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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Just saw the MLK "white explaining" clip from CNN. Utterly disgusting and that person needs to be fired immediately.


Oct 27, 2017
Not being snarky, but explain?
If you were actually wondering about Dennis's teabag: Colbert Report: Kucinich's Pockets

(I have to confess my father has become one of those weird tea drinkers who dips the bag for only ten seconds or so.)

I'm aware of the multiple origins of the phrase "Beyond the Pale," which other people apparently were not. I don't think anyone uses it today as a slight against Jews or the Irish, it's just a phrase with a problematic history that people might accidentally use undiplomatically. It's ironic it was used to defend someone specifically about their Jewish heritage, much like we had UnapolgeticallyBLK innocently use "pound of flesh" about Bernie without knowing the history. I would also like to point out that, "No, you're wrong, it's not offensive" isn't supposed to be a thing here anymore. I'm not a Talmudic scholar, I just know my three elderly Jewish friends didn't like the phrase and I'll defer to their familiarity with its use.


Nov 27, 2017
It just seems pretty fucked to me we spent an entire year and a half with a fractured field, decided over night to consolidate it and now it's already decided and over and we somehow have wound up with a massive question mark of a nominee we have no idea will actually perform in a 1v1 contest and are scared for him to be on a debate stage with anyone at all.
But, and not to be rude here...wouldn't that be true of Bernie? If Bernie were running away with this, I doubt a lot of folks would have the same "But ti was a fractured field so we don't know anything" takes?
Oct 25, 2017
I would've assumed that WA was Bernie's best state for the 10th, if it's nearly a tie...

So, here's like the next month with the forecasted frontrunner according to 538:

Michigan (Biden or near split)
Washington (Sanders or near split)
Missouri (Biden, by a lot)
Mississippi (Biden, by a lot)
Idaho (Sanders)
North Dakota (Biden)
Democrats Abroad (Sanders)

Northern Marianas (Biden)

Florida (Biden, by a lot)
Illinois (Biden)
Ohio (Biden)
Arizona (Biden)

Georgia (Biden)

Puerto Rico (Biden)

Louisiana (Biden)
Hawaii (Aloha)
Alaska (Biden)
Wyoming (Biden)

That's... not a potentially good position to be in for Sanders with the delegate counts. And even in a lot of those I marked for Biden, if they split or go slightly for Sanders, that's not going to help the delegate wins for Biden in Florida and the South. Things can change, as we know, but most likely after the 17th this'll be done.
Oct 27, 2017
Hilary Rosen is a "Democratic Strategist", she's been around forever. This isn't stopping "Biden surrogate" from appearing on reddit or youtube videos.


Oct 27, 2017
It just seems pretty fucked to me we spent an entire year and a half with a fractured field, decided over night to consolidate it and now it's already decided and over and we somehow have wound up with a massive question mark of a nominee we have no idea will actually perform in a 1v1 contest and are scared for him to be on a debate stage with anyone at all.

I was mostly fine with lax debate rules and so on but maybe all the people screaming about gutting the field faster were correct because there's probably a decent argument to make we should have done the opposite of whatever we did if this is what it led to.
For as big as the field was, only 6 candidates ended up facing voters (in any meaningful way) and only half of them won anything prior to ST. Pete had no path after NV and SC proved non-white voters were largely ignoring him, which immediately sharpened the race into Biden v Bernie. What else should have been done and when? Candidates dropped out as soon as they ran out of cash or ran head on into their lack of viability, which I think is what normally happens.
Oct 26, 2017
I haven't been able to post much lately because of work, but wow what a whirlwind week.

I mean, I agree that there is an opening here and it could potentially be a knockout blow to Trump. But I think it requires a delicate touch. You don't want to cry wolf, but nor do you want to let it go. If the bodies start piling up, how do you show compassion and leadership while also pointing out who's to blame? Dems also care about governing, and they don't want to create a panic- something Republicans don't give a shit about. I don't envy any Dem strategist on this issue.


