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Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
He isn't switching as far as I'm aware.

A family member told me that he was, but they could be wrong. I haven't really been paying close attention myself to be honest, for the sake of my health. I've been finding the current political climate in this country extremely depressing.

He isn't. He's still in Uxbridge and Ali Milani is going big on unseating him.

I hope he manages to achieve it. Would be a major embarrassment for the Tories, even if they did win the election overall.


Nov 1, 2017
A family member told me that he was, but they could be wrong. I haven't really been paying close attention myself to be honest, for the sake of my health. I've been finding the current political climate in this country extremely depressing.

There were talks/rumours of him changing to a safer seat but in the end he chose to stay put. Probably for the best because him changing seats (running away) would all anyone talk about for like a week.

I honestly don't expect him to be unseated but I keep having this weird feeling, where the Conservatives will get a majority but Johnson would loose his seat.
Oct 26, 2017
Johnson isn't switching but has cancelled hustings in Uxbridge though. It'd be great if someone in one of these things asks him how many kids he's got

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Nov 29, 2017
A few thoughts:

Lib Dems better get used to sub 11% polling now, tonight could not get worse for them. They fucked it, fucked it hard tonight and I can definitely see an exodus to labour now. She just came across as speaking down to everyone else rather then to them and emphasising with them. Cable is probably regetting his choice in helping her become leader.It was simply, a shit performance and many, many people across the country will likely just stay quiet and vote for the rosette come Election Day, others will just say they never left labour and vote for a Corbyn who came of damn well. The boneheaded, idiotic performance by Swinson and her meltdown will be a game changer this election. She is far out of her league. To labours big advantage of course, however we do need them to get more seats in the south and SW. That vote should still hold up simply because BoJo is such a unlikeable cunt to so many centrist tories. How much? We'll find out soon enough.

SNP bossed it, strong performance from Sturgeon free of the bullshit of the Lib Dem's and Tory spouted today. The campaign has been decent so far just not outstanding, but this will give them a boost. With the scottish tories imploding, Ruth Davidson gone and Scots that fucking hate BoJo more then the north of England does, they should gain seats. The performance will only help them A good deal.

BoJo fucked it, not as bad as the Lib Dem's, but his was way, wayout of his element and we saw a meltdown on stage. He was evasive, wrong footed, rambling, lost and did not seem one inch of the strong man he tries to be. The Corbyn brexit slam dunk ripped him apart. He flubbed hard and while those who love him in the Tory heartlands will continue to do so, doesn't mean much as this was not a majority winning performance, much like the itv debate. He looked like sweating May back in 2017 at points, and we all know what happened then. The brexit shit is going to wear thin, and wear thin fast with an electorate with many other things on their mind.

Corbyn was good, damn good, but the true shockwave was him coming out as neutral. Dominates the conversation now for the better, and closes the one final weak point they had and weakens considerably an attack point everyone else and the tories had. This combined with the manifesto might well move the needle big. It will be spun into a big advantage but thier formidable and conversation setting online operation and will be a boon for the doorstep and the keyboard. He is going in very strong in the climate debate too.
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Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't quite possible that Corbyn is the only leader (I guess besides Lucas) who has their seat at the end of this election?


Nov 14, 2019
I still can't get over that audience member who looked like he rolled out of a bikers club crying that he was terrified of Corbyn. Not to mention the hysterical dad claiming his daughter's lives were on the line or something if Corbyn is PM.

The state of those men.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
The notion that Nicola's strength translates to a UK premiership is laughably simplistic and ignores exactly why a lot of the public would dislike her. Her hubris on independence does not a good PM make. The SNP are a single-issue party and they'll remain that way. Corbyn investing in the UK is a threat to their single issue.
We'd rather invest in ourselves exactly where we want and need to rather than hope for a Labour government once every 20 years doing it for us, maybe.


Oct 25, 2017
I do wonder how what kind of parties Scottish politics would split into if they do get independence.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Must say I nearly had a stroke seeing and hearing 4 people in a row mentioning Scottish independence positively. On BBC Question Time. Is this one show to balance things out for the last few years haha?!


Oct 29, 2017
Ugh, Boris wasn't that awful, unfortunately he performed well to that 40% who just munch up the taglines and don't think too much about what they're seeing. Labour should massively gain from the lib dems and maybe undecideds but I can't see the tories losing much.
I had the same awful thoughts, he performed no differently, no more bumbling and incoherent than he usually is in every public appearance. The only difference was that the questions were a bit more pointed than he is usually allowed to be exposed to. But as we all know questions from "obviously biased people" and "plants" are easily dismissed, no matter the level of truth contained within. If people cared about integrity and truth on anything more than the most superficial level (i.e. claiming that only their side possesses it) they wouldn't be voting for that fucking mess in the first place.

