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Oct 27, 2017
A 35-40 year campaign smearing the press as liberal biased and untrustworthy has done a number on the press. The press has completely internalized that baseless criticism. This campaign to smear the press is one of the conservative movements most successful, underrated endeavors. It is not talked about enough.
I wonder if they sit around and plan all this, knowing that it's something that will take years to pay off or if it's just natural to them and all conservatives happen to share that mindset. My guess is the latter, conservatives never struck me as having much of a grasp for long term plans.

I'd say the worst thing about conservative media is how they spooked all other networks into taking a center right slant out of fear that anything else would be impartial.

It's really frightening to see what is happening to the media, I don't think anyone is safe from this because it might end up a cultural shift.
Oct 25, 2017
I was seriously disillusioned tonight about the impartiality of the press. But I have a theory because it's many white house correspondents (or appears to be). They've just gone fucking insane after having to deal with sanders for months on end. I remember when they were doing press briefings without video or audio. They're clearly suffering from stockholme syndrome.

The alternative reason is worse. They're lashing out because they're so self obsessed and they don't like the fact that they were hit by Wolf themselves so brutally and they're defending themselves by attacking Wolf.


Oct 25, 2017
It's really frightening to see what is happening to the media, I don't think anyone is safe from this because it might end up a cultural shift.
I think it helps with Dems at least that they tend to get their news from multiple sources instead of just relying on Fox News, Breitbart, or Alex Jones.
Jan 18, 2018
Based on a lot of these responses I am led to conclude that many of these reporters have the intelligence and grasp of nuance of a 6th grader.

American media is made up of upper class white people who went to Ivy League schools. The majority of their social networks are made up of fuck you got mine tax republicans.

They're not your friends
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
The reaction by the media definitely shows our "press" has failed us.
One of the early signs of societal collapse.

Bravo you fucks.

Has anybody in the press stood up to these fucks? Anyone?

There are plenty but are getting ignored from not being a gust in the tornado of con-TROV-ersy.

Look for the ones hitting Dumb-Dumb for admitting that Daddy Vlady planted Veselnitskaya in the tower meeting (yes BY NAME) or paying attention to the rhetoric around the otherwise-good Korean deescalation, or the entire slow-motion Cohen bus-throwing-under.

But since their output doesn't use hypocracy to paint over pointing out of hypocracy and has SERIOUS DANGEROUS repurcussions for natsec and criminal behavior, it gets lost.

Hell, even some of the worst laser-chasing-cats pearl-clutchers are already changing topics AGAIN.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Are republicans genius at manipulation or is it like a fish who is really good at swimming, just part of their genetics? I ask this because after reading this thread it seems they have the entire mainstream media by the balls and even have the audacity to mock them at the same time.

The mainstream media backing the degenerates who villainize them and want to do away with freedom of the press given the chance. It's hard to understand how so much targeted evil can come out of what seems blind chaos.
Autodidact's impress daddy theory is correct


Oct 25, 2017
Unless democrats completely wipe the floor with republicans in 2018/2020, I'm afraid this "mainstream media wants to find a market among trumpists" is here to stay for a long while. Some of it is just privileged people in the media not being personally affected by these policies and consequently, not taking them seriously enough and failing to understand how they're dropping the ball (or having some dumb idea that their reporting should be neutral from ethics). But I think there's also a significant business calculation on their part -- they are hedging their bets in case trumpism wins out. If they think the ship of liberal democracy is sinking, the media clearly wants to have seats on the life boats.




Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
WHCA has 100% lost the plot on this. Their job is not to be nice, or fair, and it's certainly not to be civil. Their job is to speak truth to power.
Oct 28, 2017
It gives me some degree of hope that there's been a general push back from the public. I don't know what's causing the public pushback, perhaps because the pearl clutching is so unbelievably transparent and feigned that the only reason to put out these bullshit statements is if you have something to gain from the Whitehouse by doing so. Either way, its clear to a lot of people now that this brand of access media isn't on your side.

There's zero chance an American would not recognize the Maybelline marketing slogan, one of the most famous marketing slogans in the entire world, but a good number of the media are ready to justify their outrage by pretending its an esoteric reference. Fuck, my mum barely understands English and she immediately got that reference.


Oct 25, 2017
Based on a lot of these responses I am led to conclude that many of these reporters have the intelligence and grasp of nuance of a 6th grader.
Journalism and Education had some of the lowest average GRE scores.

Which makes sense. If you could actually do, why would you report or teach instead?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like there's only one thing that could cause the media to genuinely push back and start telling things as they are regarding this administration. It would probably be this administration actually acting upon their impulses and actually doing something to outright censor or put certain news outlets out of business.

I mean, right now they're all talk. Remember when Trump said he was gonna "open up those libel laws" to sue the media? Has the media actually had any lawsuits from this administration thrown at them? Any laws specifically designed to weaken news outlets not named Fox News? I can't name any instances.

