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Jul 25, 2018
Stock prices going up isn't inflation, are you just upset that Powell won't play along with your shorts? And there has been only minimal inflation in food prices for years, while health care inflation has come way down since the ACA passed.


Yes, housing prices are still going up because more people want to buy than there are properties. The only way to stop that is for the Fed to let the economy tank and force millions of people out of work.
Of course it's inflation. When the earnings multiple goes up, you can buy fewer of the stock for the same amount. My house value went up 10% last year. Just from supply/demand you say? And not because of the low rates and easy Fed money?


Oct 25, 2017
If Trump was sabotaging his own campaign what he would get out of it is a definitive understanding of what the absolute floor is on his support. If that proved to be something like 30%, couldn't he theoretically hold the GOP hostage? With a media network (OANN) and half of the Republican voting population it doesn't really matter if he loses, he controls the base, narrative, and policy moving forward from the right. That in itself would be a pretty scary situation that he could leverage to prop up other parts of his family.
This is extremely reminiscent of things he's said along the lines of that Getty quote: "If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem."


May 31, 2018
If Trump was sabotaging his own campaign what he would get out of it is a definitive understanding of what the absolute floor is on his support. If that proved to be something like 30%, couldn't he theoretically hold the GOP hostage? With a media network (OANN) and half of the Republican voting population it doesn't really matter if he loses, he controls the base, narrative, and policy moving forward from the right. That in itself would be a pretty scary situation that he could leverage to prop up other parts of his family.

First of all, I don't think Trump wants to lose. If he did, he wouldn't have spent all that time running ads against Biden, trying to sabotage his campaign with foreign assistence and ignoring Sanders.

Also, the hostage situation you describe has been going on for a long time already. It's easy to forget, but Rush Limbaugh spent a long time in Trump's current "he who cannot be criticized" situation and if he and a Republican senator or congressman got into a feud, the latter would usually back down after Rush turned up the public heat a bit. Unlike the Democratic Party, which still has most of its influential figures be actual members, the GOP has long been at the mercy of the right-wing media system that held an iron grip on the voting base with their propaganda and were frequently forced to cater to Limbaugh's and Ailes' whims.


Dec 7, 2018
Of course it's inflation. When the earnings multiple goes up, you can buy fewer of the stock for the same amount. My house value went up 10% last year. Just from supply/demand you say? And not because of the low rates and easy Fed money?

Until about this time last year rates had been slowly but steadily increasing but locally around me I saw no impact on housing costs. It is still definitely a seller's market around here because there isn't a ton of supply. The only way a house in our neighborhood doesn't sell within a week is if they severely overpriced it.

I don't think Powell cares one bit about helping or hurting Trump. He actually probably prefers him gone as his attempted trade wars are what caused the Fed to initially drop rates last year and the instability Trump causes just makes things much harder.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Kevin Liptak @Kevinliptakcnn

As Trump shuts down idea of renaming Confederate-named bases, this statement just in from @NASCAR: "The display of the confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties."

Trump clearly believes the "heritage" argument is a winning one with a certain constituency. NASCAR is catering to the same constituency but arrived at a very different conclusion.​

4:54 PM - Jun 10, 2020


Oct 25, 2017

Kevin Liptak @Kevinliptakcnn

As Trump shuts down idea of renaming Confederate-named bases, this statement just in from @NASCAR: "The display of the confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties."

Trump clearly believes the "heritage" argument is a winning one with a certain constituency. NASCAR is catering to the same constituency but arrived at a very different conclusion.

4:54 PM - Jun 10, 2020

People need to stop thinking this is just about Trump thinking something is a winning issue. Trump is the exact type of person to agree with his base on these issues without the need for it to be about increasing his approval.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to stop thinking this is just about Trump thinking something is a winning issue. Trump is the exact type of person to agree with his base on these issues without the need for it to be about increasing his approval.

I think you've got that backwards. Trump doesn't have opinions insofar as he has ideas that he's come up with on his own. He has 'opinions' that provide a net gain for him in one way or another, whether that is financially or politically, or ideally (for him), both.

He does not have 'values' like a normal human being. Everything he does or doesn't do directly correlates with whether he believes it will be a net positive towards increasing his power and wealth.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
So yea...this is happening

OT for that:

Trump to hold Rally in Tulsa on June 19th (Juneteenth) - The day Emancipation Proclamation was read to last remaining slaves of the confederacy Prepare for defense of the confederacy on the day when the last remaining slaves were freed.

Fuck these fucks, seriously.


Nov 30, 2017
Biden: Minor disagreement on how to properly execute sweeping policing reform given the complications of doing so through federal and not state and local action. Moderates and leftists man the barricades for the latest two hour inter party policy war.


Oh jesus what a monster.


Oct 25, 2017
Ahh yes, the great american heritage of *checks notes* the confederacy....also confederacy and winning aren't really correlated. They lost like losers, sad!


Oct 25, 2017
wearing a "Freedom isn't free" shirt unironically while being supportive of the confederacy is some serious galaxy brain shit


Oct 30, 2017

Lol yeah. Got the WaPo notification first, and I immediately had to re-read it because I couldn't square the second sentence with the first.


Oct 27, 2017

Kevin Liptak @Kevinliptakcnn

As Trump shuts down idea of renaming Confederate-named bases, this statement just in from @NASCAR: "The display of the confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties."

Trump clearly believes the "heritage" argument is a winning one with a certain constituency. NASCAR is catering to the same constituency but arrived at a very different conclusion.

