Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
More like history will sympathize with her, knowing that she had gotten taken advantage of by Russia among other shit.

Trump is the one that history isn't going to be kind to after all of the shit that he's said & done throughout these 17 months so far, especially after he had sold himself & this country out to Russia & Putin.
if trump wins again and russia establishes itself as the suzerain of the us history will be defined by putin.

Deleted member 18568

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Hashtags don't matter for shit. Stop caring about who's making the loudest noise.

The adversary is playing on a different level. Putin alone is rumored to be richer than Bezos and Gates combined. These people have generational power structures that have controlled global wealth and power for decades. They meet in private to calmly discuss strategy and execution to maintain that, and they're going to keep winning as long as people are distracted.

The only thing that matters next is focus, and action.

The entirety of Twitter doesn't matter one iota. It's literally a tool for distracting the peanut gallery, left and right. Don't fall for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Hashtags don't matter for shit. Stop caring about who's making the loudest noise.

The adversary is playing on a different level. They have generational power structures that have controlled global wealth and power for decades. They meet in private to calmly discuss strategy and execution for the sustainment of that.

The only thing that matters next is focus, and action.

The entirety of Twitter doesn't matter one iota. It's literally a tool for distracting the peanut gallery, left and right. Don't fall for it.

Yes because being loud has never stimulated action. Stop acting like saying nothing is the right thing to do here.


Oct 25, 2017
Does the rest of the world not understand that we are being held hostage by this monster

there is a tendency for people to assign to the general public of a country what their fucked up leaders do to increase/maintain power.

But that's ultimately not really fair, whether it's America or Russia or pretty much anyone else, the problem is the people in power, and not the people without power.


Jun 14, 2018
Seeing several Fox News hosts calling out Trump for today gave me a chuckle.

Hannity defending Trump still tho


May 18, 2018
Pretty shitty line of argument.

Americans who don't support intervening in other country's affairs are being hurt by Russia's actions too, you know.

But you don't care about them. All you care about is making a ludicrous point about how we deserve to be attacked.

Where are these Americans who don't support intervening in the affairs of other countries? Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama massively interfered in the affairs of other countries. And they were the top candidates elected by Democrats.

The only non-interventionist candidate who even came remotely close to becoming a candidate for President was Bernie Sanders. And Americans chose a neocon war Hawk like Hillary over him.

So please. Don't give me BS about Americans caring about what their country does in other countries. They are only enraged now, because Russia dared to meddle in American elections. The US of A has done far worse by supporting coups, overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing brutal dictators like Pinochet. Look him up. Trump is nothing compared to him.


Oct 27, 2017
Where are these Americans who don't support intervening in the affairs of other countries? Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama massively interfered in the affairs of other countries. And they were the top candidates elected by Democrats.

The only non-interventionist candidate who even came remotely close to becoming a candidate for President was Bernie Sanders. And Americans chose a neocon war Hawk like Hillary over him.

So please. Don't give me BS about Americans caring about what their country does in other countries. They are only enraged now, because Russia dared to meddle in American elections. The US of A has done far worse by supporting coups, overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing brutal dictators like Pinochet. Look him up. Trump is nothing compared to him.

Hillary a neocon? Lol


Oct 27, 2017
So funny

But what people forget whenever they pull that stat:

58.1% of the eligible voting pop. actually voted in 2018

The margin by which Hilary Clinton won the pop. vote was a mere 2.1%

2.1% is fucking nothing. Half of the country is trash.
Where are these Americans who don't support intervening in the affairs of other countries? Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama massively interfered in the affairs of other countries. And they were the top candidates elected by Democrats.

The only non-interventionist candidate who even came remotely close to becoming a candidate for President was Bernie Sanders. And Americans chose a neocon war Hawk like Hillary over him.

