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Nov 27, 2017
You know what's sad? When I read that story my response was
"Oh, ya, of course they did."
Like that's where I am now. It's just a background thing to the horribleness that is LITERALLY : gesticulates wildly:


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
No I can say I did not expect an assassination attempt plot on our own diplomat in search of fox news bullshit.

Nah that's too crazy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No I can say I did not expect an assassination attempt plot on our own diplomat in search of fox news bullshit.

Nah that's too crazy.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
What I find most disturbing is that I don't find this surprising in the least. It's exactly what I expect from an operation headed by Trump

More than a mini dictator Trump acts like a mini mob boss and I also wouldn't be surprised that this whole thing is due to Trumps stupidity in sticking to what he knows.

Trump burned all his actual "fixers" in the Mueller investigation and was forced to employ deranged people to conduct his deranged requests. Hyde might just be some slob they got who was willing to go to Ukraine for free and do this nonsense. What's crazy is for all his faults I'm surprised at how low Giuliani has fallen. Like the man should be hobknobbing with billionaires in NYC but his love of fame likely is going to land him in jail.


Oct 28, 2017
f all of this debate talk. They are threatening to harm an ambassador. That should be the discussion until things are brought to the light.

Boom Roasted

Feb 8, 2018
I'm a Sanders and Warren supporter. Bernie's my 1A and Liz is 1B.

That said, I'm frustrated with how both of them are handling this manufactured controversy. I'm sure they both know that this is a basic divide and conquer attempt, since Bernie is rising in the polls and there's some fluidity between supporters of his and Warren's respective campaigns. Despite what should be obvious, both of them are playing into this which only serves the establishment candidates. Senator Warren elevated Klobuchar at last night's debate. Why?! For cheap political points? Maybe it would be easier to convey my frustrations if I outline them for each campaign.

Warren: I think her playing into implicit accusations of Sanders being sexist or misogynistic reeks of desperation. She's an inspirational candidate. She inspires me. I believe in her as a leader and I believe in her policies, but this just feels beneath her and is, frankly, uninspiring.

Sanders: This was an opportunity to take the high road and say something like "Senator Warren and I shared a candid conversation a year ago. It was a private conversation between friends so I will not go into details regarding what was said. What I didn't say was that a woman couldn't be President. What I will say now and attempted to convey then is that the last election put a spotlight on the pervasiveness of sexism in this country and that, as President, I will do everything in my power to eliminate the barriers that sexism creates." Then he could go into examples like recruiting Senator Warren to run for president. Instead, during the debate, he addressed the surface issue of whether or not a woman could be President and left the implicit issue of sexism glossed over. It just feels like it was a layup for him and his campaign, but they missed on the attempt.

They should be coordinating so that the delegates that they each earn are going to vote for whomever, between the two of them, is in striking distance to win. The goal is to advance the progressive cause so I think this puts a serious damper on that dream.


Oct 28, 2018
By a 49%-42% margin, Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran.
Trump's job approval is steady at 41%, with a majority of Americans (53%) continuing to disapprove of the job he's doing. Similar to the party split seen in the Iran question, 9 in 10 Democrats disapprove, while 9 in 10 Republicans approve. But 55% of independents disapprove.
There was a 47%-47% split on whether Americans are in favor of the Senate removing Trump from office, a finding largely unchanged from last month.
Last edited:

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
From TPM regarding Biden at the debate (I didn't watch it personally):

Former Vice President Joe Biden
High: Biden is best when he conveys his empathy, comfort with emotion and survival in the face of tragedy. He had such a moment when funding daycare came up and he recalled the hardship of raising his two young sons on $42,000 by himself after his wife and daughter were killed in a car crash. He remembered traveling "250 miles" on the train daily to care for the boys while also serving as senator.

Low: Biden is still struggling with his yes vote on the invasion of Iraq in 2003. He said it was a mistake, then reminded everyone for the umpteenth time that Barack Obama chose him as vice president. He needs to find a way to weave in things he's been right about in regards to wartime to blunt the impact of that vote.

