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Oct 27, 2017
Welp, once again I make a morning comment in here about how something hasn't happened yet, followed quickly by said thing happening:

....In any event, it goes on and on & the new AG, who is now being replaced by yet another AG (who openly campaigned on a GET TRUMP agenda), does little else but rant, rave & politic against me. Will never be treated fairly by these people - a total double standard of "justice."


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Jake Tapper @jaketapper

Pentagon official: "BLUF" — bottom line up front — "DOD has been saying 99% defeated, POTUS says 'totally defeated,' ordering a total withdrawal of US forces. Obviously DOD wasn't consulted, like countless other tweets, or if we were, POTUS is disregarding Mattis's advice...

"... Earlier this month, CJCS" — the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — "said there's only eight thousand trained (local) forces in Syria and we need 40 thousand to defeat ISIS. Where did POTUS get the information to make this decision?"


The White House @WhiteHouse

Statement from @PressSec: "Five years ago, ISIS was a very powerful and dangerous force in the Middle East, and now the United States has defeated the territorial caliphate. . ."

"These victories over ISIS in Syria do not signal the end of the Global Coalition or its campaign. We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign. . ."

"The United States and our allies stand ready to re-engage at all levels to defend American interests whenever necessary, and we will continue to work together to deny radical Islamist terrorists territory, funding, support, and any means of infiltrating our borders."


Oct 25, 2017
So basically Trump making policy on twitter without consulting everyone first. Yet again.

And there are people who still say just ignore his twitter; he is an old man ranting at clouds.


Oct 25, 2017
Whenever someone's accused of being "triggered", I think of this cartoon....

Oct 25, 2017
When "Obama and The Blacks" and " Obama's presidency to me lacked so much, the only real good for Blacks was the fact racism is again talked about " precede and follow the statement (the latter part actually being edited in, the original post being just the "Triggered Are We?") you are not mistaken.
I have seen quite few posters erasing Obama's popularity with the base of the party by saying he wasn't progressive enough or "what did he even do for black people"

The weird contempt for democratic voters is one of many reasons they won't win


Oct 25, 2017
So in other words, we've "defeated ISIS" in the same way he "solved North Korea." Not at all.


Oct 25, 2017
I have seen quite few posters erasing Obama's popularity with the base of the party by saying he wasn't progressive enough or "what did he even do for black people"

The weird contempt for democratic voters is one of many reasons they won't win

I remember when they thought the best way to win Black Voters was to attack Obama and his accomplishments.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Sessions got excommunicated from his church just to be spit on by Trump and have his shit ultimately reversed.
Don't forget that he lost his Senate seat.

Dude really gave up everything to be Trump's patsy for not even two years.

I actually do like Bernie well enough. I admit lately I have been pushing back on him hard in part because his supporters in particular are the ones trying to throw the "centrist" label on Beto. Beto is to the Left, there's just no way getting around that if you read his policies. No, he's not Bernie Sanders Left. We can agree on that.
The problem with certain factions of the left is their tendency to view more centrist/mainline Democrats as THE REAL ENEMY, and just totally ignoring the Republican Party.

Not only does this cast primary fights as like "Bernie is the left, Hillary is the right" (when their platforms probably had like 80% in common with one another, and the remaining 20% was mostly just a debate on degrees to which government should do xyz), but also giving Democrats no slack when it comes to Republican obstructionism.

Q: Why couldn't Obama just enact this, this and this?
A: Because Republicans controlled Congress. They refused to even hold a vote.
Q: Yeah but... couldn't he have done it anyway?

I can not tell you how many times I've had this exact conversation with the so-called "woke" left.


Oct 25, 2017
I have seen quite few posters erasing Obama's popularity with the base of the party by saying he wasn't progressive enough or "what did he even do for black people"

The weird contempt for democratic voters is one of many reasons they won't win
I mean, is it really weird considering who the base of the party is - you know, people of color whose experiences and existences have been minimized and erased so much already?
Q: Why couldn't Obama just enact this, this and this?
A: Because Republicans controlled Congress. They refused to even hold a vote.
Q: Yeah but... can't he do it anyway?
Obama didn't actually want to pass progressive policy. If he'd wanted to, he would've marched in there and FORCED Boehner to hold votes on it. That's what Bernard would've done.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Manu Raju @mkraju

Lindsey Graham believes Trump made a huge error in Syria and it will make country less safe

He told us he is also "annoyed" that he's just learning about this now, vowing "aggressive" oversight of the move and saying he was meeting with Mattis TODAY on topic

State Dept a few days ago:

Matt Lee @APDiploWriter

From Dec. 11 @statedept briefing on #Syria with Brett McGurk:
"I think it's fair to say Americans will remain on the ground after the physical defeat of the caliphate, until we have the pieces in place to ensure that that defeat is enduring."

