
Oct 25, 2017
as i clearly said in my post, i did play the technical test, however i really dislike the lack of focus on destruction. if the game focused on destruction rather than being a last gen tacked on multiplayer mdoe there would have been no need for the lock on and the mode would have been much more unique. right now it is boring as hell. right now the destruction is a visual candy that barely added to the gameplay for me, which is really disappointing considering how much more you can do with this destruction.
because the game moved its focus on to killing the other team memebers that lock on was used instead and it is really annoying in that way.
I don't know what game you've been playing because that doesn't sound anything like Crackdown. The game is totally unique, I've never played anything like it.

First of all the destruction is integral to the game. It's very useful when trying to break line of sight. Conversely it also means that no position is permanently safe. It only takes a couple of rockets and you'll be totally exposed. This forces you to be constantly on the move. The game would be vastly different without destruction.

Secondly, even without destruction the lock on would absolutely be required for the level of mobility players have.

Complaining about the lock on betrays a lack on understanding about what the game actually is. It's not a shooter, it's an action platformer. The focus is all on movement and awareness.
Eh, as as someone who's played Quake, Tribes and UT, I think aiming would be fine with a mouse. Crackdown is pretty slow and floaty. Really wouldn't be that hard to hit people. If Crackdown 3 allows it, I'm definitely playing without lock-on on PC.
Have you seen some of the clips in the OP? The game certainly is not slow and floaty. The average person would find it nigh on impossible to hit shots in the game without lock on.

Back on topic, here's some crazy destruction:

Are singleplayer campaign gifs allowed or is this thread Wrecking Zone territory only?
I'd reckon so. The more crackdown GIFs the better.


Oct 27, 2017
Poor guy


Oct 25, 2017
Man I can not wait for this game. It feels like years (it has been) and it looks so good. Crackdown fans are in for a treat.


Oct 28, 2017
Looks alright. Does debris stick around for the whole match and have accurate collision so you can use it as cover, for example?


Dec 10, 2018
The destruction seems toned down compared to the tech demo they showed years ago, but it still looks fun. Will wait for more insights before I dive in.


Dec 10, 2018
To me, it looks like the exact same tech, simply adjusted for actual fun multiplayer:

Take a look at 3:30 onwards and you'll see what I mean. There are more parts to buildings, stuff explodes and there are more layers in between. I guess they pulled it back a bit because now the buildings look more hollow and empty



Jan 21, 2018
Take a look at 3:30 onwards and you'll see what I mean. There are more parts to buildings, stuff explodes and there are more layers in between. I guess they pulled it back a bit because now the buildings look more hollow and empty

How would we be able to move and play a fast paced platform shooter in such a cramped space? And if it would be possible.. what would it have added to the gameplay? And would it be worth all the extra computing power?

I'm sure it's possible. But in the end they had to make a game instead of a tech demo.


Oct 25, 2017
Take a look at 3:30 onwards and you'll see what I mean. There are more parts to buildings, stuff explodes and there are more layers in between. I guess they pulled it back a bit because now the buildings look more hollow and empty

As has been said before a lot of what they showed here would have been either detrimental or pointless for actual gameplay.


Feb 10, 2019
I really think they should have removed the lock-on entirely. Kind of defeats the whole point of PvP.
It doesn't, just means you haven't played it to see why it's there. If they listen to you we'd end up with slower less vertical crackdown basically giving us bootleg titanfall.


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't, just means you haven't played it to see why it's there. If they listen to you we'd end up with slower less vertical crackdown basically giving us bootleg titanfall.

Because one of the best shooters of the generation combined with destruction would have been awful...

The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Still gonna grab a month of GamePass for this, but didn't enjoy the play test at all. I'm expecting <7 review scores. Hoping the single player redeems it a little bit.


Dec 10, 2018
How would we be able to move and play a fast paced platform shooter in such a cramped space? And if it would be possible.. what would it have added to the gameplay? And would it be worth all the extra computing power?

I'm sure it's possible. But in the end they had to make a game instead of a tech demo.

Already stated that the game still looks fun without all the extra destruction, it's just toned down way more than I thought it would be. Nothing about game design/gameplay. It's just surprising at how scaled back it is.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Had opportunity to try it, disliked it. You're kidding yourselves telling people that lock on is a necessity due to the mobility.

Tribes and Titanfall are fantastic games with high mobility that work, without lock on.


