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Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017


Manu Raju

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley cautious on Trump's talk of ending birthright citizenship through executive action. He was far more critical of Obama's move on DACA, which he called part of a "long list of abuses of his executive authority."

4:19 PM - Oct 30, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
Wait what

For the House seat????

hot take: the ad hurt Heidi among the 10 liberals in ND, and decided they were going to sit it out, and they're using this as a way to boost Heidi by getting those people to the polls to vote for Whatever Person We're Running There, where they will most likely just vote for Heidi if Dems can just get them in the voting booth.

Reverse Coattails are a thing, right?

Deleted member 3082

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
hot take: the ad hurt Heidi among the 10 liberals in ND, and decided they were going to sit it out, and they're using this as a way to boost Heidi by getting those people to the polls to vote for Whatever Person We're Running There, where they will most likely just vote for Heidi if Dems can just get them in the voting booth.
My thinking too. Only so much you can do for one candidate, might as well try and give them an assist by boosting the other statewide candidate.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Judd Legum @JuddLegum

BREAKING: @Purina ends financial support for Steve King
Purina @Purina

Our PAC contributions are typically made to elected officials from both parties who represent the local communities where we have operations and associates. Representative King's recent statements are in conflict with our values and we are no longer contributing to his campaign.

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

.@Purina is the third company to drop Steve King in response to reporting by Popular Information

The others are @LandOLakesInc and @intel

To stay up to date on this story, sign up at


Oct 25, 2017
U.S. dairy farmers who were caught in the middle of President Trump's escalating trade war with several countries this summer are pleading for more cash as the tariffs have cost them more than $1 billion in profits since May.

In a letter sent to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, the National Milk Producers Federation's chairman and dairy farmer Randy Mooney said the first round of subsidies issued in August has done little to compensate for lost sales and lower milk prices


Oct 25, 2017
Waves are always underestimated.

The issue with this one is I have absolutely no idea where to put a baseline estimate because all the readings are wacky.
Before last week, Rachel Bitecofer had been complaining that Democrats weren't spotlighting Trump enough in ads and fully capitalizing upon negative partisanship.

Of course, Trump came roaring back into the news last week and looks poised to stay there.


Oct 25, 2017
We know pretty well for a fact that the bottom's fallen out of Babs, Coffman, Yoder, Paulsen, and now Mia Love and John Faso on the House side.

Cautiously optimistic that it's fallen out from under McSalty on the Senate side.

We'll know about Heller on Saturday morning.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Not always. Dems overperformed their polling in both the house and senate in 2010
They outperformed the popular vote polling, but iirc most people had the GOP pegged to gain around 50 House seats and it ended up being 63. Nate pointed out at the time their voting spread was extremely efficient.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Scuttlebutt continues to be Dems feeling very good about 10, 39 (shockingly), 45 (not as shocking as it was), and 49. 25 and 48 are close, so if you're in the SoCal area and don't know where to volunteer this last weekend, do 25 or 48.
Oct 25, 2017

Dumb fuckers and the dumb fucks who believe every last grift and con.
Update: the Jacob Wohl-linked "intelligence" firm tied to an attempt to smear Mueller used stolen photos, including headshots of model Bar Refaeli and Sigourney Weaver's husband, to make up fake staffers.

Box of Kittens

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Last night I had interpreted the the Change Research poll of IL-16 as saying that Pritzker was running a few points better than Dady, but reading again they're saying Pritzker is up a few points on Rauner there. The former would be bad news for Rauner, the latter is catastrophic news for Rauner. The crosstabs of earlier IL-Gov polls had indicated a close race downstate, and Pritzker up a few points in a mostly downstate R+8 district would be consistent with that. It also might help explain why Rauner has gone increasingly MAGA these past couple weeks. He needs a massive victory downstate to offset Democratic votes in Chicago and this suggests those voters aren't coming home for him in the final stretch. Of course the problem is that doing so is likely to (further) alienate voters in the collars he also needs to win, so really we can just add it to the mountain of evidence that Rauner is toast.


Oct 30, 2017

I can't confirm this holy shit this guy is bad at this if true.

Looks like fucking Christoph Waltz to me too

Edit: re: above post. Okay it was him lol this shit is too much
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