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I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I do things that don't feel good all the time. Why do you need to feel good about voting. Suck it up, buttercup.
I mean, you ain't wrong. But we're talking about younger people. Meet them where they are rather than wishing on the equivalent of golden lamp that they were different. That's...kinda politics.


Oct 25, 2017
I should point out that getting young people to vote, is in fact possible. The truism that they don't vote isn't correct 100% of the time.

A recent example would be Malaysia. It took corruption on massive scale to get there but it happened.

Wait a minute, why isn't it happening in the US then?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hm, not entirely sure what to make of this poll. From the looks of it, Bernie made an 8 point jump up seemingly out of nowhere here.

Yeah, normally I trust FOX's polls and while I admit that I'd rather be seeing more polls that continue to show a positive swing for Warren, this one just feels a little... off? I don't buy Bernie making an 8 point gain here.

They were previously an outlier on the low end for Sanders so maybe their read on his supporters is wonky (although this is about accurate for his support and seems to be under the margin for Warren).


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
The good part is that Biden isnt rising, the bad part is that he really isnt dropping either

the morning consult polls seem to be the most accurate which is why they are so boring. Biden stuck in the low 30s while Bernie and Warren have 20% each


Oct 25, 2017
The good part is that Biden isnt rising, the bad part is that he really isnt dropping either

the morning consult polls seem to be the most accurate which is why they are so boring. Biden stuck in the low 30s while Bernie and Warren have 20% each
Have no idea what this is being based on lol.

The only real advantage I can tell they have is that they release something weekly, so people on here keep citing them.

Old enough to remember though when they were a rando newfangled online panel that no one trusted.
Oct 27, 2017


Always with China, these people are straight clowns and are going to kill all of us


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Have no idea what this is being based on lol.
oh its an assumption with no real hard data to support. The top three generally have the same numbers as in most important pollsters so I thought "well that must mean something". I saw a bit of their metodology and thought that they were trustworthy, perhaps i was wrong

Physically I think he's up for it. but I don't know if his vocal chords an take the damage

Hm, if his voice is raspy in the next debate as well then alarm bells will start to be ringed. Its hard bc things in Iowa and NH will be incredibly close so he needs to campaign a shit ton but this is where Warren being nine years younger comes into play. I hope that he can push through it.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina

Wait what. Sounds like totally normal behavior for a SCOTUS judge.

Now for a MARK Judge, it's perfectly fine. He shoulda known that, but I thank him for keeping his rapey, endebted ass in the news.

Could be a variety of different ones.

Putin, Kim, MBS, Netenyaho, Bolsonaro etc.

True, lol

But this drip...drip...drip... is like that 1st Trump Tower Meeting rollout, where giving them rope to hang themselves before the 26th is benefitial.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if we should make voting mandatory. And then make voting last a week. And then make it so that there is no in-person voting, only mail voting, so it's all paper.


Oct 29, 2017
You know, I actually thought we were focusing on people able to vote - that is, who lack the structural impediments to their participation - but still find excuses not to.

But I guess you don't care if your dart hits the side of the board as long as you make a point.

Forgive me from assuming that this voter tangent came about from yet another moderate-aligned "young people have to suck it up" tirade in response to our slow incrementalism maybe, just maybe, affecting a small portion of a small voting base in a negative manner. And then trying to refocus it to what actually matters.

But continue on railing against teenagers and early 20 somethings that number insignificantly compared to old white moderates - the base that seems to always escape by in these talks and discussions because they're the ones that actually matter in our democracy. Can't scare them off with policies that the youth like because....well they might not vote either, or worse and typically, vote for those who are seeking to destroy our democracy.

But whatever, I don't care. Carry on.
Oct 25, 2017
Kamala Harris bets it all on Iowa to break freefall

A half-dozen Harris officials and outside allies briefed on internal expectations said she needs a top-tier finish in Iowa to remain competitive and put her in position to strike in Nevada, South Carolina and on Super Tuesday, when her home state of California holds its primary.

Hopefully this means that if she finishes 4th or worse, she bails and endorses and isn't stubborn.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
I wonder if we should make voting mandatory. And then make voting last a week. And then make it so that there is no in-person voting, only mail voting, so it's all paper.
Why not in person with paper ballots?
Also, just convert Columbus Day to "Democracy Day" and have voting go from the previous Saturday to that holiday Tuesday.


Oct 27, 2017
On CNN Phil Mudd was pissed saying that nobody has the right to spy on what the president says to foreign leaders over the phone.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

I am from Louisiana so you bet your ass I am going to be voting this coming November (for governor). Lots of big ones on the ballot including the race for Mayor in New Orleans where I am from.

As far as voting goes.. I feel like two major changes have to take place. Election day has to be a federal holiday and no excuse for it to not be one. And secondly, you should be registered to vote automatically upon having your citizenship/driver's license etc. I can't tell you how many people I know who went to vote on election day and had to go back because they weren't registered. There should be less hurdles to voting.

Wouldn't really be against mandatory voting but that has little chance of ever passing.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still pissed that there was no whistleblower for the medical deferrals for deportation, but there's a whistleblower for Trump promising to have lunch with a foreign leader.

(Yes I know it's likely a promise for something far more serious than that - Rep. Garamendi on Maddow suggesting that it's possible it's related to the money moves out of the protect-Europe-from-Russia fund and into the "wall" fund).
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