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Oct 25, 2017
Geraldo Rivera is one of only handful of people in US media who are not totally horrible when it comes to the Israel Palestinians conflict, and he has been that for a while.
This is not just about minor points on decorum, dude he been on the correct side of some pretty big things -

He didn't even have to go there, they weren't asking him about Palestine, this is all him and his change of heart seem pretty damn genuine.

I don't know what to do with that information rather than hope that this cognitive dissonance doesn't blow my head off, but the he does deserve credit for that.

Right-wing men with bushy mustaches who describe themselves as libertarians typically get things right about once per year or have a single issue to their credit. Otherwise, they're absurdly awful.

I call it the John Stossel Rule.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Margaret Talev @margarettalev

NOW: ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ is doubling down on the fast food as he prepares to greet the mighty Bison

12:10 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Geoff Bennett @GeoffRBennett

On the menu for the North Dakota State Bisons: Chick-fil-A and McDonald's. They're the latest championship team to visit Trump at the White House. Photo by WH pool reporter @HansNichols

12:17 PM - Mar 4, 2019


I'm so embarrassed to be an American every time he does this.

EDIT: To be fair, Trump does a lot of stuff that makes me embarrassed to be an American, but this, for some reason, bugs me just a LITTLE bit more than everything else.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are the terrible people reacting so much worse to Captain Marvel than Wonder Woman? Because Captain Marvel was a man at one point?


Oct 25, 2017
So is it just a foregone conclusion at this point that the crooked-ass Supreme Court will eventually rule in his favor on the "National Emergency" even after multiple lower courts rule against him?


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty fucked up that Trump issues authoritarian orders and his staff brushes them off as him venting when he's angry


Oct 27, 2017
So is it just a foregone conclusion at this point that the crooked-ass Supreme Court will eventually rule in his favor on the "National Emergency" even after multiple lower courts rule against him?

No. Roberts, as poor as he has been on cases like Citizens United, seems to care about defending the prerogative of the Court and separation of powers at least a bit. I have a hard time seeing how he doesn't side with the liberals on the Court in seeing this for what it is, a blatant attempt to get around the constitutional authority of Congress to control the purse.


Oct 26, 2017

Margaret Talev @margarettalev

NOW: ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ is doubling down on the fast food as he prepares to greet the mighty Bison

12:10 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Geoff Bennett @GeoffRBennett

On the menu for the North Dakota State Bisons: Chick-fil-A and McDonald's. They're the latest championship team to visit Trump at the White House. Photo by WH pool reporter @HansNichols

12:17 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Can't even blame this on gov't shutdown. They just don't care.


Oct 27, 2017
So is it just a foregone conclusion at this point that the crooked-ass Supreme Court will eventually rule in his favor on the "National Emergency" even after multiple lower courts rule against him?

I don't think that Roberts would go along with this and I wouldn't even be sure about Gorsuch (who is merely a conservative asshole, not a hyperpartisan hack). Kavanaugh, Thomas and Alito will definitely rule in his favor though.


Oct 25, 2017
No. Roberts, as poor as he has been on cases like Citizens United, seems to care about defending the prerogative of the Court and separation of powers at least a bit. I have a hard time seeing how he doesn't side with the liberals on the Court in seeing this for what it is, a blatant attempt to get around the constitutional authority of Congress to control the purse.
Plus it might be hard to rule in favor of Trump without giving the next dem president free reign to do all sorts of stuff under the pretext of a national emergency.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so embarrassed to be an American every time he does this.

EDIT: To be fair, Trump does a lot of stuff that makes me embarrassed to be an American, but this, for some reason, bugs me just a LITTLE bit more than everything else.
Trump abuses the privilege of the office in every way, yet refuses to serve decent food to guests. It's the way he takes everything and more, and gives everyone else less even at no loss to himself.


Khive rise up
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Oh, Brie Larson has been trash talking? I didn't realize that's why they were singling her out. I'll have to read up.
AFAIK this started when she dared ask why all the press at the various press days were white men.

It wasn't because no women or minorities were applying to get press credentials for the things.


Oct 27, 2017
Plus it might be hard to rule in favor of Trump without giving the next dem president free reign to do all sorts of stuff under the pretext of a national emergency.
Eh, I don't think that'd stop them if they were leaning that way. They'll carve out very specific exceptions depending how they want to rule.


Oct 27, 2017
Plus it might be hard to rule in favor of Trump without giving the next dem president free reign to do all sorts of stuff under the pretext of a national emergency.

Yes. I did not include that but that is the more cynical reading of voting against it as a matter of self-preservation against a future Democratic president doing the same thing. Ends up with the same result.


