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has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Mitch kinda threw some cold water on everything tho by saying they have to take up Impeachment if the House votes and then throws it their way, but it's the "how long" part where he will let it burn down.

I knew he'd take it up because he's basically obligated to as per the constitution, but I figured he'd find a way out of it, if you read the guidelines on impeachment for the Senate they have a lot to play with.

That quote about ~30 GOPers who would vote with Dems if it was a secret ballot doesn't mean much if Mitch won't even move through the necessary articles to get Trump removed from office


Oct 25, 2017
ya'll, this is all just big phony conspirasy that Trump and his team has masterminded to root out rats in his 2020 election campaign and trap Democrats into not being able to focus on 2020 campaigns, given trump an easy win.



Jul 25, 2018
Mitch kinda threw some cold water on everything tho by saying they have to take up Impeachment if the House votes and then throws it their way, but it's the "how long" part where he will let it burn down.

I knew he'd take it up because he's basically obligated to as per the constitution, but I figured he'd find a way out of it, if you read the guidelines on impeachment for the Senate they have a lot to play with.
What was the "how long" referring to? I missed that earlier.


Oct 25, 2017
Earlier today my coworker was a little bit bummed out that news had slowed from last week's pace, and I (half jokingly) said "wait until about 20 minutes before the work day ends on the east coast". I did this. You're welcome/sorry


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all, remembered how there was a meme that Manafort loves crimes?

He's not the only one.

Earlier today my coworker was a little bit bummed out that news had slowed from last week's pace, and I (half jokingly) said "wait until about 20 minutes before the work day ends on the east coast". I did this. You're welcome/sorry
I mean this shit usually comes then so it's a good guess.


Oct 26, 2017
Y'all I can't sit still today 😅


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
What was the "how long" referring to? I missed that earlier.
On Saturday, a Senate GOP leadership aide told reporters that "there is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles" to the Senate. On CNBC Monday, McConnell made clear that the Senate must consider articles of impeachment. But he added that the amount of time spent on a trial is "a whole different matter."



Oct 25, 2017
Pompeo and Giuliani are both insane in their own ways (remember Pompeo freaking out those CIA agents by talking about the Rapture), but Barr is the weird one here. The guy had been out of politics for decades and wasn't a part of Trump's orbit in the first place. But he still dragged himself out of retirement just to become Trump's toady at the DoJ. Shit's weird.

I seriously think helping the GOP be above the law is just a form of masturbation material for Barr. No one has taken such utter glee in helping Trump be corrupt like Barr has.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm getting ready to head out to class and the bombs drop? My god people! Do it earlier so I can actually have time to read the stories.


Oct 28, 2017
Pompeo and Giuliani are both insane in their own ways (remember Pompeo freaking out those CIA agents by talking about the Rapture), but Barr is the weird one here. The guy had been out of politics for decades and wasn't a part of Trump's orbit in the first place. But he still dragged himself out of retirement just to become Trump's toady at the DoJ. Shit's weird.
Honestly it's probably just an inherent desire for authoritarian control. He saw the Russian inquiry as a threat to a Republican presidency and undermining the presidency as a whole and instead of punishing the one who actually did all this stuff, he decided to cover it up instead. He'd rather make it out to be a wild conspiracy theory that people will just forget instead of forever changing the way the country views the role of the president.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

WaPo: RNC solicited money for Trump's reelection with forms that look a lot like the official census
Officials in Montana are warning residents for a second time this year about surveys sent by the Republican National Committee that mimic the look of federal census forms with the goal of soliciting money for President Trump's reelection campaign.
The mailers are labeled "2019 congressional District Census" and inform recipients that they've been "selected to represent voters" in Bozeman, Mont. The accompanying literature makes repeated requests for donations, urging recipients to send at least $15 to "help pay for the costs of processing [the] Census Document" should they be unable to afford an amount in the requested range of $25 to $1,000.
The potentially misleading mailings come as the U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for what's expected to be one of the most challenging federal counts in decades. The bureau is grappling with factors like a switch to digital and the fallout from the Trump administration's efforts to get a citizenship question into the survey.
After the documents landed in mailboxes across four Montana counties, state officials put out a warning about the "imitation Census survey." In a Friday news release, the Montana Department of Commerce reminded residents that legitimate census survey documents are postmarked from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, rather than political groups, and never ask for money.
"Montanans need accurate information about the Census to make sure we have a complete count of the folks who live here," Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, a Democratic candidate for governor, said in the release, which was first reported by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. "A complete count means the state will get its fair share of federal funding. The official Census is easy to complete, secure, and does not cost money. An accurate and complete Census count for Montana is too important to take lightly."
The Republican National Committee did not respond to request for comment.