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
Last night just reminded me of how uninspired Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar are with their campaigns and how dishonest Pete is. Especially when it comes to Medicaid for all. Elizabeth and Bernie need to tell people how much money they will save over all and that obviously taxes will rise but compared to what you save in health care it more than makes up for it.

I pay 600 a month for insurance for my family not counting any kind of deductible or premium etc and my job pays like 1000 a month on their end. If Medicaid for all drops my 600 a month payment to 300 a month TOTAL. In extra taxes or 200 or 100? Why the fuck would I not want that? I don't give a damn about my insurance company, I only care about my doctor.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Joe Biden does not understand financial hardship and is one step removed from "it's one banana Michael, how much could it cost, $10?" $42k/yr back in the 60s, jesus. Millions of voters today are making less than that and paying 10x more for healthcare and education.


Oct 25, 2017
Twitter sucks. "politics trending" WarrenIsASnake

Yeah im seeing that too

Bernie Bros going to work and Im sure right wingers are joining in anonymously since infighting serves their goals as well

Oh and since its the entire worldwide internet that can participate in social media and not just americans.... yeah social media is hot garbage
Nov 20, 2017
Sure why not keep this going

"She came to raise a concern, and he said let's talk about that later," said Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir in a brief interview with The Washington Post. Shakir declined to provide further details about the conversation, the video of which has been widely shared on social media.


Oct 25, 2017
I figure Warren isn't on the ticket unless there is an immediate Senate election this year so they can avoid the GOP governor putting a Republican there.
It goes to a special election, governor doesn't choose in Massachusetts. Governor chooses a temp senator till the special election is over but the legislature can change that rule.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

Lets focus on something actually important like our President ordering a hit on his own ambassador.
Oct 27, 2017
I figure Warren isn't on the ticket unless there is an immediate Senate election this year so they can avoid the GOP governor putting a Republican there.
Warren isn't on the ticket because she is at both personal and ideological odds with Biden, *and* even she's pushing it running for a two-term Presidency, much less being the back-up to a 79-year-old.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
So the assassination stuff is now hitting the airwaves.

Wonderful. Squirm Mitch. Fucking Squirm.
Oct 29, 2017
Joe Biden does not understand financial hardship and is one step removed from "it's one banana Michael, how much could it cost, $10?" $42k/yr back in the 60s, jesus. Millions of voters today are making less than that and paying 10x more for healthcare and education.

That's almost $300k in today's money, fucking hell...

"Middle Class Joe" my ass.

As to this spat between Warren and Bernie? That they both decided to run for president was proof enough that there was never a "non-aggression pact" to begin with. A real truce would've been for one to sit 2020 out and endorse the other to ensure that a progressive had the best shot at winning. But they don't just want left-leaning policies to pass; they want to be the one leading the left into battle under their own banner.

It was only a matter of time before they started going after each other. They can't both be the nominee.


Dec 26, 2018
That's almost $300k in today's money, fucking hell...

"Middle Class Joe" my ass.

As to this spat between Warren and Bernie? That they both decided to run for president was proof enough that there was never a "non-aggression pact" to begin with. A real truce would've been for one to sit 2020 out and endorse the other to ensure that a progressive had the best shot at winning. But they don't just want left-leaning policies to pass; they want to be the one leading the left into battle under their own banner.

It was only a matter of time before they started going after each other. They can't both be the nominee.

Progressives need a variety when running for president, like the other factions. That's why it's important to have a strong bench, so when one loses another can go on.


Nov 11, 2017
Ok, I'm going to say it.

Should we be worried about the safety of our candidate after this news?

The fact that you even have to ask. Illustrates yes.

Now that percentage is surely rock bottom. Of it actually being something to worry about. But when is the last time we as a nation even had to query such things? Surely .000000000001% more than 24 hours ago. It's nothing but it's something.
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