
Oct 25, 2017
Mitch is absolute scum but this does lead me to believe that he may actually vote yes to convict. Even if he's only doing it for purely selfish reasons.

If Mitch votes yes, then it stands to reason other GOP Senators will as well.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
It's literally the least you could do to help remove the worst of the monsters you helped create, you absolute ghoul, but even then it's only to help you and the other monsters not be dragged down with them.


Oct 26, 2017
fuck that

can't have him running again

need the history books to show that he faced consequence and justice for his actions (finally)

lol yea I mean that's #1.

Would be nice though with the Trump business in financial distress if the government wasn't signing a $220k check to McDonald every year for the rest of his life.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
I think the language he uses goes beyond censure. But I'm doubtful that he can get 17 Republicans to convict, so maybe he ends up offering censure as a "unity compromise" or some similar bullshit.

If turtle were to push for it, he could get 17 republicans to join, probably more.

But I doubt he'll vote to convict.
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
If Trump was half as competent as Mitch McConnell at running the long game, we'd be in such deeper shit than we are already.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if he is hoping to take Trump off the board for 2024 or if he is just trying to get democrats to send the papers to the senate so he can get the repubs to fuck around during the senate trial? and derail Biden's legislative agenda as much as possible. Good chance it is both.


Oct 25, 2017
This would be like the Emperor throwing Grand Moff Tarkin under the bus for what happened with Alderaan, in order to appease and pacify the Imperial Senate.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Second thought: really hope Trump sees this and tries to call angrily him about it, because that surely backfires.

It's definitely much better that he is off social media but if he still had access we'd be getting an angry tweet and then this would be done.


Oct 27, 2017
Problem is, Biden has been very clear that he wants to work in a bi-partisan fashion with the GOP. That gives them, and Mitch, instant credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the mainstream.

Biden better be lucky that the youth voting is very weak in the primaries. He is a part of a generation where it doesn't matter what you doing, in politics you can't do no wrong. I have a feeling he would support bush in his War mongering Acts back when he was president.

I also have a feeling Mitch McConnell will be very humble between now and the next election and if the Republican should take the Senate again you should see the same action as you saw when Trump was running as president. And I would blame Biden directly for allowing them back into the fold.

At the end all I see is this leading to a movement away from the moderate Democrats and more towards the left in the long run and have the left run both the Senate and the house. The only problem is that it maybe too late at that point.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
Convict. Let trump be the first convicted president. No president before has deserved this more.


Oct 27, 2017
"I want Biden to think we can work together and mitigate as many progressive policies as possible for the sake of bipartisanship."
"Until I get the majority again.."
Yup. I fully expect him to start dangling Susan Collins out there for Biden and Schumer on every piece of legislation with the promise of "bipartisanship" while they fully plan on obstructing literally everything for two years until they win the midterms.

It's gonna be the same thing as Obama's early years with months and months wasted chasing Republican votes that never planned on working with them in the first place.

The sad thing is I have no confidence in Dem leadership to not fall for the same damn thing again. If they truly don't do anything about the filibuster, they deserve to lose.


Jul 14, 2020
I'd love to see Lindsey Graham say the same thing McConnell has.

He won't
I wouldn't. Fuck that guy. I'd rather him stick to a point as fucking stupid as it is rather than seeing him swap sides constantly and expect all his dumbass followers to just be like oh yeah heck yeah he's right shit.

Like jesus fucking christ. I'd rather someone be wrong as hell and stout on a point but be consistent and have a backbone. Is that too much to ask for?


Oct 30, 2017
Mitch is the most cynical man in the world. He got his judges so now it's time to purge Trump and try and ensure he, not Trump, remains the authority figure within the party once they leave power. Trump is no longer a useful idiot and is clearly a danger to the kind of placid obstructionism he favours as an opposition party.

He knows that if the Trumps take over the party he will have a greatly diminished influence, especially as he has betrayed Trump by blaming him for the Capitol attack and acknowledging Biden won.

