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Oct 25, 2017
And I haven't even moved there yet!


Oct 25, 2017
A couple of things to look forward to:

attacking Vindman (although the often seen "real soon" qualifier may negate that)

possibly going after the guy the right wing blogosphere claims is the whistleblower



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Trump trying to preempt what is about to go down starting tomorrow... which is public transcripts.
Oct 26, 2017
Hey does anyone here know of any political podcasts or anything like that that cover a wide range of information with the intent of informing you, as well as maybe interview experts related to the issue of discussion? I'm not looking for one with a bunch of talking heads trying to convince me how to think, I just want something more geared toward being educational.


Oct 30, 2017
I still cannot believe so many people define "witch hunt" as "witches hunting people."

i don't think they define it as such, not exactly. It's just that some Trumpers have realized that for him to be the victim of a Witch Hunt, Trump would have to be portrayed as an witch or a woman in the public's imagination or cartoons, so they dress up Pelosi and Democrats as witches instead.

Maybe sooner or later they will bend the meaning of a witch hunt to one that fits the image of Pelosi as a witch better, no doubt.


Nov 30, 2017
That poll is distilled PTSD.

Biden numbers less sexy than they look. GOP will come home, just pissed at Trump atm.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
any kind of GE numbers are a smokescreen right now, especially with a candidate ripe with baggage who is also basically begging for an october surprise disaster
Oct 25, 2017
Any candidate who relies on the notion that they're gonna get Republican voters to flip is not worth nominating lol. Fuckers gonna come home no matter what, despite what they tell pollsters.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
That's because, shortly after Trump was elected, he activated the "global gag rule" (GGR), banning US funding of foreign NGOs that provide abortion counseling or referrals. For a country like Nepal, where the health care sector relies heavily on US aid, the effects were always going to be catastrophic for women's health, but no one was quite sure just how bad things would get.
Trump didn't come up with the GGR, but he has made it worse. The origins of the GGR date back to the administration of Ronald Reagan, who opposed abortions in almost all circumstances, and refused to fund it around the world. In 1984 Reagan brought in what was then known as the Mexico City policy, named after the host city of a UN conference where it was announced, which required NGOs to certify they would not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning if they wanted to receive US government aid.
The GGR was eventually rescinded by Bill Clinton in 1993, and now it only comes into effect whenever there's a Republican in the White House. When the president is a Democrat, it's taken off the books. Back and forth, back and forth. It leaves the lives of many women around the world, almost exclusively poor, at the mercy of the Oval Office.
In one of his first acts in office, Trump sat triumphant — in a room full of men — and signed the executive order that reinstated the policy, marking a break from the Obama years. Two years later, having renamed the Mexico City policy to the friendlier-sounding Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance, he went further than any Republican president before him. Under Trump's expanded policy, which NGOs scrambled to understand the implications of, foreign NGOs that receive aid from the US could no longer even use their own, non-US funds to refer patients to places that provide safe abortions. In fact, if they even mention abortion as part of their counseling or education programs, they and any other local health care organizations they might support could lose their funds too. The expanded rule has closed off entire networks of grassroots health workers — who need aid money the most — from doing abortion-related counseling, effectively choking off smaller civil society efforts that wish to help women but lack the resources and funds to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey does anyone here know of any political podcasts or anything like that that cover a wide range of information with the intent of informing you, as well as maybe interview experts related to the issue of discussion? I'm not looking for one with a bunch of talking heads trying to convince me how to think, I just want something more geared toward being educational.

The hosts of The Weeds are definitely all on the left, no question about it. But it sounds like pretty much exactly like what you're looking for. For the most part, each episode is just about one topic in politics, and they're about 50/50 discussions among the panel about policy, or interviews with experts.


Oct 25, 2017
... His plan is unfunded, and would likely be funded in a similar way and he'd absolutely want Warren's input on that plan. Is he just that desperate? This is self-destructive to the maximum.

Like, what's the context, cause this is too dumb?

Okay, so. There is actually an argument here. If Warren's approach is implemented as written, it would be an employee head tax. Since head taxes are a fixed sum, there would be an incentive to eliminate lower-value jobs.


Oct 28, 2017
... His plan is unfunded, and would likely be funded in a similar way and he'd absolutely want Warren's input on that plan. Is he just that desperate? This is self-destructive to the maximum.

Like, what's the context, cause this is too dumb?

Much like Trump, Bernie surrounds himself with sychophants that tell him he's literally the only person who can fix things. And he believes that, because he wants to.

Okay, so. There is actually an argument here. If Warren's approach is implemented as written, it would be an employee head tax. Since head taxes are a fixed sum, there would be an incentive to eliminate lower-value jobs.

Interesting. How is Bernie's plan paid for?


Oct 25, 2017
Much like Trump, Bernie surrounds himself with sychophants that tell him he's literally the only person who can fix things. And he believes that, because he wants to.

Interesting. How is Bernie's plan paid for?

it's not lol

but it would be fairly easy to avoid making it funded by a head tax, one of the most regressive approaches

Warren would never have opted for it if not for her desire to avoid being accused of raising taxes, and I think the odds are 0% that she'd support such a tax if she actually had the opportunity to pass Medicare for All.