Oct 25, 2017

WaPo: RNC solicited money for Trump's reelection with forms that look a lot like the official census
Officials in Montana are warning residents for a second time this year about surveys sent by the Republican National Committee that mimic the look of federal census forms with the goal of soliciting money for President Trump's reelection campaign.
The mailers are labeled "2019 congressional District Census" and inform recipients that they've been "selected to represent voters" in Bozeman, Mont. The accompanying literature makes repeated requests for donations, urging recipients to send at least $15 to "help pay for the costs of processing [the] Census Document" should they be unable to afford an amount in the requested range of $25 to $1,000.
The potentially misleading mailings come as the U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for what's expected to be one of the most challenging federal counts in decades. The bureau is grappling with factors like a switch to digital and the fallout from the Trump administration's efforts to get a citizenship question into the survey.
After the documents landed in mailboxes across four Montana counties, state officials put out a warning about the "imitation Census survey." In a Friday news release, the Montana Department of Commerce reminded residents that legitimate census survey documents are postmarked from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, rather than political groups, and never ask for money.
"Montanans need accurate information about the Census to make sure we have a complete count of the folks who live here," Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, a Democratic candidate for governor, said in the release, which was first reported by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. "A complete count means the state will get its fair share of federal funding. The official Census is easy to complete, secure, and does not cost money. An accurate and complete Census count for Montana is too important to take lightly."
The Republican National Committee did not respond to request for comment.

There is no bottom for these people. God damn.


Oct 25, 2017
I seriously think helping the GOP be above the law is just a form of masturbation material for Barr. No one has taken such utter glee in helping Trump be corrupt like Barr has.
Barr probably cannot stand Trump. Trump is the perfect president though for what Barr and his type are after. Barr is part of an Extreme Mentality that the Executive Branch should be the sole power over Executive Matters that Congress and the Courts have no role to play whatsoever. So Trump continues to push and grab at power and barr is happy to try and fight for trump because it achieves Barr's end goal of supercharging the executive branch


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Mitch kinda threw some cold water on everything tho by saying they have to take up Impeachment if the House votes and then throws it their way, but it's the "how long" part where he will let it burn down.

I knew he'd take it up because he's basically obligated to as per the constitution, but I figured he'd find a way out of it, if you read the guidelines on impeachment for the Senate they have a lot to play with.

That quote about ~30 GOPers who would vote with Dems if it was a secret ballot doesn't mean much if Mitch won't even move through the necessary articles to get Trump removed from office

He's in a tough position because they gotta have the vote, and if the *process* itself becomes a shitshow that's just going to make it worse, because then however they vote, if they vote against what a given voter wants, it will only make that voter more incensed, either for the primary or the general. He can't do something like hold an immediate voice vote, a quick 2-minute trial.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Hmmm and I thought today was the big "Empire Strikes Back" campaign reveal with all the GOP messaging strategy supposedly done this weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't think Warren "deserves" black voter support. Or that they're "voting against they're interests". Or any other dumb offensive shit take.

At the same time I also don't think Biden has really done anything in particular to warrant his support from the black community, other than exist.

Warren just needs to keep on working away, and if ultimately she can't convince black voters she's 1) just as electable, 2) speaks to their issues and 3) reflects their policy positions enough, that's on her.


