
Oct 25, 2017
some of the other posts in this twitter thread..

I have to laugh at the last one. that's the only one that would sting for most of them


Oct 25, 2017
...This video is 7 years old? Goddamn this shit is wild. This man is such a disaster this wasn't even picked up on til now. Jesus.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being someone that hired prostitutes to piss on a mattress a dude you really hate slept on, and then hiring a fake version of that dude to berate yourself.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy shit. What an unhinged psychopath.

Realistically, if I had dirt on Trump, considering how much insanity happens in the United States on a daily basis, I would attempt to hold it for the last two months before an election, otherwise the idiotic electorate would forget about it. Wonder how much shit were gonna see in the next few weeks.
Fuck 2 months. Grab em by the pussy was a month out and it didn't seem to do anything. The only thing that happened in 2016 that seemed to have any impact was the Comey memo a few days before. People and the media just don't stick to a story.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017

Trump is without a doubt the most pathetic human on this planet


Nov 5, 2017
It's honestly infinitely hilarious how that one roast by Obama in 2011 absolutely wrecked this man child's ego. Legit snatched his soul that night lmaaao
Yeah, I have the feeling that the course of US politics was set that night. Trump holds a grudge.

Hrm yup had a feeling it was a big fucking nothing.
The article makes it sounds like it's some snuff film Trump had made for himself to jerk off to.
Maybe not it's intended purpose, but I'm sure he's got it always open in a tab.
Oct 25, 2017
Watched the video.
This is some PRIME "Trump Criticizes Trump" material. Like holy shit, just about everything he criticizes Obama for, he did himself.
Also, the part about his own slogan. Woof. I know it was meant to be "You're Fired" but the hindsight hurts.


Oct 27, 2017

Was a bit deflated on the video being 8 years old but this tweet is fucking fire. Amazing.

Right, the *whole point* was that they were peeing on Obama's bed. Somehow that part always got lost, when it's the genuine insanity of it all.

People not only miss that whole detail but then proceed to rewrite the event as if Trump was asking to get golden showered.

I legit believe people stop at the word "pee" and just substitute everything else with R. Kelly.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Like it shouldn't surprise me but goddamn it always surprises me just how fucking racist this guy is. "The blacks and the hispanics are too stupid to vote for me"


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
God, he's such a pathetic, petty, spiteful little shit.

I hate to insult 5 year olds, but he seriously has the mentality of a spoiled child. Like, what the fuck is wrong with this man? I'm more upset at the idiots that elected him, as they looked at him, and everything he stood for, and said, "That's our President right there, yes sir!" Like, fuck all these people. I'm never letting these dipshits live this shitshow down.

What a mockery of a President and human being.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
This is the most cartoonish shit.

This is like that part of a movie when they want to show the audience that someone is fucking insane, you go home with them, and they have like a giant cutout of the person they love/hate that they talk to and pretend is talking back.


Oct 12, 2018
Wait, I went through the first page and was wondering if this was taken while Obama was still pres or after the bunker bitch became the pres?