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access tv

Oct 25, 2017
How am I not the only VTer on this forum...
. . . and likely neighbors if you're anywhere close to Burlington, hahaha.
So what's the calculus for Bernie's VT senate seat? What happens? Is he going to resign as soon as he has the nomination?
Warren canvassers and I were talking about this. Phil Scott would make an appointment temporarily, and there's some skullduggery around that. Everyone from Zuckerman (progressive Lt. Governor) and the state attorney general were rumoured to be considering runs for Bernie's vacant seat—Zuckerman's aiming for governor now. Sounded like there's a decent dem/prog bench for other positions.

Leahy's getting ancient, so I imagine folks were already thinking about it.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
What can we do to the TX State Senate and House with a +1 to -2 finish for the Democratic nominee there?

I want Trump to be forced to do rallies in McAllen and Denton and Irving in October.
Texas House would still be in play - Beto won a bare majority of the House districts despite losing by nearly three points statewide. Better downticket investment + higher turnout with the presidential race could very well finish the job if the nominee matched Beto's margin.

Texas Senate is trickier, there's one district (#19) Democrats are basically assumed to be the favorites to flip (which would bring the chamber to an 18-13 R majority), but beyond that there aren't really any good pickup opportunities in 2020. In fact there are only two other Republican-held seats that Beto won but aren't up until 2022, at which point they'll have been redrawn anyway. And even if Democrats added those two they'd still be one seat short.


Oct 27, 2017
Seeing Mulvaney's comments to CPAC today about the coronavirus being a liberal hoax, I wonder if this ends up with government officials visibly contracting it but pretending they don't have it, just to avoid contradicting Trump. Then people start disappearing from public view and it's because they want to "spend time with their family" not because they're in the ICU.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Appeals court temporarily halts Trump's policy to make asylum seekers wait in Mexico while cases wind through US.

NEW: Appeals court has re-imposed an injunction that blocks Trump administration from implementing new policy that requires non-Mexican asylum seekers at the border to wait in Mexico while their claims are considered. The court had previously granted a Trump stay request


Oct 25, 2017
. . . and likely neighbors if you're anywhere close to Burlington, hahaha.

Warren canvassers and I were talking about this. Phil Scott would make an appointment temporarily, and there's some skullduggery around that. Everyone from Zuckerman (progressive Lt. Governor) and the state attorney general were rumoured to be considering runs for Bernie's vacant seat—Zuckerman's aiming for governor now. Sounded like there's a decent dem/prog bench for other positions.

Leahy's getting ancient, so I imagine folks were already thinking about it.
Do you expect the legislature to change the law allowing same party appointment?

Verbiage whereby the departing senator is replaced by the party he belonged to or caucused with upon resignation or vacancy
Oct 25, 2017
. . . and likely neighbors if you're anywhere close to Burlington, hahaha.

Warren canvassers and I were talking about this. Phil Scott would make an appointment temporarily, and there's some skullduggery around that. Everyone from Zuckerman (progressive Lt. Governor) and the state attorney general were rumoured to be considering runs for Bernie's vacant seat—Zuckerman's aiming for governor now. Sounded like there's a decent dem/prog bench for other positions.

Leahy's getting ancient, so I imagine folks were already thinking about it.
Are there any socialists considering running for his seat? Lmao. With the amount of pull he has in this state, he should be pushing DSA/JD folks for Governor and Senate.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Zuckerman is a member of the Progressive Party, like Sanders he runs on the Democratic ballot line as well but doesn't consider himself one.
Zuckerman probably won't with the gubernatorial election, but Tim Ashe is probably the closest to Bernie if the nominee and gives up the seat. Especially if Bernie gets the nomination and then resigns his seat to trigger a special.


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Called Lil' Marco Rubio's local office and got some smarmy intern trying to extol the virtues of Senator Dumbass by pointing out he voted for the 2019 budget which included CDC funds. When I asked whether he would make time for his constituents or whether we would be forced to interact with our Senator through YouTube comment sections, the little shit hung up on me.

