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Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
So that's 2,400 laws in100 days, that means 24 pieces of legislation will be reviewed per day … I mean could ANYONE take this seriously? Why not just say 'In my first 100 days I will cure cancer and build 100 new hospitals and train 50,000 new nurses'

Politics has lost all connection with reality in a way I'm sure wasn't the case even ten years ago.

He should try it just to see if any news outlet actually asks him how or where it's all gonna come from or just runs it as the headline.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017

'Wokeism really is the fight of our times'



Oct 27, 2017


Why hurry, it's not like there are like 3 crisis happening at the same time right now

I'm not convinced the new leadership would act until the middle of winter when things start hitting the fan and even then they will put in the absolute minimum effort.

Only things that will happen before Winter is meaningless tax cuts for the plebs and big ones fir the rich.

Don't forget when a Labour government gets in and we have no money due to the crazed Tory tax cuts and existing austerity, the tories will bang on about how heavily in debt we are when Labour have to raise taxes and spend again just to get public services back to functionality.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't surprise me but Tories say whatever it takes to win the current conversation and it might just be IDS getting carried away(hopefully) by something she said.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Truss cares either way, every one of her opinions is based on what she thinks will get her most votes. And the Conservative Christian Fellowship is probably one of the easiest groups to pander to by hinting at policy changes.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Of course, nothing has changed since March 2020 that might put the public finances in a different spot.

Just nationalising the energy retailers, which may cost relatively very little, wouldn't solve the problem. Energy suppliers are charging incredibly high prices right now, so either you have the Government nationalise those which would cost many tens of billions (which just pushes the problem down the line really), or you buy the energy at the high price being charged, then sell it to the end user at a lower price, absorbing the cost somehow. Forcing retailers to absorb that cost would almost certainly bankrupt them, which would force nationalisation anyway (at least temporarily) and make the Government absorb that cost. Of course the Government is better placed to do that, but it's gonna be incredibly costly anyhow.

Gordon Brown's proposal has a lot of merit to it, if nothing else it's actually grappling with the scale of the crisis facing it. Hopefully Labour at least acknowledge what's coming down the line and don't just piss about with proposals that'll cut a few quid off bills. But really, throwing around that £2.8bn figure as all it'll cost to solve this is deeply misleading.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, Starmer lied to get elected leader and he has said he had no qualms breaking pledges in order to win elections.

Problem is, it just makes him look like a liar and untrustworthy, which is why his personal polling is dogshit despite having a relatively very easy ride in the press.
Oct 26, 2017
He is on holiday, it's a bit much for Tories and the right wing press to make out it's the same as the PM and government being non existent at the moment.

It's not remotely the same, but it is another example of him failing to capitalize on a golden opportunity. Wouldn't take too much to record a video or do a remote interview.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not remotely the same, but it is another example of him failing to capitalize on a golden opportunity. Wouldn't take too much to record a video or do a remote interview.

Not much point if he isn't going to make a major move, they probably calculate that 2 years from now if they get in the energy crisis will be somewhat resolved. So they want to appear business friendly and won't make big interventionist moves like nationalisation or price controls.

So there's no government or policy to attack until September anyway.
Oct 26, 2017
Not much point if he isn't going to make a major move, they probably calculate that 2 years from now if they get in the energy crisis will be somewhat resolved. So they want to appear business friendly and won't make big interventionist moves like nationalisation or price controls.

So there's no government or policy to attack until September anyway.

The reasoning doesn't make it any less of a wasted opportunity.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking Starmer was actually 100% genuine in his support for common ownership at the time, but circumstances changing makes it impossible now would be a marginally less ridiculous position to take if Starmer hadn't lied about every single other pledge he made to get elected too.


Oct 27, 2017
He is on holiday, it's a bit much for Tories and the right wing press to make out it's the same as the PM and government being non existent at the moment.

For no reason whatsoever:

People mention project fear they don't bring up Corbyn's long bank holiday weekend as reasons they voted out.

He claimed it wasn't an actual holiday but I don't know to be honest.


Oct 25, 2017
For no reason whatsoever:

lol, i'm a bit confused why you brought this up.
I thought the attacks on Corbyn or having a break were a bit silly as well. Even if it was during the referendum campaign it was just a long weekend and from memory he was a bit shattered from the leadership challenge stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
lol, i'm a bit confused why you brought this up.
I thought the attacks on Corbyn were a bit silly as well.

I know sorry, I saw some others in the thread ('Is Jeremy Corbyn a Russian Stooge, lol) which were more critical but were mostly now banned, curious. I just thought it was interesting that a 'long bank holiday' resulted in such vitriol whilst Keir Starmer missing in one of a huge crisis is just on a holiday. I do appreciate you do not represent that disconnect.

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