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Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
We're just two weeks out from this long national nightmare being over and an entirely new, probably longer national nightmare beginning.

Also Aaron DM me with your midterms OT OP so I can hurry up and post it before I catch a warning for calling someone a moron in a single-poll thread.

Just a few reminders:

- This thread isn't a venting ground for EtcetEra threads. (But the Discord is, and there's an invite link hidden under a hide tag somewhere in this post)
- This thread isn't a Twitter feed or a live TV comment feed, so either give some context for what you're posting about or don't fuckin' do it

My favorites:

For understanding policy and political science in the US:
  • The Weeds (Vox) - more focused on policy than drama, very informative, they have a 'white paper of the week' segment where they go over new poli-sci research. Not as dry as you'd expect though (my overall favorite).
The Supreme Court:
  • Amicus (Slate) - Dahlia Lithwick is a great court reporter and has fantastic guests on to talk about the supreme court (often guests that are directly involved with relevant cases), though her guests are usually from the left so sometimes you come away a little overoptimistic -- still incredibly informative though.
For fantastic interviews:
  • Ezra Klein Show (Vox) - deep dives into big ideas, important subjects. Ezra has one of the best interview styles in the business and he makes sure each minute is packed full of valuable insight.
Peek into the criminal justice system:
  • Stay Tuned with Preet - former US attorney Preet Bahara knows his stuff and has great guests on to talk about the law and criminal justice system
National Security:
  • The Lawfare Podcast - centered around national security but branching off into all sorts of areas, each episode offers a serious discussion about a given topic
  • Intelligence Squared Debates - literally Oxford style debates, 2v2 in 3 stages. Great way to be informed of both sides of an argument over any given topic.
  • Slate Money - business, finance, macroeconomics, monetary policy, regulations -- very informative and somehow they make all this stuff entertaining
  • Planet Money (NPR) - shorter, more produced, not quite as in the weeds
General political discussion podcasts:
  • Political Gabfest (Slate) - John Dickerson of CBS This Morning, Emily Bazlon of NYT, David Plotz (formerly at Slate) each bring their own bit of expertise for a well rounded discussion
  • Pod Save America (Crooked Media) - former aides to Obama provide an entertaining and uncommonly insider look into politics
Daily podcasts for your Alexa Flash Briefing:
  • Up First (NPR) - brief overview of today's stories
  • The Daily (NYT) - similar, but they usually have a deeper dive into a particular story that isn't necessarily breaking news
From across the aisle:
  • The Daily Standard (The Weekly Standard) - if you want to expose yourself to conservatives, this is gonna be the most reasonable, least annoying one. But they're still conservatives.
  • If you can't stand a whole podcast of conservatives, KCRW's Left Right & Center is what it sounds like and is pretty good but Rich Lowry is more Trumpy than the people at The Weekly Standard.
Series podcasts (these explore specific topics like documentaries):
  • Slow Burn (Slate) - each season explores a major scandal so you can get a sense of how it felt as it was happening -- the first season is about Nixon and Watergate, the second season is about Clinton's Monica Lewinski scandal
  • More Perfect (Radiolab) - exploring the history of the Supreme Court -- super, SUPER fascinating.
  • The Wilderness (Crooked Media) - a series exploring how the Democratic Party can save itself and the country.
  • The RFK Tapes - similar to Slow Burn, goes back to look at Robert F Kennedy's assassination
  • What Trump Can Teach Us About Con Law - a series that uses recent Trump news as a jumping off point to teach constitutional law, hosted by constitutional law professor Elizabeth Joh and the guy that does 99% Invisible (another good podcast but less political)
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Final primary: Louisiana, November 6th (House elections)

Previous threads:
US PoliERA 2018 |OT10| McConnell is "mule piss"
US PoliERA 2018 |OT9| Next week has been EXHAUSTING
US PoliERA 2018 |OT8| Democrats projected to gain F5 seats
US PoliERA 2018 |OT7| Tell Me The Bad Things That Happened Since I Fell Asleep
US PoliERA 2018 |OT6| An Unmitigated Disaster
US PoliERA 2018 |OT5| A Total Goat Rodeo
US PoliERA 2018 |OT4| Sweetheart, this is Watergate, goodbye!
US PoliERA 2018 |OT3| In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Ryan

US PoliEra 2018 |OT2| Flip, Flip, Flip-a-Gatesia
US PoliEra 2018 |OT| Welcome to the Resistance, the only funded organization in D.C.

US PoliEra 2017 |OT3| This thread was created with a one vote margin
US PoliEra 2017 |OT2| Tinkle Traitor Soldier Spy
US PoliEra 2017 |OT| At least Rand Paul had a lawn to cushion the blow


Oct 25, 2017
Today has been a particularly bad day. Glad to see that none of the bombs succeeded. That would have been a hellstorm of chaos not to mention all the possible lives lost.


Oct 25, 2017
In what world would the caravan happening at election time be a positive for the Democrats? You only have to think about it for 2 seconds before the conspiracy falls apart.


Oct 25, 2017
This is too damn good to stay in the debate thread, god bless you Sobriquet

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Never been more deflated by a day, and the DOJ comments to SCOTUS about trans workers was just the shittiest cap to an already shitty time. Good luck everyone. We'll need it, and we'll need it for a long long time.

First time being in one of these threads from the beginning btw, have to say thank you for the podcast recommendations


Oct 25, 2017
Never been more deflated by a day, and the DOJ comments to SCOTUS about trans workers was just the shittiest cap to an already shitty time. Good luck everyone. We'll need it, and we'll need it for a long long time.

First time being in one of these threads from the beginning btw, have to say thank you for the podcast recommendations

Anything specific that you could recommend?


Oct 25, 2017
DeSantis is interrupting the moderator more than last time. He's insufferable.

Gillum is doing just as good as last time, if not better.


Oct 25, 2017
If there are any close races near you, consider canvassing. It'll give you the illusion of having some semblance of control over things.

Yeah, I mean that's not a bad idea. Northern California, so maybe CA-10? Don't think Nunes race is even close as much as I want him out
Oct 27, 2017
Never been more deflated by a day, and the DOJ comments to SCOTUS about trans workers was just the shittiest cap to an already shitty time. Good luck everyone. We'll need it, and we'll need it for a long long time.

First time being in one of these threads from the beginning btw, have to say thank you for the podcast recommendations

I'm hoping that it at least gives states the kick in the pants that is needed to get their own laws where they need to be. Since 2017 the legislatures have been turning over, hopefully replaced by people with more political will to get this done.


Oct 25, 2017
These threads move way too fast for me to contribute anything of substance, but I just wanted to say the Podcast suggestions are much appreciated. I was already subscribed a few of them and looking for something similar, and these were exactly what I wanted.
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