Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Donald Trump's supporters would like to be clear: They are tired of being called racists. Leave it to the president's eldest son to set the tone. Last night at the 17,500-person-capacity U.S. Bank Arena downtown here, Donald Trump Jr. strode onto the stage two hours before the president was scheduled to speak. The venue was already brimming.

It had been a rough week for his father. On July 28, President Trump was once again deemed racist after lashing out at House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, whose district includes part of Baltimore. Trump referred to the city 40 miles north of Washington as "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live." Those comments came shortly after the president suggested that four progressive congresswomen of color "go back" to the "totally broken and crime infested places from which they came," prompting the crowd at his July 17 rally in Greenville, North Carolina, to chant, "Send her back!" Trump—though he later disavowed the chant—did nothing to stop it. Last night, Trump supporters in Cincinnati were eager to defend their man. "It's amazing that when Donald Trump makes a comment about Baltimore, it's racist, it's terrible, it's this. But when the mayor of that town, when the congressman from that town, says the exact same thing, 'Oh! No problem!'" Trump Jr. boomed, referring to a statement that Cummings made in 1999, calling Baltimore "drug-infested."

"It's sad," he continued, "that using 'racism' has become the easy button of left-wing politics. All right? Because guess what? It still is an issue … But by making a mockery of it by saying every time you can't win a fight—'Oh! We're just gonna push the button! It's racist'—you hurt those that are actually afflicted by it. People hear it, they roll their eyes, and they walk on. And that's a disgrace, and that's what you've been given in the identity politics of the left."

The crowd erupted in jeers and boos. It was a segment of Jr.'s speech that in many ways echoed that of a speaker who'd appeared before him, Brandon Straka, a gay Trump supporter who founded the WalkAway movement to encourage people to leave the Democratic Party. "Insinuations of bigotry and racism," Straka claimed, were "divisive tactics" used by the "liberal media to control minorities in this country." "This is a president who serves minorities," he said, "because he loves minorities."


"We're all tired of being called racists," a 74-year-old bespectacled white man named Richard Haines told me. "You open your mouth, you're a racist. My daughter is a liberal, and she's [using the word] all the time. We don't talk politics; we can't—all the time she always accuses me of hate."

The rest of the story is at the link and it basically follows the same trend as what you see here.


All I'm doing is supporting a racist who hates minorities and a party who caters exclusively to white people! Stop calling me a racist! ☹

Don't tell me truth about who I am as a person if old.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
boo fuckin' hoo, ya goose steppin' wine-shit pickled racists


Oct 25, 2017
Glad the Atlantic is continuing to give the platform to the most neglected demographic in the US. But it's what you expect from a magazine with this as a cover:



Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
don't back down from this shit

never back down from this shit

if they support Trump, they support racism

if they support Trump, they are racists

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"We're all tired of being called racists," a 74-year-old bespectacled white man named Richard Haines told me. "You open your mouth, you're a racist. My daughter is a liberal, and she's [using the word] all the time. We don't talk politics; we can't—all the time she always accuses me of hate."

Introspection and self-reflection. Now would be the time for it.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
they seem to be trying to make "racist button" the new "race card"

fuck um
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I just don't get how these ignorant fucks can't understand basic logic.

If you support a known racist

If you support a party that is filled with racists

If the people you are standing next to are waving Nazi/Confederate flags

If the crowds you are standing in cheer when the speaker says something racist

If the politician you support ran on a campaign of xenophobia and bigotry

If the people you follow on twitter regularly spew racist propaganda

If the news shows you what routinely spread racist propaganda

Then guess what? You are a fucking racist you dumbass. Republican = Racist. If you support racism then guess what? You are a racist. There is no wiggle room there. There is no debate to be had. That's all she wrote.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're tired of being called racist trash, then stop being racist trash. But you don't want to stop, so you won't.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
People literally don't understand what they are voting for. I asked my parents if they thought the hospitals, trains, police and so on should be publically owned, and they said "yes", despite voting Conservative (UK). I have people at work who claim to be centrist, and they genuinely believe they are, but talk ill of Muslims and Gays. Working class people read right wing tabloid papers that do not have their best interests at heart. People are easily mislead or misinformed.

