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Oct 29, 2017
A big reason why I've never supported Bernie after 2016 is that I just don't trust him when it comes to Russia. And he still hasn't given me satisfactory atonement for Tad Devine, Manafort's old pal and partner in Ukraine.

The Are Troops stuff is just some nonsense tribal nationalistic bullshit that appeals mostly to the deplorables and fake ass moderates. So I'm a bit disappointed to see that route being taken here in plenty by the running Dems.

Gabbard is also just pure putrid trash and if there's good in this dying world then she'll lose her seat.

And yes, she's a Russian asset, if not willingly. Her schtick goes way beyond being against American imperialism, which is funny with the whole nationalist Are Troops hilarity.


Oct 25, 2017
The best play might be for everyone to just back Tusli and say they trust her so that she has limited ammo for the "corrupt DNC" angle. Clinton was the absolute worst person to bring up suspicions about her and gave Tulsi everything she needs to run a campaign based on persecution by the party and eventually split off into a third party ticket. If nobody said anything she would have just lost the primary early and maybe run a third party ticket that nobody gave a shit about. Democrats might as well try to course correct and make it seem like this is all "Crooked Hillary" since she's expendable politically now.


Dec 3, 2018
How easily people forget


Oct 27, 2017
Also I love how some people are willing to overlook so much shadiness from Tulsi because they think she's a progressive and that makes it all okay... even if it did (it doesn't):

Tulsi, despite representing a solid blue district, was a member of the centrist Problem Solvers Caucus:


When Tulsi was supporting Bernie, in 2015-2016... still not a progressive.
Tulsi joined the Congressional Progressive Caucus sometime between September and November 2017:

So Gabbard joined the House Progressive Caucus sometime between September 17, 2017 and November 7, 2017 without an announcement or press conference informing her constituents. The most likely explanation for why she joined the caucus in silence is because an announcement would draw attention to the fact that she was not a member previously, that she has a decidedly centrist and not progressive voting record, that she failed to co-sponsor two out of seven bills promoted by Our Revolution's "Summer for Progress," that she voted repeatedly against the budgets the caucus drew up in opposition to the Republicans' spending bills, and that she is far to the right of her district which is among the safest seats in the country for a Democrat.


Oct 27, 2017
Good to see some respectable military people calling Bernie out for this...

Trump defends Tulsi and Stein against accusations that they're linked to Russia... Tulsi goes on Tucker Carlson's white power hour to deny it... Stein goes on Tucker Carlson's white power hour to deny it... and accuses Hillary in a classic Trumpian projection (Goebbels if you want to go all the way back) "accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty" move:

What if the Deep State made Hillary dress up as Jill Stein in this photo with Flynn and Putin


Oct 25, 2017
Idk, Bernie's Fox News town hall was awesome. Why cede these platforms completely? And do you really think Yang thinks that?

Why not do an AMA on the Daily Stormer, then? I bet those guys will be really receptive to class-first socialism. And you know the Dem messaging isn't reaching them otherwise!

In terms of Yang, my understanding was that the question was hypothetical. But yes, if he went on Tucker, that would certainly tilt the scales on the "secretly alt-right" question, which is not a question most of the other candidates even have to grapple with, and the fact that he's Asian wouldn't change that.


Oct 26, 2017

Wheew and thats a swing and a miss mate. And for no damn reason at all, and its built on shitty 'reasoning', in defense of a person who has stacks of receipts proving that she ain't shit. Im glad this door is open, let them hang themselves if they want. I would rather know than not.

The best play might be for everyone to just back Tusli and say they trust her so that she has limited ammo for the "corrupt DNC" angle. Clinton was the absolute worst person to bring up suspicions about her and gave Tulsi everything she needs to run a campaign based on persecution by the party and eventually split off into a third party ticket. If nobody said anything she would have just lost the primary early and maybe run a third party ticket that nobody gave a shit about. Democrats might as well try to course correct and make it seem like this is all "Crooked Hillary" since she's expendable politically now.