This can definitely be Trump's "Katrina" but I think it's better for the facts on the ground to push that narrative rather than Democrats trying to hammer that messaging. If you look back on Katrina, it didn't become an ostrich for Bush because Congressional Democrats twisted the knife. It became a PR disaster once there was video footage on the evening news of Americans clinging for their lives on rooftops and horror stories from the SuperDome. Seeing a major American city look like a 3rd world country shocked the rest of the nation and fingers started pointing at the Bush administration when the response ranged from apathetic to incompetent. It was the realization that the government's poor response actually caused more people to die and be in hellhole conditions is what finally tarred Bush with the catastrophe.

Democrats are better to just let events play out. So far Trump has already made himself a prime target if things do end up spiraling out of control. The lack of widespread testing during the initial phases is a CRITICAL mistake this administration made. If they had earlier testing, they could have slowed the spread. Right now the virus is spreading across the country at complete unknown levels. Also the perception that Trump is more concerned about the stock market than public health, it could also catch up to him.

But we'll just need to see how everything plays out. We almost went to World War 3 two months ago, but we narrowly avoided that disaster. It's possible we might escape from this being in the worst-case scenarios, so Democrats need to be careful not to make themselves a target and being accused of overblowing an epidemic and trying to create a panic for political benefit. Trump is already accusing Democrats of this, but right now there's nothing to that for it to stick with the public.

When schools start closing and people can't goto work because businesses are shutting down, even in Red States, people will be pissed. It will be very real to them no matter what spin Trump gives.


Oct 25, 2017
For what it's worth, Hilary Rosen isn't a paid surrogate for Biden, but she is a Democratic Strategist and should be let go immediately.
Just saw the MLK "white explaining" clip from CNN. Utterly disgusting and that person needs to be fired immediately.
To be clear, "Democratic Strategist" doesn't really mean anything. Like, she doesn't work a strategist for the Democratic party. She works for a consulting firm if that is who you want to fire her?


Oct 25, 2017
Congressional Dems are working with the Congressional GOP on a legitimate response to this right now. Trump's admin is actively fucking up horribly, but getting the bill passed with veto-proof majorities before you go on the offense of the WH seems necessary.


Feb 28, 2018
To be clear, "Democratic Strategist" doesn't really mean anything. Like, she doesn't work a strategist for the Democratic party. She works for a consulting firm if that is who you want to fire her?
She should be fired by whoever is her employer because her conduct on that segment was racist and vile.


Nov 27, 2017
What Rosen said was totally unacceptable...but, someone correct me if I'm wrong...she's just a strategist, right? She doesn't have any official ties to Biden's campaign. He can come out and condemn her for her asinine ...whatever that was, but she's not his surrogate.

Edit: Did she do something horrible like this before years ago or am I thinking of someone else?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

The Malpai founders, several of whom are conservative Republicans like McDonald, insist they continue to support strong border security, pointing out their many years of close cooperation with the U.S. Border Patrol to report illegal activity and grant access to their properties.
What they oppose is the decision to put the massive steel barrier here, where they say it is unnecessary, wasteful and destructive. Border Patrol officials argue that the new fencing will safeguard the country for decades to come, but many of the ranching families who live here — and who have spent their lives trying to strike a balance between wildlife and cattle, tradition and regulation — say they have been pushed aside.
The 20-mile stretch of border east of Douglas, Ariz., where crews are working, was once among the busiest places for illegal crossings. But it has been quiet for years, with just a few arrests each month, the families say. Their claims are supported by internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports obtained by The Washington Post that show the area is not a priority for the Border Patrol; it was not among the top 15 locations where the agency said it urgently needed new barriers.
The Trump administration is building here anyway. The president is running for reelection on a promise to complete more than 500 miles of new border fence by early next year. While progress has been extremely slow in Texas, where nearly all of the land is in private hands, this area along the New Mexico-Arizona border has seen the pace of construction accelerate.


Oct 25, 2017
What Rosen said was totally unacceptable...but, someone correct me if I'm wrong...she's just a strategist, right? She doesn't have any official ties to Biden's campaign. He can come out and condemn her for her asinine ...whatever that was, but she's not his surrogate.

Edit: Did she do something horrible like this before years ago or am I thinking of someone else?

