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Oct 25, 2017
So that's two random celebrities, Joe Scarborough and John Stewart who are managing to do Chuck Schumer's job for him now. And apparently far more effective at it.

Can we get rid of this clown yesterday

FWIW, I think there are actual rules in the Senate that prevent Senators from going absolutely ham on each other. Stewart and Scarborough don't have to look McConnell in the face in the morning or take any orders from him.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Meadows, per Santorum, said: "No one works harder for his district than Elijah. He's passionate about the people he represents, and no, Elijah is not a racist. I am friends with both men, President Trump and Chairman Cummings, and I know them both well, and neither is a racist."

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
FWIW, I think there are actual rules in the Senate that prevent Senators from going absolutely ham on each other. Stewart and Scarborough don't have to look McConnell in the face in the morning or take any orders from him.
There's rules against swearing. Theres nothing that has been said by Stewart or Joe that McConnell hasn't done himself about democratic opponents or the squad

If chuck doesn't want to engage because he doesn't want to make it awkward next time they talk to each other then he's a weak scared little boy undeserving of the position he's been given and is completely unaware of the importance of his job and how much we need him to be good at it.


Oct 28, 2017
Criticizing the 19th-century writer as a "death-obsessed weirdo with very little literary talent," President Trump doubled down on his attacks against the city of Baltimore Monday by tearing into Edgar Allan Poe during a rambling, three-hour press conference on the White House lawn. "This guy was a pathetic loser and boozehound who was too busy crying about his lost love to write any half-decent stories," said Trump during an oftentimes discursive and meandering speech that mocked the "disgusting, cousin-marrying hack" for his "boring" short stories and poems.

"Everyone says The Raven, okay? But a raven? Not very scary. Not scary at all. It's just a dumb bird. Maybe if he had spent less time concerned about internal rhyme schemes and more time fixing the broken and crime-ridden city that he lived in, we wouldn't have these problems in Baltimore right now—he's a disgrace to the Whig Party. Not original. Not smart. And I know a lot of people who love detective fiction, and they all tell me Poe's Dupin character was a disaster, just a complete disaster for the genre."

Wait, what? You're lying right? You have to be lying. That's just....*stares* Oh, the onion. Thank god.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
How about someone addresses Brazil and our need to do something to protect the Amazon.. with I dunno., trade or sanctions or something
Dec 12, 2017
God's honest truth, I think Bernie has the most to gain by going after him at this phase. Land a couple of strong blows and you can weaken his support. With Bernie being the second choice to a lot of Biden voters it'd be a smart move as you'd essentially be weakening your biggest rival and strengthening yourself. He'd just need to do it in a way that doesn't turn them off.

She was like the 3rd person there! The first two don't even get a courtesy name drop.
That's going the mean that Bernie will actually have to debate not read from his script.
Oct 25, 2017
There's rules against swearing. Theres nothing that has been said by Stewart or Joe that McConnell hasn't done himself about democratic opponents or the squad

If chuck doesn't want to engage because he doesn't want to make it awkward next time they talk to each other then he's a weak scared little boy undeserving of the position he's been given and is completely unaware of the importance of his job and how much we need him to be good at it.

Chuck Schumer is absolutely a weak fuckboi who shouldn't have his position in the Senate.

TBH, Franken being a creep isn't just bad in general because sexual assault is bad and he had to go for that reason, but from a narrower perspective, he was maybe the most cutting, adversarial voice we had in the Senate, all due respect to Warren and Harris. And then to look at the minority leader and see Schumer acting like a fucking good-ol'-boy asshole is too much on top of that.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't fuckin believe the second debate is tomorrow. Time flies when your country is going to shit.


Oct 30, 2017
My wife texted me saying that she's catering for Joe Biden next week. Not sure why Joe would be in Boise during a primary, but whatevs.


