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I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Well, perhaps I was hoping youd present some realistic and logic reasonings behind your post aside from trivial stuff like "hes too old" or even venturing into right wing talking point territory like "he has 3 houses and an expensive coat!"

I mean, all ya gotta say is "I just dont like him" lol. Petty. Fair, but petty
I just don't like repetition.

I have seen so many people give list after exhaustive list to you about the very real issues they have with Bernie Sanders - from the questionable positions he's held in the past, to the questionable things he says in the present, to the trash-tier people he surrounds himself with - only for you to slink off and come back a few days later playing brand spanking new.

And I just ain't got the time. There are TOO many b-list actors and athletes posting their eggplants on Instagram for me to have time playing that game witchu, sis.


Oct 25, 2017
Yet here we are. You still havnt done it lol
That's just it.

The diet racism.
The history with guns.
His hiring and staffing decisions.
His inability to work within the party without alienating allies, (This was a major issue with Jimmy Carter.)
My concerns about having an 80yo President in office.
My views aligning much closer to Warren's perspective on the economy, not Bernie's.

You literally can't believe any of this is actually why I don't like him. You find it impossible to believe that someone could actually judge him based on his record and character and find him wanting.

If this were the case, I'd be open to Biden, right? But I'm not, because I'm still applying that same criteria to him. The diet racism, the 80yo President, my economic views being much closer to Warren's are ALSO why I'm not willing to vote for Biden. I'm that magical Warren/Harris voter that pops up in surveys! My first priority is stuff like "hey lets fight White Supremacists" because those types have a long history of trying to kill people like myself.

I'm not some obsessed Hillary stan, I VOTED AGAINST HER IN 2008. When she took a weekend to drop out of the race I was freaked out about the possibility of the campaign sticking with it to the end and trying to take it to the convention! That's why, when Bernie did the same thing AND ACTUALLY DID IT I was fucking furious, because it was all my worst fears about a divisive party split in '08 manifesting in front of me. Not because of some petty grudge, because we've seen toxic party splits before in the past and they go terribly for the party who has them.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Anecdotally on the job and economy front, all of a sudden independent construction contractors I've known for years are calling me up looking for renovation and repair work. Anybody else experiencing anything like this?
Oct 27, 2017
An intriguing possibility for the election is that the economy will be definitively, undeniably Bad by then, but Trump's re-election message will be that sort of out of touch tweet. That strikes me as his worst case scenario, and will test how many of the mythical 35% can be peeled off.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
An intriguing possibility for the election is that the economy will be definitively, undeniably Bad by then, but Trump's re-election message will be that sort of out of touch tweet. That strikes me as his worst case scenario, and will test how many of the mythical 35% can be peeled off.
I think Trump's floor is that high 20s (let's call it 27% to tie into the crazification factor). Those are the people who would shoot themselves in the crotch if it meant owning the libz. Trump could walk into their living room and murder their families in front of them and they'd still vote for him. They're gone.

Judging by his approval ratings he still has a ways to go before he hits that bottom - about 15% or so. These are your more "traditional" Republicans - people who vote the party based on wedge issues, or for lower taxes, or what-have-you. They support the party because it supports their beliefs, but that doesn't mean they have blind faith in it.

If the economy went off a cliff, you'd expect him to lose the support of that 15%. Some of them (most, in fact) might still grudgingly vote for him, especially over the Democratic option, but some may write in third party. Some may not even vote. Imagine if you will an Obama vs. Dubya election taking place in November 2008 - Bush would absolutely punch above his weight relative to his approval ratings, but you'd have probably still been looking at a 60-40 blowout.


Nov 27, 2017

And this is how you go from me being willing to consider you to being "no way in hell."

So well done. (there are three words that trigger me--the n word, calling me a f-ggot, and calling someone/something r-tarded.)


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
This is why i asked the "what makes a ruby red state flip" question. Its geninely interesting to me how strong the affective override is

And this is how you go from me being willing to consider you to being "no way in hell."

