Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
President Donald Trump said Friday he would refuse to sign a new compromise Republican immigration bill that would bar his administration from implementing its policy of separating children from their parents or legal guardian at the border.

In an interview Friday morning with "Fox and Friends," Trump said he was "looking at both" immigration proposals put forth by GOP members of the House — the compromise bill, as well as a more conservative measure.

But he added, "I certainly wouldn't sign the more moderate one."

The remarks could upend a painstaking process — that the White House had been involved in — for the Republican majority in Congress to reach a compromise on immigration and to end the Trump administration's policy ofseparating families at the border. The proposed bills are set to be voted on next week.

In addition to curbing his administration's policy — which has faced extraordinary criticism from Republicans, Democrats and Christian conservatives — the "moderate" bill Trump referred to would provide $25 billion in additional funding for a wall along the southern U.S. border and legal status for people who came to the U.S. illegally as children, including a path to citizenship. However, the bill would tie the legal status of DACA recipients to uninterrupted border security funding.

The White House had been involved behind the scenes in crafting the legislation with congressional Republicans. Stephen Miller, a White House senior adviser and Immigration hard-liner, has been working with House negotiators, briefing the conservative Republican Study Committee on Wednesday on the details of the bill.

House Republican leaders released text of the highly anticipated compromise measure Thursday afternoon to its members. The chamber is scheduled to vote on the legislation next week, in addition to a more conservative bill sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va.

The White House, in recent days, has been widely criticized for its"zero tolerance policy" to criminally prosecute people crossing the border illegally, which has resulted in the separation of children from their parents at the border.

On Friday, however, Trump said that while he "hated" that children were being separated from their parents, it was the fault of Democratic lawmakers, not himself — a false claim he has made repeatedly.

"I hate children being taken away," he told reporters on the White House lawn. "That's the Democrats."

"That's what the Democrats gave us," he said.

Republicans control the White House and both chambers of Congress. Current law does not prohibit separating children from their parents, and it's not a policy Democrats have pushed or can change as the minority party in Congress.

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor for the first offense, and when parents are charged they end up in federal prison and separated from their children.

Important quote here

On Friday, however, Trump said that while he "hated" that children were being separated from their parents, it was the fault of Democratic lawmakers, not himself — a false claim he has made repeatedly.

"I hate children being taken away," he told reporters on the White House lawn. "That's the Democrats."

"That's what the Democrats gave us," he said.

So he hates seeing children taken away.......but is building internment camps for them and refuses to sign a bill to help them.


Throw me into a tent city if old.

UPDATE: Trump doubling down on his lies

The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda. Any Immigration Bill MUST HAVE full funding for the Wall, end Catch & Release, Visa Lottery and Chain, and go to Merit Based Immigration. Go for it! WIN!


NEWS: White House says Trump MISSPOKE when he criticized compromise immigration bill, now fully backs the DACA legislation, @juliegraceb reports


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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
GOP vulnerable seat panic about to go nuclear.

That was the main reason this thing was even being considered in the House, and he just torpedoed it.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
Another soundbite thats going to bite Sanders. She said it was the Democrsts not coming to the table. I hope her statement is read back verbatim.


Oct 25, 2017
And they'd never have the balls to override his veto, either. The Nazis who vote in their primaries would massacre them.

Deleted member 6223

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This fucking nazi is once again going to blame Dems after having an opportunity to put an end to something he already had the power to stop anyway, no legislation required. Just like with Dreamers-DACA, he's holding these poor children and their parents hostage. This policy is 100% his.


Oct 25, 2017
Calls mexicans rapists and some he assumes are good people. Says a judge can't rule over his case because he's Latino, destroys DACA leaving nearly 1 million people completely fucked over and refuses to budge on that at all, makes ICE his personal gestapo, comes out with a no tolerance policy where children are separated from their parents, and now, he won't sign anything to stop it. More than once has referred to them as animals. He's totally not racist though. It's just about illegal immigration. Not even considering his crusade against Muslims. You Trump supporters should be ashamed. I now you're not capable of it, but you should be.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
"Democrats don't want a deal! But no, I won't sign a bill that Democrats would support."


Oct 25, 2017
It needs to be pointed out that the "moderate" GOP bill would bar family separation by allowing children to be held in indefinite detention alongside their parents

It used to be policy to allow one parent out of detention (usually the mother) alongside their kid, but what Trump has changed is to detain all illegal border crossings and to designate the children as "unaccompanied" since current law does not allow minors to be detained indefinitely

Be wary of any Republican who claims they want to see families reunited
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It needs to be pointed out that the "moderate" GOP bill would bar family separation by allowing children to be held in indefinite detention alongside their parents

It used to be policy to allow one parent out of detention (usually the mother) alongside their kid, but what Trump has changed is to detain all illegal border crossings and to designate the children as "unaccompanied" since current law does not allow minors to be detained indefinitely

Be wary of any Republican

Fixed that for you lol


Oct 26, 2017
USA is the new Nazi Germany, North Korea.

Such a disgusting place to live now.
No it's not.

The worst part about the president making statements like Obama was spying on him and he was born in Kenya, 1 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton, the Democrats are responsible for children being separated from their parents at the border, and a number of other ridiculous claims, is that I imagine a large portion of the U.S. population takes it at face value.

I remember back when he won, a (reluctant) Clinton voter totally bought into the narrative that 1 million illegal immigrants voted. Trump and his party are doing serious work to shift public narratives toward their side of the isle regardless if there is any truth to his claims.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I wish I had a much richer vocabulary so I could at least attempt to convey the white-hot hate I have for this "person."


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny how you can accuse the Democrats of being weak one moment and then say you're powerless to stop them the next

obviously this is not the Democrats' doing, but saying something often enough in hopes that it becomes the truth is in keeping with the Trumpian flavor


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Is anyone going in the media going to ask why he's constantly claiming it's dem policy?
They won't call out his contradictions directly because A) they don't want to lose their jobs and B) they LIKE the ratings Trump gives them.

This fucking nazi is once again going to blame Dems after having an opportunity to put an end to something he already had the power to stop anyway, no legislation required. Just like with Dreamers-DACA, he's holding these poor children and their parents hostage. This policy is 100% his.
Kids make the best hostages.

And looks like retreating from U.N well yeah all for isolation and america last.

Just don't even bother showing up, Nikki Haley. The world is tired of your shit. Go fuck off. The UN is better off without you. America is only united with Russia and Putin's interests. You're a puppet state and will remain so indefinitely.


Oct 25, 2017
But somehow it's the Democrats' fault that he has a policy that does this, which he could change at any time.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just ugh. I really hope this Blue Wave comes to fruition but I'm nervous. I follow the news regularly and have no idea what the Democratic platform is for this election. I just see a lot of anti-Trump stuff but clearly that's not enough to motivate people. It would just be the best if Dems could take both houses and at least alleviate some of these human rights violations that are occurring.