
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Concern trolling around police violence across multiple posts
Theoretically, sure. In practice, no.

There was no sympathy from police for Dillon Taylor, who was murdered by police from behind and he wasn't even aware he was being stalked.

There was no sympathy for Daniel Shaver, who they simply shrug and say "he should've complied" even though he was ambushed by guns and a cacophany of shouts.

There was also no sympathy for the homeless man shot and murdered at a bus stop by three cops with assault rifles when they could've approached him while he was unaware to grapple and arrest him considering he wasn't aware of much until right before they dumped rounds into him.

you honestly believe not a single police was against it and felt anger for that?

But sure act like them then.

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
you honestly believe not a single police was against it and felt anger for that?

But sure act like them then.
If this is your standard, why the fuck do you care if some people feel no sympathy? SOME person SOMEWHERE is expressing sympathy, isn't that good enough? Because apparently a cop, somewhere, having reservations about the way their profession systematically abuses and murders people is good enough not to be bitter about it


Oct 25, 2017
you honestly believe not a single police was against it and felt anger for that?

But sure act like them then.
You gotta give this disingenuous bullshit a rest. I fully agree that no one should condone murder and definitely shouldn't be cheering this type of shit on, but it's that poster's business how much sympathy they feel or want to express. No one needs jokers telling minorities how it's appropriate to feel considering the history of police and the black community. This tone/emotion policing is getting beyond silly.

It's problematic that you're over here trying to gaslight others and behave as if not feeling X amount of sympathy is comparable to the positions of power and pain inflicted on minorities and those of lesser means for years.
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Oct 27, 2017
you honestly believe not a single police was against it and felt anger for that?

But sure act like them then.
There were cops that did. They quit. Or they were forced out of their chosen career.

Or they sat back, angry, and did nothing in the end whenever they saw injustices by other officers during their shifts or heard stories second hand on their shifts.

And if they're the latter, then they're propagating a system of harm. Anyone taking part is hard to have sympathy for.

But "act like them?" I'm four times as likely to get killed by them after getting pulled over for speeding, so while I don't want them to get shot, forgive me for saving my tears for all of these people.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
This thread is somewhat disturbing to me. I understand that the police have done their fair share of harm to the black community, but condoning attempted murder to another human being is something else entirely. I can stand for reform, but trying to kill someone is no way of making any progress towards that goal. 2 wrongs don't make a right.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
"The police have done their fair share of harm to the black community" is really burying the lede on both their historical roots in being slave catchers and their modern day role in enforcing white supremacy, both through upholding the state founded on white supremacy, and that literally the KKK and other white supremacists have infiltrated the police force on a national level.

There's nothing fair about it.

Deleted member 34725

User-requested account closure
Nov 28, 2017
Cops murder people and suffer no consequence. Cops beat, brutalize, and maim peaceful protesters and journalists and suffer no consequence. Cops let drivers who run over protesters out of jail with no charges. Cops terrorize minorities and steal from them and their communities.

And still people are going to clutch their pearls when people are running low on sympathy for cops.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, this puts it very well...

You can feel sympathy for an individual but still hate the organisation no? Now, I have high faith in the police (well white male so I don't have any of the problems minorties have and I live in Sweden where, while still have issues, no way near how the cops act in the US), but not expressing sympathy for people that was ambushed and shot is, for me, sickening, when they where doing their jobs.

This reminds me of the classic thread of "can we separate the art from the artist," and we are leaning more that practice and theory are very different things. I can't separate a terrorist organization that actively endangers my life from regular people in such an organization. They are all participants, and would likely follow orders that could end with me losing my life.
Pretty much. The police force is a tool of state violence first and foremost. They have the monopoly on violence. So, if cops get shot, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm torn up about it, even if I'd prefer nobody died.

All of this.
Are these the actual people that did that to you and your friends and family?