Feb 10, 2019
No, you'd end up with a BOOTLEG titanfall. I don't know where you get the notion of copying being a good thing. Borrowing certain elements of game sure, but straight up ripping off always ends up badly like lawbreakers and battle born trying to be the same thing as overwatch (despite one releasing at the same time.) We'd have slower agents, we wouldn't be hoping over sky scrapers in one jump because who the hell would be able to track me if I'm literally in front of you, tap RB (if you actually PLAYED the game you'd figure this shit out on your own,) and now I'm across the map after ramming through 3 buildings. You wouldn't be able to track that, and before you even dare say it, there's no lock on in titanfall because 1. It's a FIRST person shooter, how would that even work lol. 2. You can't grapple up a wall and shoot yourself across the map while being fucking 80 stories above enemy players. I have titanfall 1 and 2, you ARE running on walls, that's what makes the game so fast paced, jumping completely over them would break the game, there movement is horizontal not vertical, 2 different things.


Jan 21, 2018
Already stated that the game still looks fun without all the extra destruction, it's just toned down way more than I thought it would be. Nothing about game design/gameplay. It's just surprising at how scaled back it is.

Oh, I didn't expect to destruction to be worthwhile at all. When the previews came out last week it felt a little bit 'meh' since IGN didn't show any real destruction. And in my first match I played last week I was also a bit disappointed. Thought you couldn't take down whole buildings, but after playing a bit more I noticed you could if you did more damage to the whole structure.

I think it's impressive tech that still needs some work, but I don't think it's scaled back that much. The buildings just have less detail.


Dec 10, 2018
Oh, I didn't expect to destruction to be worthwhile at all. When the previews came out last week it felt a little bit 'meh' since IGN didn't show any real destruction. And in my first match I played last week I was also a bit disappointed. Thought you couldn't take down whole buildings, but after playing a bit more I noticed you could if you did more damage to the whole structure.

I think it's impressive tech that still needs some work, but I don't think it's scaled back that much. The buildings just have less detail.

The thought of an entire building coming down on me for not paying attention is kind of hilarious gameplay wise. Or just seeing the world changing around me. I always thought Red Faction Guerrillas destruction was fun and just thought that CD3 would be more of that.


Feb 10, 2019
Had opportunity to try it, disliked it. You're kidding yourselves telling people that lock on is a necessity due to the mobility.

Tribes and Titanfall are fantastic games with high mobility that work, without lock on.
Your kidding yourself if you think you have super human reflexes to keep up with wtf is going on with the map without it. Again, I'll say this again, titanfall a shitty example, that game is running on WALLS. Not jumping over them, not destroying them, running ON them. Idky people think there making snarky comparisons when the shit makes no sense to compare the 2. Titanfall is FAST, NOT vertical. I'm curious to see what makes you think it'd be better without it, how would the gameplay improve in your eyes? What would you do to accommodate the chaos an players literally flying over you at all times? Instead of just complaining, put your money where your mouth is so to speak lol.


Jan 21, 2018
The thought of an entire building coming down on me for not paying attention is kind of hilarious gameplay wise. Or just seeing the world changing around me. I always thought Red Faction Guerrillas destruction was fun and just thought that CD3 would be more of that.

I think that would be a fun addition if they added the SP vehicles into a MP mode with more slow paced gameplay. But in this fast paced arena shooter/platformer it would become annoying quite quickly, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Had opportunity to try it, disliked it. You're kidding yourselves telling people that lock on is a necessity due to the mobility.

Tribes and Titanfall are fantastic games with high mobility that work, without lock on.
How well does Tribes work on console?

Also you have far more mobility in this game than you do in Titanfall. You can quickly traverse maps in Titanfall but there's very little vertical movement compared to Crackdown.

You also have the ability to rapidly change your velocity in Crackdown with boosts, double jumps, the vertical jump ability etc. In other games once you are in the air you're relatively easy to track, that's not the case in Crackdown.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Had opportunity to try it, disliked it. You're kidding yourselves telling people that lock on is a necessity due to the mobility.

Tribes and Titanfall are fantastic games with high mobility that work, without lock on.
In Tribes the maps are spacious and the high mobility is more horizontally-focused, and Titanfall's TTK is low enough that it's not an issue. Crackdown has more rapid movement in all directions in smaller spaces. It wouldn't be impossible, but it would be difficult, especially for controller users.