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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I actually worry a lot about democrats this fall but this doesn't seem like something I'm concerned about being an attack that would be particularly salient.

I said before but what's given me a decent bit of hope is that I am now seeing people spooked about shit going on, P25 and such. Biden being old has been a wake up call to people that he can't make everything perfect forever.

It's good to get home from work and then see P25 all over social media today!

Do you have a link to this? That does sound really funny lmao


This is one of the dumbest comments from a reporter I've seen recently.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I said before but what's given me a decent bit of hope is that I am now seeing people spooked about shit going on, P25 and such. Biden being old has been a wake up call to people that he can't make everything perfect forever.

It's good to get home from work and then see P25 all over social media today!


This is one of the dumbest comments from a reporter I've seen recently.

I mean is it. Isn't this the entire point of having a VP?


Oct 27, 2017
I said before but what's given me a decent bit of hope is that I am now seeing people spooked about shit going on, P25 and such. Biden being old has been a wake up call to people that he can't make everything perfect forever.

It's good to get home from work and then see P25 all over social media today!


This is one of the dumbest comments from a reporter I've seen recently.

"A succession plan like a CEO"...HBO Brain


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's not just Biden, they saw Trump again and it hit them that he's really back and running.

This ^.

And Trump running (very weakly) from P25 shows you there's some real ground swell around it, which started with the BET callout last week. It had a lot of traction in the black community around the debates and now its getting into other communities too.

I mean I'm not. It's a completely appropriate question given what's happened!

I'm confused. How are you reading the quote? He has a succession plan, every President does. It's the Vice President. The reporter is asking about a CEO plan but... that's already what the VP is for...


Oct 25, 2017
Right he could very easily lose but it feels like if you're taking national top line polling at face value, then you also need to take Tester's numbers as face value and a Likely R just seems too far for now

What I was trying to say was I can see why they decided to move this race to "Likely R". Split-ticket voting simply isn't as common nowadays as it used to be in Montana. I personally think the race is still closer to "Lean R" right now because Tester is a fairly popular incumbent. I am really hoping he pulls through because his election will likely decide the fate of control of the Senate.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't forget scared. That's a big motivator this cycle.
Somehow, I feel both sides of this Biden debate are actually optimists in a way. One side are optimistic that a new candidate in this short time frame can do something historical. On the other hand, people are optimistic that Biden is still the way to go despite potential health concern. So let's all be optimistic together and focus on the true opponent in Trump and Trimpism.


Oct 27, 2017
Are you sure?

"Better to be strong and wrong," yada yada yada.

And add to that swing voters often seem to be "vibe" voters over "issues" voters.

And I do think that the Democratic party would actually get behind Kamala Harris. I just worry that anyone who's undecided will see it as "Oh the Democrats are weak and couldn't even stand behind their original candidate."
This is one of the risks I'm concerned about.

"Trump beat Biden so badly he dropped his candidacy" feeds perfectly into his strongman image. I can see undecideds breaking for Trump not so much because of the general perception of "Democrats in disarray!!1", but rather in a "I guess he really is the strong leader we need" kind of way.

I still lean towards passing the baton to Harris, but it isn't without its risks either.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is up 54-46 in the 538 presidential model.
74-25 in the Economist presidential model.


Nov 30, 2017
The people who emigrated to Montana from other parts of the West did so not carrying their politics but adopting those they moved into. Seats like Tester's just aren't durable in an increasingly nationalized environment.

And yes Biden has a ceiling, it is like a Bridge hand where you can never get the contract winning trick, no matter what happens you wind up one short. You are in the position that you need the other team to mess up.

The real question is what the delta is between Biden's ceiling and floor. I think they are very tightly clustered. Kamala has a possibly higher ceiling, but also possibly a lower floor ( though I am not convinced of the latter).


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
World News Tonight with David Muir is on right now on ABC News, it will include a "first look" clip at the interview. Then the interview will air in its entirety at 8 PM ET.


Oct 27, 2017
I am hopeful this was the low point of the Biden campaign, thankfully it happened in early summer and not in Sept/Oct.
Time to set the nonsense aside and stop giving exposure to CNN/NYT hearsay BS.
Let's get this show on the road. Let's fucking gooooooo.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Harry Enten made a tweet that said that this is probably the first time for anyone born in the 90s to see a Democrat losing by this much at this point of the election cycle. From 1992 to now at least.

Dukakis in 1988 was the last time it was like this.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
I'm not sure if Biden being combative with the press will be seen favorably by the public.

But isn't that what they have been saying they want to see him doing? Unscripted moments with the press, taking on tough questions? Projecting strength if he's really going to stay in the race?


Oct 28, 2017
Watched an excerpt of the interview that they showed on ABC just now. Stephanopoulos asks if it was just a bad night or reflective of larger issues, and Biden says he had a bad night and a bad cold. Stephanopoulos asks him whether he watched the debate back (Biden: I don't think so no) and if in the moment he was realizing how badly he was doing. Biden said no, and he got caught up trying to combat all of Trump's lies, and Stephanopoulos says that Biden looked bad from the very first question. Biden then repeats that he had a bad night.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
But isn't that what have been saying they want to see him doing? Unscripted moments with the press, taking on tough questions? Projecting strength if he's really going to stay in the race?
I think the main issue is that him doing that will never in anyway shape or form satisfy the people insisting that he does that even if he did it coherently for four straight hours because at the end of the day they don't want him running at all so it's an ever moving goalpost of what "counts" as him doing what he's supposed to do.

As an aside, historically jumping first in line to undermine one's own candidate for days on end has done wonders for elections. Like damn the republicans don't have to do a damn thing, dems are gonna be the first to scream "It's not 8PM!" at their own candidate after every rally, interview, press conference, etc. right up until Nov. Love that.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I think we'll see a lot of sitting Dem officials come out and call for him to bow out of the race in the next week. He's always been a gaffe machine, and that's just going to play right into the narrative now, sadly.


Feb 25, 2018
Remember Era is a bubble. The bad debate was talked about at my job and I am in Canada.

I think it will be really hard for him to get back in the race because it cemented what people already feared.

Of course any sane person should vote for Biden over Trump.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
But isn't that what they have been saying they want to see him doing? Unscripted moments with the press, taking on tough questions? Projecting strength if he's really going to stay in the race?
True. Being aggressive with the press also gave Trump that "strongman" mentality his base loves. Of course Trump took it a step further by painting them as the enemy rather than challenging them as prior president's have done. I'm just not sure if the average person would see that as strength or belligerence.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
Watched an excerpt of the interview that they showed on ABC just now. Stephanopoulos asks if it was just a bad night or reflective of larger issues, and Biden says he had a bad night and a bad cold. Stephanopoulos asks him whether he watched the debate back (Biden: I don't think so no) and if in the moment he was realizing how badly he was doing. Biden said no, and he got caught up trying to combat all of Trump's lies, and Stephanopoulos says that Biden looked bad from the very first question. Biden then repeats that he had a bad night.
Is it possible he actually didn't watch his performance? How could that be ?


Oct 27, 2017
Don't worry, you know who doesn't believe the polls? Joe Biden! Everything is fine.



He better have some internals we're not seeing that back that shit up.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
I don't like the way his voice sounds in the first look clip personally. I don't want to hear him sounding like that in the second debate, it's very hoarse, exhausted and tired.


Oct 27, 2017
This feels like Hillary campaign against but worse

Least I'll be prepared this time rather than thinking Hillary had it in the bag. I can still remember seeing videos of like "WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE WOMEN RUNNING TO THE POLLS! TRUMP IS TOAST!" and reporting talking about how Trump's phone banks were all empty.
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