So please. Don't give me BS about Americans caring about what their country does in other countries. They are only enraged now, because Russia dared to meddle in American elections. The US of A has done far worse by supporting coups, overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing brutal dictators like Pinochet. Look him up. Trump is nothing compared to him.
You don't know what you are talking about


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Where are these Americans who don't support intervening in the affairs of other countries? Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama massively interfered in the affairs of other countries. And they were the top candidates elected by Democrats.

The only non-interventionist candidate who even came remotely close to becoming a candidate for President was Bernie Sanders. And Americans chose a neocon war Hawk like Hillary over him.

So please. Don't give me BS about Americans caring about what their country does in other countries. They are only enraged now, because Russia dared to meddle in American elections. The US of A has done far worse by supporting coups, overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing brutal dictators like Pinochet. Look him up. Trump is nothing compared to him.

Amazing how much wrong you have in this post the whataboutism is storing in you. Not to mention the privilege.


Oct 27, 2017
Putin is playing the long game, first he neuters the UK by taking us out of the EU, now he is taking America out of NATO and I don't think it will be long before America starts withdrawing troops from Europe. This is all about making Russia the big boys, have them politically start taking back their former states piece by piece knowing the UK and America will sit back and let it happen.

This isn't about Russia controlling the USA, it's about making the EU weak.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump isn't the cause, he's the symptom.

America is sick.
He's more like our antibodies letting in viruses and attacking our own immune system.

Saying he's the symptom is like saying he's just a fever. Nah, this dude is directly responsible some of the worse stuff happening right now. The problems in America are significant and exacerbated by people like Trump and Putin, and they couldn't accomplish what they are if it wasn't for our own issues, but at the same time, Trump is dismantling the country in a way that wouldn't have been possible without the corruption of an outside force working with the corruption from within.
Oct 27, 2017
I think trump is trying out a new tactic: be so embarrassingly cringy so people can't even tune in anymore. I think it's working


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Hannity will ever not defend Trump. I don't know if he has a Russia connection or what, but there's something going on. They even shared the same lawyer.
It was confirmed he has a back channel to Assange/WikiLeaks in those leaked messages


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
One thing that bothers me. If Putin really wanted Trump to keep on going as his puppet why allow this public blowjob to happen? Why not stage a show where Trump at least appears tough during the press event?

He is literally trolling America. "I own your President, I'm going to show the world I own your President. And there isn't a god damn thing anyone can do about it."


Dec 31, 2017
One thing that bothers me. If Putin really wanted Trump to keep on going as his puppet why allow this public blowjob to happen? Why not stage a show where Trump at least appears tough during the press event?

He is literally trolling America. "I own your President, I'm going to show the world I own your President. And there isn't a god damn thing anyone can do about it."

Trump was never a real president in the first place. Just a flat out phony.

And that meeting has basically confirmed that Trump is a slave of Putin.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that bothers me. If Putin really wanted Trump to keep on going as his puppet why allow this public blowjob to happen? Why not stage a show where Trump at least appears tough during the press event?

He is literally trolling America. "I own your President, I'm going to show the world I own your President. And there isn't a god damn thing anyone can do about it."

Yeah I don't get this either. Why even have the meeting at all?


May 19, 2018
Have things gotten bad enough that we can assume we're heading towards World War 3 yet?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I don't get this either. Why even have the meeting at all?
Russia is getting everything it wants. When Trump is no longer useful they can always unleash the bomb that is GOP emails, Trump compromised data etc. That would then cause the US to go into an even bigger crisis. Can you imagine the situation that would develop with Trump being outed by the Russians? It would shake Americas Institutions to the core. The Founders never envisioned this scenario so there really are no structure in place to deal with it. I mean Impeachment would get rid of Trump but then there is the Judges appointed etc. I mean you would need to do a huge purge of everything Trump has touched and yet there is nothing in place to even accomplish much of that.

