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Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Harris's statement is perfectly fine.

This is the stance that a LOT of Dems are going to be taking, because you need to build the case for impeachment up in the public eye. And that's ok, because that type of theater is important for getting the public onboard.

There's a big gap between this statement and one like Hoyer's, which was terrible and probably got him a phone call from Nancy.
And there's nothing better than dragging out and reminding people Trump is evil and a criminal.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

A man infuriated with former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, who was behind the wheel, attacked his car with a large tree limb in south Charlotte, according to a police report.

It happened at the intersection of Selwyn Avenue and Runnymede Lane Wednesday afternoon.

McCrory said it started because of confusion over right-of-way. McCrory said a man at the intersection looked upset and walked up to his car after two utility trucks turned left in front of him off Selwyn Avenue.

McCrory said on WBT Radio that the man "starts yelling and cussing at me, and he has a big stick in his hand, a huge stick, a limb, a huge limb that is taller than he is -- and he is a big man."

McCrory said he rolled down his window and told the man to leave, which is when he said the man cursed at him.

"'I recognize you,'" the man told the former governor. "'You're Pat McCrory, (expletive),' and I'm going, 'Uh- oh,'" McCrory said. "He proceeds to take his big limb from a tree that he is carrying across the street like Moses would and he slams it on top of my car."

McCrory said someone in another car recorded the attack from their phone. He said he thought about getting out of his car and confronting the man but instead, McCrory drove to the Park Road Shopping Center to call police.

Channel 9 obtained McCrory's 911 call to dispatchers.

"Was your vehicle damaged?" the dispatcher asked.

"Yes, he damaged it pretty bad on the roof," McCrory said. "I want make sure he doesn't do this to anyone else."

On WBT Radio, McCrory said, "I don't know if he was homeless -- don't know if he was a man of the neighborhood. I don't know if he was on something, but he did something bad -- could have escalated to something even worse."

According to the police report, the tree limb caused about $600 worth of damage to McCrory's car, but he said he's not sure how much it will cost to make repairs. There have been no arrests.

This is very weird even for McCrory standards


Oct 25, 2017
Reminder that Pelosi backed her friend, the late John Murtha, in the Majority Leader election in 2007.

She got saddled with Steny.


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand
One of the main things we have learned without a doubt in the past 2 years is that Trump just can't help himself. With anything.

Trump's ego is his own worst enemy. He'd have made a lot more progress on his agenda and have had a lot more wrong doing swept under the carpet if he didn't feel the need to respond to any and all criticism, throw officials under the bus to distance, or grandstand on anything he feels he can spin as a victory.

Every time he opens his mouth it's like a signal flare saying "hey, maybe someone should look into this".


Oct 27, 2017
the question everyone is asking: what does Joe Biden think about impeachment?

Who cares? (I'm being facetious, sort of. I also confess I'm not always Speaker Pelosi's fan but sometimes I do like the taste of tangy so.)

But until he declares, I'm not as concerned about what he thinks personally. I honestly hope Biden doesn't comment for a while: I think the House Democrats need to have a talk on Monday.


Oct 25, 2017
My issue with Pete is that, while I am old, I don't feel like I'm old enough to have a president who's younger than me just yet.
Pure vanity on my part!

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Only allow Trump to speak to Parliament if they're allowed to be their rowdy selves.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Former Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti to announce run against Sean Casten in IL-06 on Monday

Former Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti is expected to announce a run on Monday for the sixth congressional district seat now held by freshman Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill.

Sanguinettii's team sent out a news release on Friday stating she will make a "major announcement in Wheaton detailing her plans to continue serving the public."

After an event at her hometown Wheaton restaurant, she will head to Cary to meet with business owners with former Rep. Don Manzullo, R-Ill., and wind up the day meeting with campaign supporters in Barrington.

All the stops are in the sixth district. The Chicago Sun-Times reported last month that Sanguinetti had been talking to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the GOP House political arm, about a run. She has also been telling people she is looking at a congressional bid.

The NRCC must be really fucking dumb to recruit Rauner's toady to run in a district turned blue from Rauner, Trump and Roskam's horseshit where Casten won by 7.2 points


Oct 26, 2017
Former Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti to announce run against Sean Casten in IL-06 on Monday

The NRCC must be really fucking dumb to recruit Rauner's toady to run in a district turned blue from Rauner, Trump and Roskam's horseshit where Casten won by 7.2 points
or desperate? i'd bet no one competent enough to successfully build a conservative brand that tacks towards the center to try and reclaim suburbs is gonna begin that work in the 2020 election cycle.


Oct 25, 2017
Rauner carried IL-06 in the gubernatorial election, but no, she won't win a federal House race with Trump on the ballot. IL-06 is not VA-10, but it's pretty safe Democratic for the near future.


Oct 25, 2017
ayyyy lmao

Maybe the NRCC knows they can't win, so they'll just stuff her in there.
This is actually one of the GOP's major problem with women.

They will not let them run in safe seats so they can start building a female bench. Rather, they always send women to swingy seats that they can't win or eventually lose.


Oct 25, 2017
Sue shade right there.


Oct 25, 2017

Grennell attacked Booty for calling Pence homophobic.

Grennell defended Pence and called him in his friend.

These white, gay Republicans are worthless.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Impeachment would be good because it would put the Senate GOP off balance. They can't vote to convict but anything less than strident opposition will deflate the base, but that opposition will stoke Dem anger in their states. McConnell protects them from votes that they don't need to take all the time.

An Amendment i'd like to see is that one chamber at least has to hold a vote on a bill passed by the other chamber. It would prevent trolling by creating MAD (they could exhaust each other by sending troll votes over in case of a divided chamber) and yet force a dialogue between the agendas of importance by forcing folks in the one chamber to take a stand for what their party in the other chamber is doing.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Barr's antics have really ruffled the justice and law enforcement people.

This may be the final breaking point.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Every time I hear Warren speak, she jumps to the top of of my list. She's *so* good.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Strange, before they were saying they werent recommending a sentence, but now they want 18 months for her and said she gave immense help to Russia on how to reach Republicans
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