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Oct 28, 2017
I think Democrats would prefer a Trump who didn't double down on all his most evil aspirations. DeSantis is still a gross racist, but he's thus far been who more moderate Trump voters hoped that Trump would be. I just hope he follows through on enfranchising ex-convicts.


Oct 27, 2017
Manafort cannot be much of a changed, remorseful man if he continued to commit crimes after getting caught for other crimes!
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Nov 29, 2017
Manafort cannot be much of a changed, remorseful man if he continued to commit crimes after getting caught for other crimes!

As I said, the only thing I think he's changed about himself, is the way he plans his future and further crimes.

Can't get caught again you see, it's bad for his crime hobby.


Oct 25, 2017

USA Today reviewed 67K defendant sentences in federal courts from 2017. Of the 308 fraud defendants who had the similar guidelines calculations as Paul Manafort, only ONE case ended up receiving a sentence as far below the guidelines as Manafort's in EDVA.



Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Some clean up?

This is what Ryan said on Monday: "The person who defines that race is going to win the race...If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn't going to win it."
Paul Ryan

To be clear, GOP wins elections when they're about ideas not when they're personality contests like Dems & media want. We're clearly better off because of @RealDonaldTrump. His record of accomplishment is why he'll win re-election especially when compared to Dems' leftward lurch.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 9m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Manafort has been seated for the hearing in a wheelchair, but he stood up when Jackson came back

Zoe Tillman

Jackson begins by saying the briefing and arguments have been marked by "passion" and "hyperbole": "This defendant is not public enemy number one. But he's not a victim either."

11:23 - 13 Mar 2019
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Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Judge ABJ, pointedly: The question of collusion or conspiracy with Russia was not presented in this case, therefore it was not resolved in this case.
(Manafort lawyer Kevin Downing had said last week that the Virginia trial proved there was no evidence of collusion.)

11:24 - 13 Mar 2019
· 6m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Jackson says that notwithstanding inferences in the briefing, the question of whether or not there was a conspiracy or collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is not before the court, "period."

Zoe Tillman

Jackson: The case will not be an "indictment" or an "endorsement" of the special counsel, "nor does it fall to me to pass judgment on Paul Manafort as a human being"

11:25 - 13 Mar 2019
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Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 4m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Jackson says it would be "hard to overstate" the number of lies and the extent of the fraud, "and there is no good expalantion that would warrant the leniency requested"

Zoe Tillman

Jackson: Why did Manafort do it? To sustain a lifestyle at the "most opulent and extravagant" level, the judge said — many houses for one family, and "more suits than one man can wear"

11:27 - 13 Mar 2019

· 7m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Jackson: Why did Manafort do it? To sustain a lifestyle at the "most opulent and extravagant" level, the judge said — many houses for one family, and "more suits than one man can wear"

Zoe Tillman

Re: Manafort's failure to report his work for Ukraine to the US government, Jackson says there was a deliberate effort to obscure his work and hide the truth. "If the people don't have the facts, democracy can't work."

11:29 - 13 Mar 2019
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Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
"More Suits than one man can wear" sounds like a new jingle for Mens Warehouse, set to the music for Gillette's "The Best a Man can geeeeeeeuuuht"


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 1m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Re: witness tampering, Jackson says: "He pled guilty to conspiring to corruptly persuade another person — two people — with the intent to influence their testimony in an official proceeding. And which official proceding? This one. The case against Mr. Manafort himself."

Zoe Tillman

Jackson said it seemed that Manafort was trying to downplay what he did in reaching out to witnesses, and that gave her concern about his acceptance of responsibility

11:33 - 13 Mar 2019
Jackson said it seemed that Manafort was trying to downplay what he did in reaching out to witnesses, and that gave her concern about his acceptance of responsibility

11:33 - 13 Mar 2019


Oct 26, 2017

Just In: Paul Manafort asked a federal judge for leniency as she prepares to hand down a sentence in his conspiracy case. "I am sorry for what I have done and for all the activities that have gotten me here today," he said.

Actually spoke this time


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 3m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Jackson said it seemed that Manafort was trying to downplay what he did in reaching out to witnesses, and that gave her concern about his acceptance of responsibility

Zoe Tillman

Jackson: The back and forth early on about Manafort's assets and whether he could post enough to be free pending trial appeared to reflect Manafort's "contempt for and his belief he had the right to manipulate these proceedings" and that court orders and rules didn't apply to him

11:36 - 13 Mar 2019
Oct 25, 2017
It's not baffling at all if you live here, he almost immediately began reaching out to the left the moment he took office. It was completely unexpected after he positioned himself as Trump-light and I assumed it wouldn't last but so far he's actually been far more decent than anyone would expect from a GOP governor with his history. Maybe he decided to not divide the state like country has been divided.
Reaching out in such a noticeable way that 45% of the Dem electorate noticed? At least I understand Baker's numbers since he's been there for a while. DeSantis just got elected lol.

Meanwhile I lived in Texas my entire life and people barely know who Abbott is.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 3m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Re: Manafort's cooperation, Jackson said while he did sit for sessions and provide information: "But the problem is that the defendant's own conduct makes it difficult to assess the value of the information that he did provide."

Zoe Tillman

The judge acknowledged the letters from Manafort's family, and said that it was unfortunately true that incarceration can tear apart a family — but she said that's true for everyone, and "this is a family that has the means to sustain itself in the interim."

11:40 - 13 Mar 2019


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Oof. Judge ABJ has called out Manafort over his comments today-- says they seem to have been prompted by the comments he made at the last hearing. Says "elements of remorse and acceptance of responsibility" in submissions so far have been "completely absent."

11:43 - 13 Mar 2019


Oct 25, 2017
DeRacist is weird because I figured he would basically be just as evil as Voldemort but far more incompetent in doing it.

But instead he's done nothing but reach across the aisle and try not to come off as an asshole.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

· 1m
Replying to @ZoeTillman
Jackson said she appreciated Manafort's comments today, but found it "striking" he chose not to write something to her in advance of sentencing, which she said many defendants have done, incl. those who haven't finished high school or who don't speak English as a first langauge

Zoe Tillman

Remorse was "completely absent" from Manafort's sentencing submissions, the judge said, and she disapprovingly noted the effort to argue that it was only because the special counsel got involved that Manafort faced criminal charges

11:45 - 13 Mar 2019


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
· 2m
Judge ABJ has gone back to this now: "The 'no collusion' refrain that runs through the entire defense memorandum is unrelated to matters at hand."

Natasha Bertrand

"It's hard to understand why an attorney would write that...The 'no collusion' mantra is simply a non sequitur." It's also not accurate, since the investigation is ongoing, she says.

11:48 - 13 Mar 2019


Oct 26, 2017

"It's hard to understand why an attorney would write that," judge says, about Manafort's defense team's approach. "No collusion" is "simply a non-sequitur."

Congrats, that you state you didn't commit other crimes? But that doesn't matter here is basically the read. Like no one gets brownie points for stating they didn't steal a car after a murder.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Judge says Manafort's attitude until today was "look what they've done to me," and the "element of remorse and responsibility were completely absent;" says he had a chance to plea for a lighter sentence: "Saying I'm sorry I got caught is not an inspiring plea for leniency."

11:50 - 13 Mar 2019


Oct 26, 2017

Congrats, that you state you didn't commit other crimes? But that doesn't matter here is basically the read. Like no one gets brownie points for stating they didn't steal a car after a murder.

"I fuckin' love crimes and all, but your honor, c'mon, cut me some slack. At least I didn't do that."

Judge ABJ has very succinctly broken torn apart his every move to finagle a lighter sentence.
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