So well done. (there are three words that trigger me--the n word, calling me a f-ggot, and calling someone/something r-tarded.)

What the actual fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
There are ways to successfully roll with that like "not the phrasing I would use, ____" and that is absolutely not one of them.


Nov 27, 2017
5,215 she has really selective hearing or she's just doing damage control. It's like the 3rd or 4th time she's had to walk back something not great she's agreed to/said/supported with "I didn't hear it/understand it."

Soooooo I don't like the look either way.


Nov 27, 2017
Like, that response from Kamala actually pisses me off even more now. Like, Jesus Christ. There is hedging your bets, then there is...whatever that is. She heard it. She laughed. Just say "You know, I was wrong. I'll do better." This is one of the reasons I respect Warren so much. The Native American community told her they weren't happy with her, so she listened. She didn't meander around. She didn't "I'm sorry you were offended" bullshit. She owned it.

Fucking own it when you fuck up.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point, if I were a billionaire, I think i'd Troll Trump by going on twitter and pledging to donate a millions dollars to some charity if he can go 72 hours without tweeting about Dorian/Alabama.

It'd be worth it for conservative media outrage alone


Oct 29, 2017
Ah yes, saying to not signal boost right wing saboteurs in the name of winning at all costs is "Chuck Todd Discourse" and not a completely reasonable approach to not destroying something that you're ostensibly trying to gain control of.

Miss with me of all of your forced garbage bullshit. You're the one that brought them up, not I and they have nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Keep your '16 garbage to your damn self. Don't put that shit on me.

Back to the point, "purity tests" is a dogwhistle at this time. Usually always employed by those with shady pasts and always centered around the more conservative members because guess what, they're shady as fuck and are tired of getting called out for what they've said, what they've done, and are still doing or plan to do.

And in 2020 where we pretend to have even the semblance of choice in a big field, whining about "purity tests" in the ether when you're challenged on your bullshit deserves to get called out.

Has nothing to do with your feelings about 2016.

It's bigger than your ass.


Oct 25, 2017
And in 2020 where we pretend to have even the semblance of choice in a big field, whining about "purity tests" in the ether when you're challenged on your bullshit deserves to get called out.
You do have a choice. All but one of those choices will lose. If everyone takes their toys and goes home when their preferred candidate loses, we all lose.

Please tell me this isn't rigged conspiracy bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017

She's trying to play it off that she didn't hear it now.


She's done.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

And this is how you go from me being willing to consider you to being "no way in hell."

So well done. (there are three words that trigger me--the n word, calling me a f-ggot, and calling someone/something r-tarded.)

Gross. She's lost whatever little respect I had for her.


Jul 25, 2018
Oh wow, I thought he had finally let it go. He's still keeping it going. Day 7 now. The doctored CNN video is still pinned too. He cares about nothing else in the world but this.

The Failing New York Times stated, in an article written by Obama flunky Peter Baker (who lovingly wrote Obama book),"Even after the President forecast the storm to include Alabama." THIS IS NOT TRUE. I said, VERY EARLY ON, that it MAY EVEN hit Alabama. A BIG DIFFERENCE.....

...FAKE NEWS. I would like very much to stop referring to this ridiculous story, but the LameStream Media just won't let it alone. They always have to have the last word, even though they know they are defrauding & deceiving the public. The public knows that the Media is corrupt!


Jul 25, 2018
At this point, if I were a billionaire, I think i'd Troll Trump by going on twitter and pledging to donate a millions dollars to some charity if he can go 72 hours without tweeting about Dorian/Alabama.

It'd be worth it for conservative media outrage alone
Nah, we're still waiting for Trump to pay the $5M to charity he said he was going to if Obama produced his birth certificate, which he did, and Trump agreed it was legitimate.