She ran the RIAA, she has always been shit. #freenapster

This is what I will always remember her for, but I am sure she has had many controversies since


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
To be clear, "Democratic Strategist" doesn't really mean anything. Like, she doesn't work a strategist for the Democratic party. She works for a consulting firm if that is who you want to fire her?
I mean any company who has hired her should fire her. It's a bad look all around. CNN should never have her on either.

Congressional Dems are working with the Congressional GOP on a legitimate response to this right now. Trump's admin is actively fucking up horribly, but getting the bill passed with veto-proof majorities before you go on the offense of the WH seems necessary.
This is in reference to the 8 billion dollar Covid-19 fund right?


Oct 27, 2017
Is it or isn't it?

Because if you are saying it could be "construed" to be anti-Semitic, then by extension, you are construing Biden is anti-Semitic for saying it.

Is that what you mean?
Biden used a phrase whose etymology can be considered anti-Semitic (or even anti-Irish, though that would have no bearing here). He didn't use it as such, so no, he's not being anti-Semitic. Republicans construed that Schumer was threatening Supreme Court justices when he obviously was parroting Kavanaugh. There are lots of phrases used innocently that have bad history. "Blue blood," "peanut gallery," "grandfather clause," "bulldozer," "tipping point" are all phrases with racist origins.


Nov 30, 2017
Capital markets and publicly traded companies can provide opportunities and resources for small businesses that enable them to be more successful, and in turn large companies rely on the business of smaller business to be viable. They already work together, and Donna's right that we're better together than standing alone.

lmao.... the second worst thing i've seen today

Donna Brazile on Twitter

“We need each other. Main Street and Wall Street must come together. We are #StrongerTogether”

that ratio


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
It seems to be the angle of the picture of a TV. But the hands seem unaltered compared to the hands of the guy on the right. It's the heads that seems stretched and larger than normal.


Oct 30, 2017
Also, I really think if Warren were a man she'd have won. Bernie people need to campaign with greater emotional intelligence, etc., etc. - and she did all of that. America just wasn't ready. I disliked many of her moves at the end but she reminds me a lot of the progressive white women I grew up with like my mom. The attacks and the snake emojis (while coming from a minority) were disheartening to see. Damn this election year just sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden used a phrase whose etymology can be considered anti-Semitic (or even anti-Irish, though that would have no bearing here). He didn't use it as such, so no, he's not being anti-Semitic. Republicans construed that Schumer was threatening Supreme Court justices when he obviously was parroting Kavanaugh. There are lots of phrases used innocently that have bad history. "Blue blood," "peanut gallery," "grandfather clause," "bulldozer," "tipping point" are all phrases with racist origins.

beyond the pale doesn't have any anti-Semtic connotation, or anti-Irish. It literally predates the entire existence of the Pale of Settlement and the English/Irish origin was a legal one. This is an absurd argument. It's an incredibly common idiom that is never used in an anti-semitic fashion (in this country at least). Terms like "grandfather clause" are not the same, because even though they have innocent uses today they had problematic origins as you note. "Beyond the Pale" doesn't

btw, The Pale of Settlement is where jews were allowed to settle. Beyond the pale would be where they were forbidden. As a term roughly equating to "bad" it wouldn't even make sense as an anti-semitic remark
Oct 25, 2017

Zaid Jilani on Twitter

“The best run campaign this year that puched well above its weight was Pete Buttigieg, someone who had zero name ID to start. Really, shouldn't have even been a threat to a high name ID, well funded op like Sanders. But pure competence made him a real factor.”



