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Oct 27, 2017
I like to think that a lot of the working class in Nevada know what it's like to have an abusive boss.

They see right through her.

Wait, Sony isn't showing up because they think Boston is like a plague zone?
Sony is not showing up because they don't want to subject their large, multi-national workforce to a voluntary event with a worldwide attendance.

They canceled GDC as well (so did Facebook). They've decided it's not worth it to them to be in attendance.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Pete in 8-12 years is going to be a power house when he does over time work to gain grounds with minorities and has developed the power/influence to gain the money he needs. He has shown himself to be a potential threat with enough prep time.
He needs to actually run and win an elected office for that to happen. No one is going to care about a guy who was a town mayor a decade ago.


Oct 26, 2017
Who the fuck are these "insider consultants" candidates are employing who don't recommend them do basic shit like this?

Spanish outreach in particular is hard, Spanish language polling is basically a black box to pollsters as far as I can tell, they never seem to be able to crack it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
He needs to actually run and win an elected office for that to happen. No one is going to care about a guy who was a town mayor a decade ago.
He should definitely run for a higher elected office to show a winning record and expand his influence/power. Maybe make amends/corrections for his tenure as mayor.


Nov 2, 2017
Pete in 8-12 years is going to be a power house when he does over time work to gain grounds with minorities and has developed the power/influence to gain the money he needs. He has shown himself to be a potential threat with enough prep time.

If this was the 90s, 2000s and early 2010s yes. But people are sick and tired of these typical fake ass politicans with their platitudes and ever changing stances. Once the boomers start to die off politicans like him will thankfully and hopefully be a thing of the past. Young people want authenticity and sincerity.
Not to mention his problems with poc won't magically go away.

AOC is the next president in line


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
AOC hell yes. But AOC has to contend against candidates like Pete Buttiegeg opposite her. Unless Pete takes cues from a Sanders win and shifts to a more progressive side.


Oct 26, 2017
Missed this yesterday, but it's good.

I also hesitate to think that a lone busdriver will really stop a group of armed federal agents if push comes to shove, ICE has shown their willingness to just push boundaries. Still better than nothing.


Oct 31, 2017
If this was the 90s, 2000s and early 2010s yes. But people are sick and tired of these typical fake ass politicans with their platitudes and ever changing stances. Once the boomers start to die off politicans like him will thankfully and hopefully be a thing of the past. Young people want authenticity and sincerity.
Not to mention his problems with poc won't magically go away.

AOC is the next president in line

I mean, the reality is that the next President after Bernie is likely currenly Ron DeSantis or some other shitty Republican Governor who can learn to moderate enough to be incredibly popular while in office, due to the fact the American people don't like giving parties third terms or giving President's with bad economies re-election victories.


Oct 26, 2017

Warren def got a bump, but it's like getting one after the train already is out the station wrt to early votes it seems.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuando estudiaba en escuela, me llamaba "Elena." Elena...Elena...POR QUEEEEEEEE NEVADAAAAA

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
They didn't have the presidency (and in fact would get blown out in President races until 1992) which you need to do stuff like Healthcare reform and Southern Democrats were basically all modern Republicans in ideology until just recently. The 2018 House Majority is the first time in decades the Dem Majority hasn't been made from a huge segment of rural/conservative districts.

please don't erase jimmy carter.

and that doesn't change the fact that the democratic party was not a minority party for half a century, even if some of those democrats were highly unpleasant.


Oct 25, 2017
If this was the 90s, 2000s and early 2010s yes. But people are sick and tired of these typical fake ass politicans with their platitudes and ever changing stances. Once the boomers start to die off politicans like him will thankfully and hopefully be a thing of the past. Young people want authenticity and sincerity.
Not to mention his problems with poc won't magically go away.

AOC is the next president in line

Pete has consistently done well with young voters so far in these causes/primaries. There are lots of people who will/would vote for someone like Pete with glee in the future. He just needs to find a district/state with the right demographic fit for him (lots of white people) that a Democrat can reasonably be expected to win in (probably outside Indiana).


Oct 30, 2017
He needs to actually run and win an elected office for that to happen. No one is going to care about a guy who was a town mayor a decade ago.
Exactly. If he wants to take another stab at being president, it better be after he's got some accomplishments. I suppose it's hard to run for Senate in Indiana, but that doesn't mean it makes sense to jump from mayor to president.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Van Jones called out "other stations" for melting down over Bernie momentum lol.
Oct 28, 2017
Who the fuck are these "insider consultants" candidates are employing who don't recommend them do basic shit like this?

There's a lot of political consultants who are honestly no better than you and me. They're grifters, like those guys who developed an app for the Iowa despite having like less experience than a graduate group of computer science students (because most of them would have small actual jobs).


Jun 19, 2018
Sadly for Warren, any momentum she may have gotten for that debate is probably going to get stopped by Bernie's Nevada perfomance. And the cycle may repeat next week.


Oct 25, 2017
oh we're really going here then. how many people y'all know who have died from not having healthcare? from having shit healthcare? how many people have you watched wilt away while you sit, knowing you can do nothing? how many friends have you lost to suicide, people you've begged to get help but have no answer for when they say they can't afford therapy, psychiatrists, or livesaving drugs?

i can't count the number of people i've lost on two hands anymore. and i'm seeing the inevitability of more joining that list within my family and friend circle as we speak.