McGurk on #Syria from Dec. 11 @statedept briefing (con't): "Even as the end of the physical caliphate is clearly now coming into sight, the end of ISIS will be a much more long-term initiative.

McGurk on #Syria from Dec. 11 @StateDept briefing (con't): Nobody working on these issues day to day is complacent. Nobody is declaring a mission accomplished. Defeating a physical caliphate is one phase of a much longer-term campaign."

McGurk on #Syria from Dec. 11 @StateDept briefing (con't): "We have obviously learned a lot of lessons in the past, so we know that once the physical space is defeated, we can't just pick up and leave."


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

NBC News @NBCNews

NEW: State Dept. cancels Wednesday's scheduled press briefing.


Oct 27, 2017
There's been an update in the Mueller mystery grand jury case and it's a bit disappointing, at least if you were hoping the defendant was Trump himself or someone else in the Trump White House ...

A secret court case apparently about a grand jury subpoena from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation gained a little more clarity Tuesday night after a court ruling revealed the subpoena challenger is an unnamed company owned by a foreign country.

The Justice Department had asked the company to turn over "information" about its commercial activity in a criminal investigation and a federal appeals court is forcing the unnamed company to comply with the subpoena.
n one short passage in the three-page decision, the judges describe how they had learned confidentially from prosecutors that they had "reasonable probability" the records requested involved actions that took place outside of the US but directly affected the US. Even the company was not informed of what prosecutors had on this, because revealing it to the company would have violated the secrecy of the grand jury investigation, the judges said.


Oct 26, 2017
Syria policy is awful similar to the wall. Just declare things. The wall is working great and we need to build the wall.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

WaPo: D.C. attorney general sues Facebook over alleged privacy violations from Cambridge Analytica scandal

The attorney general for the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Facebook for allowing Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy, to gain access to the names, "likes" and other personal data about tens of millions of the social site's users without their permission.
The lawsuit filed by Karl Racine, confirmed Wednesday by two people familiar with the matter but not authorized to speak on record, marks the first major effort by regulators in the United States to penalize the tech giant for its entanglement with the firm. It could presage even tougher fines and other punishments still to come for Facebook as additional state and federal investigations continue.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Obama didn't actually want to pass progressive policy. If he'd wanted to, he would've marched in there and FORCED Boehner to hold votes on it. That's what Bernard would've done.

(By the way, isn't it so funny that once Bernie lost the primaries, all this talk of unprecedented activism from white millennials seemed to disappear? Gee it's almost like they didn't actually care and were only in it for an easy victory)


Oct 27, 2017
Welp, once again I make a morning comment in here about how something hasn't happened yet, followed quickly by said thing happening:

....In any event, it goes on and on & the new AG, who is now being replaced by yet another AG (who openly campaigned on a GET TRUMP agenda), does little else but rant, rave & politic against me. Will never be treated fairly by these people - a total double standard of "justice."

Imagine living your life every day for 72 years in full privilege thinking "I'm so good. I'm so right about everything, but the world is always against me. Everybody hates me and is out to get me.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

David Wright @DavidWright_CNN
New Quinnipiac poll -- Dem favorability ratings:
1. Biden: 53% favorable/33% unfavorable
2. Bernie: 44/42
3. Beto: 24/20
4. Warren: 30/37
5. Booker: 22/26
6. Bloomberg: 22/32
7. Gillibrand: 14/17
8. Brown: 12/9

Trump: 40/56

Quinnipiac University Poll @QuinnipiacPoll

#JoeBiden Top Among Dem Pres Contenders, Poll Finds; Voters Say 3-1 Presidents Should Face Indictment #2020Election

American voters give President Trump a negative 39 - 52 percent approval rating, compared to a negative 41 - 54 percent approval rating November 20.
"39 and holding. President Donald Trump's approval matches the winter chill," Malloy said.
Voters say 71 - 21 percent, including 49 - 38 percent among Republicans, that any president should be subject to being charged with a crime while in office, rather than after a president leaves office.
But voters say 60 - 35 percent that Congress should not begin the process to impeach President Trump.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is conducting a fair investigation into possible links between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government, voters say 48 - 38 percent. Voters approve 45 - 38 percent of the way Mueller is handling his job.
Trump does not respect the rule of law, voters say 56 - 40 percent.
Voters say 60 - 38 percent they do not have confidence in the way the White House is being run and say 62 - 34 percent that Trump does not choose the best people to be part of his administration.
Trump allows his business interests to affect U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia, voters say 52 - 39 percent. By a similar 54 - 39 percent, voters say Trump allows his business interests to affect U.S. policy towards Russia.
From December 12 - 17, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,147 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points, including the design effect.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem with certain factions of the left is their tendency to view more centrist/mainline Democrats as THE REAL ENEMY, and just totally ignoring the Republican Party.

