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Oct 25, 2017
TIL MSN still exists

We all take turns updating it. I do every second Friday - I just make up stories about real estate based on what my zillow score is and applying it to random states — and my desk mate does the sport recap on Sunday but he just asks his mom who won and then types it and sticks a picture of that football man who wears Uggs.
Oct 25, 2017
4.5M people voted for Trump in CA, but fuck 'em is his response. When it's CA burning, all he offers is ridiculous "ideas", threats to cut funding, insults, etc.

Somehow he doesn't understand that a lot of the places that burn are upper-middle class enclaves up in the foothills and canyons, and more conservative inland areas of the state. His response always reads as a big fuck you to big GOP strongholds in the state.


Oct 27, 2017
like when the cornerstone of Obama's healthcare plan was "no individual mandate"?

I don't think she will abandon M4A but I wouldn't put any stock in the current specifics of her proposals either. She is a smart politician who will inevitably bring her plans into alignment with the political realities

Yes, kind of like Obama with the individual mandate. Obama didn't support the individual mandate until after he became president. He didn't backtrack in the general after campaigning against it so hard in the primary. Doing so would have hurt his integrity and his chances to get elected. That's all I'm saying. Sure, a hypothetical Warren presidency may backtrack on certain positions in order to actually get something passed — I expect that. I'm just saying I don't expect her to do so until she becomes president and at least shows she made an effort to do what she planned. She won't reverse course during the election — neither the primary nor the general. That being said, I do expect her transition plan to be fairly long and soft so as not to scare people away with the prospect of rapid, unknown change.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin lost reelection earlier this week to state AG Andy Beshear. Beshear carried just 14/38 State Senate districts.


Beshear won GOP state senate districts 12 (60-38), 23 (52-45), 24 (49.5-48.4), 26 (53-44), 28 (54-43), and 32 (50.8-47.6)

District 28 is Ralph Alvarado's district, Matt Bevin's own running mate for the election


Oct 27, 2017
Land don't vote

The discrepancy is a lot less jarring looking at county results as opposed to gerrymandered districts.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering the decades long grudge Cubans have against the Dems, I'd hope Puerto Ricans have the same against the ghoulish GOP.

Slightly OT, but Hillary got those historic margins in Miami by winning a majority of Cubans in the county (she lost them statewide). I imagine Gillum and Nelson failed to replicate those numbers considering they lagged with Hispanic voters in general.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
I think it is right both to say that M4A may not be a good general election message and that it's not necessarily great for Warren if she gets nominated and then walks it back. And, separately, that it's easy to imagine relatively moderate Dem senators just killing M4A anyway.

I don't know what the right solution is, though!

It's pretty discouraging, because at this point I think even if you did get a single payer plan that works, no one will believe you.

Like, I listen to the Bulwark, which is this podcast for Never Trump conservatives that actually walked the walk and left the conservative media ecosystem. They're pretty reasonable and I have no reason to question their integrity, they're well-informed, and open-minded. But like, you get them on health care and every scintilla of good sense goes out the window. It's like these guys live in a world where America is the only first world country. It's all "there's no way it would work, this is absurd, look at the tax hikes, there is no WAY this is affordable," and they don';t even answer the obvious counterpoint of "well, if this is so ridiculously beyond the pale unaffordable, why can everyone but us afford it?" But the cynicism is so bad they just assume there's some kind of trick if the numbers work out.

So Warren comes in and says "okay, yeah, this looks like a massive tax increase, but your employer already spends a bunch of money on your health care and all we're going to do is funnel it into a public program, and coupled with progressive taxation your actual bills aren't going to go up much" and people just think it's accounting shenanigans. Because a priori they assume single payer is a pipe dream and any plan that claims to make it affordable must just be pulling the wool over your eyes.

Or just, some people just will not believe you when you say that you can keep your doctor. And like, yeah, I know, Obamacare. But single payer is literally putting every doctor in the country on the same network. One network. Not only will you keep your plan after single payer is passed, single payer will prevent you from ever having to change doctors because you lost your job or your insurance changed their policies. And unlike the above, this argument isn't even complicated, it just spills out of the literal definition of the program. But no one will believe you. It's too utopian, it's too "and I'm going to give you rainbows and unicorns, too." Especially when you combine it with "actually your taxes aren't going to go up that much."

We've been living with this abusive system for so long that most of America doesn't think a functioning health care system is even possible.


Oct 26, 2017
Trump hasn't actually held back Federal aid for California anyways despite his bluster. Just empty threats as usual.
Oct 25, 2017

Slightly OT, but Hillary got those historic margins in Miami by winning a majority of Cubans in the county (she lost them statewide). I imagine Gillum and Nelson failed to replicate those numbers considering they lagged with Hispanic voters in general.
There seems to be a sizable Dem apparatus in PR though right? I imagine the San Juan mayor who's on Bernie's campaign will want to run. Are there more Dem primary participants than Republican primary participants there?


