Virtua Saturn

Oct 27, 2017
Glad it's doing so well. I booted it up yesterday and played it pretty much from 9am to 9pm. I haven't binged a game like that in years.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
Ah thanks, if I bite the bullet this will be my first FE game, is it a good introductory to the franchise or not?

Others are quick to say that this one is especially newcomer friendly, but I'm a bit hesitant to agree. Three Houses changes up a lot of the older systems and adds a bunch of new stuff on top of it. Even veterans can find this entry a bit overwhelming at first.
If anything, you're not going to be at a disadvantage compared to people that played older games, it has a bit of a learning curve for everyone.
The game is also fairly easy on easy, so that's something you can consider for your first playthrough, then try out a harder save file to see the difference and how it affects your gameplay.
As to whether it's a good introduction to the franchise in general - it feels very different from the 3DS entries at least. I personally feel that Echoes (the remake of FE2 on 3DS) might be a better introduction to what a Fire Emblem game is, but that is also with a lot of caveats, because no weapon triangle, magic spells tied to characters... (same system as Three Houses by the way)

If you're interested by what you've seen so far, don't hold back. Every Fire Emblem is someone's first.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
.....holy crap
Oct 25, 2017
I can attest to the game's quality. Accidentally spent like 10 hours on it yesterday (my save said around 8, but I had to redo a lot of progress when I lost a couple battles).

I'm kind of conflicted on whether I should keep the rewarding tough as nails difficulty I'm on though. Was worried if I didn't play on Normal with the Casual setting that I'd drop the game like Awakening, but I was convinced to at least try Hard on the Classic setting because the rewind time mechanic is a decent crutch (saved my ass in the first real battle against bandits, or more specifically Mercedes' ass). I'm not sure I can keep playing at such a slow pace (4 battles in 10 hours, yeah), but it didn't feel like 10 hours so I guess that's something.

The game is well deserving of success regardless. Blue Lions FTW! :P


Oct 27, 2017
I can attest to the game's quality. Accidentally spent like 10 hours on it yesterday (my save said around 8, but I had to redo a lot of progress when I lost a couple battles).

I'm kind of conflicted on whether I should keep the rewarding tough as nails difficulty I'm on though. Was worried if I didn't play on Normal with the Casual setting that I'd drop the game like Awakening, but I was convinced to at least try Hard on the Classic setting because the rewind time mechanic is a decent crutch (saved my ass in the first real battle against bandits, or more specifically Mercedes' ass). I'm not sure I can keep playing at such a slow pace (4 battles in 10 hours, yeah), but it didn't feel like 10 hours so I guess that's something.

The game is well deserving of success regardless. Blue Lions FTW! :P

Mercedes' was an ass worth saving. She's a beast.


Oct 25, 2017
I popped into my local GAME and they were totally sold out too. Looks like I won't be getting a physical version of this game, I'll have to get it digitally it looks like. My bad for snoozing on this one and missing its release completely. (I checked all my usual online retailers too, all sold out... ShopTo, GameCollection, Amazon).


Oct 29, 2017
Fantastic News. Spent a good chunk of my weekend on this game and I can't wait to go back for more. Can't wait to see what the NA sales numbers end up being.
Oct 25, 2017
Her passive is fantastic, and once she develops some offensive skills she really becomes dangerous.

Nice. I remember her having some kind of latent talent in something that surprised me. Archery? Don't remember exactly and can't check in the game right now (want to avoid looking up info because of spoilers). I look forward to her evolving into a brilliant angel of death haha.
Oct 25, 2017
Right. I remember seeing that and trying to let her get a bit more archery experience, so I told her to take on an archer during my last battle. Bad mistake lol since I think he retaliated with a critical counter attack, then wiped her out the next turn.

Hence me having to rewind (after freaking out a bit because I thought I had to wipe out my hour+ long progress into the mission, before remembering the rewind mechanic) lol.

Definitely learning a lot of strategies from my mistakes, such as taking advantage of the range of archers mostly on enemies who can't fight back, and conversely charging towards archers with melee fighters to put on the pressure. I suspect this kind of strategy isn't as important in Normal mode, which of course leads back to my dilemma: have each fight take ages but be engaging throughout, or make them relatively breezy at the cost of engaging gameplay. Hmm.


Oct 27, 2017
Right. I remember seeing that and trying to let her get a bit more archery experience, so I told her to take on an archer during my last battle. Bad mistake lol since I think he retaliated with a critical counter attack, then wiped her out the next turn.

Hence me having to rewind (after freaking out a bit because I thought I had to wipe out my hour+ long progress into the mission, before remembering the rewind mechanic) lol.

Definitely learning a lot of strategies from my mistakes, such as taking advantage of the range of archers mostly on enemies who can't fight back, and conversely charging towards archers with melee fighters to put on the pressure. I suspect this kind of strategy isn't as important in Normal mode, which of course leads back to my dilemma: have each fight take ages but be engaging throughout, or make them relatively breezy at the cost of engaging gameplay. Hmm.

Probably wise to just manually instruct her in archery until she's usable. I'm just doing it on the side and letting her wreck fools as a monk in the meanwhile.
Oct 25, 2017
Well deserved.
It's all thanks to Claude and the Golden Deer.
No, Dmitri, lol. šŸ¦
Probably wise to just manually instruct her in archery until she's usable. I'm just doing it on the side and letting her wreck fools as a monk in the meanwhile.
Good idea. I should probably do a similar thing with Ashe and working on his hidden talent, which I think is spears. For now he's my MVP sniper though haha.