Not only does this cast primary fights as like "Bernie is the left, Hillary is the right" (when their platforms probably had like 80% in common with one another, and the remaining 20% was mostly just a debate on degrees to which government should do xyz), but also giving Democrats no slack when it comes to Republican obstructionism.

Q: Why couldn't Obama just enact this, this and this?
A: Because Republicans controlled Congress. They refused to even hold a vote.
Q: Yeah but... couldn't he have done it anyway?

I can not tell you how many times I've had this exact conversation with the so-called "woke" left.
I've been seeing so much Anti-Obama talk from Democrats (well Bernie people in particular) lately. I know that they're a small vocal part of the party but it's very concerning for a number of reasons if this sentiment grows but particularly because it ignores why exactly Obama was inhibited from providing progressive change. They're setting themselves up for a huge disappointment with a Sanders Administration if they think Obama's only impediment was his ideological beliefs.

As for the criticism that Beto went back on Healthcare issues, he began his Senate candidacy arguing for single payer healthcare but Ted Cruz painted him as some socialist who wanted to destroy the values of Texas so he decreased the word choice to help with his electability in certain regions. Wait until he actually declares himself as a national presidential candidate first. If he's still shaky on Healthcare, then call him out on it. But I'm not going to deem him a lost cause before he even announces his candidacy based on word choices to gain a seat in one of the country's most conservatives states.


Oct 25, 2017

David Wright @DavidWright_CNN
New Quinnipiac poll -- Dem favorability ratings:
1. Biden: 53% favorable/33% unfavorable
2. Bernie: 44/42
3. Beto: 24/20
4. Warren: 30/37
5. Booker: 22/26
6. Bloomberg: 22/32
7. Gillibrand: 14/17
8. Brown: 12/9

Trump: 40/56

Quinnipiac University Poll @QuinnipiacPoll

#JoeBiden Top Among Dem Pres Contenders, Poll Finds; Voters Say 3-1 Presidents Should Face Indictment #2020Election

American voters give President Trump a negative 39 - 52 percent approval rating, compared to a negative 41 - 54 percent approval rating November 20.
"39 and holding. President Donald Trump's approval matches the winter chill," Malloy said.
Voters say 71 - 21 percent, including 49 - 38 percent among Republicans, that any president should be subject to being charged with a crime while in office, rather than after a president leaves office.
But voters say 60 - 35 percent that Congress should not begin the process to impeach President Trump.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is conducting a fair investigation into possible links between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government, voters say 48 - 38 percent. Voters approve 45 - 38 percent of the way Mueller is handling his job.
Trump does not respect the rule of law, voters say 56 - 40 percent.
Voters say 60 - 38 percent they do not have confidence in the way the White House is being run and say 62 - 34 percent that Trump does not choose the best people to be part of his administration.
Trump allows his business interests to affect U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia, voters say 52 - 39 percent. By a similar 54 - 39 percent, voters say Trump allows his business interests to affect U.S. policy towards Russia.
From December 12 - 17, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,147 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points, including the design effect.

Lmao forma!


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
For real, this is my question. The usage of the words Obama and the Blacks and triggered unironically should result in a much harsher ban. Maybe I'm missing something here?

I was banned for 2 weeks for getting angry that the victims of rape hardly ever receive adequate justice and encouraging vigilantism in such instances of gross injustice. I understand that vigilantism should be discouraged and frowned upon in the large majority of cases, but was me getting angry and losing my cool really worth a 2 week ban? Especially when you take into account that my ban was initially for one week and then was extended at the last minute for an additional week.

I'm not upset that I got a timeout from the forum, what I'm concerned about is arbitrary ban durations. That's something that should be addressed.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I've been seeing so much Anti-Obama talk from Democrats (well Bernie people in particular) lately. I know that they're a small vocal part of the party but it's very concerning for a number of reasons if this sentiment grows but particularly because it ignores why exactly Obama was inhibited from providing progressive change. They're setting themselves up for a huge disappointment with a Sanders Administration if they think Obama's only impediment was his ideological beliefs.
Exactly. A lot of these guys never voted in midterm elections and barely paid any attention to politics. The only way anything is going to change meaningfully is if people actually keep themselves engaged and vote in every single election.

My biggest concern coming out of the Trump era is that we get a rational Democratic president and all our voters just figure "oh, thank god, I don't have to care anymore" and go about their pre-Trump routine of keeping blissfully ignorant and then wondering why things aren't getting done.


