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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I would pick Pete over Biden but both are fairly down my list anyway. Would much rather have Castro, Booker and Harris over them if we are talking about the "less progressive" candidates. Definitely would prefer Sanders and Warren over all.

This is of course talking about personal choice and not taking into consideration external factors like polling numbers, electability etc.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Pelosi: "The evidence is clear that the president has used his office for his own personal gain and in doing so undermined the national security of the United States." She says of having enough evidence on articles of impeachment: "We haven't made any decision yet."
11:10 - 21 Nov 2019


Oct 27, 2017
Graham really seems to be pinning his hopes on the IG report being effective counter-programming to the impeachment process.
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
"more vacant homes than there are homeless people" is a complete nonsequitur when talking about the supply problem. You cannot force a private homeowner looking to sell their property to simply allow the homeless and low income to move in because it's a good idea. Even if you could in theory do this, the homeless could not handle the maintenance, utilities, or taxes on such a property, and rarely would it be located near public transportation, social services, or jobs they need to survive.

When people say there is a "supply problem" they explicitly mean there is a lack of affordable and/or subsidized multi-family housing units being built that can accommodate low income adults and families. This housing is explicitly NOT being built where it needs to because of NIMBYism- nobody wants a low income apartment complex or a development of subsidized housing units in their backyard.

This is a perfect post about the issue.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Trump camp disregarding Fiona Hill testimony that rejected Ukraine interference while saying that theory only helps Russia sow discord in the West. New press release from Trump campaign bears a subject line: "Ukrainian election interference."
11:19 - 21 Nov 2019


Oct 25, 2017
Sk basically they're going to stay the course that it was actuallg HILLARY who colluded with Ukraine to get dirt on Trump to influence the 2016 election.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
So we heard that everyone was listening in on that phone call because Trump was being really loud and the guy receiving it pulled the phone away from his ear, because otherwise it would hurt?

It would be hilarious if Trump's literal bombast was what ended up doing him in.
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