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Oct 29, 2017
More like he knows he is fucked in NH with it being just a few days away and Bernard and Booty are likely eating his lunch there too. 538 has him as a distant third there now. May as well focus somewhere he might be able to make a dent since it's not for 2 weeks. They are still rating him as #2 in Nevada despite their model completely torpedoing him.

Problem is, a bad placing in NH makes the job even harder in NV. And it's a caucus!


Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie maintains the same energy and humanity he showed tonight in his town hall he is going to win the nomination and beat trump.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Even if Bernie didn't win on the error fixes would be weird for Pete to claim a strange made up unnecessary system that isn't codified into law or the constitution or there at all for any logical reason that somehow gives him the win even though he got less votes means he won when abolishing EC is one of his major platforms


Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie maintains the same energy and humanity he showed tonight in his town hall he is going to win the nomination and beat trump.

Going to be fascinating to see how Dem House/Senate candidates (in purple/battleground states) will react to Sanders being at the top of the ticket. It may not be a good thing at all from Dems in such states. Equally fascinating will be how Sanders supporters will treat them.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I had just assumed that Biden was going to be the front runner that I took it as a fact. Kind of crazy to think he might not get it but it's also scary because Pete will straight up lose if he goes against Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Trolling


Oct 27, 2017
Biden failed himself hard it appears. Maybe too early to tell but it increasingly comes closer to this being another failed run for him. Maybe he can hold onto the lead he has in polling but everyone smells the blood in the water from Pete to Bloomberg. They're going to come for him and I'm not sure if he can withstand everything coming his way.

Biden has always been a true Paper Tiger. It's why his polling, and the argument for the downticket upside that so many people bought into, has always been overstated. It is reminiscent, but worse in the way that Biden isn't an Obama level Candidate much less on Hilary Clinton's level.

You don't take chances on candidates with poor instincts and low voter enthusiasm. The arguement for Biden, that we must unify and put our differences aside, has always applied much more to Sanders than Biden. Sanders connects with voters to an increasing degree, and has red hot enthusiasm. If you want people to show up and to fight tooth and nail to unseat Trump? Sanders is the unity Candidate.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Even if Bernie didn't win on the error fixes would be weird for Pete to claim a strange made up unnecessary system that isn't codified into law or the constitution or there at all for any logical reason that somehow gives him the win even though he got less votes means he won when abolishing EC is one of his major platforms
I think Buttiegeg said he isn't going to ask to re-canvas the votes after this. I could be wrong on this.

Tomorrow is the deadline to file so we'll see what happens.


Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't the government just federally mandate the minimum teacher salary at 60k and then pass a funding bill to provide schools with additional funds to make up the gap between what the school can afford to pay and what the minimum salary would be? That would also be a good solution to bring more teachers to states that otherwise can't afford to pay them well.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, talk about pettiness

None of this is surprising. Of course one fucking second after impeachment was done he would remove him.
Problem is, a bad placing in NH makes the job even harder in NV. And it's a caucus!
I think NH is a lost cause rn for him. But still, a final push could help. Double-edged sword.

I can't believe Biden could be donezo but it's happening. Unfortunately no thanks to Forma. :(


Nov 30, 2017
What's actually going to be even more fascinating is if Bernie can ever get above 35% even after some candidates drop out.

I keep thinking there is going to be a last moderate standing+Bernie w/ neither one having control because Bloomberg scooped out 12-15%. Dunno how the party works through that.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Going to be fascinating to see how Dem House/Senate candidates (in purple/battleground states) will react to Sanders being at the top of the ticket. It may not be a good thing at all from Dems in such states. Equally fascinating will be how Sanders supporters will treat them.
Look on the other side. Bend the knee or be ascribed a Never Bernie fake Democrat.


Oct 27, 2017
Insisting the senate majority leader will decide to sign on to your single payer health care bill because of some magical unicorn revolution that doesn't exist is some Trumpian snake oil shit. It's nauseating.
The reality is that, it doesn't matter who the Democratic nominee is, unless the Dems win back control of the Senate, Republicans will stonewall every piece of legislation put forward by Democrats. Bernie, Buttigieg, Biden -- it doesn't matter. If we don't have the Senate, the best we can hope for is executive orders, but something as big as Medicare for All isn't going to be implemented via executive order without being shut down in the courts. Our only hope for stuff like that is Senate control. Smaller stuff like marijuana legalization, gun control studies, declaring climate change a national emergency, etc., could all be done via executive order. All the other pie-in-the sky promises any candidate makes isn't going to pass unless Dems have control of all three houses.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is just... bad at campaigning. His rallies are boring, he sucks in debates, he can't fundraise for shit, he can't handle criticism (who the fuck tells people to vote for someone else in an election?). Three presidential campaigns and he has yet to win a single primary.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden has always been a true Paper Tiger. It's why his polling, and the argument for the downticket upside that so many people bought into, has always been overstated. It is reminiscent, but worse in the way that Biden isn't an Obama level Candidate much less on Hilary Clinton's level.

