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Oct 25, 2017
I admire Sanders so much in a lot of ways, but he values loyalty to the detriment of himself. Endorsing Cenk for a seat that's only open because of the kind of gross misogyny that Cenk himself has engaged in in the past is mind boggling.
But he was such a young child when he was writing/saying gross misogynistic things and denying the Armenian Genocide! /s


Nov 27, 2017
Sanders is 100 times the person Cenk is. I'm very disappointed that he's endorsing such an odious, scummy dude.
If Bernie is this amazing person...then why does he keep doing this shitty stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

Once is an instance. Twice is a hobby. Thirty nine times is a way of life.

Every time I'm like "Ugh, if it has to be Bernie...fine" he does something dumb. I should just say this on loop until he drops out again.


Oct 25, 2017
Then let's let Obama run again. Please.


Oct 29, 2017
I hate to sound drastic, but this is my updated list of candidates:

1. Warren.
2. Booker.
2A. Buttigieg. (I hate to place him here.)
3. Biden.
4. Sanders.


Oct 25, 2017
I was about to say this was an unrelated topic but Bernie just endorsed Cenk Uygur, so...

Man, I gotta vent. I just had an unproductive discussion with a bernie bro friend of mine about why I don't like Tulsi Gabbard and it ISN'T because the Democratic party establishment is out to get her because she dared to ruffle feathers in 2016 to protect Bernie. At least he was willing to listen to my sounding out that no, it's because she made choices as a grown adult woman that are questionable at best and homophobic/anti muslim at worst. And when someone makes these "questionable" choices consistently, it's probably because they're not a good human being. It's just all this is most likely not productive because I don't think it'll change his mind, and it irks me that people I respect (and don't respect) will cape for this cultist because they're trying to hop on a populist message.


Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie is this amazing person...then why does he keep doing this shitty stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

Once is an instance. Twice is a hobby. Thirty nine times is a way of life.

Every time I'm like "Ugh, if it has to be Bernie...fine" he does something dumb. I should just say this on loop until he drops out again.

Because he values loyalty over everything else and it bites him in the ass. It's infuriating. I think the guy has some good aspects, but it's hard to wholeheartedly support him because of shit like you're talking about.

What's the problem with Cenk?

Oct 25, 2017
What's the problem with Cenk?
He was in his 40s when he would talk to his co-workers about whether or not he would be in incest porn, that he only started lusting after Cynthia Nixon after learning she was bisexual, that he'd love to be single and in Japan to have sex with all their single women, that in his thirties he wrote that women were genetically flawed, that he should be able to feel a woman's "tits" by the third date, and so on... all while the seat he is running for is because a woman had to bail because of revenge porn.
Oct 25, 2017
Lets also not forget he is also a misogynist

He was in his 40s when he would talk to his co-workers about whether or not he would be in incest porn, that he only started lusting after Cynthia Nixon after learning she was bisexual, that he'd love to be single and in Japan to have sex with all their single women, that in his thirties he wrote that women were genetically flawed, that he should be able to feel a woman's "tits" by the third date, and so on... all while the seat he is running for is because a woman had to bail because of revenge porn.
This this this
Jun 6, 2019
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Sexism Over Multiple Posts


Oct 25, 2017
Let's not forget that Cenk made time on his platform for Seth Rich conspiracy theories during the 2016 election!
Jun 6, 2019
Who gets to be the judge of whether Cenk has evolved? Why is your judgement more relevant than mine? What specific actions has he taken to show his contrition and make amends? Also, you know, what about the Seth Rich stuff?

He has apologized and disavowed his previous statements. That's what I am basing my judgment on.


Oct 25, 2017
This is really unsurprising, as Cenk had Bernie on his show countless times. It's a good endorsement. Ultimately the voters of CA-25 will have to decide whether or not the man's past problematic comments are a problem.

How is it good to endorse a misogynistic conspiracy theorist who is also a genocide denier?


Oct 25, 2017
This is really unsurprising, as Cenk had Bernie on his show countless times. It's a good endorsement. Ultimately the voters of CA-25 will have to decide whether or not the man's past problematic comments are a problem.
Yes, Bernie likes to reward loyalty above anything else. That's not a good quality in a person.
Jun 6, 2019
That's it? So basically it's impossible for anybody to ever be a racist or a sexist. They just have to say sorry and the slate is clean. Progressive!

I'm just glad the majority of people don't function like you never forgive never forget types. If that were the case, the world would be an even uglier place right now.


May 16, 2019
Exit polls are showing a majority win for the conservatives in the UK election. I'm no expert in UK politics, but god damn...

The histories that are written about this era in 20 years will be absolutely fascinating. The Western World decided to burn itself down.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just glad the majority of people don't function like you never forgive never forget types. If that were the case, the world would be an even uglier place right now.

I didn't say never forgive never forget. I said, pretty explicitly, that I want to know what specifically Cenk has done to prove his apology isn't just empty words. You said, equally directly, that you don't expect him to ever back up their apologies with actions -- he said sorry and that's fine by you.

That's a bad position! It is explicitly how racism and sexism become normalized in our society!
Oct 25, 2017
at least Cenk doesn't sit on his ass complaining on an inter forum all day.

For sure, he buys political endorsements. All I did today was care for my disabled wife.

An apology isn't just something you say by the way. It's not a fucking magic spell that you just need to utter. A real apology is a Reims of actions that demonstrate that you understand what you did and who you hurt.
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