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Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Why does Pete's flip on Medicare for All (a fairly vague term that was being used to describe all major health care proposals earlier this year, single payer or otherwise) make him a slimeball and snake, but Warren pivoting from single-payer M4A to a public option in either the general or as president would be a good thing (something that a handful of people here have suggested)? Kamala also supported the Bernie M4A bill, until she launched her own not-single-payer M4A, does that mean she is also shit?

As someone who supports Warren, I find the growing "anyone who isn't Warren is a shit person" bubble here pretty not constructive. I think some of the criticisms Pete has lobbed recently have been stupid, but there are also posts in here booing and hissing for calling out on Warren on being evasive on whether or not M4A would raise taxes -- which is a completely fair thing to bring up! And it doesn't do any good to pretend that that won't also be an issue for if/when Warren is the nominee.
Oct 25, 2017
Warren campaign retooling the response on how to pay for M4A.

At least they're working on it. It's only October. Best campaign is best campaign.

Why does Pete's flip on Medicare for All (a fairly vague term that was being used to describe all major health care proposals earlier this year, single payer or otherwise) make him a slimeball and snake, but Warren pivoting from single-payer M4A to a public option in either the general or as president would be a good thing (something that a handful of people here have suggested)? Kamala also supported the Bernie M4A bill, until she launched her own not-single-payer M4A, does that mean she is also shit?

As someone who supports Warren, I find the growing "anyone who isn't Warren is a shit person" bubble here pretty not constructive. I think some of the criticisms Pete has lobbed recently have been stupid, but there are also posts in here booing and hissing for calling out on Warren on being evasive on whether or not M4A would raise taxes -- which is a completely fair thing to bring up! And it doesn't do any good to pretend that that won't also be an issue for if/when Warren is the nominee.
Man, you clearly know the fucking difference. The guy was saying Medicare for All was the compromise position and that we shouldn't fall into Republican talking points now he's fucking launching attack ads at Bernie and Warren for supporting... that same bill.

Flip flop. who cares. But don't launch attacks at people on positions you held months ago.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't help but notice that Trump is the only one without any notes in that picture. Not that I'd ever expect him to give a shit, but this isn't a multimedia presentation, even! He's literally just showing up to argue.


Oct 25, 2017
Why does Pete's flip on Medicare for All (a fairly vague term that was being used to describe all major health care proposals earlier this year, single payer or otherwise) make him a slimeball and snake, but Warren pivoting from single-payer M4A to a public option in either the general or as president would be a good thing (something that a handful of people here have suggested)? Kamala also supported the Bernie M4A bill, until she launched her own not-single-payer M4A, does that mean she is also shit?

As someone who supports Warren, I find the growing "anyone who isn't Warren is a shit person" bubble here pretty not constructive. I think some of the criticisms Pete has lobbed recently have been stupid, but there are also posts in here booing and hissing for calling out on Warren on being evasive on whether or not M4A would raise taxes -- which is a completely fair thing to bring up! And it doesn't do any good to pretend that that won't also be an issue for if/when Warren is the nominee.
Because Pete acts like a dick about it.


Oct 26, 2017
I can't help but notice that Trump is the only one without any notes in that picture. Not that I'd ever expect him to give a shit, but this isn't a multimedia presentation, even! He's literally just showing up to argue.

I'm sure that's not unusual. He's probably had other people take notes for him his entire adult life, including college.

Any notes he'd take himself would probably be completely incomprehensible.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Warren needs a better answer, but there's also a reason she's talking about costs instead of taxes. She fundamentally rejects the framing about taxes. It's like how when faced with a lump sum or annuity, lottery winners almost always choose lump sum. There's a sticker shock that she's trying to avoid by reframe the way we talk about health care costs.

Does she need a better answer? yes. Will some of her critics never be happy until she says "Medicare for All will raise taxes"? yes. But is she being evasive for not saying that? no, I don't think so.


Oct 25, 2017
Closeup on some of Trump's team knowing their leader is a fucking farce but being unwilling to do anything about it.



I shed
Oct 25, 2017
I can't help but notice that Trump is the only one without any notes in that picture. Not that I'd ever expect him to give a shit, but this isn't a multimedia presentation, even! He's literally just showing up to argue.

There's never anything on his desk either. He doesn't do shit but tweet, golf, and watch FOX.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Warren needs a better answer, but there's also a reason she's talking about costs instead of taxes. She fundamentally rejects the framing about taxes. It's like how when faced with a lump sum or annuity, lottery winners almost always choose lump sum. There's a sticker shock that she's trying to avoid by reframe the way we talk about health care costs.

