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Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Are there any recent polls on what people believe is broken in America?

I'm curious if more people say income inequality vs government corruption

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017

Was he trying to throw shade at Steyer? Certainly couldn't have been so obtuse about trying to hit Bloomberg with this.
Oct 26, 2017
Until Biden actually demonstrate he is electable in real primaries and caucuses (and not in polls) then Bernie is by far the most electable candidate of the field. This is also supported by polls.

What's frustrating that this is a symptom of Iowa and NH being the first states even though they don't represent the larger Democratic party whatsoever.

So we're eliminating people and anointing others as electable before a single vote has been cast in a diverse state that actually looks like the Democratic party.

Imagine what this race would look like if Illinois was the first state? But instead we basically let the homogeneous states be the King makers.
Oct 26, 2017

Was he trying to throw shade at Steyer? Certainly couldn't have been so obtuse about trying to hit Bloomberg with this.

I'd like to see a new requirement for President that you would have to hold at least one elected office, so there's some semblance of a governing track record to inform voters. This would get rid of people like Steyer, Yang, Queen Orb, Trump, Hermaine Cain, and other grifters and book tour candidates.

Pete's experience is very thin, but at least there's some kind of track record to look at and we know he has problems dealing with law enforcement and civil rights. If Trump had been mayor even of a small town, he never would have been able to run for President because he would probably already be in jail right now.


Oct 25, 2017
problem is that even if Sinn Fein had completely and utterly dropped every single iota of republican sentiment and historical context- and even if it magically had an appealing platform for unionists on policy and philosophy- the brand is absolutely impossible for almost every single unionist to accept let alone vote for. If it were America it would be the equivalent of asking African Americans to vote for a progressive, tolerant member of a completely reformed "Ku Klux Klan party"
Unionists are irrelevant in the Republic, that only affects NI.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
What's frustrating that this is a symptom of Iowa and NH being the first states even though they don't represent the larger Democratic party whatsoever.

So we're eliminating people and anointing others as electable before a single vote has been cast in a diverse state that actually looks like the Democratic party.

Imagine what this race would look like if Illinois was the first state? But instead we basically let the homogeneous states be the King makers.
So Biden loses older white people votes to weaker candidates and gets practically none of the minority votes from Iowa (satellite or otherwise) yet it is expected that he will get votes from swing voters when Trump is on the ballot? This guy is getting his lunch eaten by no PAC money Klobachar and small time Mayor Pete, this guy would get demolished by Trump in the GE. Arguably even his AA vote isn't THAT strong when you have Steyer and Bloomberg eating into his support (Bernie as well).

This is basically a recipe for a Hillary 2016 loss yet again. What does getting the black vote do (who are going to vote Democrat regardless of its Sanders or Biden on the ticket) when you are still highly vulnerable to having your votes siphoned off in swing states? Let me remind that Biden has $9 million on hand.... Bernie made $25 million in January alone (as like a comparison). He has a poorly run campaign, not enough money in the bank and his argument for elect ability isn't shown yet.

That said I 100% agree that NH/Iowa shouldn't be at the start. I put my vote in for Georgia or North Carolina.


Oct 27, 2017
What's frustrating that this is a symptom of Iowa and NH being the first states even though they don't represent the larger Democratic party whatsoever.

So we're eliminating people and anointing others as electable before a single vote has been cast in a diverse state that actually looks like the Democratic party.

Imagine what this race would look like if Illinois was the first state? But instead we basically let the homogeneous states be the King makers.
Didn't it help Obama's electability case immensely that he got to prove in Iowa he can win over (moderate/rural) white voters? Conversely, wouldn't have people dismissed his electability to some extent if SC (or indeed, his home state Illinois) had gone first and had he won it? Obama seems like an inevitability in hindsight but it was actually a pretty tight race, so tight in fact that Hillary won the popular vote!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The Chosen One Bloomberg might be your guy if you want to beat Trump and don't want Sanders up there against him.

You just have to take the gamble that African Americans hate Trump more than they hate Bloomberg. His head to head margins are at least on par with Sanders.

The debates between the two are going to be hilarious:

"You are short and have small hands!"