Oct 27, 2017

Margaret Talev @margarettalev

NOW: ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ is doubling down on the fast food as he prepares to greet the mighty Bison

12:10 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Geoff Bennett @GeoffRBennett

On the menu for the North Dakota State Bisons: Chick-fil-A and McDonald's. They're the latest championship team to visit Trump at the White House. Photo by WH pool reporter @HansNichols

12:17 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Isn't this shit cold by the time they start eating?
Jan 15, 2019
No. Roberts, as poor as he has been on cases like Citizens United, seems to care about defending the prerogative of the Court and separation of powers at least a bit. I have a hard time seeing how he doesn't side with the liberals on the Court in seeing this for what it is, a blatant attempt to get around the constitutional authority of Congress to control the purse.
I'd really love to see how Fox News tries to spin the story if it ends up being a unanimous decision against Trump. Since SC justices serve for life, I could see the conservative judges not wanting to cede this power to future dem presidents just to let Trump get something they personally don't give a shit about.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Michael Del Moro @MikeDelMoro

NEW: Schiff, Engel, and Cummings request documents and interviews on President Trump's communications with Putin …

1:49 PM - Mar 4, 2019

Frank Thorp V @frankthorp

Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight Committees want to speak with the translator from the Trump-Putin meetings: …

1:53 PM - Mar 4, 2019


Nov 11, 2017
No, I was just referring to how the GOP explicitly announced, "Hey everyone, we're going to bray about socialism this election cycle, okay? Okay, great." And knowing that, when Palin picks up the torch, the Twitter masses instead responded to it at face value and with smugness so they could get their kicks. I think I just don't like Twitter. I wasn't trying to say anything more substantive or contentious.

Its one of their unfortunate strengths. They are all on the same page as far as their party over country. Being smug got us to this point. Getting your internet cuties means little when morons can swing elections in electoral states. But what other reaction can there be if media doesn't challenge it for what it is. Or our politicians. Republicans have an amazing set of skills when it comes to unchallenged propaganda. There is so much of it. Our institutions have to "hear them out" and respect their opinion. They arent playing by the rules though, and still have that same respect as if they are. Its bizzare as hell.

Nah i was just trying to ease the frustration. Not coming at you. Its them. "Our" media doesnt even acknowledge or challenge it. Someone that does tho, on fox news himself is Andrew Yang. Presidential hopeful. He extinguishes the socialism angle very well leaving no talking point to recite. Socialism has altered to mean foreigner communism at this point.. It doesny really have a anti platform. Its just label/code.

Im frustrated too. SNL openers are great and all... But.. I feel like were in an emergency here with threats to democracy.


Oct 27, 2017

Michael Del Moro @MikeDelMoro

NEW: Schiff, Engel, and Cummings request documents and interviews on President Trump's communications with Putin …

1:49 PM - Mar 4, 2019

Frank Thorp V @frankthorp

Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight Committees want to speak with the translator from the Trump-Putin meetings: …

1:53 PM - Mar 4, 2019

Wow, March is gonna be for real.


Oct 25, 2017
AFAIK this started when she dared ask why all the press at the various press days were white men.

It wasn't because no women or minorities were applying to get press credentials for the things.

It only tangentially ties into this particular moment, but Brie has also been quite (rightly) outspoken about violence against women. It was very evident how she felt about certain matters when, as the previous Best Actress recipient, she had to hand the Golden Globe for Best Actor to James Franco. Her disgust at sharing the stage with him was palpable.

I get the sense he may be a new swing vote.

This seems to be the current mindset many commentators have. Whether it bears fruit is another matter.


Oct 25, 2017

Michael Del Moro @MikeDelMoro

NEW: Schiff, Engel, and Cummings request documents and interviews on President Trump's communications with Putin …

1:49 PM - Mar 4, 2019

Frank Thorp V @frankthorp

Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight Committees want to speak with the translator from the Trump-Putin meetings: …

1:53 PM - Mar 4, 2019



Oct 25, 2017
It only tangentially ties into this particular moment, but Brie has also been quite (rightly) outspoken about violence against women. It was very evident how she felt about certain matters when, as the previous Best Actress recipient, she had to hand the Golden Globe for Best Actor to James Franco. Her disgust at sharing the stage with him was palpable.

This seems to be the current mindset many commentators have. Whether it bears fruit is another matter.
You mean Casey Affleck. James Franco never won an Oscar.


Oct 25, 2017
You mean Casey Affleck. James Franco never won an Oscar.

Good correction.

When I looked up Franco I saw his Golden Globe and thought that was when it occurred. I initially said Oscar, realized Franco (thank god) doesn't have one, and appended the GG to it. As it turns out, Franco got flak for wearing a Times Up pin during his GG speech, which.....

Turns out, I just have a hard time differentiating a certain crop of white, brunette actors of a particular age bracket.


Oct 27, 2017
I have to wonder if that's in reaction grousing behind the scenes or lobbying by interests threatening to stop donating.
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