
It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Serious question -- who's supposed to be the Democrat presidential nominee for 2020??



Oct 27, 2017
Unbelievably depressing. I didn't think dems would take the senate but I thought the house was a given. I give up on this country. It's They Live.


Oct 30, 2017
Nah. This was a crazy difficult election year for Democrats. If they still take back the House (seems very possible right now), that will be huge. It's not going to be some historic election night but will still be very positive.

People saying they are never voting again at 9pm on election night is hilarious.

Seriously. It sounds as thought they've never voted before.


Dec 18, 2017
fivethirtyeight before the election
7 in 8 chance Democrats win the House

fivethirtyeight live
5 in 9 chance Democrats win the House


Oct 25, 2017
Not looking good for Stacey Abrams over at Georgia. I'm not surprised but I was hoping for a tighter race.


Oct 27, 2017
It pretty much ends it in the US. Most of the remaining tracks were in Florida.
From what I remember reading there were something like 15 tracks in Florida out of about 18 or something in the whole country?

Either way, Florida somehow managed to do what a measly state in Australia couldn't, and that's ban greyhound racing. Well done for that, I guess.
Oct 25, 2017
Subpoena power is what we need. Expose what Republican have been desperately hiding these past 2 years and beyond and you'll have a lot to work with in the 2020 election.


Oct 25, 2017
Wanted to make one change on my ballot. Didn't realize that means waiting in a ten minute line and then what appears to be a 30+ minute line, whoops. Oh well. Could be worse.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a little silly to think this would be easy or quick.

People need to dig their fucking heels in and get ready for a generational fight.

If we give up this easily then the other side is going to win in the end.

Well there is also the delusion that a Blue wave was magically only happening in like 14 states in the Eastern Time zone, like more than half the country still has to report.

People on this board just don't understand anything and get hyperbolic over everything.

and I agree, this needs to be a generational fight.


Oct 25, 2017
Florida is the big unfortunate surprise of the night thus far.
It's a "swing" state like Ohio is, now. Jesus.
The rest is about as expected, except for the general loss after loss in the senate.


Oct 25, 2017
If Dems win the house and break even or lose a couple in the senate, and maybe pick up a couple governors, that was always going to be by far the most likely outcome.

now if we really do lose the house, that's bad and we really are pathetic

But some of ya'll are acting like you were expecting an honest to god blue tsunami and that just wasn't realistic
Oct 27, 2017
Which is why the Democrats need locally appealing senate candidates in red / swing states.

Joe Manchin speaks to West Virginia.

Even in (probable) defeat, Beto O'Rourke is the best candidate for Texas right now.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that the answer is to Sanderise or Clintonise everything.
Honestly the best candidate is the one that trashes the other person and makes them look like satan incarnate. No quarter.


Oct 27, 2017
Basically what we're learning is:

Over the last two years, most people's minds didn't change. If anything, people have simply dug in. All Trump's crime, corruption, sexism, racism, ignorance,.... none of it matters to Republicans. They feel ashamed to support him in public but they'll vote R in private every time.
After really getting to know my co-worker I feel like I finally understand why people vote republican. I always thought religion played a big role and maybe it does but my co-worker is atheist. He is scared of everything and only worries about himself, republicans play into that fear extremely well. He doesn't like Trump but there was talk about a driving tax in Illinois and that was enough to him to vote republican.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that should give Beto a good boost. I was hoping Tarrant was going to be blue. It was close

A lot of heavy Beto support in Tarrant. I figured he'd be down 3-5 and not within a point so I'm pleased with that. I'm not sure there's a big enough swing for him to take the seat, but it's an impressive showing either way.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
These were the conditions prior to the Civil War. The rural (southern) states held a disproportionate amount of influence in the Senate. It was only after the (liberal) Republicans flipped the script and won in 1860 did they consider the whole system unfair and seceded immediately afterwards.

We headed for a repeat?
My gut tends to be, yes. We're probably headed for a repeat. The divide between rural and urban is going to continue getting deeper and something is going to eventually pop. The US is too damn big.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
My night didn't ride on taking the Senate. It would be nice if Beto won.

But if we loose the house it will be crushing.