
Feb 28, 2019
I feel like that's easier said than done if you have a family to support no? You can just stay on and just keep directing traffic or whatever and treat people like human beings no? If you see racist situations going on and don't report them or participate in them then you're part of the problem yes.
People that begins in police and military are mostly very young. There are no family to support.


Nov 6, 2017
Got any receipts to back this up?

Most of the "good ones" remain silent because of the whole brotherhood bullshit. When cops DO speak up they end up getting themselves placed in danger b/c of said brotherhood.

3 Good Cops That Got Fired — For Being Good

There is no such thing as a good cop.

The dilemma of the good cop: Calling out wrongdoing can end an officer’s career

Ryan Adler said he is speaking up now as heightened focus is being paid to reforming police departments across the country. He believes his insights as a former officer can help bring light to these systemic, cultural problems, especially as leaders are vowing that they, too, want change.

I don't know how respectable these sources are, but it does not sound all that surprising to me. These stories have been shared on multiple sources as well.

That brotherhood stuff sounds scary as fuck though damn.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread makes me curious about what service members think about statements like "all cops are bad".

Cops control Americans, service members control the world for America. Most people, including liberals, are nationalists, so the military is seen in better light than the police.
Nov 8, 2017
The specific historical arguments around the atomic bombs don't matter. Username "Nagasaki" and "Japan1945" are not presenting some kind of historical argument that needs to be supported or opposed - usernames like that are chosen with full knowledge of how people feel, and are selected therefore to get rises out of people and be controversial. It's SOP for teenage edgelords (or adult edgelords who never grew up) and obviously embarrassing to be associated with. Esp when "Gamerword" is on the same team.

Let's put this another way - if you saw some Russian guy with the username "UKRAINE1932" and another with the username "GRAINHARVEST" you could safely assume they're simply stoking up the memory of something bad for controversy, even if you're the kind of person who thinks the holodomir was just a combination of mismanagement and bad luck rather than a deliberate act of genocide. It's not a discussion, it's just designed to raise associations for the purpose of shock and offense. And in both cases, these people would probably be greatly tickled by the fact that people are upset by it - that was the point to begin with.
Jul 16, 2020
Y'all coming down hard on Hybrid Rainbow for saying not all military, but he's right. Of course this recruiter and his buddies are awful racist dicks. That said, there are many men and women in my life who served who are truly anti-racist and doing what is right every day.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Twitch should ban them already. They're pushing military propaganda onto kids and are now dog whistling racists too.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, this is super fucked up, but at the same time you have to understand that the US hasn't really won a major military conflict since WW2, so they have to look back to the days of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers to feel good about their service, no matter how inhumane or atrocious their actions back then.

Never forget the ultimate participation trophy:


Runner-up edition:

Those aren't participation trophies.


This right here is actually a participation trophy. They hand these out at boot camp.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
While I agree the US has committed war crimes, let's not delude ourselves into comparing them to Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.

The US had no issue taking in Nazis after the war like Wernher Von Braun if it advanced their scientific goals. The US government really didn't care.


Nov 6, 2017
The US had their own.
True, what's happening with immigrants is purely unhuman. Same with the prison system which are basically work camps as well.

But let's not forget there are still people here whose grandparents fought in wars they had no choice participating in, or a couple generations back those that liberated Europe.

You don't call everyone in the military scumbags, you simply don't.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
True, what's happening with immigrants is purely unhuman. Same with the prison system which are basically work camps as well.

But let's not forget there are still people here whose grandparents fought in wars they had no choice participating in, or a couple generations back those that liberated Europe.

You don't call everyone in the military scumbags, you simply don't.
No one here is arguing about individuals being scum. People are saying the institutions are shit and the people in power who can change it are shit.

Please stop coming in here with the "not ALL military" fuckshit. Shit is not that personal.


Nov 6, 2017
No one here is arguing about individuals being scum. People are saying the institutions are shit and the people in power who can change it are shit.

Please stop coming in here with the "not ALL military" fuckshit. Shit is not that personal.
Lol people are jumping the black guy here because he served in the navy. Maybe not you. But it is personal for him.

Anyway I'm out of here, this is getting too much.

Deleted member 61469

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 17, 2019
lol at defending the us military. You fucking dropped the kurds like they are nothing from one day to the next, leaving them to be slaughtered because your moron of a president decided to throw erdogan a bone not too long ago. not that trigger happy obama was any better. how high was his drone strike kill count again? what about the one before? the one who destroyed Iraq. I'm sure you're a good person but the people calling the shots aren't. And when they tell you to push a button that may or may not level a village in some country you will do it.
Jun 22, 2018
User Banned (2 Weeks) Downplaying Japanese Interment Camps in the US during WWII
So did the USSR. Liberating concentration camps doesn't somehow neutralize the horrible things a government does.

I never said it did.

Just that it's patently absurd to compare Japanese internment camps in the United States during WWII (obviously a bad thing) with Nazi murder camps where 6 million Jews were executed.

But I'm bailing from this conversation too.

If the people attacking veterans and shouting things like "depraved bitch!" and "FUCK YOU!" are the ones "winning the discussion," I'm happy to lose...
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all coming down hard on Hybrid Rainbow for saying not all military, but he's right. Of course this recruiter and his buddies are awful racist dicks. That said, there are many men and women in my life who served who are truly anti-racist and doing what is right every day.
ok so why aren't they out and loud condemning this? if there truly anti-racist, then they should be front an center on this right?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And you've got 4,500 since 2017.


I'll start loaning out my two-year old daughter more often so I can make more internet message board posts and start catching up if that's how we're qualifying credibility these days.