68,000 people die literally every year from lack of health insurance and being underinsured. sixty eight fucking thousand people a year. so don't tell me universal healthcare isn't one of the most meaningful movements of the modern era. you can take that shit with you when you get out of my face.
In 1960 you had gigantic % of the black population in this country living under a thinly veiled apartheid state. Through the 1960s, the Democrats had maintained their coalition by making concessions to racist white voters like leaving black people out of FHA benefits, raising benefits for all, but making sure minorities got less of the pie. When the Democrats decided to stop doing that and challenge the Jim Crow apartheid state in the South, it cost them a gigantic chunk of their white voters, and sent the party into the wilderness for almost all of the following half-century. It turns out, unfortunately, a majority of white people have actively wanted to live in a nation where nonwhite people are literally second class citizens. The North won the civil war, but it lost Reconstruction, and the nation has been paying for that loss for the past 150 years.

The idea that the consequences of patching up our healthcare system to fill in the gaps will be on par with those faced by the party when they dared to reject white supremacy and were rewarded by a massive loss in political power due to white voters who were more concerned with denying benefits to minorities than expanding them for themselves is completely wrong. This has nothing to do with "meaning" and everything to do with the median white voter in America being a racist piece of shit who would actively vote to prevent UHC rather than letting minorities gain any benefit. Racism is the explicit reason so many things aren't to the level they are in many other countries w/ far more homogenous populations.

There are major issue with suicide, and I emphasize with what you've had to witness. I've had friends get addicted to drugs, and had to watch helplessly as their lives spiral out of control. Thankfully, they got sent to prison/rehab in time. Unfortunately, while UHC will help, those patterns of increase likely aren't directly related to healthcare at their core and will continue to be a problem that needs individually tailored solutions, as the increase in suicide rates specifically correlates with education and geography more than anything else.


Nov 30, 2017

Bernie legit put a lot of resources in the state months ago. Like, dramatically more and earlier than anyone else by an order of magnitude. Everyone's been memeing about "I need your support" for weeks but Sanders has repeatedly brought in more bank and used it and that matters.

AOC hell yes. But AOC has to contend against candidates like Pete Buttiegeg opposite her. Unless Pete takes cues from a Sanders win and shifts to a more progressive side.

Pete's is plenty progressive! It's really important not to conflate progressive positions as the same as populist ones.

He literally started from nothing vs. the former VP of the US, sitting Senators, one of which has a huge cult of personality with them. When you have to fight for name rec you can't do other things you need to do b/c without name rec you're lost. In that lens, his performance is remarkable, and speaks volumes to his ability as a talented politician and a competent administrator.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw someone post this in the primary thread, but uh


Bernie's definitely in good shape.
If that ratio keeps up, there goes the "but the moderates actually won" narrative. Probably won't though?


Oct 25, 2017
haven't the democrats had the majority in both the house and the senate for most of time since the 60s, including all of the 70s? republican majorities seem to have been brief in comparison, so calling the democrats a minority party seems hyperbolic at best.
This is a very misleading statistic until you get to the '90s, as the post-1968 realignment that kicked off with Nixon's Southern Strategy meant the previously regional, ideologically mixed parties were almost immediately starting to sort into completely new coalitions with completely different dividing lines based on social issues. Voters shifted at the Presidential level faster than they and politicians did downballot, and many Dixiecrats who would eventually flip were with the party for a long time. You know Senator Shelby? He was a Democrat until 1995! So while Dems had a nominal majority, it was not an ideologically cohesive one, and it was one that obscured just how badly the party was being gutted by the changes in white voter habits following Civil Rights. (Gonna link Osita N's piece on this time period for the billionth time: )


Nov 18, 2017
Is there an explicit endorsement of Trump over Sanders here? From this clip and from what I've watched on the network today, I don't see how he's saying that he would prefer 4 more years of Trump. More like, maybe after 4 years of a Sanders presidency, they'd want someone else.
Does it have to be explicit? He's clearly projecting his own feelings onto moderates.


Nov 6, 2017
If current results hold Bernie will have 48 of the 101 delegates so far. Currently beating Biden 27-9 in NV.


Oct 25, 2017
please don't erase jimmy carter.

and that doesn't change the fact that the democratic party was not a minority party for half a century, even if some of those democrats were highly unpleasant.

I mean Jimmy Carter didn't really accomplish much, barely squeaked by Ford (due to the Watergate scandal) and then got crushed by the Reagen Revolution (built on the back of the Southern Strategy which was built in part from the backlash to the Civil Rights movement). Democrats held the WH for only 4 years between 1968 and 1992. The majorities in the Senate and House were built on the backs of mostly Southern Democrats who were basically klansmen in suits and as they died or retired, they were replaced by Republicans. That impacted the legislation they could push. Unless you want to get really semantical, its very obvious what "pushing Civil Rights made the Dems a minority party for decades" means.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Curious to see that M4A is polling very well in the 3 states so far (very high in Nevada despite being a union heavy state). This might be costing the moderates votes.
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