Oct 27, 2017
Much like Trump, Bernie surrounds himself with sychophants that tell him he's literally the only person who can fix things. And he believes that, because he wants to.

Interesting. How is Bernie's plan paid for?

It's funded in the general tax base.

He's recently been saying the first 29k is exempt, with 4% tax up to 60K. There's going to be steeper brackets above that.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017

lol GOP talking points from the man without a plan

yeah idk how it would be a job killer anymore than raising the min wage is. there is probably something to be said about it creating an incentive for management to hire workers through smaller businesses or worse yet to higher more workers as 'independent contractors'. i dont know if any of those very obvious downsides offset the political value of marketing a single payer system with no "middleclass" tax increases.

the genius of warren's plan is its funded in such a convoluted way it sort of encourages the average person to completely disengage with the topic outside of 'i dont pay more in taxes? nice'
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The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
The ghost of Stan Stanart will continue to haunt Harris County:

In other words, the new Secretary of State can screw over any blue county they want till they vote red.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah idk how it would be a job killer anymore than raising the min wage is. there is probably something to be said about it creating an incentive for management to higher workers through smaller businesses or worse yet to higher more workers as 'independent contractors'. i dont know if any of those very obvious downsides offset the political value of marketing a single payer system with no "middleclass" tax increases.

the genius of warren's plan is its funded in such a convoluted way it sort of encourages the average person to completely disengaging with the topic outside of 'i dont pay more in taxes? nice'

It's very true that you could make an argument that it is no different from raising the minimum wage.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so. There is actually an argument here. If Warren's approach is implemented as written, it would be an employee head tax. Since head taxes are a fixed sum, there would be an incentive to eliminate lower-value jobs.
I'm aware that there's an argument there's a huge argument there on the specifics. The problem is that he's in a glass house on this issue and damaging Warrens M4A plan will reflect on his. He has to know that.


Oct 27, 2017
-- i had this big long post planned out but the TLDR was going to be 'Biden is popular because normies don't care and the normies are who we gotta grab' and then I see him pulling a Bachman looking off screen and i'm sorry i have to believe his time is coming. that's unsustainable and we can only all hope that time comes sooner rather than later

-- i think pete had a much worse weekend than people think

-- but i'm getting nervous about warren grabbing the normies

-- and i just can't with bernie. just, imagine who he'd pick for VP. IMAGINE it.

-- i feel so bad for harris.

-- i don't feel bad for Beto? I think his time off the grid while he was doing door-to-door shit from oklahoma to iowa or whatever it was just fucking killed his momentum. far far too clever by half.

-- tldr i'm really discouraged this weekend after some personal interactions combined with polls and a healthy dose of twitter and tiktok and guys, we have a lot of work to do.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
-- i had this big long post planned out but the TLDR was going to be 'Biden is popular because normies don't care and the normies are who we gotta grab' and then I see him pulling a Bachman looking off screen and i'm sorry i have to believe his time is coming. that's unsustainable and we can only all hope that time comes sooner rather than later.

So, for the record, that thing about Biden looking away from the crowd? It's fake. The stage was surrounded on all sides by people. C-span just set up one camera angle so they couldn't handle it when he looked at the other side of the crowd. Beyond that I agree with your point.

Deleted member 24149

Oct 29, 2017
Mitt Romney the guy who absolute detests LGBT folk to become the conscious of the republican party.

I absolutely loathe Pete. I legitimately would vote Biden over that guy.


Oct 27, 2017
So, for the record, that thing about Biden looking away from the crowd? It's fake. The stage was surrounded on all sides by people. C-span just set up one camera angle so they couldn't handle it when he looked at the other side of the crowd. Beyond that I agree with your point.
How DARE you ruin such a hilarious clip with your "facts."

I absolutely loathe Pete. I legitimately would vote Biden over that guy.
I tried explaining Pete's recent... whatever... and my mother (hardcore Biden fan) snapped at me for being too negative because he just seems like such a darn nice guy, you know? Like it somehow excuses everything, and his standards are allowed to be low because he's so young and untested. That's Trumpian bullshit logic and I won't stand for it.

-- i feel so bad for harris.
She really obviously just wasn't ready for prime time, as they say. She's got more time to run again in the future if she wants. People just blindly assumed she'd catch onto this shit overnight like Obama did and, well, yeah.
-- i don't feel bad for Beto? I think his time off the grid while he was doing door-to-door shit from oklahoma to iowa or whatever it was just fucking killed his momentum. far far too clever by half.
He had momentum after his senate loss and then promptly disappeared for months, which pretty much all the regulars here thought was idiotic. Had he hopped in as early as Warren did (and yes I admit I made fun of her at the time) he might have settled in better. He announced so late he didn't really fit any specific candidate type that wasn't already covered. From his first day in he was viewed only as component parts of other candidates, not as someone leading in any particular way.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Warren only being behind by 5% in Texas is a warning sign to Biden.
On that front, I'm really wondering which way Beto's flock in Texas breaks. I know that Butti's and Harris's second choice is lean Warren. Bidens the third, though, and the margins are like 5-8%, still she's been sucking all that up pretty well so far.
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