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Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (2 Months): Trivializing human suffering and death
If COVID is the reason Trump loses, can we say it was worth it? Would trading 100k+ lives be a fair trade to oust this psycho?
Oct 25, 2017
If COVID is the reason Trump loses, can we say it was worth it? Would trading 100k+ lives be a fair trade to oust this psycho?

1) COVID has barely made a dent in his approval or GE polling. People are only now realizing what an election looks like for an incumbent that is almost -10 in net approval.

2) Fuck no. This thing is going to kill a million people on this planet before all is said and done, and the global depression it causes will probably kill a million more.


Feb 15, 2019
The sad thing is so much bad has happened this year both due to trump an unrelated to him (but a lot due to him) when this is all said and done people will forget all the kurds trump personally murdered with his illegal decisions.


Aug 13, 2019
Listening to Cuomo taking an axe to McConnell's "blue state bailouts" trash. Absolutely cathartic.

So Loeffler's gonna get away with this shit?

IIRC her husband (Chairman of the NYSE) gave a $1M donation to a pro-Trump super-PAC. That's the game right now, pay-to-play. Add it to the pile of stuff that will need to be prosecuted once Agent Orange is out of office. Though imho it's relatively far back, we have much larger fish to fry.


Oct 25, 2017

Signed up for Michigan since I live in a neighboring state. Good to see Obama pushing this.

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Oct 25, 2017
If COVID is the reason Trump loses, can we say it was worth it? Would trading 100k+ lives be a fair trade to oust this psycho?

I know the poster has been banned already, but to answer this seriously, the GoP faced historical losses during the 2018 mid-terms, it's not as if his 2020 map ever looked particularly strong.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017

Tulsi Gabbard drops defamation suit against Hillary Clinton

Former Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard dropped her defamation lawsuit against Hillary Clinton Wednesday, citing the coronavirus pandemic and importance of defeating President Trump in…

While Tulsi is certain of the legal merit of her defamation case, she needs to turn her attention to the COVID-19 crisis.


Oct 27, 2017
Say what you will about Comey, but I found his book to be insightful. Guy seems like he was out of his depth at director of the FBI and was not prepared to play politics, but I don't think he's dumb.
Rod has a fun needle to thread where he has to throw people under the bus to ingratiate himself to the right, while at the same time justify all his actions that enabled it because otherwise he's making himself complicit.

Phife Dawg

Oct 27, 2017
I doubt this is unique to us. This is technological. Every country with a free media, good internet infrastructure, and urban and rural spaces is a likely candidate to eventually encounter the same problem. We already see the rise of nationalism in Europe. Would it be fair to say the EU consensus has itself fractured?
I agree that the general problem lies within social media etc. However I think it is more pronounced in the US due to the (de facto) two party system. Some countries in Europe face the same dilemma. But in the majority of countries the populist vote (left, right, both) is usually marginalized due to them needing a bigger coalition partner to actually have a say in government.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree that the general problem lies within social media etc.
I want to be clear, I'm not singling out social media. The internet in general has allowed us to build political communities and bubbles that otherwise would not exist due to geographic distance. People who would be outcasts on a local level now have a place to find like-minded people. (This works both ways, of course)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If it's going to be Warren for VP, can they get a special election going so Joe Kennedy can stop running against Markey and run alongside him, instead?


Dec 7, 2018
Of the top of my head if Warren is picked sometime next month and resigns then they can have a special election for her seat in November which Kennedy could run for. That June deadline might be a little flexible since Democrats have a Democrat veto proof supermajority in Massachusetts so they could potentially change the rules at a later date but it might get messy if Kennedy beats Markey in the primary before that happens.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
If it's going to be Warren for VP, can they get a special election going so Joe Kennedy can stop running against Markey and run alongside him, instead?
She'd have to resign this summer before the election which she 100% will not do

If I was Biden I would tell her OK I'll pick you if you do that and come up with a plan with the MA legislature so there's no time wasted on a special election early next year. If not I'm going with someone else


Mar 21, 2019
who do we think would've been the nominee if Biden didn't run?

im willing to bet it would've been Kerry again. The base was clearly clamoring for an electable, boring old white dude and Kerry checks all those boxes. he's also a much better representative of the "return to normalcy" message than Biden ever was


Oct 26, 2017
She'd have to resign this summer before the election which she 100% will not do

If I was Biden I would tell her OK I'll pick you if you do that and come up with a plan with the MA legislature so there's no time wasted on a special election early next year. If not I'm going with someone else
Why would she 100% not resign her seat?
Oct 25, 2017
I think he would have performed similarly towards Biden early on when he was flopping but has party connections to try and pull a similar "rally around me the not Bernie candidate"
He simply does not have the connections with the black community to win the South. The primary really would've been blown up without Biden. The only other person with significant nationwide black name rec and connections was... Hillary.
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