I disagree. I would rather know if any other current running Democrats are willing to cape for Gabbards bullshit or not. Show me what everyone is made of. For a institution you guys keep claiming has no backbone, it sure is odd to see folks asking them to tuck their tails and run on this issue.

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Oct 25, 2017
Also, why are we hating on her for appearing on Tucker Carlson? I mean, yeah, he's a douchebag but I loved it when Bernie went on Fox News so I'm going to feel the same way about Tulsi.
It's not like she came on his show once or twice to present a progressive viewpoint.

She's on constantly and spends her time there shitting on Dems and never, ever going after Trump or the right.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
If you look at the Vermont Radio source the campaign said when they found out in September they told the Clinton campaign... And the Clinton campaign didn't give instruction.

So it's clickbait designed to maximize outrage.
The blaming Clinton is only one aspect, and it's an iffy aspect from Sander's himself since the Federal investigation into Trump had already started. Clinton revealing facts relevant to an ongoing Federal case would have been a big no-no since she worked for the State Dept under Obama.
The other aspects is there were Russian actors backing Sanders via disinformation campaigns about Clinton during the 2016 Primary. This was verified by Robert Mueller yet Sanders denies it. It's not much different to now where Sanders is denying Tulsi often backs the Putin Agenda(Assange, Assad, etc.).


Oct 28, 2017
Booker already responded on cnn saying Hillary shouldn't have said it
That's not a defense of Tulsi though.

She was on the verge of disappearing and Clinton gave her oxygen with this opportunity.

If Tulsi was a top 3 candidate her comment would be prudent but here this sets up Tulsi to get the fringe votes of people hating that their preferred frontrunner didn't win (Most likely Bernie out of the 3) when she runs independently.

Siphoning votes to the same degree as Jill Stein in 2016 could help Trump.

Honestly I think Tulsi lacks the charisma to do this because her entire campaign strategy makes her more appealing to conservatives so I think anyone angry enough at Trump who won't vote for even Joe Biden would highly likely vote for Tulsi.

I really wouldn't be surprised if she siphoned just as many Republican votes considering her public persona and how much more attention she gets in the conservative news cycle.


Dec 3, 2018
That's not a defense of Tulsi though.

She was on the verge of disappearing and Clinton gave her oxygen with this opportunity.

If Tulsi was a top 3 candidate her comment would be prudent but here this sets up Tulsi to get the fringe votes of people hating that their preferred frontrunner didn't win (Most likely Bernie out of the 3) when she runs independently.

Siphoning votes to the same degree as Jill Stein in 2016 could help Trump.

Honestly I think Tulsi lacks the charisma to do this because her entire campaign strategy makes her more appealing to conservatives so I think anyone angry enough at Trump who won't vote for even Joe Biden would highly likely vote for Tulsi.

I really wouldn't be surprised if she siphoned just as many Republican votes considering her public persona and how much more attention she gets in the conservative news cycle.

oxygen for whom? Who will suddenly have a look at Tulsi ? Conservatives ? Good


Oct 28, 2017
for someone that is progressive, using the "she was in the military" defence seems pretty dam stupid
This argument doesn't make sense.
oxygen for whom? Who will suddenly have a look at Tulsi ? Conservatives ? Good
Oxygen for Tulsi.

People who despise the DNC in general and will give a pass on other faults if you share that view.

Tulsi was already getting a lot of attention from conservatives before this for months.


Dec 3, 2018
This argument doesn't make sense.

Oxygen for Tulsi.

People who despise the DNC in general and will give a pass on other faults if you share that view.

Tulsi was already getting a lot of attention from conservatives before this for months.

you mean the voters who were not going to vote for the top 5 current dem leading2020 candidates ?


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. I would rather know if any other current running Democrats are willing to cape for Gabbards bullshit or not. Show me what everyone is made of. For a institution you guys keep claiming has no backbone, it sure is odd to see folks asking them to tuck their tails and run on this issue.