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well imagine how tired I must be, as a minority, of Trumpist actually being racist. Oh wait, right, their feelings matter more
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I'm willing to bet someone interviewed started a sentence with "I'm not racist but..."
What do you think the over/under is on the number of times they encountered the phrase "the blacks" or "coloreds" in the process of interviewing people?

I willing to bet they interviewed at least a dozen shitstains where they couldn't use the interview at all because of comments or phrases like that.


Nov 11, 2017
Its like white people think admitting rascisim opens up the darkside of the moons africa.


Oct 25, 2017
Non Trump Supporters:

"We are all tired of your racism and your flat out denial."

People who have no empathy deserve none in return.
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
People literally don't understand what they are voting for. I asked my parents if they thought the hospitals, trains, police and so on should be publically owned, and they said "yes", despite voting Conservative (UK). I have people at work who claim to be centrist, and they genuinely believe they are, but talk ill of Muslims and Gays. Working class people read right wing tabloid papers that do not have their best interests at heart. People are easily mislead or misinformed.
Normally you would be right, but Trump has never been shy about hiding his racism and ever since he took office neither has the rest of their party.

His supporters know who and what he is. They simply don't care.
Oct 31, 2017
One of the greatest tricks the modern right has played is convincing people that pointing out racism is worse than actual racism


Oct 27, 2017
But when the mayor of that town, when the congressman from that town, says the exact same thing, 'Oh! No problem!'" Trump Jr. boomed, referring to a statement that Cummings made in 1999, calling Baltimore "drug-infested."

Ah yes, because that's the exact same thing that Trump said. The phrase of the day is "false equivalency."


Oct 30, 2017
Everytime without fail, people when you call them out for racist viewpoints immediately fall back on "The left calls everything racist, you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?"

Yes, I have heard that story, but it's wholly unrelated because in this version of the story, there are literally thousands of wolves.


Oct 25, 2017
Most dont outwardly think of themselves as racist. They dont understand that supporting Trump is supporting inherently racist shit. They dont see it. They have to see that i think and do some reflecting in order to change.


Oct 29, 2017
this phenomenon is so fascinating - like you do racist shit, then deflect the accusations, acting as a victim of illegitimate name-calling - some genuinely believing that they aren't racist - and that term is only used as a method for lefties to clamp down on dissent. Amazingly efficient and strong narrative.


Oct 28, 2017
So, people supporting a racist which obviously are in alignment with his ideas hate when others call them racist.

Suck it up.


Oct 25, 2017
They know they're racist and know racism is considered bad now even if they still love it. It's why they continue to dog whistle becuase culturally they've been backed into a corner. That want to be loud and proud about their shitty nature but also want to keep their jobs and actually find a date.

Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
I'm not a racist, I just want to deport or exterminate all brown people. That's something one's at least ought to be allowed to say.

/s in case that wasn't clear.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, we'll stop calling you racists.
Instead we'll call you white people who hate minorities. How does that sound?

They would be stupid enough to think there's a difference, but let's not tell them.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Where's that gif of the dude dancing behind white tears?


Oct 27, 2017
I just don't get how these ignorant fucks can't understand basic logic.

If you support a known racist

If you support a party that is filled with racists

If the people you are standing next to are waving Nazi/Confederate flags

If the crowds you are standing in cheer when the speaker says something racist

If the politician you support ran on a campaign of xenophobia and bigotry

If the people you follow on twitter regularly spew racist propaganda

If the news shows you what routinely spread racist propaganda

Then guess what? You are a fucking racist you dumbass. Republican = Racist. If you support racism then guess what? You are a racist. There is no wiggle room there. There is no debate to be had. That's all she wrote.

But is racism more of a deal breaker than socialism and corruption?

while answer = yes
>>insert new argument from list: (pedophilia, warmongering, bad with emails, zoophilia, atheism, necrophilia, ...)