You don't take chances on candidates with poor instincts and low voter enthusiasm. The arguement for Biden, that we must unify and put our differences aside, has always applied much more to Sanders than Biden. Sanders connects with voters to an increasing degree, and has red hot enthusiasm. If you want people to show up and to fight tooth and nail to unseat Trump? Sanders is the unity Candidate.

Yeah, Biden is a paper tiger. If he could have had a strong showing in Iowa he could have cemented himself the force he tried to be. Now things are up in the air. Maybe this won't matter and Biden crushes it in SC and elsewhere but his campaign certainly won't take it for granted now.

Regarding Sanders being a unity have to deal with the fact that a large chunk of Dems will at the very least be uncomfortable with Sanders for a number of reasons. Maybe it is overblown but the conversations I've had with people both old and young have me concerned regarding Sanders.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is just... bad at campaigning. His rallies are boring, he sucks in debates, he can't fundraise for shit, he can't handle criticism (who the fuck tells people to vote for someone else in an election?). Three presidential campaigns and he has yet to win a single primary.
Perhaps the malarkey was him all along


Oct 27, 2017
Even if Bernie didn't win on the error fixes would be weird for Pete to claim a strange made up unnecessary system that isn't codified into law or the constitution or there at all for any logical reason that somehow gives him the win even though he got less votes means he won when abolishing EC is one of his major platforms
Wanting to abolish the Electoral College doesn't mean you still don't need 270 to declare victory.

Pete's campaign specifically built an organizing strategy around squeezing as many SDEs as they could out of these less populated rural areas. It's a strategy that worked, if just barely. Not his fault Iowa has these fucking arcane ideas for allocating votes to delegates. You play by the rules you're handed.

You don't take chances on candidates with poor instincts and low voter enthusiasm. The arguement for Biden, that we must unify and put our differences aside, has always applied much more to Sanders than Biden. Sanders connects with voters to an increasing degree, and has red hot enthusiasm. If you want people to show up and to fight tooth and nail to unseat Trump? Sanders is the unity Candidate.
Other primaries may bear this out but as of now the only contest we have to go by is Iowa, where Bernie and Pete are basically dead even, so I don't know I feel comfortable thinking Bernie and Bernie alone has this red-hot enthusiasm that no one else can replicate.

that said, I feel like NV could be a gamechanger for his campaign.
Oct 28, 2017
The CNN black Democrats focus group basically showed Biden's problem. They all kind of support him solely because they think that he's probably the most electable. Only a single person chose to support him in the primary because the only thing he brings to the table is the nebulous concept of electability. All the other candidates either offer the same thing, but better, or offer more of what people actually want.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Alexander Vindman could be out of a job at the White House as soon as tomorrow morning. Story by @nwadhams and me. …

Some of the officials being targeted for removal from the NSC would be reassigned because they're perceived as being disloyal to the president, three people familiar with the matter said on condition of anonymity owing to the sensitivity of personnel moves.

Senior officials were informed on Thursday that some staff would be leaving the White House, the people added. The moves have been in the works since at least last week and could come as soon as Friday.

The departure of Vindman could trigger objections from Democrats and possibly some Republicans. Those concerns could mount if the Trump administration acts against additional government officials.

The plan to remove him suggests that the White House is feeling emboldened to retaliate against those Trump blames for making him the third U.S. president to be impeached by the House.

Vindman has not been told of any change in his status, according to a person close to his legal team, and plans to show up for work until told otherwise. His twin, Yevgeny Vindman, also remains at the NSC and is not aware of any change in his status, that person added.

Trump demands loyalty from his top aides and has repeatedly dismissed officials after they disagreed with him or made critical comments behind his back. The latest actions go further by taking aim at lower-level officials in non-partisan positions.

Dude, what if Vindman is finding this out right now and finding out he's being fired in the morning?


