Is fracas gettin the axe?

  • Nah you're fine dawg

    Votes: 411 45.5%
  • Better update that resume!

    Votes: 492 54.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
I feel ya OP, I'm probably getting fired within the next week or two. An employee accused me of trying to organize the workplace and my boss is out for blood. 🙃

Glad you finally get some relief one way or another


Oct 27, 2017
Good news, bad news, I would let them know that doing what they did before the weekend was fucking cruel.

This is very important. My last job was a shit show of bad news every few months and our boss randomly threw out a whole team meeting on a Friday afternoon that just said "Team Sync". The entire group was panicking and spreading rumors all morning so I finally walked to his office and said "Hey, not sure what your meeting is for but you have everyone in a panic so maybe give some more information". He said he just wanted to surprise everyone bagels and take a break together so I explained why no one would assume that and he should just say what it is.

He got a little better after but it was still mostly bad news until I left and then they went bankrupt a few months after that.


Oct 25, 2017
This is very important. My last job was a shit show of bad news every few months and our boss randomly threw out a whole team meeting on a Friday afternoon that just said "Team Sync". The entire group was panicking and spreading rumors all morning so I finally walked to his office and said "Hey, not sure what your meeting is for but you have everyone in a panic so maybe give some more information". He said he just wanted to surprise everyone bagels and take a break together so I explained why no one would assume that and he should just say what it is.

He got a little better after but it was still mostly bad news until I left and then they went bankrupt a few months after that.
Managers are clueless sometimes. My work years back was a place of nightmares where they would lay a few people off every second Thursday to avoid something about mass layoffs where they have to pay out more.

On a Thursday I was told to come to the office (I was off site doing a presentation), I assumed it was to get fired, only for my boss to tell me he was getting divorced.....I mean that sucked and all but what the actual f*ck.

Concerning the OP, I never really thought this was about a layoff, your most recent news makes it even less so. But just in case, good luck!


Oct 27, 2017
who fires people on a Monday morning? I doubt its that.

That's where I'm at personally. Immediately popped into my head on why they would wait an entire weekend just to fire you when they could have done it last Thursday or Friday....

I know stupid shit happens but I'm hopeful for OP here.
Oct 27, 2017
Good luck fracas

I'm hoping it is in fact the opposite and they're going to say how pleased they are with you and that you're getting credit or a promotion or something like that? At the very least if you really do think you might be in trouble have some things prepped and some evidence for that performance/account growth you mentioned.


Oct 27, 2017
Tossing this at you on a Friday really is so fucking shitty. Even if it is great news in the end. The idea of someone just being like "hey, you have a meeting with HR Monday morning. Have a good weekend!" is just such an ass hole move.


Oct 27, 2017
who fires people on a Monday morning? I doubt its that.
Happened to me last year. Got a meeting invite with my boss (and no one else) early monday morning for like 11:30 and when I asked him what the meeting was about he just said discuss next steps. When I joined the zoom room, the head of HR was there and I immediately knew it was bad, 5 minutes later I'm out of a job.


Oct 26, 2017
Tossing this at you on a Friday really is so fucking shitty. Even if it is great news in the end. The idea of someone just being like "hey, you have a meeting with HR Monday morning. Have a good weekend!" is just such an ass hole move.
Yeah it is.

My company did a huge layoff earlier this year. They planned to do it after a long weekend, but people found out before hand and it forced managements' hand so they then scrambled and did everything early. It was a shit show.

Now when I get any invites with very little detail, I get ridiculously paranoid.


Oct 25, 2017
Happened to me last year. Got a meeting invite with my boss (and no one else) early monday morning for like 11:30 and when I asked him what the meeting was about he just said discuss next steps. When I joined the zoom room, the head of HR was there and I immediately knew it was bad, 5 minutes later I'm out of a job.
I wonder why they do it on Mondays in this case. It makes no sense.


Oct 27, 2017
I got laid off on a Thursday at 10AM and miles from home (I normally got a lift) and I'd of waited till 4 or something, close to home time. On a Thursday too, not the best day to go out and fuck it I'm getting battered.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad to hear it wasn't bad news. I think having the HR manager there was what set a lot of us off, who does that without giving context if it is no big deal?
Honestly that sounds worse to me, some vague "catch up" with HR present? Sounds like the manager isn't allowed to say what it's really about.


Oct 25, 2017
I could honestly see this either way. I do think the meeting being on your calendar all weekend is odd for firing though Waiting for the deets and good luck 🤞


Oct 25, 2017
Generally speaking, companies won't make a big deal out of firing someone.

If they don't like you, they'll just fire you and walk you to the exit.

I don't think CEOs even take part in terminations face to face. They get the HR crew to do it.


Oct 26, 2017
My boss finally got back to me and said it's a catchup. No other details. I've never had a meeting pop up like this, especially not with my CEO and an HR manager, so I'm not super optimistic. I still have access to everything as far as I can tell. Important things have been backed up, so I'm ready as I can be.

I guess we'll see. It's been a really rough weekend. At least I get some sense of relief today, one way or the other. I won't know anything for a few hours.
What time is the meeting?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's probably just a liquidation meeting. The CEO will be there to bash OP on the head then the Human Resources person will be tasked with dragging the body into the liquidation vat where OP's bodily fluids will be used to power an almighty cybernetic machine. At least that's what I've been led to understand is meant by the term Human Resources in cyberpunk fiction
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that you asked your boss for more clarification and they just reiterated that it was a catchup makes me nervy. Hoping for good news OP
Oct 27, 2017
Everything considered (and most importantly, that it's on a Monday morning), I am inclined to think it's something about a change in structure at the company, or about returning to the office. I can't see it being a lay off or firing. Having said that, I do think OP needs to let his boss/HR know that in the future, the reason for meetings should be explained in the meeting invite, even if it's just high-level. E.g. "meeting to discuss next year plans and priorities."


Mailing Out Their Business
Oct 30, 2017
We never learned if today just happens to be OPs birthday and it was a surprise birthday meeting all along


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I'm guessing we're going to hear good news. Everything OP has said makes it unlikely he's getting canned for performance, and most people don't realize how much cost goes into replacing an employee.


Nov 1, 2017
There's no way the CEO of a 10,000+ employee company is attending a meeting to fire a rank and file employee, unless you F'd up at an astronomical level with company impacting legal shit involved. You're probably getting a promotion.


Oct 25, 2017
My prediction is, since HR and the CEO will be there, but OPs manager won't explain why... there will be layoffs but it won't be OP, but it will be members of OPs team. Since OP sounds like a people leader, they'll want to run to either prep him on this or maybe even (not likely though) get his input on who to let go.