Oct 25, 2017
There seems to be a sizable Dem apparatus in PR though right? I imagine the San Juan mayor who's on Bernie's campaign will want to run. Are there more Dem primary participants than Republican primary participants there?
They have two prominent parties there that don't map neatly onto the mainland's politics. In fact, as you might imagine, the issue of statehood defines their politics. Some pro-statehood people, such as the current Resident Commissioner (non-voting representative in the US House) affiliate with Republicans, some anti-statehood people affiliate with Democrats, and vice versa. It's a bit messy. We would probably actually need to make them a state before their politicians started aligning with either the Democrats or GOP based on other issues.


Oct 25, 2017
There seems to be a sizable Dem apparatus in PR though right? I imagine the San Juan mayor who's on Bernie's campaign will want to run. Are there more Dem primary participants than Republican primary participants there?

The political parties in PR basically just amount to whether you want PR to be a state or remain a commonwealth. So the San Juan mayor and the Governor of PR who resigned are in different parties in PR, but both affiliate with the Democrats.
Oct 25, 2017
They have two prominent parties there that don't map neatly onto the mainland's politics. In fact, as you might imagine, the issue of statehood defines their politics. Some pro-statehood people, such as the current Resident Commissioner (non-voting representative in the US House) affiliate with Republicans, some anti-statehood people affiliate with Democrats, and vice versa. It's a bit messy. We would probably actually need to make them a state before their politicians started aligning with either the Democrats or GOP based on other issues.
I understand all of this from the Discord chat we had earlier but I was mainly curious if Dems/Reps have actually been building any goodwill/infrastructure with the politicians there. Bernie bringing on the Mayor is a good sign at least.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently Alabama cheered for him and then ETTD took over and they are getting stomped.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair -- Knight did win with Trump on the ballot in 2016! But I doubt he wins again. He was a pretty bad campaigner.
Well, yeah, a lot of those suburban districts pretty clearly voted Hillary for president and for their GOP representative as a "check" on her. That dynamic will be totally different next year. I struggle to think of a Clinton district Trump and the GOP can flip, especially since 80% of Romney/Clinton voters intend to vote for the Democratic presidential nominee and Democratic House incumbents/candidates, per Voter Study Group.


Oct 25, 2017
Does JBE have a chance? Post primary polls don't look bad but there are only a few and none in November.




Oct 25, 2017
So does anyone understand the gameplan with releasing this second "transcript"?

These are the same geniuses who, when accused of doing the thing they actually SAID they did, denied it, and to prove their innocence, released a redacted summary that proved they did in fact do it, then admitted they did do it after all, but that they didn't do anything wrong and that WE were the wrong ones for saying it was wrong. Then they claimed they weren't actually going after Joe Biden, they were going after ALL corruption - and now want to bring in two complete unrelated totally legitimate witnesses to grill about it - Joe and Hunter Biden. They want to use the trial about them trying to frame Joe Biden in secret, to frame Joe Biden in public.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Again, we have them hellbent on spending the cash they were going to get from robbing the bank.

Somehow he doesn't understand that a lot of the places that burn are upper-middle class enclaves up in the foothills and canyons, and more conservative inland areas of the state. His response always reads as a big fuck you to big GOP strongholds in the state.

That is the fate of all who support Individual-1: if you dont own him somehow, he'll frontstab you, just without the slurs the non-supporters get.


Oct 25, 2017
My company is going to the Supreme Court shortly to fight the illegal attempt to kill DACA - we have Dreamer employees we're trying to protect and Microsoft is the only big company to be named in the suit. Other big tech companies have filed Friend of the Court briefs tho.

It';lol be interesting to see how the two new justices vote. The action by Sessions was on its face illegal and in a sane world it would be open and shut, but Kavanagh in particular may owe Trump a very public favor here. On the flip side, if Kavanaugh votes against the Trump administration even as a matter of rule or simple law, I am curious to see if Trump can hold his tongue. I really doubt it, even with all his family holding him down, I bet he'd tweet something absolutely insane.

Which I kinda want to see, almost as much as I want these poor kids to not be shitting their pants about something that should be settled and is utterly inhumane and pure red meat for racists that doesn't help anybody except Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
jfc right wingers are trying to say this is anti Semitic

It's literally impossible to diagram past, "Fellow Billionaire" - like, nothing. Not a misplaced parentheses, nothing.

She's not allowed to hate the Jews, only they are allowed to hate the Jews, just not in this particular set of tweets. The hypocrisy of these shirt stains.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't mind some reporters asking republicans if Biden being guilty of their suspicions absolves Trump of QPQ. Because I think the answer would be telling.


Oct 25, 2017
That judge is a cook tho. I think he want to help delay, delay. If you really want courts to move hold them to contempt and jail them.
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