The GOP is riding along because they fear what Russia may know/have. They sold out to protect their power and can always get burned when Russia has no us for them


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that bothers me. If Putin really wanted Trump to keep on going as his puppet why allow this public blowjob to happen? Why not stage a show where Trump at least appears tough during the press event?

He is literally trolling America. "I own your President, I'm going to show the world I own your President. And there isn't a god damn thing anyone can do about it."
While I agree that it's showing his hand a little too heavily given how closely he's played it thus far, he's still human, he's fallible and prideful. It's entirely possible he did it purely because he knew that he could get away with it. Regardless of whatever happens to Trump, Putin will always have this moment, the moment in which he willfully defied and embarrassed America on a global stage with the world watching.

It could be politically motivated too, as he comes out looking exceptionally strong, put together, and in control. Maybe he did it because he knows something bigger is about to break and wanted to have his fun while he could. In the end, however, whatever his reason behind doing it the lack of ramifications surely played a role.


May 18, 2018
User Banned (5 days): Whataboutism. Pattern of trolling. User in junior phase.
Hillary a neocon? Lol

What, voting for the Iraq war, being a loyal supporter of Netanyahu and destroying Libya is not enough for neocon credentials?


You don't know what you are talking about

Well, please do explain to me since I am so ignorant about the whole thing. Also please explain Obama's support for this guy and the sale of F-16s to him:
Just two years earlier, Sisi had seized power in a military coup, toppling Mohamed Morsi, the democratically elected successor to Hosni Mubarak, himself a strongman of 30 years pushed out in early 2011 by mass protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square. In the summer of 2013, Sisi followed his coup with a brutal crackdown that would have done Saddam Hussein proud. His security forces arrested thousands of people, including much of his political opposition, and in one bloody day that summer, they gunned down some 1,000 pro-Morsi protesters (or more) who were staging peaceful sit-ins. The massacre was shocking even by the standards of Egypt's long-dismal human rights record.

It all comes down to geopolitics. There are no good guys here.


Dec 31, 2017
Russia is getting everything it wants. When Trump is no longer useful they can always unleash the bomb that is GOP emails, Trump compromised data etc. That would then cause the US to go into an even bigger crisis. Can you imagine the situation that would develop with Trump being outed by the Russians? It would shake Americas Institutions to the core. The Founders never envisioned this scenario so there really are no structure in place to deal with it. I mean Impeachment would get rid of Trump but then there is the Judges appointed etc. I mean you would need to do a huge purge of everything Trump has touched and yet there is nothing in place to even accomplish much of that.

The GOP is riding along because they fear what Russia may know/have. They sold out to protect their power and can always get burned when Russia has no us for them

I have no sympathy for either Trump or the GOP, because they sold themselves & this country out to Russia & Putin.

Neither do I have sympathy for the RNC for that matter, because they could've easily nominated someone else that wouldn't put them in a lot of deep shit.


Oct 29, 2017
Just woke up to all this debacle

Isn't it time for North America to do something already? You guys are the laughing stock of Europe.


Oct 27, 2017
Have things gotten bad enough that we can assume we're heading towards World War 3 yet?
Only heading? There's an argument to be made we're already living it. It's just a different natured beast than WWI and WWII. A big portion of the world is in the middle of or participating in some kind of conflict. The big players in the last war aren't (yet) at each others' throats directly, but that's probably closer than it has been in a long while.

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What, voting for the Iraq war, being a loyal supporter of Netanyahu and destroying Libya is not enough for neocon credentials?


Well, please do explain to me since I am so ignorant about the whole thing. Also please explain Obama's support for this guy and the sale of F-16s to him:


It all comes down to geopolitics. There are no good guys here.
What a bullshit post. Yes, we get it, America is no angel, "both sides", blah blah blah. But guess what? Keeping the US from devolving into Russia 2.0 would be in everyones interest to prevent. So what exactly are you trying to prove? Should we all just suffer for your tiny schadenfreude and I-told-you-so enjoyment? Or do you think what's actually happening is a good thing?