Right now, what's happening with the media is akin to a schoolyard bully name-calling one of his victims, and the victim is afraid that if he name-calls him back or retaliates in any way the bully's gonna tell the teacher and get him in trouble. So despite it hurting him, he's just trudging along hoping he'll get bored and leave him alone despite that not being the case.

The only way that victim will fight back to defend himself is if that bully starts making moves to actually kill him.


Oct 25, 2017
Reporting and teaching aren't "doing"?
In the sense that your best and brightest generally aren't going to be reporters and teachers.

Good reporting and good teaching are obviously unique skillsets. I'm not trying to demean good teachers or Ronan Farrow's investigative. But the "skill floor" is also lower for those reporting on those professions than for people actively trying to participate in what they're reporting on (Programming a video game vs reporting on it.) And well, you get Chris Cillizza as a result.
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Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't feel like there's any incentive for anyone to behave differently in the future on this debacle over the dinner, so I'm going to just hope this will be completely forgotten after a week or two.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you can really say that without knowing how many journalism vacancies there are vs how many good candidates there are, especially when it comes to a "dying" profession like journalism. A lot of things no doubt turn on good luck and a willingness to travel - even for non-foreign correspondent jobs, if you're willing to move abroad entirely then you're going to have more success, but many probably don't want to do that.

Also, I think using enthusiast-press to make your point is a little... much? Like, there's few video-game outlets that could be called journalism in any sense. Though I get that's not your main point. :)


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you can really say that without knowing how many journalism vacancies there are vs how many good candidates there are, especially when it comes to a "dying" profession like journalism. A lot of things no doubt turn on good luck and a willingness to travel - even for non-foreign correspondent jobs, if you're willing to move abroad entirely then you're going to have more success, but many probably don't want to do that.

Also, I think using enthusiast-press to make your point is a little... much? Like, there's few video-game outlets that could be called journalism in any sense.
Are the same access problems you see in video games "journalism" not the same access problems you see here?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Yashar Ali @yashar

. @michelleisawolf just posted this on her Instagram and quoted from the @whca statement about her set at the dinner.

"Not in the spirit of the mission"

1:11 AM - Apr 30, 2018

Jacob Soboroff @jacobsoboroff

Uh... This statement is as cringeworthy as any joke ever told at a #WHCD.

The First Amendment is cool to celebrate and embrace, except when it's not, I guess.

No wonder Americans don't trust the media. …

11:58 PM - Apr 29, 2018
Oct 27, 2017
The World
I don't think the WHCA routine was as bad as people are reporting it as, there were definitely some flat jokes.

I do think it would have been great to have a master of sarcasm deliver the comedy speech. Wolf was at times mean which is always something that some people like, some don't like.

The media is always going to defend the WH press operation, because they well depend upon them. That is the place where they cultivate the most sources, so the reporters getting to chew on the comedy bits while defending the press shop and juicing sources is no surprise.


Oct 25, 2017
Are the same access problems you see in video games "journalism" not the same access problems you see here?

Yes and no. To an extent, yes - something like the game's media buy-in to things like embargoes is as much about access as it is reasonable standards of reporting. But, really, the main issue is the complete lack of critical thinking, which I think is independent of access issues, as well as a near-constant inability to really know what to aim for - subjective interpretation or objective review.


Oct 25, 2017
Passion only goes so far and naturally people with the capability and ability to choose will gravitate towards jobs that pay the most, and we know teaching and journalism isn't anywhere the best regarded or the best paying. But looking down on a group of people's intelligence is pretty unwarranted though, not to mention it's a a pretty meaningless discussion.
Feb 14, 2018
This is fucking bullshit. I hope the press catches Hell this week for their behavior here. They've gone full "Thank you sir may I have another."

If the fourth estate won't abide legitimate criticism of the fascist regime oppressing them then what the Hell are we even fighting for? I can't stand defeatism but even I have to say that if the New York Fucking Times and White House Fucking Correspondents Association are going to side with TRUMP in situations like this going forward then we are well and truly fucked. They'll never stand up for liberals like this.

Fuck out of here with your "impressive" ability to sit still while someone truthfully calls you a fucking liar. I wonder how impressed Haberman is by how Clinton handles being called a fugitive from the law by half the country every goddamn day.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Journalism and Education had some of the lowest average GRE scores.

Which makes sense. If you could actually do, why would you report or teach instead?
C'mon son, you're better than this. This is straight garbage and you know it.

In the sense that your best and brightest generally aren't going to be reporters and teachers.

Good reporting and good teaching are obviously unique skillsets. I'm not trying to demean good teachers or Ronan Farrow's investigative. But the "skill floor" is also lower for those reporting on those professions than for people actively trying to participate in what they're reporting on (Programming a video game vs reporting on it.) And well, you get Chris Cillizza as a result.
This is pure bullshit. There's hundreds of good reporters doing good work, especially on the local level. Same with teachers. You only hear about the really shit ones for a reason.

