
Oct 26, 2017
It's 1AM here and I need to sleep but I also feel obliged to stay awake and keep up to date with this. For some reason I'd rather see any immediate responses live than wake up to a shitshow.


Aug 22, 2018
There is so, so much amateur footage of missile strikes from Syria, Libya, Israel, etc over the past decade, and they would frequently get reposted as alleged footage of some event in those conflicts that had made the news recently, so I would take footage tweeted even by mainstream news outlets with a pinch of salt.


Oct 26, 2017

There hasn't been much of a precedent for a President deliberately and this obviously trying to start a war that could have resulted in the immediate loss of American lives. I find it so hard to picture his base being behind this when so many of those enlisted are probably in their families, but I've been incredibly wrong about their views on him so far.

Trump could kick these people in the genitals with steel toe'd boots while taking everything they own and these fucking dipshits would still support him.

They're brainwashed fucking idiots.


Oct 27, 2017
Just imagine waking up at 4am morning with this news...
I'm shaking and can't do anything, other than waiting for the sound of jetfighters or missiles. ;__;
I hope it ends well, but really doubt it...


Oct 26, 2017
It would widen but decidedly not in Iran's favor, they have the upper hand right now and the U.S. is all alone. Dragging Israel into this would be catastrophically stupid.

I have to wonder if this is just posturing given that Israel seem to be the only allies that Trump "cares" about.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
User Banned (1 Month): Disregarding the Staff Post In Regards to Jingoism


Oct 26, 2017
Can't say I blame Iran, but this isn't going to end well for them. I was hoping cooler heads would prevail. But after endless US antagonism, they really had no choice but to respond
Iran is literally a fortress nation, they have like 11,000 Surface to Air launchers. Flying over Iran is impossible.
Manpads, maybe. They don't have the range to shoot down high flying US aircraft.


Oct 25, 2017
Never thought that the world would head to a new conflict that early in 2020 and yet here we are *sigh*

Wish everyone in the region all the best luck. Stay save guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The situation between the United States and Iran is fast moving and highly charged. In order to try and prevent things from becoming more heated than they need to be, the following rules will be strictly enforced from here on out:
  • There is to be no fearmongering over World War 3​
  • There is to be no warmongering or jingoism​
  • Any trolling, of any kind, will be severely punished​
  • Any racism or Xenophobia will receive stricter bans than usual​
  • ALL SOURCES MUST BE CHECKED BEFORE POSTING, DO NOT POST ANY FAKE LINKS OR NEWS. Please be sure to wait for confirmation from trustworthy news sources before sharing anything new.​

Violating any of these guidelines will be met with no less than a 1 month ban from the site. These rules will hold for all threads on this conflict until further notice.
why is racism and xenophobia being tolerated?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Good call closing the thread to establish some rules. ^

Their parliament voted a resolution but it was non binding. Now it's up to Iraq's government to decide how to act. The US sent a letter to announce the withdrawal but then said it was a mistake. So it's still very confusing.

Oh ok, well I hope they leave soon for Iraq's sake, they don't deserve to get caught up in this bs.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel so sick knowing that this country voted to put life or death decisions into the hands of Donald fucking Trump. People on both sides are going to live or die based on decisions from a madman.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope the civilians in Iraq and Iran (including the posters here on this forum) will be as safe as possible.

And again, fuck Trump for starting this.


Oct 25, 2017
Involving Israel would be one way to make this shit sandwich even worse because I imagine it widens the scope... Awful stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Trump will retweet some of the BS twitter mongering to get his war regardless of what US Intel says.
Oct 27, 2017
If it's any consolation I don't actually think Trump has the stomach for an actual war. He'll think to himself "Ugh this sounds like A LOT of work!" and he'll bluster his way through this.

The only reason he gave the go ahead for Soleimani is because he thought he get plaudits the same way he did for al baghdadi and he didn't understand the ramifications.

He's literally too much of an idiot and coward for war; he'll hand off all the decisions to the military brass and they will deescalate it.