Is fracas gettin the axe?

  • Nah you're fine dawg

    Votes: 411 45.5%
  • Better update that resume!

    Votes: 492 54.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Poring over outcomes is okay, of course, but digging any more, and you are going to make your fears come true but for a different reason.
Haha that's true. I haven't done anything unethical or unsavory at all, I was just able to see extra details about the call after I accepted it. I found that memo from last month in my spam folder too.

Gonna go pick up my copy of Astro Bot and try to disassociate for a while. Appreciate y'all humoring me. I'll check in eventually when I know something

Cousin From Boston

Prophet of Regret
Nov 21, 2017
I don't think it's a firing/layoff. Sounds like a professional (and probably personal level) check in. Always a good idea to keep the resume updated, but I think you're going to be ok. Keep us updated and keep your head up!


Oct 26, 2017
Did your company have a security breach or something that they'd need to talk to you about?

Most places don't fire folks on Monday. They'd have done it today, cut your access and kicked you to the fucking curb. But always keep that resume updated. Always good to have an exit strategy in case they pull some fuck-shit.

Just try to take it easy this weekend, OP. I know that's hard to say. I'm the fucking champion at overthinking shit so I get why you're feeling this way, but try to take it easy this weekend and go into the meeting optimistic and open. Especially if you are back from bereavement leave.


Jan 6, 2021
You should be fine. I've worked for large corporations and have never heard of CEOs getting invited to a layoff for one person unless they were directly reporting to them. I doubt the CEO even looks at the list of people getting laid off, just the numbers.


Oct 25, 2017
Tigard, OR
HR being there means you're either getting fired or offered a promotion. It could really go either way, but given that it's first thing monday morning, that actually moves the needle in your favor.

I still voted "polish the resume" because better safe than sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
Ignore the poll results. They're not going to book a meet with you before a weekend to can you. They'll just either pull you into a call or book a meeting a few hours before. The CEO wouldn't be there either. Don't stress!!


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Wishing you the best. I know I wouldnt be able to sleep this weekend with a call like this first thing on Monday.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
You're probably fine. Most companies aren't humane enough to fire folks on a Monday morning, they milk you for the week first and sack you on a Friday. I also imagine that if you're genuinely struggling to imagine something you may have done wrong that you probably didn't do anything serious enough for the CEO to sit in on a firing meeting.

Don't worry too much, enjoy your weekend!


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
99% your are fine based off the info, but I voted "Better update that resume!" because always keep that baby updated.


Jun 25, 2021
Could be an employee investigation and they are going to ask you a bunch of questions. (Which would explain why your immediate supervisor isn't there if they are the one being investigated.) I've set up similar "check in" meetings for situations like that.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I've never heard of anyone getting fired on Monday morning, like ever

It's very common in my past work spots. Ideology is fired on Friday leads to no way to do anything on it, causing nothing but issues. Monday morning firing is better as the employee can immediately put frustration into finding new gigs immediately.

That's not happening here tho. You're either getting promoted or career check in. No way they touch you on the bereavement. You're good, have a great weekend!


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with everyone who says you should be fine. I've never worked at a company or worked with a client company that would go about firing an employee like this. I've seen some extremely weird firings too. I think you'll be fine.


Oct 25, 2017
That being said, after everything the OP has posted, it doesn't sound like they're being let go.
It honestly doesn't. I've never heard of a CEO being called in for this. Although, from the OP, it sounds as though the company either isn't that big or it is big but they are pretty high up. CEOs typically have "better things to do" than fire some 1 person out of 10s of thousands of employees.


Aug 5, 2024
Use this shit to upgrade to a better job. I know it's extremely hard in current economy, but doable. Interview after interview and I'm sure you land a better position. Best of luck, bro!


Oct 27, 2017
The CEO being there makes perfect sense. He probably wants to tell you look man I'm tired it's time for my replacement to take over. You 're that guy.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
thanks for the reminder to update my resume. good luck dawg


Dec 9, 2021
Usually a meeting with HR and your manager is bad BUT having the CEO means it could be more like a promotion


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
As difficult as it is ya can't stress over what you can't control. It's wasted energy both physically and mentally. If you can in the meantime distract yourself with other things to keep the mind busy and I'm hoping for the best outcome for you OP . Personally I think you're gonna be fine and everything is all goooood.


Oct 30, 2017
Last time I got a weird invite like this it was my boss' boss. I was like am I in trouble, getting a promotion? The meeting was called catch-up.

Turns out he was interested in my vacation.

These management people do not understand the stress these types of things cause. I think only when it's an actual firing they start thinking about and then wouldn't do it like this I think.


Nov 26, 2017
Maybe they printed out some of your posts from and they just want to commend you. Ya know, tell you to keep it up.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm on team "you're fine" if anything he's seen the growth your doing and wants to ask opinions on what needs to happen elsewhere. Or as you used to work for him, he just wants to check in on someone who's opinion he's had before

If CEO time at your office is rare HR probably scheduled the meeting and just want face time with CEO, whenever the US management was over in my last job the office went from 10% full to around 150% full. Either that or they're realistically going to ask either about a new position or staffing needs.

And yeah, CEOs in positions like this don't fire people, they've got plenty of staff to do that and it can even be more risky for them, if they they fuck up firing someone and it leads to a lawsuit they don't have the deniability of "oh, that guys a bad manager he's to blame"

but the real winner here are the people saying that you can't mind read or see the future, trust in yourself, you'll be fine, go enjoy your weekend


Nov 29, 2017
To clarify, I used to directly report to him - the team I work in is a smaller company that was bought by a giant one a few years back. I see him very rarely but I'm pretty sure he's been present in the past when other folks have been let go. We're about 30 people or so and he's in our team-wide meetings every Friday. He's a lot more involved than you'd expect.