4:54 PM - Jun 10, 2020

NASCAR wants to be around longer than Trump.
Oct 30, 2017

⍟⍟ In this house we kneel for a bunch of losers and traitors. ⍟⍟

These morons probably don't even have any actual ties to the Confederacy. I will again note that as someone who actually does have those ties, it is a mark of shame upon our family, not something to be proud of. These guys might as well also wear swastikas with the "heritage not hate" slogan.


Oct 27, 2017
lol. I haven't looked at the old place in a long long time, but it's still wild to think at how far and transparently that place flipped when most of the community left.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally haven't visited GAF since the switch over. Not once, until just now.

Oh, wow. I expected it to be more conservative and shitty than Era, but OMG. Just straight up ultra-MAGA now. Like, people with Trump avatars and posts that look like the replies under a Trump tweet or your crazy Facebook relatives.


Nov 16, 2017
People need to stop thinking this is just about Trump thinking something is a winning issue. Trump is the exact type of person to agree with his base on these issues without the need for it to be about increasing his approval.
Agree. 3+ years of lazy journalism either intentionally or unwittingly projecting their own rules and logic onto the things he says and does.

Trump will always choose the most polarizing stance regardless of polling in order to divide and sow chaos. It creates a macro argument where people can't agree on what they are hearing. Some take his words literally and his base hears the message behind the rhetoric. I'm sure some of it is also about getting a positive response from his goons, but I think most of it is that he's an agent of chaos and finds opportunity for profit and cover for misdeeds in the second guessing that comes from all the lies.

soda mixer

Jul 4, 2018
lol. I haven't looked at the old place in a long long time, but it's still wild to think at how far and transparently that place flipped when most of the community left.

I was a lurker there and continue to primarily read rather than post here, but wasn't EvilLore or whatever at least nominally a liberal/progressive? It's really creepy that his response to getting called out for his behavior was to turn his site over to the very worst (although actually not even close to the worst, probably and sadly) of the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
So yea...this is happening

OT for that:

Trump to hold Rally in Tulsa on June 19th (Juneteenth) - The day Emancipation Proclamation was read to last remaining slaves of the confederacy Prepare for defense of the confederacy on the day when the last remaining slaves were freed.

I don't live in tulsa, live about 90 minutes away.

A lot of conversation happening that are basing around two different topics: 1) This is going to go poorly because its in tulsa and what day it is on and 2) The city and the county health department, was caught completely by surpised and are sending out press releases saying that "Mass crowds indoors are bad".

Needless to say, it is quickly becoming a shit-show.


Nov 30, 2017
Rant about the military bases/monuments:

It's not just the military bases-the National Park Service runs huge military parks at battlefields across the country that are chock full of Confederate apologia.

In my hometown as a kid, which is 75% African American in the most poverty stricken part of America, there's a large military park full of Confederate and Union monuments. They (to an extent, even the Union ones) are grotesque ; an obscenity that has no place of federally funded grounds. The whole place needs to be reworked to respect the need to understand history, but not to boost Lost Cause framing and romanticize treason.

Civil War monuments and parks should be reimagined, don't erase the war but do make it clear that it was an outrageous, revolting thing to protect a stratified society that had no place in the America. These places should be ugly places where we look horrible things in the face for what they are.

Sorry for the derail, I wanted to say this because it's not right for a community of color to have to see this every day on the way to work nor is it right that a community feels they have to accommodate people who have horrible beliefs about the Civil War just to put food on the table. And it's super not right for it to happen due to taxpayer dollars.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Alex Isenstadt @politicoalex

NEWS: The RNC voted tonight to have a significantly pared down convention in Charlotte, per ppl familiar with decision. They will not have a platform committee and instead use the 2016 platform.

7:17 PM - Jun 10, 2020

Maggie Haberman @maggieNYT

RNC members were just notified that the executive committee voted to earlier this evening to adopt the 2016 rules and platform for the 2020 convention that is in progress on a location, per person who saw the notification.

7:18 PM - Jun 10, 2020

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

Remember that the Republican Party campaign platform in 2016 watered down support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine. …

7:25 PM - Jun 10, 2020
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Carlsbad, CA

Something tells me the gentleman right in front of Pence, who happens to not be white (and apparently the only one in the room), didn't just happen to be standing there when they took a photo.


Oct 30, 2017
I literally haven't visited GAF since the switch over. Not once, until just now.

Oh, wow. I expected it to be more conservative and shitty than Era, but OMG. Just straight up ultra-MAGA now. Like, people with Trump avatars and posts that look like the replies under a Trump tweet or your crazy Facebook relatives.
I looked at the old stomping grounds a year a so ago and yeah it's bad. Real bad.
It went to shit real fast.

Like a tumor that was allowed to grow after being extirpated from the body.


Oct 25, 2017
They made sure to find the one black guy in the room and have him stand in front. He knows it too, going by that lazy Orange Cassidy thumbs up.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Flashback to when Mittens trash talked Rustle Westbrook to remind him how many fouls he had early and the game and had to go to the bench



Dec 7, 2018
These morons probably don't even have any actual ties to the Confederacy. I will again note that as someone who actually does have those ties, it is a mark of shame upon our family, not something to be proud of. These guys might as well also wear swastikas with the "heritage not hate" slogan.

That monument was also in Indianapolis which was definitely not part of the Confederacy. The fact it's location was due to KKK influence is pretty telling however.
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