Nov 14, 2017

Good guy, Ted.

Exactly. A lot of these guys never voted in midterm elections and barely paid any attention to politics. The only way anything is going to change meaningfully is if people actually keep themselves engaged and vote in every single election.

My biggest concern coming out of the Trump era is that we get a rational Democratic president and all our voters just figure "oh, thank god, I don't have to care anymore" and go about their pre-Trump routine of keeping blissfully ignorant and then wondering why things aren't getting done.

I've had friends express that exact sentiment. "I wish Trump would get kicked out so I can go back to not caring about politics." The lesson is not being learned by some, though the mid-terms were definitely a breath of fresh air.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017

Good guy, Ted.

I've had friends express that exact sentiment. "I wish Trump would get kicked out so I can go back to not caring about politics." The lesson is not being learned by some, though the mid-terms were definitely a breath of fresh air.

How about just a day of not caring? A week? Seriously, I can't stand all this caring.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I've had friends express that exact sentiment. "I wish Trump would get kicked out so I can go back to not caring about politics." The lesson is not being learned by some, though the mid-terms were definitely a breath of fresh air.
It's so fucking frustrating. The reason Trump happened in the first place is because people didn't care about politics!!!

And of course, aside from that the Republicans having a death grip on the House from 2010-2018 and state legislatures across the country is probably more damaging long-term than the simple fact that Trump got elected.

If 2012, 2014 or 2016 Senate elections had been just slightly better - an extra seat each year - we would have had a Senate majority for Trump's first two years and he would have accomplished absolutely nothing.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest concern coming out of the Trump era is that we get a rational Democratic president and all our voters just figure "oh, thank god, I don't have to care anymore" and go about their pre-Trump routine of keeping blissfully ignorant and then wondering why things aren't getting done.
Then 8 years later vote for Green Party candidate Jennifer NotAPutinPlant. "I'm not going to vote for the lesser of two evils. Also, she clearly isn't a Putin plant, it's in her name."


Oct 27, 2017
It's worrying when SHS says the next phase of campaign. They'll need to up the distraction and one of the steps they could take is escalation with Iran.
Trump starts a war in Iran his presidency is pretty much finished.

But Christ...then Beto or Harris have to clean THAT mess up, along with a recession AND trying to clean up the Trump's administration's mess


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
NYDN: Rudy Giuliani admits President Trump signed 'bulls--t' letter of intent for Moscow tower during 2016 campaign

President Trump signed a "bulls--t" letter of intent to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 campaign, Rudy Giuliani conceded Tuesday – just two days after the former New York mayor claimed the missive had not been signed.
Giuliani refused to acknowledge he told CNN's Dana Bash on camera Sunday that Trump didn't put his John Hancock on the Oct. 28, 2015 letter.
"I don't think I said nobody signed it," Giuliani told the Daily News, even though he literally told Bash "no one signed" the letter.
In a stunning contradiction, Giuliani told The News that "of course" Trump signed it.
"How could you send it but nobody signed it?" he said.
Oct 25, 2017
NYDN: Rudy Giuliani admits President Trump signed 'bulls--t' letter of intent for Moscow tower during 2016 campaign

President Trump signed a "bulls--t" letter of intent to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 campaign, Rudy Giuliani conceded Tuesday – just two days after the former New York mayor claimed the missive had not been signed.
Giuliani refused to acknowledge he told CNN's Dana Bash on camera Sunday that Trump didn't put his John Hancock on the Oct. 28, 2015 letter.
"I don't think I said nobody signed it," Giuliani told the Daily News, even though he literally told Bash "no one signed" the letter.
In a stunning contradiction, Giuliani told The News that "of course" Trump signed it.
"How could you send it but nobody signed it?" he said.
Oh boy


Oct 26, 2017

Manu Raju @mkraju

Lindsey Graham believes Trump made a huge error in Syria and it will make country less safe

He told us he is also "annoyed" that he's just learning about this now, vowing "aggressive" oversight of the move and saying he was meeting with Mattis TODAY on topic

Trump is making his heel move to the base that supported him. He does not tell any of the NeoCon wing that he is pulling out of Syria (Graham). He announces Criminal Justice reform and bans bump stocks on the same day. And now he's quietly feeding his base that "yeah, I was right all along about Mexico paying for the wall, they're doing it through our trade deals."

Trump used the Republican party and their supporters because it was easy and his surefire way of getting the Presidency.

I hope (and believe) the country will heal from all of this as we have to forgive our lost Republican countrymen. What a ride it has been.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
Daddy Vlad must so proud of Cheeto and the Syria withdrawal

Oh and anything that destroys Sandberg's political ambitions is OK with me
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