
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

This was a pretty big discussion in Germany the past few days and now UEFA prohibited to illuminate the Munich Allianz-Arena for tomorrows match Germany against Hungary.

Uefa verbietet Regenbogen-Arena -
English source about this: Calls to light Allianz Arena in rainbow colours after Hungary anti-LGBTQ+ law - The Guardian

The mayor of Munich proposed this as a sign for tolerance and a stand against a recently introduced anti-LGBTQ+ law by Viktor Orban. But UEFA doesn't want to upset Orban too much as Budapest is the only stadium that allows full capacity and they might need that for the finale if Wembley is bust.

The new law, voted through this month, will ban the sharing of information that is considered to promote homosexuality or non-binary gender identities among under-18s. It is viewed as another step backwards for Hungary under its prime minister, Viktor Orban, and his right-wing Fidesz party. Reiter has acted after a cross-party motion by Munich city councillors called for the stadium to be illuminated in a visible stand against Orban's position.
"The Bavarian state capital supports diversity, tolerance and genuine equality in sport and in society," read the motion. "On the occasion of the match between Germany and Hungary, the council wishes to send a visible message of solidarity to the LGBT community in Hungary, which is suffering under recent legislation passed by the Hungarian government.

"This law represents a new nadir in the disenfranchisement of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people, the latest in a series of measures over the years which constitute a systematic restriction of the rule of law and basic freedoms in Hungary."

Only a few days ago UEFA started an investigation after german keeper Manuel Neuer wore a rainbow-colored armband during his last match. But they decided against any actions.
Euro 2020: UEFA takes no action against Manuel Neuer and DFB over Pride armband -

Hope Munich will do it anyway. Fuck UEFA. Fuck Orban.


Oct 25, 2017
oh fuck off.

That's such a cool gesture and a huge middle fingers to Orban. Do it.

Why is UEFA so keen on stop racism campaign but a rainbow stadium is too much ?


Oct 29, 2017
Lmao at expecting UEFA to care about anything like this. Are people forgetting where the world cup is taking place next year?


Oct 26, 2017
Would be a shame... if someone... suddenly... falls on the... rainbow light button tomorrow :)

Fucking UEFA is an organization full of clowns.


Oct 25, 2017
shame, that looks bloody cool - they should just do it anyway.

oh fuck off.

That's such a cool gesture and a huge middle fingers to Orban. Do it.

Why is UEFA so keen on stop racism campaign but a rainbow stadium is too much ?

I mean, to answer your question, I refer to bolded.

Although if I were UEFA I'd just delegate it to the local football authority and say "it's up to them"

(although I guess that could work both ways...)


Dec 22, 2017
They should light the whole city in rainbow colors but leave the stadium front completly dark. Now that'd be a message.


Oct 25, 2017
A gesture of solidarity and support for basic human rights and dignity is a more strongly politicized message than the act of blocking said gesture. Sure, UEFA. Why don't they take their "Respect" label off player shirts while they're at it then?

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
The general policy of not allowing political symbols makes sense but how can you prohibit a rainbow?
Oh well, might have to cycle through the various other pride flag colours instead, purely by chance of course.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not even mundial in Qatar, lol. Fuckers.

And of course they're just scared of homophobes and right wingers. They allow kneeling for respect to the victims of colonialism, they allowed anti-racist signs and LBGTQ symbol is "political"? Riiiiiiight.


Dec 22, 2017
Thought about it some more and what would they even dare to do if Munich went ahead and did it anyway? Any punishment would put the global spotlights right on them.


Oct 27, 2017
Just do it anyways, UEFA won't do shit. And even if UEFA were to fine the German FA it'd be worth it.


Oct 25, 2018
The general policy of not allowing political symbols makes sense but how can you prohibit a rainbow?
Oh well, might have to cycle through the various other pride flag colours instead, purely by chance of course.

No, bolded doesn't make sense because UEFA has been supporting taking the knee. Which is why this is completely unexplainable.


Oct 30, 2017
Kneeling before games are fine but Orban and Qatar must not be offended. Fuck Uefa. Just do it Munich!


