only actively play now if there's a Camus event. I don't even have a lot of other mobage to worry about (just Fate/GO), there's just not much to do between events to keep me playing daily.

That said, I do like how they keep adding new features to the game. I wish they'd continue the story mode, but hey! We FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINALLY got a new R set! Only took them, like, a year.
Oct 25, 2017
I still check in with UtaPri most days but, yeah, I only actively play now if there's a Camus event. I don't even have a lot of other mobage to worry about (just Fate/GO), there's just not much to do between events to keep me playing daily.

That said, I do like how they keep adding new features to the game. I wish they'd continue the story mode, but hey! We FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINALLY got a new R set! Only took them, like, a year.
i spend so much on other games, utapri just doesnt add enough interesting feelings to make it worth keeping it up with anymore. guess rhythm games hit a dull point fast.


Oct 31, 2017
Yes I barely play this anymore. It feels like there is too much time between content updates and the new photo shoots are not as exciting since so many of them feel similar at this point.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
The ads that gave two LP packs and 5 prisms per day are back!

Oh man, that was the one thing that drove me from the game when they removed it. However I'm now knee deep in 3 other games, not sure I can really get back into this. Maybe I'll re-download and play it a bit on the side, and for that I'll finally kick Obey Me! from my phone (which is trash, but has such a huge and active community that makes it somewhat fun...).
I'd have to stop getting cards from events though, which is tough for me to do. Let's see.
(What a timing so shortly AFTER Natsuki's birthday, urgh, you're killing me game.)

Did they ever add new story chapters?

Edit: Maybe I'm just re-installing this because I'm depressed about not getting two of my favourite cards ever in A3! after spending a whopping 2500 Dias on 15 10-pulls. Fvck.


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
The ads that gave two LP packs and 5 prisms per day are back!


Oh man, that was the one thing that drove me from the game when they removed it. However I'm now knee deep in 3 other games, not sure I can really get back into this. Maybe I'll re-download and play it a bit on the side, and for that I'll finally kick Obey Me! from my phone (which is trash, but has such a huge and active community that makes it somewhat fun...).
I'd have to stop getting cards from events though, which is tough for me to do. Let's see.
(What a timing so shortly AFTER Natsuki's birthday, urgh, you're killing me game.)

Did they ever add new story chapters?

Edit: Maybe I'm just re-installing this because I'm depressed about not getting two of my favourite cards ever in A3! after spending a whopping 2500 Dias on 15 10-pulls. Fvck.

They still haven't added any new story content. Took them a year just to add another R-set! They're focusing hard on the events and limited banners.

As far as event cards go, you can always get missed ones from the Memorial Bangle exchange. Of course, downside to that is you have to grind for bangles, bangles expire each month, and it can take a while for newer event cards to get added to the exchange pool.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
Finally! A Natsuki event! Time to use my 300 saved LP items to tier!!

- Game proceeds to break on the last day of the event just as I got off work ready to grind up to Tier 2. -

Okay then, Shining Live. Okay.


Oct 25, 2017
The game was broken for people that weren't in Japan's timezone, people were switching their timezone to Japan's to be able to play and I don't think KLab has acknowledged the issue.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
Apparently something borked and no one could log in after the daily task reset (don't know when that is for you, for me it's at 5pm, so 90min from now) until their system clock hit midnight.
That also means some people figured out that putting your device on JP time zone (which is several hours ahead of most people) fixed the issue for them.

Should be fine in any time zone now, but basically access was severely impaired for a lot of people (especially in PDT time zone). Lots of peeps missed the end of the event. Let's see if they decide to re-run the anniversary banners and give everyone the event UR... (which would sound like the most sensible thing to me, but I also didn't rank top 100, so I don't care if everyone gets it)

The game was broken for people that weren't in Japan's timezone, people were switching their timezone to Japan's to be able to play and I don't think KLab has acknowledged the issue.

Took them 12h to put a statement out on Twitter that read a bit lackluster ("There's an issue, but just switch time zones on your device and you can log in again.") but they confirmed that they are looking into compensation now earlier:

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Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
I'm less angry now that I pulled both demon Reiji and demon Natsuki from my first 10-pull on the new banner.


Oct 25, 2017
The compensation is nice but I feel bad for the Natsuki fans that couldn't make it to his event UR because of the login issue, even worse for the people that wanted to tier in it


Oct 31, 2017
So far I am enjoying the job function as a way to farm gems and use up LP when I have cleared the missions for the week.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
The amount of big gems you get from jobs is crazy. Makes farming the daily campaign songs completely obsolete. I wonder if they'll patch that or don't care since big gems aren't that big of a progression block on a higher level anyway (I have min. 40 of each at all times, but I know some bigger spenders with lots of idolized cards go through their stack quicker than they can farm them).


Oct 25, 2017
Finally done with this event! Ended up using like 15 LP pages and played the event song 196 times.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
Finally done with this event! Ended up using like 15 LP pages and played the event song 196 times.

Holy hell, congrats.

This was the first event where I played and did not get the UR - waited until the last minute to get enough points and then... fell asleep, 2k points short of the UR threshold. ._.
Well, once I bought all the event URs in the bangle store that I missed in the 1 year I wasn't playing at all, I can get this one. In, like 3 years or so.

But hey, in other news, a point photo shoot gave me my 5th Shining Live Natsuki UR, making him officially my first maxed out UR. I already rainbow crowned him and everything.
The bad news is, that this card is now so buff, that the auto team builder puts it in every single team, even if the attribute doesn't match up at all. That is... annoying, to say the least.

I hope eventually they will improve the auto team builder options in a future update.

(Also, we got new main story chapters randomly, and while I did appreciate a Natsuki + Camus pairing in a pet cafe, I can't believe how banal and pointless those story bits are. Especially now that I played A3! which has really fun and ever evolving event and main stories.)