I am pleased to know they're getting shit on constantly, even in a red Floriduh city


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Oct 25, 2017

Matt Viser @mviser

NEW: Terry McAuliffe has told associates that he may endorse Joe Biden on Sunday if the former vice president turns in a strong first-place finish in Saturday's South Carolina primary. From me @danbalz @michaelscherer: …

1:46 PM - Feb 28, 2020

They must've seen the VA polling.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So how did Trumps press conference go?

Trump's favorite pollster says his approval rating crashed just one day after coronavirus press conference

Rasmussen Reports, the GOP-friendly pollster frequently cited by President Donald Trump, is showing that the president's approval rating fell by five points just one day after his widely panned press conference outlining his response to the coronavirus crisis.According to its latest poll...
According to its latest poll, approval of Trump's job performance dropped from 52 percent to 47 percent in just one day, and the pollster tells the Washington Examiner that continuing bad news about coronavirus is to blame.

"The drop in Trump's approval rating follows more news about the spreading coronavirus and the steep drop in the stock market," the pollster tells the Examiner.




Oct 31, 2017
I just don't get how he wasn't taken down by his dismal debate performances; he well get mauled by Trump. Also his favorability is so damn low among the whole field. I guess the ads really do help. Jesus.

More and more, I'm buying into the "Bloomberg is a resting point for undecided voters" idea. At least until people actually vote and we see him come close to his polling numbers.
Oct 25, 2017
Texas House would still be in play - Beto won a bare majority of the House districts despite losing by nearly three points statewide. Better downticket investment + higher turnout with the presidential race could very well finish the job if the nominee matched Beto's margin.

Texas Senate is trickier, there's one district (#19) Democrats are basically assumed to be the favorites to flip (which would bring the chamber to an 18-13 R majority), but beyond that there aren't really any good pickup opportunities in 2020. In fact there are only two other Republican-held seats that Beto won but aren't up until 2022, at which point they'll have been redrawn anyway. And even if Democrats added those two they'd still be one seat short.

That's reasonable for TX. Just flipping the TX House would be amazing.

Winning TX in the EV, winning the TX Senate, or knocking out Cornyn would be some dream-level shit that I won't even entertain right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Of the incompetence we see on a daily basis, the response to the Corona virus is what has an impact? What I don't understand is how this is any different than how he handles literally everything? Because this has the potential to impact his supporters directly? The guy really is coasting off the economy he inherited.


Oct 25, 2017
I do apologise if this has already been posted today, but this video is fucking blood boiling.

This motherfucking Trump supporter just berates his Muslim Uber (I think it's Uber) driver with non stop terrorism jokes, questions about whether he (the driver) is radicalised, and then proceeds to rail at Blacks, Latinos, and Jews.
Oct 27, 2017
Of the incompetence we see on a daily basis, the response to the Corona virus is what has an impact? What I don't understand is how this is any different than how he handles literally everything? Because this has the potential to impact his supporters directly? The guy really is coasting off the economy he inherited.
Yes. Anyone could get sick. So everyone cares.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Of the incompetence we see on a daily basis, the response to the Corona virus is what has an impact? What I don't understand is how this is any different than how he handles literally everything? Because this has the potential to impact his supporters directly? The guy really is coasting off the economy he inherited.
If I had to guess, the measure by which his supporters rate how high his "crazy like a fox" level is by how well the markets are doing. Him looking like he's fucking up but the market surging while he's doing it makes (stupid) people think that the stupidity is part of a master plan. The markets selling off while it looks like he's doing something dumb makes people actually question whether or not he's just an idiot who got lucky up to this point.

Rasmussen is not a real poll. Don't treat it like one.
Ras is propaganda, for sure, but they probably do track movement because that info is useful for the people they're supporting.