Does she need a better answer? yes. Will some of her critics never be happy until she says "Medicare for All will raise taxes"? yes. But is she being evasive for not saying that? no, I don't think so.
That's the thing, you can't convince people to take a tax increase under any circumstances on this simply because most people are actively shielded from the actual cost of healthcare as they get it through their job as part of their compensation. Companies did this to get around salary caps back in the day, but now it's got the side-effect of making any sort of actual reform way harder than it would otherwise be.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Who is Pastor Brunson in that bananas letter?
"I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson."


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
That's the thing, you can't convince people to take a tax increase under any circumstances on this simply because most people are actively shielded from the actual cost of healthcare as they get it through their job as part of their compensation. Companies did this to get around salary caps back in the day, but now it's got the side-effect of making any sort of actual reform way harder than it would otherwise be.
yeah, for sure. it's severely warped up the way we discuss healthcare and the frame work of what people will accept for healthcare reform.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, you clearly know the fucking difference. The guy was saying Medicare for All was the compromise position and that we shouldn't fall into Republican talking points now he's fucking launching attack ads at Bernie and Warren for supporting... that same bill.

Flip flop. who cares. But don't launch attacks at people on positions you held months ago.
The idea that he flip-flopped on healthcare is bizarre and just shows that people don't understand the healthcare debate. He's been supporting a single-payer system since his Harvard days in the early 2000s, he supports it's now, he just doesn't think the Sanders bill is the way to get to M4A/single-payer. Like, this is a February interview, and what he said in the last paragraph is basically verbatim what he said in the 3rd debate last month.

Question: I'm just wanting to ask the mayor...what he feels on Medicare for All and whether he supports it or not.

Buttigieg: Yeah, so, I'm supportive of Medicare for All for the simple reason that I don't think it makes any sense for pretty much everybody living in a developed country except us to enjoy some kind of universal healthcare. I also think it's a great example of how the debate got away from us because, you know, if you think about the right wing position on healthcare, you know the pure right wing position, it's basically all corporate, free-for-all, no regulation. If you think about the left wing position, again a pure left wing position, that would be nationalized healthcare, socialized medicine if you will, something like what you have in the UK where you have publicly owned hospitals and medical practices. The compromise, the middle ground, is a single payer system where you have private doctors and hospitals, but a public insurance plan, and somehow this middle ground has been portrayed in the American debate as if it were something from the furthest fringes of the left wing.

Now, I do think that we need to be realistic about how you get there, you can't flip the switch overnight. My take is that you implement something that I would call Medicare for All Who Want It. In other words, make something resembling Medicare available on the exchanges as a public option and then if people like me are right, that it's the better way to go, organically that will move you pretty quickly, just through the competitive process, toward a single-payer system.


Oct 25, 2017
Warren needs a better answer, but there's also a reason she's talking about costs instead of taxes. She fundamentally rejects the framing about taxes. It's like how when faced with a lump sum or annuity, lottery winners almost always choose lump sum. There's a sticker shock that she's trying to avoid by reframe the way we talk about health care costs.

Does she need a better answer? yes. Will some of her critics never be happy until she says "Medicare for All will raise taxes"? yes. But is she being evasive for not saying that? no, I don't think so.
I thought that was because with low-risk investing and basic financial management the lump sum is the more lucrative one. Well, and also the "don't want to die with 10 years of money still left to payout" thing.

Dan L

Tried to PM someone for a tag
Oct 28, 2017
Regina, Saskatchewan
Who is Pastor Brunson in that bananas letter?
"I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson."
He was the pastor who was imprisoned in Turkey.

n October 2018, the Trump administration successfully secured the release of Brunson, after U.S. economic sanctions and tariffs were placed on Turkey. On October 12, 2018, Brunson was convicted, by Turkish authorities, on the charge of aiding terrorism, but sentenced to time served.[11] He was released from Turkish custody and immediately returned to the United States.


Nov 27, 2017
Re: Taxes and M4A.

So, maybe I'm just a jaded old queen, but I say just lie. Here's the thing, we're not getting M4A. We all know that. There's no reason to let the political positives go while tying an anvil around your neck. I think she is very close to a decent answer on the issue, especially when she said that she would not sign a bill that would make costs for middle class families go up. I'd also just spin it around and say that, yes, she supported Sander's bill, but she is the one running for President. She can also make a bullshit statement about not accepting a tax hike on middle class families, but then never defining what middle class is. There are literally 2 groups of people who want her on record saying it'll raise taxes, and none of them are important to her primary or general election chances.

I'd also like to point out the INSANE double standard we have when Donald Trump ran on "Mexico is gonna pay for it" and literally no one ever pushed back against that absurdity. But we're supposed to fund everything with sound bites and gotcha shit? Fuck that. Just lie. "Under a Warren administration, we will work towards implementing Medicare for All. I will not sign into law, though, any bill that will raise costs on hard working middle class families. It's time we make the largest corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share, and break the grip of out of control healthcare costs on the average American family. That's my promise." Boom. Next question.
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