"I never intended to cause hurt or pain to anybody". Ah right, so you're just an unintentional racist, good to know.

I'm still fucking FUMING though about the bullshit questions that they allowed people to ask Jeremy. Swinson and Johnson got hard questions that were based in actual truth, Corbyn got, "I think everyone should be terrified of you because socialism is awful and you'll take away our freedom!" It wasn't even a question, they pre-screened it and thought a statement of cold fear based on apparently nothing about a generalised non-specific threat with literally nothing to back it up was a suitable question for a genuine political candiate. By doing so they are basically lending credence to the bullshit agenda that Corbyn (and by extension socialism) is by default evil and an actual existential threat to people's freedoms, that that's the accepted position that discussion should use as a baseline.

Fuck me, can you imagine if they let someone go, "I and my whole family are terrified of you Mr Johnson, we're petrified that if you're elected you're going to send men round to our house, and without provocation or justification take away our freedom and force us to leave the country!" That question would *never* be allowed even though that's WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED.

Sturgeon rocked it. Swinson was full of shit, but considering she was defending an indefensible position I thought she did as best as she could and she had great shoes lol.


Oct 26, 2017
I still can't get over that audience member who looked like he rolled out of a bikers club crying that he was terrified of Corbyn. Not to mention the hysterical dad claiming his daughter's lives were on the line or something if Corbyn is PM.

The state of those men.
Notice that neither of them had any questions for any of the other leaders.


Oct 29, 2017
That young black man grilling Boris on Russia was amazing.
He was, I just wish he'd also mentioned that some of the largest donations to the Tory party have come from Russians and asked whether Bojo thought that was coincidental at all.

It was funny watching the audience in general, there were gammons there, you could tell who they were because they had a strict policy of #neverClapping


Oct 28, 2017
One thing that has gone under the radar slightly is Johnson fucking over the WASPI women and saying they can't magic up the money. Hasn't gone down at all well by those affected by the pension changes. Labour apparently due to make an announcement on the issue Sunday too, there manifesto was a bit vague other than saying than general support.


Nov 14, 2019
One thing that has gone under the radar slightly is Johnson fucking over the WASPI women and saying they can't magic up the money. Hasn't gone down at all well by those affected by the pension changes. Labour apparently due to make an announcement on the issue Sunday too, there manifesto was a bit vague other than saying than general support.

Yeah, that was a shocking response. Maybe some olds will have a light bulb moment?


Oct 28, 2017
My blood is actually boiling at the sheer stupidity of a facebook post an old friend from high school just shared. Its made me realise the problem that labour has to come is just so deeply rooted and I have no idea how they'll overcome it. Here's the post if y'all wanna share in the pain:

Just, we need a better level of education in this country. How can someone see something like £1.2trillion a year/ £350 million a day for free broadband and a minimum wage increase and not pause to think if that sounds right or not. One quick google search told me that the UK total spending is £820billion for this year, so that claim is obvious utter rubbish. How is this not just a basic thing that everybody thinks to do?


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
I didn't catch the debate and I see the thread has grown 20+ pages. What did I miss?
Corbyn and Sturgeon handled it well, much better performance from Corbyn compared to the ITV debate - he seemed better prepared for the difficult questions this time. Swinson and Johnson had a rough night. Would recommend giving it a watch if you have a couple of hours to spare!


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking right into my veins

Can't believe this was allowed to happen on the Beeb


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Absolute disaster for Swinson. A complete disaster. Worse than you could imagine it being.
Corbyn and Sturgeon handled it well, much better performance from Corbyn compared to the ITV debate - he seemed better prepared for the difficult questions this time. Swinson and Johnson had a rough night. Would recommend giving it a watch if you have a couple of hours to spare!
Ooh, I'll definitely give it a watch in the morning then. Thanks for the summaries!


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't watch it or keep up with this thread but everything i've seen on twitter has been about how good Sturgeon was which is good. Maybe i'll watch it after all.


Oct 25, 2017
I heard Swinson got demolished haha

I thought I might do a bit of gloating on Libdem voice but they haven't put anything up about her performance, there is this quote there from an article earlier today "a recent poll suggested that voters like Swinson less as they see her in this campaign. This is extremely puzzling"



Oct 27, 2017
Making Swinson their leader is one of the biggest fuck ups the Lib Dems have done since the coalition. I'm beginning to wonder if even Vince Cable would have been less of a disaster for them (probably not, running the guy who sold the post office against the guy trying to nationalise it again would probably fail even worse than everything Swinson is doing.)


Oct 29, 2017
Guys. I've been watching political debates for a few years now (France, US, UK, international) and... Tonight was tense.

Never seen an audience like that. Swinson and Johnson got destroyed, I still can't believe it. I doubt people will care but this was so satisfying.
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