Oct 25, 2017
Of the incompetence we see on a daily basis, the response to the Corona virus is what has an impact? What I don't understand is how this is any different than how he handles literally everything? Because this has the potential to impact his supporters directly? The guy really is coasting off the economy he inherited.

People's lack of confidence in him doing his job properly generally doesn't affect people negatively unless it already was (like his immigration policies). I mean there are conservatives out there that believe they should be able to drown the government in a bathtube with how little it 'should' affect our lives. A global pandemic and lack of confidence in handling it when you or your loved ones are in the crossfire is a whole different situation. This shit crosses barriers, especially in older generations who grew up before the days of most of our vaccines or knew people who went through the spanish flu.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I do apologise if this has already been posted today, but this video is fucking blood boiling.

This motherfucking Trump supporter just berates his Muslim Uber (I think it's Uber) driver with non stop terrorism jokes, questions about whether he (the driver) is radicalised, and then proceeds to rail at Blacks, Latinos, and Jews.

The prototypical Trump supporter. Just completely uninhibited alcohol induced bigotry. Hopefully this guy loses whatever dead end job he is currently holding.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say it is kind of neat that for how many people accused Hillary of acting like she was entitled to the nomination and coasting on name recognition, that's what Joe Biden is actually doing and he's getting slaughtered

If South Carolina and the other Southern states do save him, it'll just barely put him over, whereas Hillary did win some tough races over Bernie and would have still won more pledged delegates if you took red states out of the equation altogether.

(Just crunched the numbers because I'm procrastinating: Hillary won 45 more delegates than Bernie in the 20 states + D.C. which voted for Clinton over Trump, an advantage that widens to 54 if you add WI/MI/PA, the "blue wall" states in, and 143 if you add IA, OH and FL, the three other Obama-Trump states on top of that)

Somehow I doubt that holds true for Biden this year!
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't expect Hillary to be a thousand times better at running for POTUS than Joe Biden, but I guess looking at their histories, I should have.

And I think Hillary was a poor candidate who, besides running against sexism and the FBI, also made bad hires (Robby FUCKING Mook) and was outright invisible as a campaigner in the GE.

Let me say it one more time: This field of candidates sucks.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Sent in my ballot for Bernie this morning in California. Hope he wins big here and Texas to build momentum for the convention.


Oct 31, 2017
I wonder how much the Very Online contingent of left-wingers who hate 'wine moms' and have a weird visceral hate for Warrant not dropping out immediately (as opposed to most Bernie supporters, who like most Democrat's, also like Warren, Biden, Pelosi, etc.) hate them because they're disproportionately young men who probably got told by their Mom to stop playing video games and get a job?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I wonder how much the Very Online contingent of left-wingers who hate 'wine moms' and have a weird visceral hate for Warrant not dropping out immediately (as opposed to most Bernie supporters, who like most Democrat's, also like Warren, Biden, Pelosi, etc.) hate them because they're disproportionately young men who probably got told by their Mom to stop playing video games and get a job?
It's not my fault she was late with my nuggies.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how much the Very Online contingent of left-wingers who hate 'wine moms' and have a weird visceral hate for Warrant not dropping out immediately (as opposed to most Bernie supporters, who like most Democrat's, also like Warren, Biden, Pelosi, etc.) hate them because they're disproportionately young men who probably got told by their Mom to stop playing video games and get a job?
Most authority figures being female for kids->teens definitely has a major impact with these attitudes.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how much the Very Online contingent of left-wingers who hate 'wine moms' and have a weird visceral hate for Warrant not dropping out immediately (as opposed to most Bernie supporters, who like most Democrat's, also like Warren, Biden, Pelosi, etc.) hate them because they're disproportionately young men who probably got told by their Mom to stop playing video games and get a job?

I'm not a big Bernie fan and Warren is my choice, and I'm as annoyed by the Warren hate from Very Bernie people as anyone... but this seems really not helpful.
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