Just as soon as I recover from that sick post-count burn.
Sure buddy.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
Lol people are jumping the black guy here because he served in the navy. Maybe not you. But it is personal for him.

Anyway I'm out of here, this is getting too much.
I'm black and in the military. He's not getting any brownie points from me. I've suffered with racist tactics against me and my friends, misogynism towards the women I know, and just basic toxicity. This shit is systemic, not individual acts. You clowns who keep falling over each other to cape for an institution that doesn't do fuck all for the people who work for them or protects them racial or misogynist acts bothers me.

He can take that shit personal all he wants. It is fact that the branches are all racist. The evidence for that agrees with that sentiment.

Y'all coming down hard on Hybrid Rainbow for saying not all military, but he's right. Of course this recruiter and his buddies are awful racist dicks. That said, there are many men and women in my life who served who are truly anti-racist and doing what is right every day.

No, he is wrong.

And no one is saying any individuals are racist.

Yall gonna ride this not all military argument to the end, huh?


Oct 25, 2017
It didnt happen to me so it must not be real!
It's a deeper conversation with that. Some of you think you're really clever by being super reductive about everything when you're just really daft as fuck. Military can absolutely be a place where racism is present and one can absolutely feel that it's on a different level than police and there's a fuck ton of nuance and context to that convo. In general, I've heard of bigots in the military, but most rank and file I've known were absolutely stand up people and the culture between them and cops isn't necessarily the same. My parents were lifelong dems that both served twenty years in the military as Hispanics. The problem with discourse on era is that plenty of these situations are deeper than a vapid two sentence "dunk" can encapsulate and ignoring that to paint someone as on this side versus the other isn't doing anyone any favors. I personally know there's bigotry in the military, but there's some big differences between institutions that should absolutely be acknowledged.

Also, folks trying to gang up on a fellow black poster for sharing his experience aren't helping either, imo. It isn't easy talking about this stuff. You don't gotta agree with what they're saying, but you don't have to be chodes about it either. This stuff isn't always easy to discuss and it wouldn't hurt to navigate it together. Some of you painfully lack self-awareness and it's apparent in how you debate others online trying to roll over them via moral absolutes rather than ever engage any subject past initial face value. There's so much depth to people and their beliefs, feelings, environments, etc and it's something else to constantly see so many just be so willfully obtuse in an effort to shit on fellow posters. Especially when it seems like most are talking about two different aspects of military to begin with. At least make sure you're on the same page.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I never said it did.

Just that it's patently absurd to compare Japanese internment camps in the United States during WWII (obviously a bad thing) with Nazi murder camps where 6 million Jews were executed.

But I'm bailing from this conversation too.

If the people attacking veterans and shouting things like "depraved bitch!" and "FUCK YOU!" are the ones "winning the discussion," I'm happy to lose...

I hope you understand that not everyone here is American, and the value of "the people that destroyed my country were just paying for college" is not a comforting argument. If you are close to the destruction caused by the military, there's no other way to view it's defense than depraved.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
I hope you understand that not everyone here is American, and the value of "the people that destroyed my country were just paying for college" is not a comforting argument. If you are close to the destruction caused by the military, there's no other way to view it's defense than depraved.
This site has a very Western viewpoint on militaries and don't think of the victims to war and the lives and homes destroyed because of the US or its allies.

coconut gun

Nov 1, 2017
kind of a bad look to threadban an arab poster for mocking the us military, even if they were getting personal, idk. feels not great


Oct 25, 2017
While I agree the US has committed war crimes, let's not delude ourselves into comparing them to Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.
You'll find a lot of links between the US and Nazi Germany. Hitler even admired the US in how contradictory we were. All men are created equal or so it's written, but structurally, systematically, culturally, we were (and still are today) destroying the lives of non-whites all while the US claimed to be a bastion of freedom and opportunity. Hitler got plenty of inspiration for his regime from the US.

Also can't forget stull like this.

Americans hold a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden | February 20, 1939 | HISTORY

Six and a half months before Adolf Hitler invaded Poland, New York City’s Madison Square Garden hosted a rally to celebrate the rise of Nazism in Germany. Inside, more than 20,000 attendees raised Nazi salutes toward a 30-foot-tall portrait of George Washington flanked by swastikas. Outside...

Now let's skip ahead, the US has now destabilized so many countries so their left war torn, in poverty and allowed dictators to rise up to have control. Violent sects and regimes displacing people, many trying to flee to the US and other countries and none will have them. Then helping to write some of their law and trying to create a westernized democracy.

9/11. This attack was a big one. The attack finally gave the US a justification for war and to commit genocidal acts in the public eye. It brought so many together in the US under racism and denouncing allies who would not participate in the war. It also made way for less freedoms and privacy in the US.

We're a very imperialist country. Eager for war. Eager for rule.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
All you guys whinging about #notallsoldiers realize this is a thread about a US military spokesman being overtly racist on a livestream, right? You should not be upset that people are condemning nakedly despicable behavior. The military (like many US institutions) has a bit of a racism problem, and you don't work on that by downplaying it and getting defensive.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
This site has a very Western viewpoint on militaries and don't think of the victims to war and the lives and homes destroyed because of the US or its allies.

This essentially is a nice summation of what's wrong with how Americans view their own military.


Oct 25, 2017
This site has a very Western viewpoint on militaries and don't think of the victims to war and the lives and homes destroyed because of the US or its allies.

When I wanna get my point across, I just substitute the word US with China and I'll find a lot more agreement than before.

Capitalism would get much more scrutinized if say the first trillionaire is a Chinese businessman instead of Jeff Bezo


Nov 7, 2017
Is this just some Navy recruiter that twitch streams in his spare time or an official verified US Navy twitch?