May 16, 2019
So, here's like the next month with the forecasted frontrunner according to 538:

Michigan (Biden or near split)
Washington (Sanders or near split)
Missouri (Biden, by a lot)
Mississippi (Biden, by a lot)
Idaho (Sanders)
North Dakota (Biden)
Democrats Abroad (Sanders)

Northern Marianas (Biden)

Florida (Biden, by a lot)
Illinois (Biden)
Ohio (Biden)
Arizona (Biden)

Georgia (Biden)

Puerto Rico (Biden)

Louisiana (Biden)
Hawaii (Aloha)
Alaska (Biden)
Wyoming (Biden)

That's... not a potentially good position to be in for Sanders with the delegate counts. And even in a lot of those I marked for Biden, if they split or go slightly for Sanders, that's not going to help the delegate wins for Biden in Florida and the South. Things can change, as we know, but most likely after the 17th this'll be done.
Interesting. I look at this and think "Man, Biden needs to put the hammer down." While the delegate math works out well for him in this scenario, it doesn't amount to an ass kicking. One of my constant criticisms of Hillary was that, as a candidate, she couldn't put her opponents away. They always lingered, and we saw how with a guy like Trump he was always one good punch away from being right back in the fight. With all of Joe's momentum I want to see him put this away with big wins, not just 54/46 splits in big states like Michigan. If this scenario above plays out, then I think Sanders not only stays in to the convention but does see some positive media coverage (or negative Biden coverage) that plays on the idea of a divided Democratic electorate.

Also, my heart refuses to believe that Hawaii will go for Tulsi when Massachusetts didn't go for Warren.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Meridith McGraw @meridithmcgraw

Trump at the CDC: "As of the time I left the plane with you, we had 240 cases, that's at least what was on a very fine network known as Fox News. I know you love it. But that's what I happened to be watching, and how was the show last night? Did it get good ratings by the way?"​

5:06 PM - Mar 6, 2020

David Nakamura @DavidNakamura

During remarks at CDC, Trump has praised "a great network called Fox News" and asked a reporter where she works and when she replies "CNN" he says: "I don't watch CNN. That's why I don't recognize you." (He appeared to be mad that she was smiling while he answered her question.)

5:05 PM - Mar 6, 2020


Nov 27, 2017
Interesting. I look at this and think "Man, Biden needs to put the hammer down." While the delegate math works out well for him in this scenario, it doesn't amount to an ass kicking. One of my constant criticisms of Hillary was that, as a candidate, she couldn't put her opponents away. They always lingered, and we saw how with a guy like Trump he was always one good punch away from being right back in the fight. With all of Joe's momentum I want to see him put this away with big wins, not just 54/46 splits in big states like Michigan. If this scenario above plays out, then I think Sanders not only stays in to the convention but does see some positive media coverage (or negative Biden coverage) that plays on the idea of a divided Democratic electorate.
So, a couple things I think. Florida will absolutely be an ass kicking. Georgia, Mississippi will be massive ass kickings. The media is not going to be as easy on Bernie this time around as they were in 2016 with regard to staying in....and neither is the party itself. Hillary was a monster witch woman with a vaginia who was ENTITLED to the presidency, and so the media was fine with keeping Bernie's happy little train going. That's not going to be the case this time. The thing is, though, you can't really push Bernie out of the race because....the party has no sway over him and he has no sway over it. (That's why he's in the mess he's in.) By the end of the month, we could very well end up with Biden having a 200-300 delegate lead. That's 100% over. No one is going to entertain the idea that he has a snowballs chance in hell of coming back from that.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Biden used a phrase whose etymology can be considered anti-Semitic

Can you provide documentation for this being a know slur? Perhaps it is a translation into English?

(or even anti-Irish, though that would have no bearing here).

Actually it does because that is what comes up when you do google search on on "beyond the pale"- the Irish defintion amd the modern boundary one. The etymology as you say it is not. That is why I asked if is a slur outside USA, because I never hear of it before as a slur. You actual have search "beyond the pale" AND Jewish to bring up "Settlement of Pale".

He didn't use it as such, so no, he's not being anti-Semitic.

Then why did you bring it up with no link to it use as a slur? What was the point?

Republicans construed that Schumer was threatening Supreme Court justices when he obviously was parroting Kavanaugh. There are lots of phrases used innocently that have bad history. "Blue blood," "peanut gallery," "grandfather clause," "bulldozer," "tipping point" are all phrases with racist origins.

Well then you can understand how some can look at your post and think you are calling Biden anti-Semitic because he uses a phrase that might be anti-Semitic.

And now you are using semantics to weasel out of what you really meant towards Biden. You innocently said it could be seen anti-Semtic phrasing from Biden.....
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