Nov 3, 2017
How do you ok Neuers arm band for diversity as a good cause but don't apply that same logic to the stadium?

Fuck the Hungarian government and association. Hungarian players should say something, too. Make it clear to everyone that UEFA kowtows to bigots and homophobes.


Dec 22, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Ungarn hatte zuvor verärgert auf den Vorstoß reagiert: "Es ist äußerst schädlich und gefährlich, Sport und Politik zu vermischen", sagte Außenminister Peter Szijjarto nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur MTI. "Die historische Erfahrung zeigt, dass das eine schlechte Sache ist und allen voran die Deutschen wissen das genau."

The Hungarian foreign minister said: It's extremely harfmul and dangerous to mix sports and politics. History shows that this is a bad thing and the Germans of all people should know this"

fuck off

other stadiums in germany will however light up in the rainbow flag during the match for solidarity any ways


Oct 25, 2017
How do you ok Neuers arm band for diversity as a good cause but don't apply that same logic to the stadium?
UEFA just put the fault on applicants, in a way. They say because the mayor of Munich said this was to protest a law passed in Hungary, it's therefore a political statement.

Quite some logic, that.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
No, bolded doesn't make sense because UEFA has been supporting taking the knee. Which is why this is completely unexplainable.

Well if Orban passed an Anti-Black Law or something, they would stop people from taking the knee to appease him.

Yeah I was thinking this, light the stadium anyway. What's UEFA gonna do about it?

But what if Orban don't let them use the Budapest Stadium for the Final...if Wembley can't do it?!


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
How do you ok Neuers arm band for diversity as a good cause but don't apply that same logic to the stadium?

Fuck the Hungarian government and association. Hungarian players should say something, too. Make it clear to everyone that UEFA kowtows to bigots and homophobes.
I don't think they did allow it? Did they not fine the German FA for his armband?

Either way, it's ridiculous so fuck UEFA and all those bigot cunts involved with this decision.


Oct 27, 2017
The Hungarian foreign minister said: It's extremely harfmul and dangerous to mix sports and politics. History shows that this is a bad thing and the Germans of all people should know this"

fuck off

other stadiums in germany will however light up in the rainbow flag during the match for solidarity any ways

Can confirm, we Germans have a good knowledge about and are pretty good at spotting right-wing wannabe-autocat assholes. And a lot of us do spot those in the Hungarian government. That's something Mr. Hungarian Foreign Minister might want to think about.

I think Amalthea has a really great idea, just light everything else in Munich in rainbow colors. The UEFA can say fuck all against that, those spineless hacks.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
God, that's pathetic but I wouldn't put it past the German/EU nation governments quietly taking this as cover because they don't want to upset Orban either, he does have them/EU by the balls on migration from what I recall.

Still, an intentional whoops from a technical issue would be nice if it happened.

Should have been rainbow all the time. Looks amazing.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What the UEFA is okay with:
Forcing the Denmark players to continue to play, after one of their teammates needed to be reanimated.
To screw out the UKs consent, so that a KO game can be played in front of a full stadium while a mutation is running wild.
Licking boots of autocrats so that they can use sports for their propaganda

What the UEFA is not okay with:
Stand for fucking human rights, while conmstantly claiming they are in favour of em in their "Respect" spots and on social media,
but will back down if they would not please said autocrats.

Fuck the UEFA. Fuck FIFA.

But you know what, at least CSD Germany ha brought 11 thousand raindbow flags, that they will hand out to all fans before the game.
So try to stop that you assholes.



Oct 27, 2017
These organizations are very quick to shut down rights in the name of money etc. Aren't they.

Stadium does look awesome in those colours :D

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I hope they do it anyway. Hungary can pull out and boycott for all I care.

The fact that UEFA labels a sign of diversity as "political" says more than enough. Absolute trash.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the same UEFA who gave a white player the minimum ban possible for calling Glen Kamara a monkey during a Europa League fixture a couple months ago.

They pay lip service to diversity and being progresive only when it affect sponsorship