Gray clouds

Nov 7, 2017
A big gripe I have when it comes to player experience: weak visual feedback

Lots of VFX feedback: Overwatch and League of Legends

Even without sound you can see the damage happening with the enemy HP. You are destroying that HP bar segment by segment. Finally, you're rewarded with a popping execution.

Simple VFX feedback: Anything by Bioware, The Elder Scrolls, and many more including upcoming games like Outriders.

Red hp bar gets smaller. Sometimes flashes.

Developers, I think it adds a lot if you put a little more impact into this detail.
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Deleted member 54292

User requested account closure
Feb 27, 2019
Ideally design the characters in a way that allows there to be no health bar but good visual and behavioral changes based on damage. Probably better for PVE rather than PVP though


Nov 16, 2017
So they both show the bar going down but you just don't like how some companies do it? They both are fine but I'd argue the chunks disappearing feels arbitrary because how much do I need to do to knock off a chunk?


Oct 25, 2017
Both those gifs are doing the same thing, one just has a strobe effect to each hit.

Now if we want to talk audible feedback of a hit, that is something a lot of games need to improve.


Oct 25, 2017
I... Feel like I might know what you're talking about OP? But it's super not well explained and those examples kind of look the same


Nov 4, 2017
From the two gifs provided, and from my perspective, both health bars are doing the same thing right? When damage is received the health bar flashes white for the amount of damage, and then when that white bar goes away only the red is left.

The difference isn't the health bar, but rather 2 things: 1)Design decisions 2)Polish.

Overwatch is much more animated in it's presentation than Andromeda was ever going to be. With Overwatch taking a more "Cartoon" (In comparison) feel than the realistic Andromeda. So naturally, normal enemies in Andromeda aren't going to "pop".

Second is polish. It's no secret that Andromeda was lacking polish, and Overwatch is overflowing with it. So I feel like it's an unfair comparison.

That being said, yes, games should give good visual feedback. But Good visual feedback can also take different forms. And some people prefer some to others.


Nov 22, 2018
I can't tell the difference between the two examples. 🤷‍♂️
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Oct 25, 2017
this topic is the equivalent of vanilla ice explaining why his song is different than under pressure


Oct 25, 2017
Overwatch's UX is definitely high up there, it's a reason I believe people loved it at first. The hit markers, the way you get a "kill" only if you assisted, the sound/plink of hitting enemies all rank up there
Gray clouds

Gray clouds

Nov 7, 2017
Perhaps I shouldn't have called them "wrong", but boring? Edited the OP a bit.

Personally, I just think some games that are lacking with damage reaction. For example, in MMOs, I assume enemies just can't react to all sources of incoming damage for whatever reasons. I think UI fx could add more excitement.
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Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
That's fine. Not all games need a "punchy" HUD feedback.

Sometimes the less animated, the better for the HUD. I personally prefer a clean and subtle HUD.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
this topic is the equivalent of vanilla ice explaining why his song is different than under pressure


Perhaps I shouldn't have called them "wrong", but boring?

Personally, I just think some games that are lacking with damage reaction. For example, in MMOs, I assume enemies just can't react to all sources of incoming damage for whatever reasons. I think UI fx could add more excitement.

I think this goes back to the style of game. It's like, it wouldn't make sense for certain games if their enemies/HUD explodes in a more visible way, while this makes sense in Overwatch


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
The two examples are virtually the same...? One has a curved HP bar and the other has a straight hp bar. And they flash different parts of the bar white (one flashes the part of the bar that has been removed and the other flashes the part of the bar remaining).
Gray clouds

Gray clouds

Nov 7, 2017
That's fine. Not all games need a "punchy" HUD feedback.

Sometimes the less animated, the better for the HUD. I personally prefer a clean and subtle HUD.

Punchy! That's a good way to explain it.

I do agree there's a point where HUD fx can be overwhelming (low hp - red borders, as mentioned by another user). One complaint I had with Disintegration's beta was it was easy to lose focus with all the smoke fx and everything going on at once.