Get out of here with this crap. Cillizza is shit, but he's not indicative of the whole profession.

Access journalism sucks.
It does, but that's not most journalism.
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Oct 25, 2017
Oh, the latest episode of The Good Fight is pretty interesting with regards to Trump and

the pee tape. The plot is that one of the prostitutes in the pee tape is in the US and being threatened with deportation. At the episode's end, she's told if she signs a statement stating "the truth" - that what she said was the pee tape was actually a porno made in California with a Trump stand-in - then she'll be allowed to stay in the US.

As far as actual ways to discredit it go, it's actually not the stupidest idea.

Also, never have the words "Golden Shower" been uttered so many times on an episode of a drama series. I legit want to know what the behind-the-scenes cast talk was like with this one. :D


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
Catching up on the WHCD stuff I feel like I've stepped through the looking glass.
It's positively insane that R's are going crazy over that benign joke not even about Hucks looks (brutal honesty if anything), and the media lapping it up with faux outrage.

Have the media been numbed to the point that they feel they have to cape for this admin? Like for real, this is madness as an outsider.
Also the amount of hypocrisy over being "mean spirited". Oh dear where to fucking begin.


Oct 30, 2017
The impression I'm getting from Twitter is that most (vocal) people are backing Michelle, though ultimately that's skewed by the accounts one reads.

Glad she's not apologising either way.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems to be very much what bubble you're in, right now. My Twitter timeline is full of people supporting Michelle and disgusted with the Right (and Habes). The Washington Post has an article about it (neutral, both-sides, explaining the controversy), and an opinion piece whose title is Michelle Wolf got it just right, so... Yeah. I think a day or two and this'll blow over, for better or for worse.


Oct 25, 2017
In the sense that your best and brightest generally aren't going to be reporters and teachers.
Can confirm; am hopelessly dim and devoid of talent.

Maybe teaching fails to attract the "best and the brightest" because of the pitifully low salaries, which in turn arise from teaching being a predominantly female profession.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Were the jokes against Sanders even that bad?

It's really remarkable that she makes a few jokes at the WHCD and it's like this huge deal, nevermind the fact that Trump rode in on a train a lot more lewd and offensive (not to mention inciteful) than the WHCD could ever dream of being. Clean up your own act before you start crying over this. It starts at the top.

Also the media being so quick to apologize here clearly shows that they have no spine whatsoever.

I mean, fuck. Trump capitalized on a racist lie and embraced xenophobia, sexism, just pure hatred really. What we saw at the WHCD does not even come remotely close to that. Get a grip media.
Were the jokes against Sanders even that bad?

It's really remarkable that she makes a few jokes at the WHCD and it's like this huge deal, nevermind the fact that Trump rode in on a train a lot more lewd and offensive (not to mention inciteful) than the WHCD could ever dream of being. Clean up your own act before you start crying over this. It starts at the top.

Also the media being so quick to apologize here clearly shows that they have no spine whatsoever
No. If you read the joke, it was more of a backhanded compliment than a diss on her looks. Republicans misconstrued what she said and journalists for the most part completely folded.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
No. If you read the joke, it was more of a backhanded compliment than a diss on her looks. Republicans misconstrued what she said and journalists for the most part completely folded.
I read the jokes and watched it too. Either way, it's pretty mild overall, not just the joke itself.

The press sec is doing damage control for a fascist pig on a daily basis; fucking deal with some criticism. And the media should be showing no remorse.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
Watching New Day, everyone is stanning for the WH except Stelter and Avalon who seem to have a modicum of common sense.
They seem incredulous this is a thing lol.

Cuomo has embarrassed himself still saying Wolf went after her looks too.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol, just saw the morning joe snippet where Joe's like Trump called me a murderer and lied about Mika's face bleeding and I didn't get any calls from my trump supporter friends, but they are outraged at a comedian.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I am sure he glad to have killed it after the murdering he took in 2011.

Also, Dan Scavino is just asking, folks!



Oct 25, 2017
Journalism and Education had some of the lowest average GRE scores.

Which makes sense. If you could actually do, why would you report or teach instead?

Thanks for insulting me as a journalist.

Anyways, I definitely think this whole thing is the WHCA getting pissy about Wolf because they don't want to lose their access. Some of Wolf's jokes might have fallen flat but this is just people worried about a presisent with a hair-trigger temperament possibly getting angry at them because he can't take a joke.


Oct 27, 2017
The ball-washing from the WHCA and journalists like Haberman is plainly embarrassing, but I wouldn't mind if they scale back the WHCD anyway. That dinner is one of the most cartoonish examples of Washington elitism, and something about a party celebrating the intersection of government, journalists, and celebrities rubs me the wrong way.
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