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Apr 4, 2018
Why can't Americans protest Trump as well as the British can!? SAD!

Umm because this is a singular short term event that's easy to draw attention and a crowd to. You don't see these large scale protests 24/7 for Teresa May who's always there fucking the UK raw do you? Nor do you see people clogging up the streets of London every day protesting Brexit which will fuck over the UK more than Trump is fucking over the US.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is no response / unclear to MOST issues in that survey, not just climate change. That's really not the kind of campaign he's running, but he's also had the least time to actually discuss policy. What with his recent announcement and also being a zombie corpse.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is no response / unclear to MOST issues in that survey, not just climate change. That's really not the kind of campaign he's running, but he's also had the least time to actually discuss policy. What with his recent announcement and also being a zombie corpse.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017

So doesn't that close up the courts to the House on basically anything? Tax returns, etc? This ruling essentially prevents congress from using the judicial system when one chamber ignores the executive breaking laws such as funding items the full congress never approved.

How does this also affect impeachment? Where a court would rule well only one chamber can't sue the executive when they don't cooperate?

Not shocked it's a Trump judge suddenly ok with quoting The Federalist since it helps them yet ignoring it when it talks about the role of the Electoral College.


Oct 25, 2017
How does this also affect impeachment? Where a court would rule well only one chamber can't sue the executive when they don't cooperate?
If this ruling stands, it won't affect impeachment at all because the process occurs entirely in the Congress. Indeed, the Constitution says explicitly that an impeachment conviction cannot be appealed. Why? Because it's technically not a legal process but a political one; the only penalties are removal from office and sometimes being barred from ever holding office again.

Courts might rule against the House in obtaining documents that support an impeachment case, but they have no say in impeachment itself. The only role the judiciary plays in impeachment is when the chief justice presides over the trial in the Senate, but he has no control over the outcome. Only the senators' votes matter.


Oct 27, 2017
The house hearings are the most promising thing I've heard since the mueller report was released. Not fast or strong enough, and just enough to string us along until it's "too late now that we are this close to the election," but still.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
If this ruling stands, it won't affect impeachment at all because the process occurs entirely in the Congress. Indeed, the Constitution says explicitly that an impeachment conviction cannot be appealed. Why? Because it's technically not a legal process but a political one; the only penalties are removal from office and sometimes being barred from ever holding office again.

Courts might rule against the House in obtaining documents that support an impeachment case, but they have no say in impeachment itself. The only role the judiciary plays in impeachment is when the chief justice presides over the trial in the Senate, but he has no control over the outcome. Only the senators' votes matter.
I see. But it effectively neuters the House recourses if the Executive stonewalls Congress and refuses to hand over docs or witness testimony?

Seems it essentially accomplishes enough anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, I imagine the House will appeal this judge's decision, and the appeal will go to the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, headed by chief judge... Garland.

It might go to SCOTUS, which will either refuse to hear it or will give us the same outcome they would've given us had the DC Circuit not reversed the ruling, which I think will likely happen.
Oct 27, 2017
Jurisprudence isn't solely a factor of whose term it was when they were appointed. It could be better, or worse.

Buttigieg explaining to the town hall audience what impeachment doesn't mean, and what it does. Declines to offer "advice" to Pelosi.


Oct 26, 2017
me, an idiot: "Boy my poliera alerts have been quiet today"
also me, an genius: "there is a new thread, idiot"

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
The fact no one is talking about Buttigieg's town hall (except a brief mention from Wonderment) tells me it's pretty unremarkable

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Notables: Amash, Andy Barr, Duncan Hunter, Virginia Foxx, Mark Walker, Ted Budd, Mark Meadows, Steve Chabot, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Greg Gianforte, Tom Emmer, Greg Steube, Paul Gosar, Tom McClintock, and Dave Schweikert
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently there is a movie on netflix concerning the Central Park 5 and it's pissing a lot if people off and they are actively going after Linda Fairstein.
Oct 27, 2017
Pete's not for allowing the incarcerated to vote, "yet". This position of "less-than-citizen", like treating naturalized citizens differently from birthright ones, only serves to open the door and make it easier for others to attempt to utilize the justice system to deny or revoke citizenship - and this admin is certainly trying.

As for the lack of African-American support, they "haven't gotten a chance to know me yet". Then he seems to begin to whitesplain "black economic issues" and Mathews bails him out for a commercial.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
Pete's Town Hall

He's saying all the right things. But he's not really slamming any answer home. It seems rehearsed to not offend as much as possible.

He hasn't stuck his foot in his mouth yet, which is good. But in our Twitter/Insta world, I don't see any answer here going viral.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
Linda Fairstein was the prosecutor against the Central Park 5. There's heavy implication that she was aware that the case against the boys was fraudulent to some degree.

Last I checked, she's so far trying to pretend like the series doesn't exist while she's out touring another book. Good luck, sis.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
There's been a shooting today at a mall that I spent many days of my teen years at.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That was a good town hall. I don't know if it's going to raise him anymore from 1/4 the white vote tho - especially with his answer on climate change - where he also seems to be a bit behind on when the others have spoken about soil and cover crops. I think he's sleeping on that subject a bit atm. I wonder if he'll hit higher ratings than Harris.
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