"... I have more money than you!"


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Why were the polls so wrong about Biden and his enormous lead over the entire field?
They were only wrong about Iowa but it's also a caucus state and caucuses are harder to predict.

Biden' wasn't really expected to win but he wasn't really expected to do worse than 2nd place. It was an under perform where as Pete over performed.
Oct 26, 2017
The Chosen One Bloomberg might be your guy if you want to beat Trump and don't want Sanders up there against him.

You just have to take the gamble that African Americans hate Trump more than they hate Bloomberg. His head to head margins are at least on par with Sanders.

The debates between the two are going to be hilarious:

"You are short and have small hands!"

"... I have more money than you!"

Yeah I'm honestly not sure who to support anymore. After Harris dropped out, I reluctantly switched to Biden. Primarily because I saw data that he put the Senate in play. Getting a trifecta would be HUGE to fix the mess of the last 4 years and start moving forward.

I expected Biden to do mediocre in the first couple of states but I think what messed him up was the raised expectations from the last round of Iowa polls leading up to election day and then having anemic 4th place finish. It meant he finished below expectations and of course it's in Sanders, Booty, Warren, and Klob's interest to keep putting the spotlight on Biden's poor Iowa finish. It was definitely a miscalculation by the Biden campaign to not put more resources into Iowa thinking they could coast to SC.

What I don't understand is that if you don't like Pete because of his record with the south bend PD then how can you like Bloomberg? To me they have the exact same issue. Bloomberg has benefited by not being in any of the debates because he can just project the image he wants without any incoming. I want to see how he is in a debate so I can get a sense of where he is on certain issues and his demeanor.

I'm not a fan of another billionaire in the WH and someone who literally bought themself into the race. But if he can beat Trump and puts the Senate in play.... He does have executive experience at a major city, so he's not untested. I may not be a bleeding heart liberal, but I do want a progressive / left center President. Not someone straight down the middle or center right. Otherwise a lot of things Trump did may not be reversed / fixed. Where is Bloomberg on the idealogical scale?


Oct 28, 2017
They weren't. Those polls are national.

And in states like Texas where there's recent data Biden is way ahead, and in California Sanders. I'm amazed people are seriously taking about Buttigieg. Iowa doesn't matter at all because it's a tiny white state with caucus instead of votes.

Edit: For the primary. Iowans please vote Democrat in the general. :)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
To put it bluntly... Bloomberg is a rich old straight white guy with political experience. That puts him far ahead of Pete as far as head to head against Trump goes. And he is also blanketing the airwaves and FB with ads.

Bloomberg is to the right of Biden. Dictator apologist, transphobic, racist policy implementation, former party flip flopper (D then R then D). Probably the most conservative candidate on that nominee list by a considerable margin.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point I would strongly, strongly recommend just straight up voting for the candidate you want to win and/or have power in the event of a contested convention. Because if we end up with no one actually gaining momentum, who controls the bargaining chips at the convention will matter a la a multiparty system that so many want.


Oct 25, 2017
Warren's pitch as being the uniter is probably too late, and support for the old white men is too entrenched, but given the fractured field it makes sense.

Too bad no one's listening, so good luck with that brokered convention.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
At this point I would strongly, strongly recommend just straight up voting for the candidate you want to win and/or have power in the event of a contested convention. Because if we end up with no one actually gaining momentum, who controls the bargaining chips at the convention will matter a la a multiparty system that so many want.
This is good advice, vote for who you want in the primary then vote Democrat in general. It shouldn't be this complicated.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Did folk know about this? Buttigieg supports compulsory military service out of high school.

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Oct 25, 2017
Here's the full thing:

Pete Buttigieg Official Website

The official website of former Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Step 1: Service for All (who want it)

Fund the Serve America Act to increase paid service opportunities from 75,000 to 250,000 in the existing federal and AmeriCorps grantee organizations and through new Service Year Fellowships, targeting high school, community college, vocational, HBCUs and MSI students, and opportunity youth (out of school and work). Emphasis is placed on high-quality service positions, on-the-job training, leadership development, and mentor-mentee sponsoring.
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