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
Oct 26, 2017
He's in a tough position because they gotta have the vote, and if the *process* itself becomes a shitshow that's just going to make it worse, because then however they vote, if they vote against what a given voter wants, it will only make that voter more incensed, either for the primary or the general. He can't do something like hold an immediate voice vote, a quick 2-minute trial.

If he admits the articles, it goes to trial. And then the Chief Justice presides. Roberts cares enough for his reputation that he'll follow at least some approximation of due process.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't think Warren "deserves" black voter support. Or that they're "voting against they're interests". Or any other dumb offensive shit take.

At the same time I also don't think Biden has really done anything in particular to warrant his support from the black community, other than exist.

Warren just needs to keep on working away, and if ultimately she can't convince black voters she's 1) just as electable, 2) speaks to their issues and 3) reflects their policy positions enough, that's on her.
Yup. I think she can do it, mostly because she doesn't sound like a class-primary socialist from the 1950s.

Hillary had been involved with black community issues since she was in college. Biden is liked, but the actual ties are weaker beyond the Obama aura. With her at 19% support in two polls I'm not worried about her ability to get her numbers where they need to be.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't think Warren "deserves" black voter support. Or that they're "voting against they're interests". Or any other dumb offensive shit take.

At the same time I also don't think Biden has really done anything in particular to warrant his support from the black community, other than exist.

Warren just needs to keep on working away, and if ultimately she can't convince black voters she's 1) just as electable, 2) speaks to their issues and 3) reflects their policy positions enough, that's on her.
I totally agree with you, but I also feel when people talk about Warren's weak support with black voters there's an implication that she's not trying to do anything about it.

It sometimes feels like concern trolling, since everyone except Biden is struggling with black voters. I think Liz will get there.


Oct 25, 2017

The truth is, the majority can do whatever they want, as long as they're willing to vote on it -- that's true of everything in the Senate other than the stuff called out explicitly in the constitution (ie they can't remove someone from office or override a veto with a simple majority)

but really, under the rules that McConnell is at least pretending to abide for now he won't be in charge of how much time is spent on it as the Presiding Officer of the Senate during the impeachment sessions would be the Chief Justice, John Roberts

He's also being coy as it's true the rules don't dictate in absolute terms the duration (instead it is "until final judgment shall be rendered, and so much longer as may, in its judgment, be needful") but they do clearly define the timeline -- and what it means for final judgment to be rendered

at the end of the day, they'll have to record a vote and that is all that matters. Personally, I actually think McConnell will take it very seriously from a process perspective. I don't think it is currently worth worrying about at the very least


Oct 27, 2017

WaPo: RNC solicited money for Trump's reelection with forms that look a lot like the official census
Officials in Montana are warning residents for a second time this year about surveys sent by the Republican National Committee that mimic the look of federal census forms with the goal of soliciting money for President Trump's reelection campaign.
The mailers are labeled "2019 congressional District Census" and inform recipients that they've been "selected to represent voters" in Bozeman, Mont. The accompanying literature makes repeated requests for donations, urging recipients to send at least $15 to "help pay for the costs of processing [the] Census Document" should they be unable to afford an amount in the requested range of $25 to $1,000.
The potentially misleading mailings come as the U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for what's expected to be one of the most challenging federal counts in decades. The bureau is grappling with factors like a switch to digital and the fallout from the Trump administration's efforts to get a citizenship question into the survey.
After the documents landed in mailboxes across four Montana counties, state officials put out a warning about the "imitation Census survey." In a Friday news release, the Montana Department of Commerce reminded residents that legitimate census survey documents are postmarked from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, rather than political groups, and never ask for money.
"Montanans need accurate information about the Census to make sure we have a complete count of the folks who live here," Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, a Democratic candidate for governor, said in the release, which was first reported by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. "A complete count means the state will get its fair share of federal funding. The official Census is easy to complete, secure, and does not cost money. An accurate and complete Census count for Montana is too important to take lightly."
The Republican National Committee did not respond to request for comment.

I got something really similar to this in the mail last year. Sent it back with maximum number of "Fuck you racists" in my "answers."
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