Oct 25, 2017
If he thinks the media is so corrupt he should just go on and go full State Run Media. You know the idiot wants to. Just fucking do it already.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Like, that response from Kamala actually pisses me off even more now. Like, Jesus Christ. There is hedging your bets, then there is...whatever that is. She heard it. She laughed. Just say "You know, I was wrong. I'll do better." This is one of the reasons I respect Warren so much. The Native American community told her they weren't happy with her, so she listened. She didn't meander around. She didn't "I'm sorry you were offended" bullshit. She owned it.

Fucking own it when you fuck up.
I know that in politics it's generally seen as "weak" to admit any fault, but it's one of the biggest things I hate about our current discourse. People always go for the double/triple down shit. I have miles more respect for people who apologize, learn, and improve.

Also dear lord I'm tired of all the attention this stupid Alabama sharpie shit has gotten over the past few days.


Oct 29, 2017
You do have a choice. All but one of those choices will lose. If everyone takes their toys and goes home when their preferred candidate loses, we all lose.

Please tell me this isn't rigged conspiracy bullshit.

You're arguing against ghosts friend. Regardless, "Purity tests" as they are invoked by conservative Dems has nothing to with rallying people around a chosen candidate, it has everything to do with shielding these conservatives from their past during a competition. And yes, that gives them an advantage in said competition so of course, much like Mitt Romey would say, keep that shit in the background or behind closed doors. I don't think that's OK.

And yes, the system is rigged. Quite literally every system in America is rigged. We wouldn't be in our positions, where we're basically talked at like hostages in a crumbling republic, if the system wasn't rigged against us. We wouldn't be dying from treatable illnesses, starving in streets, hounded by police, and treated as trash as our wealth is stolen and kept from us if the system wasn't rigged against us.

And the next leader will be picked from this group of candidates. We're living in the most dangerous time yet, and it's vital that we possess all of the information and knowledge and are able to judge the actions and words of someone who presumes to be POTUS and shape the future for the rest of the century.

And if anyone should be able to complain about "purity tests", it's the more liberal members who are forced to conform to some bastardized version of capitalism and corporatism in order not to step too far out of the status quo, lest you scare the white and religious power structure. God forbid you're an atheist or have a problem with AIPAC's meddling.

Those are actual purity tests, and it gets people killed.


Nov 27, 2017
I know that in politics it's generally seen as "weak" to admit any fault, but it's one of the biggest things I hate about our current discourse. People always go for the double/triple down shit. I have miles more respect for people who apologize, learn, and improve.

Also dear lord I'm tired of all the attention this stupid Alabama sharpie shit has gotten over the past few days.
It's like....Biden and Harris, in a sense, personify some of the shit people claimed about Hillary all the time. Harris is very, very, very guarded. I think it's her history as a prosecutor. I get it. You need to be careful. But my have to be willing to actually say something sometimes even if it makes you look weak or whatever. Like, I disagree with Warren on a few things, and Bernie on a hell of a lot more, but I can at least respect when they take a position and stick with it until presented with alternative evidence. This whole "it's never okay to say you're wrong" thing is fucking dangerous. I'm wrong six times a day, seven on Sundays.

And at least she issued a better apology than her statement. It's still hiding behind "I didn't hear it" and maybe she didn't....but again, we don't need to qualify our apologies every time. I respect her for at least addressing it, though.

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Oct 31, 2017
From just the candidates, Buttigieg seems like he'd be a good VP for Warren. I haven't looked into their respective bases, however, so maybe they aren't all too complementary. He'd fare way better in the VP debate, I think. Not that VP debates are all that important.


Mar 21, 2019
From just the candidates, Buttigieg seems like he'd be a good VP for Warren. I haven't looked into their respective bases, however, so maybe they aren't all too complementary. He'd fare way better in the VP debate, I think. Not that VP debates are all that important.

both warren and buttigieg appeal to the same demographic: college educated whites. makes no sense to pick him.

castro and booker would be much better choices for her. hell, maybe even Beto
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