Oct 25, 2017
I was just in Idaho last week an was pleasantly surprised that in a whole week I only saw 2 nazi tattoos, 3 trump shirts, and 1 trump flag on a house. 0 maga hats and 0 bumper stickers the whole week.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
the problem I see a lot of primary voters having is that the most clued in Dems are the ones looking at head to head polls this far out and seeing Biden doing the best and thinking that's the way to go, which... isn't a great way to judge electability before everyone has high name ID.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
the problem I see a lot of primary voters having is that the most clued in Dems are the ones looking at head to head polls this far out and seeing Biden doing the best and thinking that's the way to go, which... isn't a great way to judge electability before everyone has high name ID.
Yeah. It's still early. I hope Biden doesn't embarrass himself (and the party), but I also hope the tide shifts to another candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Yikes! Where was that? I'll see Trump stuff around town, but never nazi stuff.

Well, up by coeur d'lane and hayden lake, which is where the feds raided that white supremecist compound a few years back so... I guess some of them are still in the area

It is way disturbing to be on a puiblic beach and turn to the left and see a shirtless skinhead with a nazi tattoo though. Also super disturbing to be at a playground chasing your trouble making toddler and see a dude standing there open carrying too... but at least it wasn't the same dude because it was hard enough not freaking out when they were separate people


Oct 30, 2017
Well, up by coeur d'lane and hayden lake, which is where the feds raided that white supremecist compound a few years back so... I guess some of them are still in the area

It is way disturbing to be on a puiblic beach and turn to the left and see a shirtless skinhead with a nazi tattoo though. Also super disturbing to be at a playground chasing your trouble making toddler and see a dude standing there open carrying too... but at least it wasn't the same dude because it was hard enough not freaking out when they were separate people
I've heard Coeur d'Alene has gone to shit, which makes me sad. I lived there for a few years a lifetime ago. The nazis would come and do their parade, and the whole town would show up and protest them, but I have a feeling things are different in the Trump era. Not to mention meth and opioids are rampant up there.


Nov 27, 2017
The issue with everyone saying "just attack Biden!" is...he's popular. And there is such a thing as going too hard. Harris' attack worked because it wasn't mean spirited, it wasn't piling on, and it was very measured. There is a risk that literally everyone with knives out for Biden makes him sympathetic. You have to pick and choose when and how to attack. You can't just throw everything and the kitchen sink at him and hope something sticks. It reeks of desperation. It also gives an opening to have a real good comeback to one or two of the attacks and put everyone else on their heels.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The issue with everyone saying "just attack Biden!" is...he's popular. And there is such a thing as going too hard. Harris' attack worked because it wasn't mean spirited, it wasn't piling on, and it was very measured. There is a risk that literally everyone with knives out for Biden makes him sympathetic. You have to pick and choose when and how to attack. You can't just throw everything and the kitchen sink at him and hope something sticks. It reeks of desperation. It also gives an opening to have a real good comeback to one or two of the attacks and put everyone else on their heels.
this is why I want the 1% to attack him. if it works great, if it hurts them they weren't gonna win anyway


Nov 27, 2017
this is why I want the 1% to attack him. if it works great, if it hurts them they weren't gonna win anyway
It can still end up helping Biden, though. Kinda a rally the flag effect. Biden has 100% name rec. People have ideas as to what he is, what he stands for even if they're not really based in reality. TBH, he's as close to Generic D as you can get, considering people just associate him with the Obama years, and nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If things don't drastically change after the second debate, Dems should just rally behind Biden. We're not going to convince old and/or black voters to go for somebody else. Kamala might have a shot with black voters, but old people I'm more skeptical about.
yeah, but that would be depressing. I feel like if Biden is elected this country is still screwed, it just won't happen quite as fast

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
The issue with everyone saying "just attack Biden!" is...he's popular. And there is such a thing as going too hard. Harris' attack worked because it wasn't mean spirited, it wasn't piling on, and it was very measured. There is a risk that literally everyone with knives out for Biden makes him sympathetic. You have to pick and choose when and how to attack. You can't just throw everything and the kitchen sink at him and hope something sticks. It reeks of desperation. It also gives an opening to have a real good comeback to one or two of the attacks and put everyone else on their heels.
People have still been calling Harris' attack mean spirited, though. Most don't seem to want any hints of Democratic infighting...even during the debates.