Yeah but ultimately I'd just like Gabbard to fuck off and any denouncement she gets just gives her more attention than anyone gave her just a week ago. Keeping a candidate in the race who's running on how terrible the Democrats are is absolutely not needed in this election and in a way drawing attention to Gabbard allows her to stay relevant. I get why it's problematic to argue that potential election interference, or just frankly suspicious behavior, shouldn't be called out by other candidates but I think the best course of action is to let any attempts at spoiling this election just wither on the vine.


Oct 25, 2017
Well this is all going very 2016. Dems turning on each other with provocation from external actors and real home made drama to fuel it.

everyone who believes that trump is a danger to the country needs to be aware that this is not all organic and that Hillary isn't actually running. And all Tulsi has done since that nugget is demonstrate how true it is, whether she knows it or not. Bernie should know better than to feed this shit.
Oct 27, 2017
Remember everyone, just vote for the viable lesser of 2 evils. That is all this is about. Drop all the drama bullshit when in the voting booth and vote Trump out. Plain and simple.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Well this is all going very 2016. Dems turning on each other with provocation from external actors and real home made drama to fuel it.

everyone who believes that trump is a danger to the country needs to be aware that this is not all organic and that Hillary isn't actually running. And all Tulsi has done since that nugget is demonstrate how true it is, whether she knows it or not. Bernie should know better than to feed this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
And it's still working. That's good clickbait.

Can someone explain to me what's false in the story? Bernie's own people are admitting to everything in there including the fact that Bernie had no direct knowledge or involvement with his campaign reporting the issues to the Clinton campaign. I'm not trolling I'm genuinely confused about what's clickbaity about it.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
So did Hillary actually came up with some evidence yet or is it still just white boomer accusing a PoC of potential crimes without any proof?


Oct 25, 2017
So did Hillary actually came up with some evidence yet or is it still just white boomer accusing a PoC of potential crimes without any proof?

It doesn't surprise me that the people so proud of exclaiming their hatred of hillary are the same type of people that wont take the time to read a single page of this thread.


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The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
User Banned (5 Days): Trolling Over a Series of Posts
It doesn't surprise me that the people so proud of exclaiming their hatred of hillary are the same type of people that wont take the time to read a single page of this thread.

If people posting hot takes and twitter posts is evidence I can see why Trump got elected.


Oct 25, 2017
Ball is in Tulsi's court

I really don't like Tulsi's focus on Hillary

She should be informed enough to know that Russia did and will do this shit again and split the party against itself while boosting Trump

A person of itegrity would have taken Hillary's comments on the chin and focused on the overall point. That Social media will be once again weaponized for division and chaos and that includes propping up candidates that aren't fucking paying attention to it

Maddow just did a great job laying out the fucking history and ground work of this shit



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
She's shit, but shit doesn't mean traitor.
Hillary didn't call her a traitor. She called her an asset. Like, a useful idiot is an asset and Russia's media backing her and Russia's bots backing her pretty clearly show that. Again, Hillary did not call Tulsi a literal Russian agent.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
It's super transparent when you start using words no one else is.
Hillary didn't call her a traitor. She called her an asset. Like, a useful idiot is an asset and Russia's media backing her and Russia's bots backing her pretty clearly show that. Again, Hillary did not call Tulsi a literal Russian agent.

If you're going to go as far as claiming she's "being groomed by Russia to run as a third party", then that is exactly what you're implying.


Oct 25, 2017
Hillary didn't call her a traitor. She called her an asset. Like, a useful idiot is an asset and Russia's media backing her and Russia's bots backing her pretty clearly show that. Again, Hillary did not call Tulsi a literal Russian agent.

In much the same way that foreign assets boosted Bernie to sow division so to will any of the stragglers in the Democratic primary be used

Tulsi is taking the bait and what the fuck was she thinking going on Tucker Fucking Carlson

Im sorry but defending Tulsi at this point is only fueling the people that are responsible for this chaos with more ammo.
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