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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I think he was just trying to make a My Pillow joke but couldn't remember anything other than that there's a guy advertising pillows on Fox.

There was a pause between "pillow man" and clarifying that he was on Fox, so it briefly sounded extra crazy.
He has shared a stage with the guy a few times.....


Nov 14, 2017
Well, this is stupid dangerous.

Y'all really need to watch this because it's more insane than even the description lets on. You know those crazy people who go on internet rants about how Section 230 allows prosecuting Twitter for banning free speech? The sheriff lays out a scenario where it hypothetically could be legal for the militia to take the governor under arrest for an alleged felony, and says that's probably what they were discussing. 😑

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I did not know this part:

If it gets to that point, that's probably a good avenue that Dems need to use to justify it and add context to it. In addition to the court not always being 9. It's been at 6, 7, and 10 before too. It was set to be 5 at one point too, but legislation was changed again before any vacancies happened, so it stayed at 6.

Thanks Wiki!
Oct 25, 2017
Trump just spent some time talking about basketball and how Roger Goodell was in a tight blue T-shirt which he was not meant for, and "you know, I'm not either"

Then my stream died after conveying the idea of Trump in a tight blue t-shirt.

what is today

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of hysterical really. They could have spent $0 and gotten the same result.
Probably all about normalizing her to the masses. Tamping down objections of even considering her because she's a "family woman." Which we've already seen in some polling. Although it was just one poll so far.

The commercials have been obnoxious and disgusting by invoking RBG's name in them too.


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all really need to watch this because it's more insane than even the description lets on. You know those crazy people who go on internet rants about how Section 230 allows prosecuting Twitter for banning free speech? The sheriff lays out a scenario where it hypothetically could be legal for the militia to take the governor under arrest for an alleged felony, and says that's probably what they were discussing. 😑

How fucking infuriating. I hope that Sheriff gets run out of the state for this

If he had bothered to look into it for a second he would see just how evil, heinous and deranged these guys were

Like how do you go on the news and play the "oh they are just a bunch of good ol boys playing patriot to save us" when the indictment details are everywhere for the public to see?


Oct 27, 2017
What's funny is Trump is probably doing more damage to Fox's reputation as a good news source in a few months than liberals have managed to do in 20 years


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all really need to watch this because it's more insane than even the description lets on. You know those crazy people who go on internet rants about how Section 230 allows prosecuting Twitter for banning free speech? The sheriff lays out a scenario where it hypothetically could be legal for the militia to take the governor under arrest for an alleged felony, and says that's probably what they were discussing. 😑
How fucking infuriating. I hope that Sheriff gets run out of the state for this

If he had bothered to look into it for a second he would see just how evil, heinous and deranged these guys were

Like how do you go on the news and play the "oh they are just a bunch of good ol boys playing patriot to save us" when the indictment details are everywhere for the public to see?

Remember when the FBI warned about white supremcists infesting law enforcement... there is your textbook example


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know of any bulk donation websites similar to "Get Mitch or Die Trying" to help out local/state reps trying to flip state legislatures?

I'd love to put my money there too.
Mar 15, 2019
do yall think Biden could get away with putting 4 more people in the SC? maybe he puts 3 liberals, 1 conservative and 1 "centrist" and everyone would be fine with it? or it's a non-starter in practical terms?
Oct 25, 2017
Rush just declared Trump's status with COVID-19 "pretty solid" because Trump's been on the air for an hour and forty-two minutes. Now fluffing Trump's media skills.


May 31, 2018

I'm not sure if a SCOTUS nominee he can technically threaten to withdraw at any moment is "zero leverage" over Senate Republicans. Too bad Trump's convinced he needs another right-winger on the court in order to win reelection, meaning he'll never consider using that trump card.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
#DevinWontDebate is trending. You guessed it. Devin Nunes won't debate his Dem challenger.


Jun 13, 2019
do yall think Biden could get away with putting 4 more people in the SC? maybe he puts 3 liberals, 1 conservative and 1 "centrist" and everyone would be fine with it? or it's a non-starter in practical terms?

They should at the minimum get two, and label it McConnell appointments. It is all on him. If he'd gone ahead with Garland in 16 as he was Constitutionally bound to do,then Dems would have no legitimate reason or argument to expand. They would have effectively flipped the Court, legitimately, with Gorsuch/Kavanaugh and Barrett.

Instead, he fucked up and the court needs additional justices to balance his fuckery.


Oct 25, 2017

He still thinks he can offer a halfhearted bribe and reverse all his terrible polling. He's thrown out three or four of these empty offers in just the last few weeks, at various demographics. Remember just before the 2018 elections he randomly said halfway into an interview the GOP was doing "middle class tax cuts very soon". Just made it up on the spot and never said it again.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
of course that would be better but i think this wouldn't happen, probably republicans and even independents would say dems are being the true fascists lol
Eh the moment we start expanding the courts we're basically on our own anyway. Maybe snag a bunch of independents but trying to placate republicans by offering them 1.5 seats out of five is going to bomb as badly as offering them none, frankly it might add insult to injury
Oct 25, 2017
TIL Hillary is smart, Limbaugh bravely playing the contrarian to Trump there

This is an educational interview. Per Trump, the Democrats fucking with mail-in voting to steal the election would be the second greatest scandal in political history. The biggest? Whatever Clinton/Obama/Biden did to Trump with Russia.

That's right. The supposed scam by the head of the government that failed to keep Trump out of office would be a bigger scandal than actual election fraud that works.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty clear Trump is going to latch on to the stimulus as a last ditch effort to save his campaign.
Donate to state level races here


Oct 25, 2017
OK, found it. This site has several "impact states" to help flip:

2020 Impact Slates

It won't matter who's President if we don't win at the state level. We put candidates best positioned to build progressive power into slates. Donate in 1 click.

(how do you make a threadmark, this will be useful for the next 25 days)


Oct 25, 2017

Stuff like this is going to be everywhere on election day, literal mercenaries providing "security."
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