Oct 27, 2017
The reality is that, it doesn't matter who the Democratic nominee is, unless the Dems win back control of the Senate, Republicans will stonewall every piece of legislation put forward by Democrats. Bernie, Buttigieg, Biden -- it doesn't matter. If we don't have the Senate, the best we can hope for is executive orders, but something as big as Medicare for All isn't going to be implemented via executive order without being shut down in the courts. Our only hope for stuff like that is Senate control. Smaller stuff like marijuana legalization, gun control studies, declaring climate change a national emergency, etc., could all be done via executive order. All the other pie-in-the sky promises any candidate makes isn't going to pass unless Dems have control of all three houses.
Oh I know none of it matters without the senate, and that everything possible to block is going to be blocked anyway. That's actually my biggest concern/complaint about Sanders as the nominee. It's not that he'd personally be bad at the job, it's that he'd be unable to drag enough senate seats in for a majority. Subsequently he'd accomplish next to nothing of the big stuff he talks about.

I've entirely written off stuff like single payer which you couldn't get passed with like 70 dem seats. Just getting any majority at all should be the priority. That whole Socialism brand thing is not something that you want to try to make your winning message in purple states. The only reason I'd be remotely content to settle for Biden is because he is absolutely the best shot at getting the senate. Sanders wouldn't even get a cabinet confirmed if McConnell was in charge.
Nov 20, 2017

*ominous rumbling from a distance*

Bernie Sanders is holding steady at 24 percent, but Buttigieg is up four points over last night with 23 percent, a virtual tie in a survey with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Elizabeth Warren takes over third place with 13 percent, and Joe Biden slips to fourth with 11 percent.

Mayor Pete's gains don't seem to be coming at the expense of Sanders, whose numbers haven't changed much all week. Instead, Buttigieg seems to be attracting registered Democrats. And his biggest gains appear to be raided from key backers of Warren and Biden.
Oct 26, 2017

Bernie Sanders is holding steady at 24 percent, but Buttigieg is up four points over last night with 23 percent, a virtual tie in a survey with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Elizabeth Warren takes over third place with 13 percent, and Joe Biden slips to fourth with 11 percent.

Mayor Pete's gains don't seem to be coming at the expense of Sanders, whose numbers haven't changed much all week. Instead, Buttigieg seems to be attracting registered Democrats. And his biggest gains appear to be raided from key backers of Warren and Biden.

Pete could definitely win this if he got Amy and Bloomberg to drop out and endorse him.

The issue is Amy absolutely hates Pete.


Oct 27, 2017

Bernie Sanders is holding steady at 24 percent, but Buttigieg is up four points over last night with 23 percent, a virtual tie in a survey with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Elizabeth Warren takes over third place with 13 percent, and Joe Biden slips to fourth with 11 percent.

Mayor Pete's gains don't seem to be coming at the expense of Sanders, whose numbers haven't changed much all week. Instead, Buttigieg seems to be attracting registered Democrats. And his biggest gains appear to be raided from key backers of Warren and Biden.
If that holds, Warren is probably finished after NH.


Oct 29, 2017

Bernie Sanders is holding steady at 24 percent, but Buttigieg is up four points over last night with 23 percent, a virtual tie in a survey with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Elizabeth Warren takes over third place with 13 percent, and Joe Biden slips to fourth with 11 percent.

Mayor Pete's gains don't seem to be coming at the expense of Sanders, whose numbers haven't changed much all week. Instead, Buttigieg seems to be attracting registered Democrats. And his biggest gains appear to be raided from key backers of Warren and Biden.

Warren and Biden below viability yikes


Nov 30, 2017
Biden is just... bad at campaigning. His rallies are boring, he sucks in debates, he can't fundraise for shit, he can't handle criticism (who the fuck tells people to vote for someone else in an election?). Three presidential campaigns and he has yet to win a single primary.

People wanted Vice-President Biden, not candidate Biden. His message is all wrong. Instead of trying to go back to a place we can't go to, instead he should have been talking about winning super big and forcing a Republican minority into a never-ending series of bad situations while using the regulatory apparatus to dismantle their extraparty institutions .


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Biden's collapse was always a matter of when, not if. But then I counted Bernie out in a competitive field too, thinking people who didn't like him would already be coallesing around one or two others.


Oct 25, 2017

Bernie Sanders is holding steady at 24 percent, but Buttigieg is up four points over last night with 23 percent, a virtual tie in a survey with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Elizabeth Warren takes over third place with 13 percent, and Joe Biden slips to fourth with 11 percent.

Mayor Pete's gains don't seem to be coming at the expense of Sanders, whose numbers haven't changed much all week. Instead, Buttigieg seems to be attracting registered Democrats. And his biggest gains appear to be raided from key backers of Warren and Biden.

Oh lordy.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Issue for Pete is the moment he steps into NV or more importantly S.C., he's going to get clobbered. Dude's got like negative black support. Like that shit might as well be in the basement. Sooooo where does it go?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Biden gonna go ham on Buttiegeg and attack him on experience.

And Buttiegeg gonna clap back with "what you have done ... really?"
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