If Biden really ends up being the nominee, I hope he can show more sharpness and alacrity than he has so far. He looks a little lost at the moment, and given his age I'm worried that it's just the way he is now.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
The party needs to whittle down the candidate list dramatically. Yang shouldn't be there beyond this next debate for instance. It should be Top 5 at most.

Right now your average American is looking at the Democratic field and just tuning it out, "I'll pick when things get serious." It's like waiting until the playoffs to pick a team.... just like skiping the whole NBA season and start paying attention when the playoffs hit and you have the real contenders.

The longer there's an absurdly large field, the more it helps Biden and the less it helps the contenders actually gain focus and attention for their platform.

Not to mention the absurdity of this many candidates and each of them getting like 5 minutes total to talk per hour of a debate.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard Coeur d'Alene has gone to shit, which makes me sad. I lived there for a few years a lifetime ago. The nazis would come and do their parade, and the whole town would show up and protest them, but I have a feeling things are different in the Trump era. Not to mention meth and opioids are rampant up there.

It was my first time in the area and I thought it was mostly lovely tbh. I was expecting it to be a lot more run down and red necky than it turned out.

I did eat at a cracker barrel for the first time while I was there, and feel like the midwest has a lot of explaining to do as far as that is concerned, but that's another story.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
The party needs to whittle down the candidate list dramatically. Yang shouldn't be there beyond this next debate for instance. It should be Top 5 at most.

Right now your average American is looking at the Democratic field and just tuning it out, "I'll pick when things get serious." It's like waiting until the playoffs to pick a team.... just like skiping the whole NBA season and start paying attention when the playoffs hit and you have the real contenders.

The longer there's an absurdly large field, the more it helps Biden and the less it helps the contenders actually gain focus and attention for their platform.

Not to mention the absurdity of this many candidates and each of them getting like 5 minutes total to talk per hour of a debate.
This is the big issue with huge debates: they just help those in good position hide their deficiencies. There's so many candidates and so little time that no one can really interrogate any single position.

Frankly, there's just too many damn people on stage. A complaint last time might have been that the debates were too restrictive, but we learned more about the candidates we had at the time than we are now.

Also, hucksters like Williamson and Yang shouldn't even be up there. That they even have a seat at the table is sad.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
It can still end up helping Biden, though. Kinda a rally the flag effect. Biden has 100% name rec. People have ideas as to what he is, what he stands for even if they're not really based in reality. TBH, he's as close to Generic D as you can get, considering people just associate him with the Obama years, and nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Normally, I would agree with this. But I think that, in Biden's case, wounding the "guy everyone loves" might actually work against Biden's perceived electability.

People love Biden, yeah, but that's not the only reason (or even main reason, I'd argue) people are rallying around him. Biden's support right now mostly comes from the perception that he's the "Tough Uncle." The Fighter. And that he's going to take the fight to Trump and treat him like he treated Paul Ryan in 2012. But I don't think Biden has that in him anymore. And if Biden gets his clock cleaned again and tries to lean into the "Wahhh why are you big bad people being so mean to me?? ;(" Yeah, his fans will rally around him because he IS "Uncle Joe." But, for a lot of people, I think the thought that first manifested after Kamala dog walked him is going to reappear tenfold: If he can't handle friendly fire, how's he going to handle Trump?

I think Biden and his campaign tried this right after the last debate with their, "Why would Kamala do this? She knows me. She knew Beau." But they jumped off of that real quick because it only played into how weak he looked on that stage.


Oct 25, 2017
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