What kind of question is this? Of course! Hell, I got beaten and chased by NYPD officers this summer for peacefully protesting. Several friends for arrested too. I had to run from cops for the first time as an adult.
Amen. Cops sure as shit don't show sympathy when they kill an innocent man in the streets. Or an innocent woman in her home. I won't waste a bit of sympathy on them either.

Exactly this, and I'm supposed to sympathize for these guys? Nope. If I got killed, not a single one of them would lift a finger on my behalf. Fuck them.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not like I've never posted about this. I have condemned the police and their actions in the past. Wrong is wrong. Violence is never the answer.

It's funny how you didn't comment about the second wrong. The hypocrisy among a few on this board is really showing.

The idea that violence can never be accepted in a world where violence has been used to achieve social and political change is so naive that I can't even properly articulate a response succinctly enough. The fact that you would rather finger wag at people like myself actively in danger from law enforcement and give some condescending narrative about hypocrisy and all acts of wrong being equivalent is both telling and showing your priorities as a poster and person.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom

Man Charged With Attempting to Murder Two Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies (Published 2020)

The authorities said that Deonte Lee Murray, 36, of Compton, Calif., shot the deputies multiple times on Sept. 12 in an attack that was captured on video and prompted widespread condemnation.

It's being reported they had the suspect in custody since September 15th, after an arrest for an unrelated carjacking on September 1st.

Glad to hear that the attacker's in custody. Regardless of how folks feel about cops, someone who is going around thinking it's OK to shoot people is a risk to everyone.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Glad to hear that the attacker's in custody. Regardless of how folks feel about cops, someone who is going around thinking it's OK to shoot people is a risk to everyone.

Yeah, but it's right back to where we started:

Mr. Keenan said Mr. Murray was being harassed and threatened in jail by deputy sheriffs who were denying him food and waking him up at all hours. He said Mr. Murray was also being held in a unit for suicidal inmates and forced to wear a padded blanket known as a "suicide gown," even though he is not suicidal.

And the fact is that considering the rap sheet this Sheriff's department has of abuse it's hard to have faith they have the 'right guy'.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Are these the actual people that did that to you and your friends and family?

This kind of bullshit is tiresome.

It doesn't matter if it's the same people. What matters is that law enforcement as a whole hasn't moved an inch to hold each other accountable. They are all a part of the same system, and they all refuse to condemn the misdeeds of their peers.

Silence is an endorsement of police brutality, and if you find a cop who isn't silent in their stance against police brutality, I'll show you someone who isn't a cop anymore.

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
The idea that violence can never be accepted in a world where violence has been used to achieve social and political change is so naive that I can't even properly articulate a response succinctly enough. The fact that you would rather finger wag at people like myself actively in danger from law enforcement and give some condescending narrative about hypocrisy and all acts of wrong being equivalent is both telling and showing your priorities as a poster and person.

Why is it that when I disagree, it's finger wagging? My priorities is the preservation of human life, including "people like yourself". Honestly, you're just people to me and preserving your life is just as important as preserving every life. You stand and judge me from you pulpit as a person and not know a damn thing about me. And you call me condescending.

By the way, you're free to find even a single post of mine that does not outright condemn the actions of police. Or find a single one where I'm against equal rights. But yes, go ahead and judge me because I said an attempted murder of a person was wrong.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is it that when I disagree, it's finger wagging? My priorities is the preservation of human life, including "people like yourself". Honestly, you're just people to me and preserving your life is just as important as preserving every life. You stand and judge me from you pulpit as a person and not know a damn thing about me. And you call me condescending.

By the way, you're free to find even a single post of mine that does not outright condemn the actions of police. Or find a single one where I'm against equal rights. But yes, go ahead and judge me because I said an attempted murder of a person was wrong.

If your priority was protecting "human life" then you'd miss me with this empty moralizing as if I'm in the same position as a regular police officer with the power to imprison, arrest and use deadly force. The very basic idea that you would create some equivalence between a minority like myself and them is a large part of the reason why allies are useless and accessories to our brutality. More concerned about maintaining peace and dignity than justice.