Also to my knowledge, no one has discussed layoffs before this. All I know is there have been some requests of our team to cut discretionary/unnecessary spending, but that's it.

My boss leaving me on read seems like a telltale sign :/

Is a restructuring / dissolution of the team to be absorbed by other groups off the book?


Oct 30, 2017
So my boss just sent me an invite for a meeting early Monday morning with our CEO who I never see (I used to report directly to him, fyi) and a random HR manager I've never met. It's a half hour meeting called "Check In." I asked her what it was about and she left me on read (it's a WFH job) before logging out for the weekend. I work in a small division of a bigger group within a giant company.

I have never been on a performance improvement plan and I've actually been promoted at this place twice. The brand I manage has had double digit growth literally every month since I started.

I asked my other boss if they knew anything about it and she said she didn't but who knows.

Can't wait to agonize over this all weekend! Never been let go before, so this should be fun.

Anyone hiring? Or know if it's easy to apply for unemployment? Asking for a friend!
I've experienced exactly the same thing (also on a monday morning) very recently and was laid off in the end with a decent unemployment plan. Worked for a comparably big company. Would advice to already start looking around for other places this weekend just to be sure.
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2017
In the same vein as others - I don't recall redundancy announcements I've experienced happening on a Monday, and a CEO in a company of that size didn't show up during it.

As you mention you've been promoted twice and you work from home, I'm guessing either a change in management that you'll be asked to be involved in (say, your manager is leaving and you're the guy they've recommended), or they're tendering offers in exchange for working in the office. Maybe both!

But you should update your resume anyway. You might not like being a manager and fuck the whole thing off!


Sep 2, 2022
Think it would better to do it Friday instead of Monday if they were trying to fire you, no? Unless they needed everyone on the call and weren't available on Friday….

Do you think you did a bad job? Do you think you were a great worker? In my experience, you don't necessarily have to be on a PIP to be let go for performance….

Also, you've never been fired? Damn that's commendable. Part of me feel like it's kind of a rite of passage to at least be fired from one job in your life so that way you can feel that experience of loss and grow from there. But you're probably way older now, so don't take my advice.


Oct 25, 2017
If everything turns out to be good, try to casually mention (with a smile on your face!) that you were stressed out of your gourd all weekend.


Aug 17, 2018
OP, I think you're fine given everything you've posted. The HR person being an optional attend is a very good sign.

That being said, for everyone mentioning Monday, I have to be another person to chime in and say I was laid off on a Monday morning too. It's becoming far more common in the WFH era. The company wanted to do video chats with everyone getting laid off individually and they just ran out of time on Friday. I figured it out Monday morning when I was able to log into my laptop but not into a bunch of other systems.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
OP do you work in the UK by chance? Its eerie how much this sounds like it could be written by someone in my exact department at my exact company.

Given the situation outlined about your team being acquired into a much larger company, a recent raise, these notes about managers scheduling meetings with reports, etc. I'm gonna say its NOT you being terminated, but probably something about a structural change to your team and/or your role at the company. i.e. - You're going to report to someone else, be moved to a different department, be rolled into a larger team, etc etc.

Not really something to be worried or positive about until you have the call.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly who knows, but from what you said, it doesn't seem like it. I have had a couple of those kinds of meeting invites, and they turned out to be nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok so I dug a little deeper and I found that the HR rep is a high level HR director. She was added as optional, not required.


You're not getting fired. The uncertainty sucks but those kinds of meetings aren't optional for HR if that's their policy.

Early Monday morning with the CEO does make me think it's something important to them. Restructure, investigation, etc.


Feb 4, 2020
Unless you work at a small business, having the CEO present to fire someone seems weird. I suspect you're fine. Might even be a good thing.


Jun 24, 2021
To clarify, I used to directly report to him - the team I work in is a smaller company that was bought by a giant one a few years back. I see him very rarely but I'm pretty sure he's been present in the past when other folks have been let go. We're about 30 people or so and he's in our team-wide meetings every Friday. He's a lot more involved than you'd expect.

Also to my knowledge, no one has discussed layoffs before this. All I know is there have been some requests of our team to cut discretionary/unnecessary spending, but that's it.

My boss leaving me on read seems like a telltale sign :/

Not much to go on here so I will wildly speculate. You seem a trusted individual, and you have reported directly to the CEO before. More likely they want to 'check in' on how efficiencies can be made in your team/area (i.e., 'oh hi fracas, who's slacking in the team?') and are having a sounding conversation with yourself first.

Can't imagine you're getting the sack, not sure how your company works but if you are no longer reporting directly to CEO I can't see why they'd want to be a part of that conversation. Also, as others have said, weird to set it up on a Monday and with no former disciplinaries or improvement plans in place.
Oct 30, 2017
Good Luck and Godspeed my friend.

I hate to say it but a month ago I had a meeting on a Monday called "Check in" where I was let go right before a big regional event.

The job was beneath my station and it was obvious from day one.

Now, the good news is 2 weeks later I was hired into a position better suited for my skills and with better pay so it worked out.

If the CEO wasn't on the meeting I would think they would let you go but that is throwing me off. Maybe it's one of those rub elbows with the team kinda thing. I had lunch with the owner of a company I worked for without even knowing it. Just sat down and ate and good conversation.

Well then. "Check in" is scary.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm real surprised at those polls results lmao

I didn't really sleep last night but it's all good. Gonna try and relax this weekend - it actually feels like fall in my corner of the south and I'd sure like to enjoy it. You know, like I was planning to before my boss decided to ruin my weekend.

Happy to confirm that Astro Bot is very wholesome and exactly the joyful experience I needed at least!