I doubt he would make this statement without getting his ducks in a row first, as this is just going to make the Trumpers hate him even more, so he must have the votes for conviction. It would be foolish to make a statement like this if he didn't.


Oct 27, 2017
If done right, this could be a win-win for Democrats. Trump gets convicted, the Trump voters brand Mitch a traitor and turn on him as well.

Mitch is banking on voters forgetting all about this stuff in 6 years and he can return to the "anything is better than a Democrat" voters in Kentucky. They may be temporarily mad at him right now but they will forget all about it by his next election and still vote for him.


Oct 30, 2017
Problem is, Biden has been very clear that he wants to work in a bi-partisan fashion with the GOP. That gives them, and Mitch, instant credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the mainstream.

Biden has said that, and it's just sensible politics to say that. Too many people voted for Trump/down-ballot Republicans for him not to say that.

But I doubt very much that it will stop him doing anything. He cannot afford to actually put trust in Republicans like Obama did in his first two years. He just has to maintain the pretence that he gives a fuck.


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
These fucking losers are so god damn transparent. I don't know how it's possible to be stupid enough to fall for their bullshit.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Hope the Trump cultists go after him and splinters the GOP voters further, McConnell had to choose between the unhinged and tamed right-wingers


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone thinks he is. The greater threat is Trump running again, which we're hoping Mitch puts an end to.

Yes Trump is the greater evil. I still don't trust Mitch to do the right thing on impeachment. Guess we'll see and hope I'm wrong, living with his bitch ass as the most powerful person in the US for years has jaded me. Trump, McConnell I'm so fucking over all of them

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Do we really think Democrats led the charge to get Donald banned from all those Social Media sites? The GOP is trying to recover and get their party back from Trump.

Might not be successful, but it likely will be.


Oct 28, 2017
Just like many doubted the Dems will win the Senate, I see many doubting Trump won't be convicted (along with others). He is going to be convicted. All the talk and press on this is leading up to it. Trump caused many horrible and impeachable things throughout his term. Now he caused death. The Republicans know they have to change their party's image if they are to survive. Desperate need of a rebranding. A Trump conviction will be the start.


Oct 27, 2017
Yup. I fully expect him to start dangling Susan Collins out there for Biden and Schumer on every piece of legislation with the promise of "bipartisanship" while they fully plan on obstructing literally everything for two years until they win the midterms.

It's gonna be the same thing as Obama's early years with months and months wasted chasing Republican votes that never planned on working with them in the first place.

The sad thing is I have no confidence in Dem leadership to not fall for the same damn thing again. If they truly don't do anything about the filibuster, they deserve to lose.

The problem is the United States is a reaction country when it comes to voting. The youth refuse to go out and vote in masses during the primaries. Then when shit hit the fan because Republicans have destroyed the economy, Boomers and Generation X voters come together and vote in a moderate representative to try to patch the boat and try to sprinkle a little Progressive dust on some laws to avoid pissing off the left voters from starting their own party.

Never mind the laws put into protecting minorities really don't do anything but look good in Optics but not actually do anything to help them in the long run.

Getting to a point where there's going to be too many holes in the boat (China becoming the new world power in 10 years...Trump part 2, this time the guy knows what he is doing), to recover.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
So who are the GOP votes in the Senate?

1) Romney (actually has courage)
2) Murkowski (doesn't give a fuck)
3) McConnell
4) Collins (just won reelection)
5) Grassley (old and in his last term)
6) Burr (retiring)
7) Sasse (not sure on him)
8) Lee (Utah like Romney)
9) Inhofe (old and in his last term)
10) Risch (old and just won reelection)
11) Cotton (wants to be president)
12) Daines (Montana isn't full of crazies)
13) Sullivan (just won reelection)
14) Fischer (not sure about her)
15) Rounds (just won reelection)
16) Cornyn (just won reelection and will vote with McConnell)
17) Moore-Capito (just won reelection)
18) Portman (old school GOP)

The above should be enough, especially if other members not listed aren't present for the vote.