You basically responded to my post with a condescending ass attitude about how "wrong is wrong" when I literally lost people to cops, and spent much of my life either harassed or trying to survive around cops and I'm the one being condescending? You have the temerity to give me a lecture on this issue. Does your life depend on your tone of voice, your demeanor, or even where you walk or drive everyday? If not, you kindly need to do some modest introspection and ask why people like myself and others have pushed back on these narrative of apathy toward these cops.

I also don't have to look into your post history to actively see what you've been saying the last few minutes. Always providing an out to cops, and placing the burden of expectations on the oppressed and not the oppressor. That's my problem with your hollow sanctimony. My life literally fucking depends on the whim of a legalized gang, and you wanna play this "two wrongs don't make a right" schoolyard rhyme that even a child knows is bullshit. Pathetic.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom
You just described cops

Yup, at least in the US. But someone's who's shooting at people seriously needs to be off the streets. Society's a lot bigger than the police force. Someone on the lamb for attempted murder with a firearm is a risk to anyone around them.

I get that the US is really numb to this stuff. Over here we had an ambush of two officers in Greater Manchester a few years ago and it was all over national news.


Oct 25, 2017
Took me 3 seconds to find this?

Mod edit: Link to inappropriate subreddit removed

/r/actualpublicfreakouts should be banned from Resetera. It was created by alt-right and trump people who got tired of racists and karens being called out in /r/publicfreakout so they made their own subreddit with just misleading racist shit.

Look at any comment section in that subreddit and you'll see what I mean. People advocating for protestors being shot, run over, murdered. Anyone that says otherwise is banned, it's run the same exact way as the donald subreddit was before it was purged from the site. Sane people/people pointing out facts are slowly banned away, leaving the entire subreddit a giant cesspool of racist comments that if any bystander comes across will think is common opinion, not the opinion of the few being signal boosted by banning all dissent.

As for the video you linked, it's a small group of what 5 or so people shouting nonsense. But the thread title is framing it as "BLM Protestors" and drawing false connections.

These subreddits are harmful honey traps attracting racists/alt-right and converting those that don't know better.
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Oct 25, 2017
/r/actualpublicfreakouts should be banned from Resetera. It was created by alt-right and trump people who got tired of racists and karens being called out in /r/publicfreakout so they made their own subreddit with just misleading racist shit.

Look at any comment section in that subreddit and you'll see what I mean. People advocating for protestors being shot, run over, murdered. Anyone that says otherwise is banned, it's run the same exact way as the donald subreddit was before it was purged from the site. Sane people/people pointing out facts are slowly banned away, leaving the entire subreddit a giant cesspool of racist comments that if any bystander comes across will think is common opinion, not the opinion of the few being signal boosted by banning all dissent.

As for the video you linked, it's a small group of what 5 or so people shouting nonsense. But the thread title is framing it as "BLM Protestors" and drawing false connections.

These subreddits are harmful honey traps attracting racists/alt-right and converting those that don't know better.
Agreed, I realized that shit in a few minutes on the sub.


Oct 28, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
/r/actualpublicfreakouts should be banned from Resetera. It was created by alt-right and trump people who got tired of racists and karens being called out in /r/publicfreakout so they made their own subreddit with just misleading racist shit.

Look at any comment section in that subreddit and you'll see what I mean. People advocating for protestors being shot, run over, murdered. Anyone that says otherwise is banned, it's run the same exact way as the donald subreddit was before it was purged from the site. Sane people/people pointing out facts are slowly banned away, leaving the entire subreddit a giant cesspool of racist comments that if any bystander comes across will think is common opinion, not the opinion of the few being signal boosted by banning all dissent.

As for the video you linked, it's a small group of what 5 or so people shouting nonsense. But the thread title is framing it as "BLM Protestors" and drawing false connections.

These subreddits are harmful honey traps attracting racists/alt-right and converting those that don't know better.
It was questioned whether this happened and it undoubtedly did.