
Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I started the book earlier and it's way shorter than I was expecting. I'm only halfway through but I was hoping it would be similar in length to TSHoTP. I'm enjoying it so far anyway although the Lana chapter got weird.

I liked the weird ways they tied in historic figures before but there's something bizarre about Trump being one of the people that briefly possesses the green ring.


Oct 26, 2017
This thing is super short. Finished it in one sitting just before bed when I had intended to read just a chapter or two. :/

Definitely confirms a number of things from the show and solidifies some speculation, but it's not particularly interesting or great in its own right.

Also- is this the Twin Peaks home on Resetera? I hadn't seen many of you since the fall/move. Good to see some old faces.