
Oct 28, 2017

Piece from Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib

When it comes to billionaires benefiting from the generosity of the American taxpayer, the holiday spirit is alive year-round. Taxpayers paid out $115m to Donald Trump so he could play golf at his own resorts.

And Amazon didn't just pay zero in federal taxes on $11bn in profits – taxpayers gifted the corporation $129,000,000 in rebates. That's enough to pay for CEO Jeff Bezos's three apartments in Manhattan, including a penthouse, that cost him $80m

And what about government generosity for those who actually need help? Tax dollars are somehow much harder to come by when they're not going to handouts for the rich. The average person in poverty, struggling to put food on the table, gets about $134 a month in nutrition assistance.

Now, just in time for the holidays, Trump has finalized the first of three policies that will make this disparity even more obscene. Two years after passing a $1.5tn tax giveaway to the wealthiest Americans and large corporations, the Trump administration plans to strip 3.7 million people of their nutrition benefits.

The administration's first step is to kick 700,000 adults off of nutrition assistance as they struggle to find work. The second step: trying to punish families who have high childcare and housing costs. And third, they want to hurt families who already are making difficult choices between food or heat.


Oct 28, 2017
But the Stock market!!

I would really love for Bernie to debate trump live on stage for all of this. Even though I know trump would say fake news and talk about the economy.
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Nov 3, 2017
User warned: Historical reference implying violence
When are we going to rise up as a nation and start dragging these people to the guillotine?


Oct 25, 2017
Economy doing so great. Wonder why we have record homeless children. Totally unrelated, clearly...


Oct 25, 2017
But the Stock market!!

I would really love for Bernie to debate trump live on stage for all of this. Even though I know trump would say fake news and talk about the economy.

It would be a slam dunk easy win for Trump (these are not points I think but what he would argue):

- American's are generous through church to the poor, it should be churches and religion that drive charity not government. Would you rather give $1 directly to help someone in your community in need or give $1 to the government who wastes 80c of that and gives 20c to people not near you?
- Every government that has tried socialism has failed its citizens miserably, do you want to be more like Venezuela and Cuba?
- The big countries that "made" communism - Russia and China - are more capitalist than America with little to no regulation
- Europe and healthcare, eh? Europe is being invaded by Muslims and there are gangs of immigrants wandering the streets, do you want America to be like that? England just voted to leave Europe in a bigly way
- some more bullshit about Canada
- Mexican gangs, why ICE/borders are important to keep out the bad hombres. Some story about an MS-13 gang member massacring a Christian family.
- more fear mongering, "democrats want to take away what you have", America #1, yadda yadda

Yeah a lot of it is bullshit and the points about "we spent more than anyone else on healthcare and its distributed unevenly" are really hard to articulate on stage without cutting sound bites back that reinforce "Warren/Sanders wants to take away what you have".

Trump's ultimate message is simple and easy, "vote for me if you like your life". The majority of voters DO like their life, and don't want to give it up for something that may be better for other people. Warren/Sanders have a tough road sending that message of "we can change things to make it better for everyone without you losing out". Its an especially tough message in the Midwest because voters heard that message in the 90s for globalization, and guess what, a lot of them lost out hard. Especially when Biden/Biden-Jr have a similar message of "vote for me if you don't want to lose anything, but I'm also not Trump".


Oct 25, 2017
well, yeah. the billionaire donors are getting what they paid for. you put an idiot in charge, this is what happens. the consequences of elections, unfortunately. do better, vote smarter.

and until the economy is viewed through the lens of the working poor, you'll never get real change. right now, the minute you try any of what bernie wants you'll get cries of booootstraaaps, socialism, government handouts, blah blah blah.

sad to think how badly progress has been held back over the past two decades since clinton left. how wide the disparity has gotten. just nothing but a downhill slide since then.
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Oct 25, 2017
But he's already a billionaire and would be the toughest ever against the super rich and corporations, because nobody could buy him and he's a man from the people and he doesn't even get paid for his job...right??1


Oct 27, 2017
It would be a slam dunk easy win for Trump (these are not points I think but what he would argue):

- American's are generous through church to the poor, it should be churches and religion that drive charity not government. Would you rather give $1 directly to help someone in your community in need or give $1 to the government who wastes 80c of that and gives 20c to people not near you?

That's always a hilarious point from conservatives. So if we are to believe that stat, then the government wasted nearly 1 billion dollars to give Bezos 130 million.


Oct 29, 2017
It would surprise me if it wasn't.

Yeeeeep. Though to be "fair" to Trump, there's ton of legal money laundering in government that solely benefits private corporations and individuals. The wall is just a new opportunity to grift and to sow FUD from a bunch of racists and nationalists.

The United States is more of an oligarchy than a democracy.


Jun 10, 2018
The bitch of it is it'll probably all come tumbling down right around the time a Dem president is sworn in, just like what happened to Obama.

Neo Ankh

Oct 12, 2019
We have so much money as a country to give to those who already have more than they could ever need but not enough to keep the poor from dying of starvation and poverty. What a sad message to read today. It's a total slap in the face to what Jesus stood for and preached.


Oct 28, 2017
Yea they rob from you poor to give to the rich. The poor and middle class are so used to it, that they are programmed to accept it.
It's sad as hell to see


Nov 6, 2017
I mean, it's a pretty easy swindle.

"You work really hard for the little that you have.
But someone poorer and lazier than you feels entitled to your hard earned money."

If you can keep people looking down on each other they'll never look up and notice where the money is actually going.


Jul 25, 2018
But... but it trickles down. Here's rapper blueface distributing money to LA's homeless from the roof of his Mercedes-Benz.



Oct 28, 2017
I wish Bernie and Rashida made a youtube video of this article. Or at least they still can.


Oct 28, 2017
But... but it trickles down. Here's rapper blueface distributing money to LA's homeless from the roof of his Mercedes-Benz.

First props for giving money. He still gave his money and I didn't... but

That's some strip club shit.

He should have asked everyone to get in line and handed a certain amount one by one. With an encouraging message.


Nov 15, 2019
Wouldn't even surprise me if that wall of his was a money laundering scheme.

i read an article(can't remember the source) that said one of the major driving factors for the border wall and the prison camps was California's banning of For profit prisons And they needed a way to fill these billion dollar buildings with bodies to justify the costs that they built which drive many of the zero tolerance ICE policies.


Oct 26, 2017
The swamp isn't corruption or bad politicians or rich people or shit like that. What Republicans mean when they say the "swamp" are Democrats and anyone not in the cult. I think Lindsey Graham let the facade slip on this recently.

The bitch of it is it'll probably all come tumbling down right around the time a Dem president is sworn in, just like what happened to Obama.
They kinda fucked that up though, the shit came crashing down before the election and Bush took the blame and Obama's victory was even larger because of it.